Fork 1
mirror of https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs.git synced 2024-09-11 15:08:33 +01:00
2018-02-27 07:43:50 +01:00

329 lines
8.9 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Converts the LibreOffice `download.lst` file into a Nix expression.
Requires an environment variable named `downloadList` identifying the path
of the input file, and writes the result to stdout.
todo - Ideally we would move as much as possible into derivation dependencies.
import collections, itertools, json, re, subprocess, sys, os
def main():
packages = list(get_packages())
for x in packages:
print(x, file=sys.stderr)
for x in packages:
md5 = x['md5']
upstream_sha256 = x['sha256']
if upstream_sha256:
hash = upstream_sha256
hashtype = 'sha256'
hash = md5
hashtype = 'md5'
tarball = x['tarball']
url = construct_url(x)
print('url: {}'.format(url), file=sys.stderr)
path = download(url, tarball, hash, hashtype)
print('path: {}'.format(path), file=sys.stderr)
sha256 = get_sha256(path)
print('sha256: {}'.format(sha256), file=sys.stderr)
print(' {')
print(' name = "{}";'.format(tarball))
print(' url = "{}";'.format(url))
print(' sha256 = "{}";'.format(sha256))
print(' md5 = "{}";'.format(md5))
print(' md5name = "{}-{}";'.format(md5 or upstream_sha256,tarball))
print(' }')
def construct_url(x):
if x['brief']:
return 'http://dev-www.libreoffice.org/src/{}{}'.format(
x.get('subdir', ''), x['tarball'])
return 'http://dev-www.libreoffice.org/src/{}{}-{}'.format(
x.get('subdir', ''), x['md5'], x['tarball'])
def download(url, name, hash, hashtype):
cmd = ['nix-prefetch-url', url, hash, '--print-path',
'--type', hashtype, '--name', name]
proc = subprocess.run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True,
return proc.stdout.split('\n')[1].strip()
def get_sha256(path):
cmd = ['sha256sum', path]
proc = subprocess.run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True,
return proc.stdout.split(' ')[0].strip()
def get_packages():
All of the package data: What's parsed from download.lst,
plus our additions.
return apply_additions(get_packages_from_download_list(),
def get_additions():
A mapping from package name (the all-caps identifiers used in
`download.lst`) to a dict of additional attributes to set on the package.
with open('./libreoffice-srcs-additions.json') as f:
return json.load(f)
def apply_additions(xs, additions):
for x in xs:
yield dict_merge([x,
additions.get(x['name'], {})])
def get_packages_from_download_list():
The result of parsing `download.lst`: A list of dicts containing keys
'name', 'tarball', 'md5', 'brief'.
def lines():
for x in sub_symbols(parse_lines(get_lines())):
interpretation = interpret(x)
if interpretation == 'unrecognized':
yield dict_merge([x,
def cluster(xs):
Groups lines according to their order within the file, to support
packages that are listed in `download.lst` more than once.
keys = ['tarball', 'md5', 'sha256', 'brief']
a = {k: [x for x in xs if k in x['attrs']] for k in keys}
return zip(*[a[k] for k in keys])
def packages():
for (name, group) in groupby(lines(), lambda x: x['name']):
for xs in cluster(group):
yield {'name': name,
'attrs': dict_merge(x['attrs'] for x in xs),
'index': min(x['index'] for x in xs)}
for x in sorted(packages(), key=lambda x: x['index']):
yield dict_merge([{'name': x['name']},
def dict_merge(xs):
>>> dict_merge([{1: 2}, {3: 4}, {3: 5}])
{1: 2, 3: 4}
return dict(collections.ChainMap(*xs))
def groupby(xs, f):
>>> groupby([1, 2, 3, 4], lambda x: x % 2)
[(0, [2, 4]), (1, [1, 3])]
for (k, iter) in itertools.groupby(sorted(xs, key=f), f):
group = list(iter)
yield (f(group[0]), group)
def get_lines():
download_list = os.getenv('downloadList')
with open(download_list) as f:
return f.read().splitlines()
def print_skipped_line(x):
print('Skipped line {}: {}'.format(x['index'],
def parse_lines(lines):
Input: List of strings (the lines from `download.lst`
Output: Iterator of dicts with keys 'key', 'value', and 'index'
for (index, line) in enumerate(lines):
x = { 'index': index, 'original': line }
result = parse_line(line)
if result == 'nothing':
elif result == 'unrecognized':
yield dict_merge([x,
def parse_line(line):
Input: A string
Output: One of 1. A dict with keys 'key', 'value'
2. 'nothing' (if the line contains no information)
2. 'unrecognized' (if parsing failed)
if re.match('\s*(#.*)?$', line):
return 'nothing'
match = re.match('\s*export\s+([^:\s]+)\s*:=\s*(.*)$', line)
if match:
return {
'key': match.group(1),
'value': match.group(2).strip()
return 'unrecognized'
def sub_symbols(xs):
Do substitution of variables across all lines.
