mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 09:32:50 +00:00
Hydra passes the full revision in to the input, which we pass through. If we don't get this ,we try to get it from other sources, or default to master which should have the definition in a close-ish location. All published docs should have theURL resolve properly, only local hackers will have the link break.
105 lines
3 KiB
105 lines
3 KiB
MD_TARGETS=$(addsuffix .xml, $(basename $(wildcard ./*.md ./**/*.md)))
.PHONY: all
all: validate format out/html/index.html out/epub/manual.epub
.PHONY: debug
nix-shell --run "xmloscopy --docbook5 ./manual.xml ./manual-full.xml"
.PHONY: format
find . -iname '*.xml' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -I{} -n1 \
xmlformat --config-file "$$XMLFORMAT_CONFIG" -i {}
.PHONY: fix-misc-xml
find . -iname '*.xml' -type f \
-exec ../nixos/doc/varlistentry-fixer.rb {} ';'
.PHONY: clean
rm -f ${MD_TARGETS} .version manual-full.xml functions/library/locations.xml
rm -rf ./out/ ./highlightjs
.PHONY: validate
validate: manual-full.xml
jing "$$RNG" manual-full.xml
out/html/index.html: manual-full.xml style.css highlightjs
mkdir -p out/html
xsltproc ${xsltFlags} \
--nonet --xinclude \
--output $@ \
"$$XSL/docbook/xhtml/docbook.xsl" \
mkdir -p out/html/highlightjs/
cp -r highlightjs out/html/
cp ./overrides.css out/html/
cp ./style.css out/html/style.css
mkdir -p out/html/images/callouts
cp "$$XSL/docbook/images/callouts/"*.svg out/html/images/callouts/
chmod u+w -R out/html/
out/epub/manual.epub: manual-full.xml
mkdir -p out/epub/scratch
xsltproc ${xsltFlags} --nonet \
--output out/epub/scratch/ \
"$$XSL/docbook/epub/docbook.xsl" \
cp ./overrides.css out/epub/scratch/OEBPS
cp ./style.css out/epub/scratch/OEBPS
mkdir -p out/epub/scratch/OEBPS/images/callouts/
cp "$$XSL/docbook/images/callouts/"*.svg out/epub/scratch/OEBPS/images/callouts/
echo "application/epub+zip" > mimetype
zip -0Xq "out/epub/manual.epub" mimetype
rm mimetype
cd "out/epub/scratch/" && zip -Xr9D "../manual.epub" *
rm -rf "out/epub/scratch/"
mkdir -p highlightjs
cp -r "$$HIGHLIGHTJS/highlight.pack.js" highlightjs/
cp -r "$$HIGHLIGHTJS/LICENSE" highlightjs/
cp -r "$$HIGHLIGHTJS/mono-blue.css" highlightjs/
cp -r "$$HIGHLIGHTJS/loader.js" highlightjs/
manual-full.xml: ${MD_TARGETS} .version functions/library/locations.xml *.xml **/*.xml **/**/*.xml
xmllint --nonet --xinclude --noxincludenode manual.xml --output manual-full.xml
nix-instantiate --eval \
-E '(import ../lib).version' > .version
nix-build ./lib-function-locations.nix \
--out-link ./functions/library/locations.xml
%.section.xml: %.section.md
pandoc $^ -w docbook+smart \
-f markdown+smart \
| sed -e 's|<ulink url=|<link xlink:href=|' \
-e 's|</ulink>|</link>|' \
-e 's|<sect. id=|<section xml:id=|' \
-e 's|</sect[0-9]>|</section>|' \
-e '1s| id=| xml:id=|' \
-e '1s|\(<[^ ]* \)|\1xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" |' \
| cat > $@
%.chapter.xml: %.chapter.md
pandoc $^ -w docbook+smart \
--top-level-division=chapter \
-f markdown+smart \
| sed -e 's|<ulink url=|<link xlink:href=|' \
-e 's|</ulink>|</link>|' \
-e 's|<sect. id=|<section xml:id=|' \
-e 's|</sect[0-9]>|</section>|' \
-e '1s| id=| xml:id=|' \
-e '1s|\(<[^ ]* \)|\1|' \
| cat > $@