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synced 2025-03-19 02:23:08 +00:00
With the systemd update to v242 five lines are not longer sufficient to verify that the storage was verified. In order to reduce future test failures increasing it to 10 lines sounds like a sane amount.
107 lines
4 KiB
107 lines
4 KiB
user = "someuser";
password = "some_password";
port = builtins.toString 5232;
common = { pkgs, ... }: {
services.radicale = {
enable = true;
config = ''
type = htpasswd
htpasswd_filename = /etc/radicale/htpasswd
htpasswd_encryption = bcrypt
filesystem_folder = /tmp/collections
debug = True
# This puts unhashed secrets directly into the Nix store for ease of testing.
environment.etc."radicale/htpasswd".source = pkgs.runCommand "htpasswd" {} ''
${pkgs.apacheHttpd}/bin/htpasswd -bcB "$out" ${user} ${password}
import ./make-test.nix ({ lib, ... }@args: {
name = "radicale";
meta.maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ aneeshusa infinisil ];
nodes = rec {
radicale = radicale1; # Make the test script read more nicely
radicale1 = lib.recursiveUpdate (common args) {
nixpkgs.overlays = [
(self: super: {
radicale1 = super.radicale1.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
propagatedBuildInputs = with self.pythonPackages;
(oldAttrs.propagatedBuildInputs or []) ++ [ passlib ];
system.stateVersion = "17.03";
radicale1_export = lib.recursiveUpdate radicale1 {
services.radicale.extraArgs = [
"--export-storage" "/tmp/collections-new"
radicale2_verify = lib.recursiveUpdate radicale2 {
services.radicale.extraArgs = [ "--verify-storage" ];
radicale2 = lib.recursiveUpdate (common args) {
system.stateVersion = "17.09";
# This tests whether the web interface is accessible to an authenticated user
testScript = { nodes }: let
switchToConfig = nodeName: let
newSystem = nodes.${nodeName}.config.system.build.toplevel;
in "${newSystem}/bin/switch-to-configuration test";
in ''
# Check Radicale 1 functionality
$radicale->succeed('${switchToConfig "radicale1"} >&2');
$radicale->succeed('curl --fail http://${user}:${password}@localhost:${port}/someuser/calendar.ics/');
# Export data in Radicale 2 format
$radicale->succeed('systemctl stop radicale');
$radicale->succeed('ls -al /tmp/collections');
$radicale->fail('ls -al /tmp/collections-new');
# Radicale exits immediately after exporting storage
$radicale->succeed('${switchToConfig "radicale1_export"} >&2');
$radicale->waitUntilFails('systemctl status radicale');
$radicale->succeed('ls -al /tmp/collections');
$radicale->succeed('ls -al /tmp/collections-new');
# Verify data in Radicale 2 format
$radicale->succeed('rm -r /tmp/collections/${user}');
$radicale->succeed('mv /tmp/collections-new/collection-root /tmp/collections');
$radicale->succeed('${switchToConfig "radicale2_verify"} >&2');
$radicale->waitUntilFails('systemctl status radicale');
my ($retcode, $logs) = $radicale->execute('journalctl -u radicale -n 10');
if ($retcode != 0 || index($logs, 'Verifying storage') == -1) {
die "Radicale 2 didn't verify storage"
if (index($logs, 'failed') != -1 || index($logs, 'exception') != -1) {
die "storage verification failed"
# Check Radicale 2 functionality
$radicale->succeed('${switchToConfig "radicale2"} >&2');
my ($retcode, $output) = $radicale->execute('curl --fail http://${user}:${password}@localhost:${port}/someuser/calendar.ics/');
if ($retcode != 0 || index($output, 'VCALENDAR') == -1) {
die "Could not read calendar from Radicale 2"
$radicale->succeed('curl --fail http://${user}:${password}@localhost:${port}/.web/');