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{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
inherit (pkgs) cups cups_filters;
cfg = config.services.printing;
additionalBackends = pkgs.runCommand "additional-cups-backends" { }
mkdir -p $out
if [ ! -e ${cups.out}/lib/cups/backend/smb ]; then
mkdir -p $out/lib/cups/backend
ln -sv ${pkgs.samba}/bin/smbspool $out/lib/cups/backend/smb
# Provide support for printing via HTTPS.
if [ ! -e ${cups.out}/lib/cups/backend/https ]; then
mkdir -p $out/lib/cups/backend
ln -sv ${cups.out}/lib/cups/backend/ipp $out/lib/cups/backend/https
# Here we can enable additional backends, filters, etc. that are not
# part of CUPS itself, e.g. the SMB backend is part of Samba. Since
# we can't update ${cups.out}/lib/cups itself, we create a symlink tree
# here and add the additional programs. The ServerBin directive in
# cupsd.conf tells cupsd to use this tree.
bindir = pkgs.buildEnv {
name = "cups-progs";
paths = cfg.drivers;
pathsToLink = [ "/lib/cups" "/share/cups" "/bin" "/etc/cups" ];
postBuild = cfg.bindirCmds;
ignoreCollisions = true;
###### interface
options = {
services.printing = {
enable = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Whether to enable printing support through the CUPS daemon.
listenAddresses = mkOption {
type = types.listOf types.str;
default = [ "" ];
example = [ "*:631" ];
description = ''
A list of addresses and ports on which to listen.
bindirCmds = mkOption {
type = types.lines;
internal = true;
default = "";
description = ''
Additional commands executed while creating the directory
containing the CUPS server binaries.
defaultShared = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Specifies whether local printers are shared by default.
browsing = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Specifies whether shared printers are advertised.
webInterface = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = true;
description = ''
Specifies whether the web interface is enabled.
cupsdConf = mkOption {
type = types.lines;
default = "";
example =
BrowsePoll cups.example.com
LogLevel debug
description = ''
The contents of the configuration file of the CUPS daemon
cupsFilesConf = mkOption {
type = types.lines;
default = "";
description = ''
The contents of the configuration file of the CUPS daemon
extraConf = mkOption {
type = types.lines;
default = "";
example =
BrowsePoll cups.example.com
LogLevel debug
description = ''
Extra contents of the configuration file of the CUPS daemon
clientConf = mkOption {
type = types.lines;
default = "";
example =
ServerName server.example.com
Encryption Never
description = ''
The contents of the client configuration.
browsedConf = mkOption {
type = types.lines;
default = "";
example =
BrowsePoll cups.example.com
description = ''
The contents of the configuration. file of the CUPS Browsed daemon
snmpConf = mkOption {
type = types.lines;
default = ''
Address @LOCAL
description = ''
The contents of <filename>/etc/cups/snmp.conf</filename>. See "man
cups-snmp.conf" for a complete description.
drivers = mkOption {
type = types.listOf types.path;
example = literalExample "[ pkgs.splix ]";
description = ''
CUPS drivers to use. Drivers provided by CUPS, cups-filters, Ghostscript
and Samba are added unconditionally.
tempDir = mkOption {
type = types.path;
default = "/tmp";
example = "/tmp/cups";
description = ''
CUPSd temporary directory.
###### implementation
config = mkIf config.services.printing.enable {
users.extraUsers = singleton
{ name = "cups";
uid = config.ids.uids.cups;
group = "lp";
description = "CUPS printing services";
environment.systemPackages = [ cups ];
environment.etc."cups/client.conf".text = cfg.clientConf;
environment.etc."cups/cups-files.conf".text = cfg.cupsFilesConf;
environment.etc."cups/cupsd.conf".text = cfg.cupsdConf;
environment.etc."cups/cups-browsed.conf".text = cfg.browsedConf;
environment.etc."cups/snmp.conf".text = cfg.snmpConf;
services.dbus.packages = [ cups ];
# Cups uses libusb to talk to printers, and does not use the
# linux kernel driver. If the driver is not in a black list, it
# gets loaded, and then cups cannot access the printers.
boot.blacklistedKernelModules = [ "usblp" ];
systemd.packages = [ cups ];
systemd.services.cups =
{ wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
wants = [ "network.target" ];
after = [ "network.target" ];
path = [ cups ];
preStart =
mkdir -m 0755 -p /etc/cups
mkdir -m 0700 -p /var/cache/cups
mkdir -m 0700 -p /var/spool/cups
mkdir -m 0755 -p ${cfg.tempDir}
restartTriggers =
[ config.environment.etc."cups/cups-files.conf".source
systemd.services.cups-browsed = mkIf config.services.avahi.enable
{ description = "CUPS Remote Printer Discovery";
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
wants = [ "cups.service" "avahi-daemon.service" ];
bindsTo = [ "cups.service" "avahi-daemon.service" ];
partOf = [ "cups.service" "avahi-daemon.service" ];
after = [ "cups.service" "avahi-daemon.service" ];
path = [ cups ];
serviceConfig.ExecStart = "${cups_filters}/bin/cups-browsed";
restartTriggers =
[ config.environment.etc."cups/cups-browsed.conf".source
services.printing.drivers =
[ cups pkgs.ghostscript pkgs.cups_filters additionalBackends
pkgs.perl pkgs.coreutils pkgs.gnused pkgs.bc pkgs.gawk pkgs.gnugrep
services.printing.cupsFilesConf =
SystemGroup root wheel
ServerBin ${bindir}/lib/cups
DataDir ${bindir}/share/cups
AccessLog syslog
ErrorLog syslog
PageLog syslog
TempDir ${cfg.tempDir}
# User and group used to run external programs, including
# those that actually send the job to the printer. Note that
# Udev sets the group of printer devices to `lp', so we want
# these programs to run as `lp' as well.
User cups
Group lp
services.printing.cupsdConf =
LogLevel info
${concatMapStrings (addr: ''
Listen ${addr}
'') cfg.listenAddresses}
Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock
SetEnv PATH ${bindir}/lib/cups/filter:${bindir}/bin:${bindir}/sbin
DefaultShared ${if cfg.defaultShared then "Yes" else "No"}
Browsing ${if cfg.browsing then "Yes" else "No"}
WebInterface ${if cfg.webInterface then "Yes" else "No"}
DefaultAuthType Basic
<Location />
Order allow,deny
Allow localhost
<Location /admin>
Order allow,deny
Allow localhost
<Location /admin/conf>
AuthType Basic
Require user @SYSTEM
Order allow,deny
Allow localhost
<Policy default>
<Limit Send-Document Send-URI Hold-Job Release-Job Restart-Job Purge-Jobs Set-Job-Attributes Create-Job-Subscription Renew-Subscription Cancel-Subscription Get-Notifications Reprocess-Job Cancel-Current-Job Suspend-Current-Job Resume-Job CUPS-Move-Job>
Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow
<Limit Pause-Printer Resume-Printer Set-Printer-Attributes Enable-Printer Disable-Printer Pause-Printer-After-Current-Job Hold-New-Jobs Release-Held-New-Jobs Deactivate-Printer Activate-Printer Restart-Printer Shutdown-Printer Startup-Printer Promote-Job Schedule-Job-After CUPS-Add-Printer CUPS-Delete-Printer CUPS-Add-Class CUPS-Delete-Class CUPS-Accept-Jobs CUPS-Reject-Jobs CUPS-Set-Default>
AuthType Basic
Require user @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow
<Limit Cancel-Job CUPS-Authenticate-Job>
Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow
<Limit All>
Order deny,allow
security.pam.services.cups = {};