>>> sub_symbols([{'key': 'a', 'value': 'x'},
... {'key': 'c': 'value': '$(a)yz'}])
[{'key': 'a', 'value': 'x'}, {'key': 'c': 'value': 'xyz'}]
xs = list(xs)
symbols = {x['key']: x for x in xs}
def get_value(k):
x = symbols.get(k)
return x['value'] if x is not None else ''
for x in xs:
yield dict_merge([{'value': sub_str(x['value'], get_value)},
def sub_str(string, func):
Do substitution of variables in a single line.
>>> sub_str("x = $(x)", lambda k: {'x': 'a'}[k])
"x = a"
def func2(m):
x = m.group(1)
result = func(x)
return result if result is not None else x
return re.sub(r'\$\(([^\$\(\)]+)\)', func2, string)
def interpret(x):
Input: Dict with keys 'key' and 'value'
Output: One of 1. Dict with keys 'name' and 'attrs'
2. 'unrecognized' (if interpretation failed)
for f in [interpret_md5, interpret_sha256, interpret_tarball_with_md5, interpret_tarball, interpret_jar]:
result = f(x)
if result is not None:
return result
return 'unrecognized'
def interpret_md5(x):
>>> interpret_md5("ODFGEN_MD5SUM", "32572ea48d9021bbd6fa317ddb697abc")
{'name': 'ODFGEN', 'attrs': {'md5': '32572ea48d9021bbd6fa317ddb697abc'}}
match = re.match('^(.*)_MD5SUM$', x['key'])
if match:
return {'name': match.group(1),
'attrs': {'md5': x['value'], 'sha256': ''}}
def interpret_sha256(x):
match = re.match('^(.*)_SHA256SUM$', x['key'])
if match:
return {'name': match.group(1),
'attrs': {'sha256': x['value'], 'md5': ''}}
def interpret_tarball(x):
>>> interpret_tarball("FREEHAND_TARBALL", "libfreehand-0.1.1.tar.bz2")
{'name': 'FREEHAND',
'attrs': {'tarball': 'libfreehand-0.1.1.tar.bz2', 'brief': True}}
match = re.match('^(.*)_TARBALL$', x['key'])
if match:
return {'name': match.group(1),
'attrs': {'tarball': x['value'], 'brief': True}}
def interpret_jar(x):
match = re.match('^(.*)_JAR$', x['key'])
if match:
return {'name': match.group(1),
'attrs': {'tarball': x['value'], 'brief': True}}
def interpret_tarball_with_md5(x):
>>> interpret_tarball_with_md5("CLUCENE_TARBALL",\
{'name': 'CLUCENE',
'attrs': {'tarball': 'clucene-core-',
'md5': '48d647fbd8ef8889e5a7f422c1bfda94', 'brief': False}}
match = {'key': re.match('^(.*)_(TARBALL|JAR)$', x['key']),
'value': re.match('(?P<md5>[0-9a-fA-F]{32})-(?P<tarball>.+)$',
if match['key'] and match['value']:
return {'name': match['key'].group(1),
'attrs': {'tarball': match['value'].group('tarball'),
'md5': match['value'].group('md5'),
'sha256': '',
'brief': False}}