Cleaning up. Adding GNUstep package builder for abstracting out GNUstep
compilation specifics (with thanks to GitHub user lethalman).
The rules for using build_gnustep_package are as simple: any
GNUstep-based package that the package being compiled depends upon are
to be put in [deps] (this is used for setting up a buildEnv), while
other dependencies are put into [buildInputs] as usual.
Removing gnustep-startup (not needed anymore). Adding Gorm and
ProjectCenter applications (these mostly work, provided the environment
is set up manually).
Packing gnustep libs separately, with no use of gnustep-startup. Also,
fixed a bug in WindowMaker package (some imaging dependencies were not supplied).
Adding new library: gnustep-startup, which packages the core
libraries necessary for GNUstep: gnustep-make, gnustep-base,
gnustep-gui, gnustep-backend.
Until we've made sure that most things actually work out of the box, we
need to give people a way of continuing to use the system without
completely disabling grsecurity.
Set sysctl kernel.pax.softmode=1 or boot with pax.softmode=1
- Replace hand-rolled version of nixos-install in make-disk-image by an
actual call to nixos-install
- Required a few cleanups of nixos-install
- nixos-install invokes an activation script which the hand-rolled version
in make-disk-image did not do. We remove /etc/machine-id as that's
a host-specific, impure, output of the activation script
nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos/release.nix>' -A tests.installer.simple passes
Also tried generating an image with:
nix-build -E 'let
pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
lib = pkgs.lib;
nixos = import <nixpkgs/nixos> {
configuration = {
fileSystems."/".device = "/dev/disk/by-label/nixos";
boot.loader.grub.devices = [ "/dev/sda" ];
boot.loader.grub.extraEntries = '"''"'
menuentry "Ubuntu" {
insmod ext2
search --set=root --label ubuntu
configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg
in import <nixpkgs/nixos/lib/make-disk-image.nix> {
inherit pkgs lib;
config = nixos.config;
diskSize = 2000;
partitioned = false;
installBootLoader = false;
Then installed the image:
$ sudo df if=./result/nixos.img of=/dev/sdaX bs=1M
$ sudo resize2fs /dev/disk/by-label/nixos
$ sudo mount /dev/disk/by-label/nixos /mnt
$ sudo mount --rbind /proc /mnt/proc
$ sudo mount --rbind /dev /mnt/dev
$ sudo chroot /mnt /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/bin/switch-to-configuration boot
[ … optionally do something about passwords … ]
and successfully rebooted to that image.
Was doing all this from inside a Ubuntu VM with a single user nix install.
The upgrade of cmake to v3.6.0 broke this build. HDF5 now can
only be found if hdf5-cpp is used as buildInput.
However the upgrade made it possible to remove a patch:
CMake can now find openblas on its own.
- Fix --no-bootloader which didn't do what it advertised
- Hardcode nixbld GID so that systems which do not have a nixbld user
can still run nixos-install (only with --closure since they can't
build anything)
- Cleanup: get rid of NIX_CONF_DIR(=/tmp)/nix.conf and pass arguments instead
- Cleanup: don't assume that the target system has '<nixpkgs/nixos>' or
'<nixos-config>' to see if config.users.mutableUsers. Instead check if
/var/setuid-wrappers/passwd is there
Installing NixOS now works from a Ubuntu host (using --closure).
nix-build -A tests.installer.simple '<nixpkgs/nixos/release.nix>' succeeds ✓
While useless, some builds may dabble with setuid bits (e.g.,
util-linux), which breaks under grsec. In the interest of user
friendliness, we once again compromise by disabling an otherwise useful
feature ...