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synced 2025-03-06 15:21:38 +00:00
This is for consistency with terminology in stdenv (and the terms "hostDrv" and "buildDrv" are not very intuitive, even if they're consistent with GNU terminology).
103 lines
3.8 KiB
103 lines
3.8 KiB
let lib = import ./default.nix;
inherit (builtins) getAttr attrNames isFunction;
rec {
/* `overrideDerivation drv f' takes a derivation (i.e., the result
of a call to the builtin function `derivation') and returns a new
derivation in which the attributes of the original are overriden
according to the function `f'. The function `f' is called with
the original derivation attributes.
`overrideDerivation' allows certain "ad-hoc" customisation
scenarios (e.g. in ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix). For instance, if you
want to "patch" the derivation returned by a package function in
Nixpkgs to build another version than what the function itself
provides, you can do something like this:
mySed = overrideDerivation pkgs.gnused (oldAttrs: {
name = "sed-4.2.2-pre";
src = fetchurl {
url = ftp://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/sed/sed-4.2.2-pre.tar.bz2;
sha256 = "11nq06d131y4wmf3drm0yk502d2xc6n5qy82cg88rb9nqd2lj41k";
patches = [];
For another application, see build-support/vm, where this
function is used to build arbitrary derivations inside a QEMU
virtual machine. */
overrideDerivation = drv: f:
# Filter out special attributes.
drop = [ "meta" "passthru" "outPath" "drvPath" "crossDrv" "nativeDrv" "type" "override" "deepOverride" "origArgs" "drvAttrs" "outputName" "all" "out" ]
# also drop functions such as .merge .override etc
++ lib.filter (n: isFunction (getAttr n drv)) (attrNames drv);
attrs = removeAttrs drv drop;
newDrv = derivation (attrs // (f drv));
in newDrv //
{ meta = if drv ? meta then drv.meta else {};
passthru = if drv ? passthru then drv.passthru else {};
(if (drv ? crossDrv && drv ? nativeDrv)
then {
crossDrv = overrideDerivation drv.crossDrv f;
nativeDrv = overrideDerivation drv.nativeDrv f;
else { });
# usage: (you can use override multiple times)
# let d = makeOverridable stdenv.mkDerivation { name = ..; buildInputs; }
# noBuildInputs = d.override { buildInputs = []; }
# additionalBuildInputs = d.override ( args : args // { buildInputs = args.buildInputs ++ [ additional ]; } )
makeOverridable = f: origArgs:
ff = f origArgs;
if builtins.isAttrs ff then (ff //
{ override = newArgs:
makeOverridable f (origArgs // (if builtins.isFunction newArgs then newArgs origArgs else newArgs));
deepOverride = newArgs:
makeOverridable f (lib.overrideExisting (lib.mapAttrs (deepOverrider newArgs) origArgs) newArgs);
else ff;
deepOverrider = newArgs: name: x: if builtins.isAttrs x then (
if x ? deepOverride then (x.deepOverride newArgs) else
if x ? override then (x.override newArgs) else
x) else x;
/* Call the package function in the file `fn' with the required
arguments automatically. The function is called with the
arguments `args', but any missing arguments are obtained from
`autoArgs'. This function is intended to be partially
parameterised, e.g.,
callPackage = callPackageWith pkgs;
pkgs = {
libfoo = callPackage ./foo.nix { };
libbar = callPackage ./bar.nix { };
If the `libbar' function expects an argument named `libfoo', it is
automatically passed as an argument. Overrides or missing
arguments can be supplied in `args', e.g.
libbar = callPackage ./bar.nix {
libfoo = null;
enableX11 = true;
callPackageWith = autoArgs: fn: args:
let f = if builtins.isFunction fn then fn else import fn; in
makeOverridable f ((builtins.intersectAttrs (builtins.functionArgs f) autoArgs) // args);