Some terraform providers were moved to the `hashicorp` organization,
some are still in the `terraform-providers` organization.
GitHub doesn't show moved repositories when querying via the API (only
on the web interface). In addition, if there are more than 100 results
(there still are), we'd need to implement paging, which is cubersome in curl.
In addition to that, to look up tags, we used to creating a HTTP request
for each and every provider, which caused us to easily get blocked by
GitHubs rate-limiting.
Instead of all that, let's use `hub` (which implements paging) and the
GitHub's GraphQL endpoint to get a list all repositories for a given
organization AND the latest tag for each of them.
We post-process the output with `jq`.
This also removes the providers.txt and folds the data into the script.
The blacklist was becoming too annoying to handle as a config file.
For the whitelist, we still need to individually fetch tags.
Fixes #83215
Co-Authored-By: zimbatm <>
Most of the skaware packages already build just fine with pkgsStatic,
however the wrapper scripts for execline and stdnotify-wrapper needed
the `-lskarlib` argument to go at the end.
`utmps` and `nsss` still fail with this error:
exec ./tools/ -D -m 600 utmps-utmpd /bin/utmps-utmpd
/build/utmps- line 48: can't create /bin/utmps-utmpd.tmp.479: Permission denied
make: *** [Makefile:121: /bin/utmps-utmpd] Error 1
New versions of all the packages are available.
This is mostly a bugfix release (there was an installation bug in
some circumstances with shared libraries) but some packages, notably
execline and s6, have new, useful features.
The new versions are the following:
Here are details for the packages that have more than bugfixes:
* skalibs-
- New header: skalibs/bigkv.h. It's a set of functions allowing
efficient lookups in a large set of strings (typically read from the
command line or the environment).
* execline-
- It's a major release because an API has been modified: dollarat.
Beforehand, dollarat's -0 option would always prevail over any -d
option. Now, dollarat has its conflicting -0 and -d options handled
in the conventional way, with rightmost priority.
- The runblock program now accepts a command line prefix, which is
given as runblock's own command line. This allows blocks to serve as
arguments to a new command, instead of having to be full command lines
by themselves.
- New binary: posix-umask.
- The former "cd" program is now named "execline-cd" and the former
"umask" program is named "execline-umask". When the=20
option is not given at configure time, "cd" and "umask" are symbolic
links created at installation time and pointing to execline-cd and
execline-umask respectively. When the --enable-pedantic-posix option is
given, the symbolic links point to posix-cd and posix-umask instead.
- With posix-cd and posix-umask (and the changes to wait done in the
previous version), execline is now fully POSIX-compliant when built with
the --enable-pedantic-posix option. This will certainly, without the
slightest hint of a doubt, change distributions' attitudes about it.
* s6-
- A new '?' directive has been added to s6-log. It behaves exactly like
'!', except that it spawns the given processor with /bin/sh as an
interpreter instead of execlineb.
- execline support is now optional: it can be disabled by specifying
--disable-execline at configure time. Some functionality is unavailable
when execline support is disabled:
* s6-log's '!' directive
* s6-notifyoncheck's -c option
* s6-ipcserver-access's support for 'exec' directives in a ruleset
- A new -X option has been added to s6-svscan, to specify a descriptor
that will be passed as stderr to a service spawned by this s6-svscan and
named s6-svscan-log. This is used in the new s6-linux-init, to avoid
needing to hardcode the /dev/console name for the catch-all logger's
standard error.
- On systems that define SIGPWR and SIGWINCH, s6-svscan -s now diverts
those signals. This allows powerfail and kbrequest events to be handled
when s6-svscan runs as process 1.
* s6-linux-init-
- New options have been added to s6-linux-init-maker: to support
running s6-linux-init without a catch-all logger, and to support running
it in a container.
- s6-linux-init-maker now adds a SIGPWR handler to the default image:
on receipt of a SIGPWR, the system's shutdown procedure is triggered.
- s6-linux-init now handles kbrequest, which triggers a SIGWINCH in
init when a special, configurable set of keys is pressed. By default,
no SIGWINCH handler is declared in the image, and no set of keys is
bound to kbrequest.
* s6-dns-
- New library: libdcache, implementing a clean cache structure
to contain DNS data. It's still not used at the moment.
* bcnm-
- First numbered release, because the Ad=C3=A9lie Linux distribution,
which uses libwpactrl, needs an official release instead of pulling
from git.
- libwpactrl is a set of C functions helping control a wpa_supplicant
- bcnm-waitif is a binary that waits for network interface state
events such as appearance/disappearance, up/down, running/not-running.
It is useful to avoid race conditions during a boot sequence, for
Bug-reports welcome.
This reverts commit a50653295d.
The reasons cited were “debugging”, in which case
you can just add the attribute to `buildSkawarePackage`
and “customizing”, which is still possible with
a normal `overrideDerivation`.
The patch removed `outputs` for some reason
(possible oversight), so building nsss failed.
Plus lots of complexity (e.g. don’t forget to add new
arguments to `removeAttrs` otherwise there’s a bug now).
* alacritty now has its own org, so I changed the URLs to point there
* updated the description to match upstream's description
* formatted with nixpkgs-format