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Local Development Workflow

For local development, it's recommended to use nix-shell to create a dotnet environment:

# shell.nix
with import <nixpkgs> {};

mkShell {
  name = "dotnet-env";
  packages = [

Using many sdks in a workflow

It's very likely that more than one sdk will be needed on a given project. Dotnet provides several different frameworks (E.g dotnetcore, aspnetcore, etc.) as well as many versions for a given framework. Normally, dotnet is able to fetch a framework and install it relative to the executable. However, this would mean writing to the nix store in nixpkgs, which is read-only. To support the many-sdk use case, one can compose an environment using dotnetCorePackages.combinePackages:

with import <nixpkgs> {};

mkShell {
  name = "dotnet-env";
  packages = [
    (with dotnetCorePackages; combinePackages [

This will produce a dotnet installation that has the dotnet 3.1, 3.0, and 2.1 sdk. The first sdk listed will have it's cli utility present in the resulting environment. Example info output:

$ dotnet --info
.NET Core SDK (reflecting any global.json):
 Version:   3.1.101
 Commit:    b377529961


.NET Core SDKs installed:
  2.1.803 [/nix/store/iiv98i2jdi226dgh4jzkkj2ww7f8jgpd-dotnet-core-combined/sdk]
  3.0.102 [/nix/store/iiv98i2jdi226dgh4jzkkj2ww7f8jgpd-dotnet-core-combined/sdk]
  3.1.101 [/nix/store/iiv98i2jdi226dgh4jzkkj2ww7f8jgpd-dotnet-core-combined/sdk]

.NET Core runtimes installed:
  Microsoft.AspNetCore.All 2.1.15 [/nix/store/iiv98i2jdi226dgh4jzkkj2ww7f8jgpd-dotnet-core-combined/shared/Microsoft.AspNetCore.All]
  Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 2.1.15 [/nix/store/iiv98i2jdi226dgh4jzkkj2ww7f8jgpd-dotnet-core-combined/shared/Microsoft.AspNetCore.App]
  Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 3.0.2 [/nix/store/iiv98i2jdi226dgh4jzkkj2ww7f8jgpd-dotnet-core-combined/shared/Microsoft.AspNetCore.App]
  Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 3.1.1 [/nix/store/iiv98i2jdi226dgh4jzkkj2ww7f8jgpd-dotnet-core-combined/shared/Microsoft.AspNetCore.App]
  Microsoft.NETCore.App 2.1.15 [/nix/store/iiv98i2jdi226dgh4jzkkj2ww7f8jgpd-dotnet-core-combined/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App]
  Microsoft.NETCore.App 3.0.2 [/nix/store/iiv98i2jdi226dgh4jzkkj2ww7f8jgpd-dotnet-core-combined/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App]
  Microsoft.NETCore.App 3.1.1 [/nix/store/iiv98i2jdi226dgh4jzkkj2ww7f8jgpd-dotnet-core-combined/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App]

dotnet-sdk vs dotnetCorePackages.sdk

The dotnetCorePackages.sdk_X_Y is preferred over the old dotnet-sdk as both major and minor version are very important for a dotnet environment. If a given minor version isn't present (or was changed), then this will likely break your ability to build a project.

dotnetCorePackages.sdk vs dotnetCorePackages.net vs dotnetCorePackages.netcore vs dotnetCorePackages.aspnetcore

The dotnetCorePackages.sdk contains both a runtime and the full sdk of a given version. The net, netcore and aspnetcore packages are meant to serve as minimal runtimes to deploy alongside already built applications. For runtime versions >= .NET 5 net is used while netcore is used for older .NET Core runtime version.

Packaging a Dotnet Application

To package Dotnet applications, you can use buildDotnetModule. This has similar arguments to stdenv.mkDerivation, with the following additions:

  • projectFile has to be used for specifying the dotnet project file relative to the source root. These usually have .sln or .csproj file extensions.
  • nugetDeps has to be used to specify the NuGet dependency file. Unfortunately, these cannot be deterministically fetched without a lockfile. This file should be generated using nuget-to-nix tool, which is available in nixpkgs.
  • executables is used to specify which executables get wrapped to $out/bin, relative to $out/lib/$pname. If this is unset, all executables generated will get installed. If you do not want to install any, set this to [].
  • runtimeDeps is used to wrap libraries into LD_LIBRARY_PATH. This is how dotnet usually handles runtime dependencies.
  • buildType is used to change the type of build. Possible values are Release, Debug, etc. By default, this is set to Release.
  • dotnet-sdk is useful in cases where you need to change what dotnet SDK is being used.
  • dotnet-runtime is useful in cases where you need to change what dotnet runtime is being used.
  • dotnetRestoreFlags can be used to pass flags to dotnet restore.
  • dotnetBuildFlags can be used to pass flags to dotnet build.
  • dotnetInstallFlags can be used to pass flags to dotnet install.
  • dotnetFlags can be used to pass flags to all of the above phases.

Here is an example default.nix, using some of the previously discussed arguments:

{ lib, buildDotnetModule, dotnetCorePackages, ffmpeg }:

buildDotnetModule rec {
  pname = "someDotnetApplication";
  version = "0.1";

  src = ./.;

  projectFile = "src/project.sln";
  nugetDeps = ./deps.nix; # File generated with `nuget-to-nix path/to/src > deps.nix`.

  dotnet-sdk = dotnetCorePackages.sdk_3_1;
  dotnet-runtime = dotnetCorePackages.net_5_0;
  dotnetFlags = [ "--runtime linux-x64" ];

  executables = [ "foo" ]; # This wraps "$out/lib/$pname/foo" to `$out/bin/foo`.
  executables = []; # Don't install any executables.

  runtimeDeps = [ ffmpeg ]; # This will wrap ffmpeg's library path into `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`.