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Naïm Favier 7ab1fd262f
vimUtils.makeCustomizable: rewrite to include more things
The current wrapper only includes vim, gvim and the man pages
(optionally). This rewrite distinguishes two scenarios, which I expect
cover the majority of use cases:

- standalone mode, when `name != "vim"`, means the user already has a
  vim in scope and only wants to add a customized version with a
  different name. In this case we only include wrappers for `/bin/*vim`.
- non-standalone mode, when `name == "vim"`, means the user expects a
  normal vim package that uses the specified configuration. In this case
  we include everything in the original derivation, with wrappers for
  all the executables that accept a vimrc.
2022-03-25 00:12:02 +01:00

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Both Neovim and Vim can be configured to include your favorite plugins and additional libraries.

Loading can be deferred; see examples.

At the moment we support three different methods for managing plugins:

  • Vim packages (recommend)
  • VAM (=vim-addon-manager)
  • Pathogen
  • vim-plug

Custom configuration

Adding custom .vimrc lines can be done using the following code:

vim_configurable.customize {
  # `name` optionally specifies the name of the executable and package
  name = "vim-with-plugins";

  vimrcConfig.customRC = ''
    set hidden

This configuration is used when Vim is invoked with the command specified as name, in this case vim-with-plugins. You can also omit name to customize Vim itself. See the definition of vimUtils.makeCustomizable for all supported options.

For Neovim the configure argument can be overridden to achieve the same:

neovim.override {
  configure = {
    customRC = ''
      # here your custom configuration goes!

If you want to use neovim-qt as a graphical editor, you can configure it by overriding Neovim in an overlay or passing it an overridden Neovimn:

neovim-qt.override {
  neovim = neovim.override {
    configure = {
      customRC = ''
        # your custom configuration

Managing plugins with Vim packages

To store you plugins in Vim packages (the native Vim plugin manager, see :help packages) the following example can be used:

vim_configurable.customize {
  vimrcConfig.packages.myVimPackage = with pkgs.vimPlugins; {
    # loaded on launch
    start = [ youcompleteme fugitive ];
    # manually loadable by calling `:packadd $plugin-name`
    # however, if a Vim plugin has a dependency that is not explicitly listed in
    # opt that dependency will always be added to start to avoid confusion.
    opt = [ phpCompletion elm-vim ];
    # To automatically load a plugin when opening a filetype, add vimrc lines like:
    # autocmd FileType php :packadd phpCompletion

myVimPackage is an arbitrary name for the generated package. You can choose any name you like. For Neovim the syntax is:

neovim.override {
  configure = {
    customRC = ''
      # here your custom configuration goes!
    packages.myVimPackage = with pkgs.vimPlugins; {
      # see examples below how to use custom packages
      start = [ ];
      # If a Vim plugin has a dependency that is not explicitly listed in
      # opt that dependency will always be added to start to avoid confusion.
      opt = [ ];

The resulting package can be added to packageOverrides in ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix to make it installable:

  packageOverrides = pkgs: with pkgs; {
    myVim = vim_configurable.customize {
      # `name` specifies the name of the executable and package
      name = "vim-with-plugins";
      # add here code from the example section
    myNeovim = neovim.override {
      configure = {
      # add here code from the example section

After that you can install your special grafted myVim or myNeovim packages.

What if your favourite Vim plugin isnt already packaged?

If one of your favourite plugins isn't packaged, you can package it yourself:

{ config, pkgs, ... }:

  easygrep = pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPlugin {
    name = "vim-easygrep";
    src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
      owner = "dkprice";
      repo = "vim-easygrep";
      rev = "d0c36a77cc63c22648e792796b1815b44164653a";
      sha256 = "0y2p5mz0d5fhg6n68lhfhl8p4mlwkb82q337c22djs4w5zyzggbc";
  environment.systemPackages = [
      pkgs.neovim.override {
        configure = {
          packages.myPlugins = with pkgs.vimPlugins; {
          start = [
            vim-go # already packaged plugin
            easygrep # custom package
          opt = [];
        # ...

Specificities for some plugins

Tree sitter

By default nvim-treesitter encourages you to download, compile and install the required tree-sitter grammars at run time with :TSInstall. This works poorly on NixOS. Instead, to install the nvim-treesitter plugins with a set of precompiled grammars, you can use nvim-treesitter.withPlugins function:

(pkgs.neovim.override {
  configure = {
    packages.myPlugins = with pkgs.vimPlugins; {
      start = [
        (nvim-treesitter.withPlugins (
          plugins: with plugins; [

To enable all grammars packaged in nixpkgs, use (pkgs.vimPlugins.nvim-treesitter.withPlugins (plugins: pkgs.tree-sitter.allGrammars)).

Managing plugins with vim-plug

To use vim-plug to manage your Vim plugins the following example can be used:

vim_configurable.customize {
  vimrcConfig.packages.myVimPackage = with pkgs.vimPlugins; {
    # loaded on launch
    plug.plugins = [ youcompleteme fugitive phpCompletion elm-vim ];

For Neovim the syntax is:

neovim.override {
  configure = {
    customRC = ''
      # here your custom configuration goes!
    plug.plugins = with pkgs.vimPlugins; [

Managing plugins with VAM

Handling dependencies of Vim plugins

VAM introduced .json files supporting dependencies without versioning assuming that "using latest version" is ok most of the time.


First create a vim-scripts file having one plugin name per line. Example:

{'name': 'vim-addon-sql'}
{'filetype_regex': '\%(vim)$', 'names': ['reload', 'vim-dev-plugin']}

Such vim-scripts file can be read by VAM as well like this:

call vam#Scripts(expand('~/.vim-scripts'), {})

Create a default.nix file:

{ nixpkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}, compiler ? "ghc7102" }:
nixpkgs.vim_configurable.customize { name = "vim"; vimrcConfig.vam.pluginDictionaries = [ "vim-addon-vim2nix" ]; }

Create a generate.vim file:

ActivateAddons vim-addon-vim2nix
let vim_scripts = "vim-scripts"
call nix#ExportPluginsForNix({
\  'path_to_nixpkgs': eval('{"'.substitute(substitute(substitute($NIX_PATH, ':', ',', 'g'), '=',':', 'g'), '\([:,]\)', '"\1"',"g").'"}')["nixpkgs"],
\  'cache_file': '/tmp/vim2nix-cache',
\  'try_catch': 0,
\  'plugin_dictionaries': ["vim-addon-manager"]+map(readfile(vim_scripts), 'eval(v:val)')
\ })

Then run

nix-shell -p vimUtils.vim_with_vim2nix --command "vim -c 'source generate.vim'"

You should get a Vim buffer with the nix derivations (output1) and vam.pluginDictionaries (output2). You can add your Vim to your system's configuration file like this and start it by "vim-my":

my-vim =
  let plugins = let inherit (vimUtils) buildVimPluginFrom2Nix; in {
    copy paste output1 here
  }; in vim_configurable.customize {
    name = "vim-my";

    vimrcConfig.vam.knownPlugins = plugins; # optional
    vimrcConfig.vam.pluginDictionaries = [
       copy paste output2 here

    # Pathogen would be
    # vimrcConfig.pathogen.knownPlugins = plugins; # plugins
    # vimrcConfig.pathogen.pluginNames = ["tlib"];

Sample output1:

"reload" = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix { # created by nix#NixDerivation
  name = "reload";
  src = fetchgit {
    url = "git://github.com/xolox/vim-reload";
    rev = "0a601a668727f5b675cb1ddc19f6861f3f7ab9e1";
    sha256 = "0vb832l9yxj919f5hfg6qj6bn9ni57gnjd3bj7zpq7d4iv2s4wdh";
  dependencies = ["nim-misc"];


Sample output2:

  { "name" = ''vim-addon-sql''; }
  { "filetype_regex" = ''\%(vim)$$''; "names" = [ ''reload'' ''vim-dev-plugin'' ]; }

Adding new plugins to nixpkgs

Nix expressions for Vim plugins are stored in pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins. For the vast majority of plugins, Nix expressions are automatically generated by running ./update.py. This creates a generated.nix file based on the plugins listed in vim-plugin-names. Plugins are listed in alphabetical order in vim-plugin-names using the format [github username]/[repository]@[gitref]. For example https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree becomes scrooloose/nerdtree.

Some plugins require overrides in order to function properly. Overrides are placed in overrides.nix. Overrides are most often required when a plugin requires some dependencies, or extra steps are required during the build process. For example deoplete-fish requires both deoplete-nvim and vim-fish, and so the following override was added:

deoplete-fish = super.deoplete-fish.overrideAttrs(old: {
  dependencies = with super; [ deoplete-nvim vim-fish ];

Sometimes plugins require an override that must be changed when the plugin is updated. This can cause issues when Vim plugins are auto-updated but the associated override isn't updated. For these plugins, the override should be written so that it specifies all information required to install the plugin, and running ./update.py doesn't change the derivation for the plugin. Manually updating the override is required to update these types of plugins. An example of such a plugin is LanguageClient-neovim.

To add a new plugin, run ./update.py --add "[owner]/[name]". NOTE: This script automatically commits to your git repository. Be sure to check out a fresh branch before running.

Finally, there are some plugins that are also packaged in nodePackages because they have Javascript-related build steps, such as running webpack. Those plugins are not listed in vim-plugin-names or managed by update.py at all, and are included separately in overrides.nix. Currently, all these plugins are related to the coc.nvim ecosystem of Language Server Protocol integration with vim/neovim.

Updating plugins in nixpkgs

Run the update script with a GitHub API token that has at least public_repo access. Running the script without the token is likely to result in rate-limiting (429 errors). For steps on creating an API token, please refer to GitHub's token documentation.

GITHUB_API_TOKEN=my_token ./pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/update.py

Alternatively, set the number of processes to a lower count to avoid rate-limiting.

./pkgs/applications/editors/vim/plugins/update.py --proc 1

Important repositories

  • vim-pi is a plugin repository from VAM plugin manager meant to be used by others as well used by

  • vim2nix which generates the .nix code