mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 17:39:34 +00:00
1506 lines
50 KiB
1506 lines
50 KiB
{ config, lib, buildEnv, callPackage, vscode-utils, asciidoctor, nodePackages, jdk, llvmPackages_8, nixpkgs-fmt, jq, shellcheck, moreutils, racket-minimal }:
inherit (vscode-utils) buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension;
# Unless there is a good reason not to, we attempt to use the same name as the
# extension's unique identifier (the name the extension gets when installed
# from vscode under `~/.vscode`) and found on the marketplace extension page.
# So an extension's attribute name should be of the form:
# "${mktplcRef.publisher}.${mktplcRef.name}".
baseExtensions = self: lib.mapAttrs (_n: lib.recurseIntoAttrs)
_4ops.terraform = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "4ops";
name = "terraform";
version = "0.2.1";
sha256 = "196026a89pizj8p0hqdgkyllj2spx2qwpynsaqjq17s8v15vk5dg";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ kamadorueda ];
a5huynh.vscode-ron = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-ron";
publisher = "a5huynh";
version = "0.9.0";
sha256 = "0d3p50mhqp550fmj662d3xklj14gvzvhszm2hlqvx4h28v222z97";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
alanz.vscode-hie-server = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-hie-server";
publisher = "alanz";
version = "0.0.27"; # see the note above
sha256 = "1mz0h5zd295i73hbji9ivla8hx02i4yhqcv6l4r23w3f07ql3i8h";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
alefragnani.project-manager = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "project-manager";
publisher = "alefragnani";
version = "12.1.0";
sha256 = "sha256-fYBKmWn9pJh2V0fGdqVrXj9zIl8oTrZcBycDaMOXL/8=";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
alexdima.copy-relative-path = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "copy-relative-path";
publisher = "alexdima";
version = "0.0.2";
sha256 = "06g601n9d6wyyiz659w60phgm011gn9jj5fy0gf5wpi2bljk3vcn";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
alygin.vscode-tlaplus = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-tlaplus";
publisher = "alygin";
version = "1.5.3";
sha256 = "1cy0qn8iyjrinscn9p5ckpsa2hyryapxfi7is6s2zk2mpligbb1d";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
angular.ng-template = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "ng-template";
publisher = "Angular";
version = "12.1.2";
sha256 = "sha256-fIHh1eRmu4zSgrtZr0XwLB+1Ad6a/0ABC55akGr0DOA=";
meta = with lib; {
changelog = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items/Angular.ng-template/changelog";
description = "Editor services for Angular templates";
downloadPage = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Angular.ng-template";
homepage = "https://github.com/angular/vscode-ng-language-service";
license = licenses.mit;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ ratsclub ];
antfu.icons-carbon = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "icons-carbon";
publisher = "antfu";
version = "0.2.2";
sha256 = "0mfap16la09mn0jhvy8s3dainrmjz64vra7d0d4fbcpgg420kv3f";
meta = with lib; {
license = licenses.mit;
arrterian.nix-env-selector = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "nix-env-selector";
publisher = "arrterian";
version = "1.0.7";
sha256 = "0e76885c9dbb6dca4eac8a75866ec372b948cc64a3a3845327d7c3ef6ba42a57";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
asciidoctor.asciidoctor-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "asciidoctor-vscode";
publisher = "asciidoctor";
version = "2.8.9";
sha256 = "1xkxx5i3nhd0dzqhhdmx0li5jifsgfhv0p5h7xwsscz3gzgsdcyb";
postPatch = ''
substituteInPlace dist/src/text-parser.js \
--replace "get('asciidoctor_command', 'asciidoctor')" \
"get('asciidoctor_command', '${asciidoctor}/bin/asciidoctor')"
substituteInPlace dist/src/commands/exportAsPDF.js \
--replace "get('asciidoctorpdf_command', 'asciidoctor-pdf')" \
"get('asciidoctorpdf_command', '${asciidoctor}/bin/asciidoctor-pdf')"
meta = with lib; {
license = licenses.mit;
ms-python.vscode-pylance = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-pylance";
publisher = "MS-python";
version = "2020.11.2";
sha256 = "0n2dm21vgzir3hx1m3pmx7jq4zy3hdxfsandd2wv5da4fs9b5g50";
buildInputs = [ nodePackages.pyright ];
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.unfree;
b4dm4n.vscode-nixpkgs-fmt = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "nixpkgs-fmt";
publisher = "B4dM4n";
version = "0.0.1";
sha256 = "sha256-vz2kU36B1xkLci2QwLpl/SBEhfSWltIDJ1r7SorHcr8=";
nativeBuildInputs = [ jq ];
postInstall = ''
cd "$out/$installPrefix"
jq '.contributes.configuration.properties."nixpkgs-fmt.path".default = "${nixpkgs-fmt}/bin/nixpkgs-fmt"' package.json > "$tmp_package_json"
mv "$tmp_package_json" package.json
meta = with lib; {
license = licenses.mit;
baccata.scaladex-search = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "scaladex-search";
publisher = "baccata";
version = "0.0.1";
sha256 = "1y8p4rr8qq5ng52g4pbx8ayq04gi2869wrx68k69rl7ga7bzcyp9";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.asl20;
bbenoist.Nix = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "Nix";
publisher = "bbenoist";
version = "1.0.1";
sha256 = "0zd0n9f5z1f0ckzfjr38xw2zzmcxg1gjrava7yahg5cvdcw6l35b";
meta = with lib; {
license = licenses.mit;
bodil.file-browser = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "file-browser";
publisher = "bodil";
version = "0.2.10";
sha256 = "sha256-RW4vm0Hum9AeN4Rq7MSJOIHnALU0L1tBLKjaRLA2hL8=";
meta = with lib; {
license = licenses.mit;
bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-tailwindcss";
publisher = "bradlc";
version = "0.6.13";
sha256 = "098vrm28b7jpzk0c2d0cgxvdw4jsswzf18cx1m9jwsm1j40fp5f4";
meta = with lib; {
license = licenses.mpl20;
brettm12345.nixfmt-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "nixfmt-vscode";
publisher = "brettm12345";
version = "0.0.1";
sha256 = "07w35c69vk1l6vipnq3qfack36qcszqxn8j3v332bl0w6m02aa7k";
meta = with lib; {
license = licenses.mpl20;
cmschuetz12.wal = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "wal";
publisher = "cmschuetz12";
version = "0.1.0";
sha256 = "0q089jnzqzhjfnv0vlb5kf747s3mgz64r7q3zscl66zb2pz5q4zd";
meta = with lib; {
license = licenses.mit;
codezombiech.gitignore = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "gitignore";
publisher = "codezombiech";
version = "0.6.0";
sha256 = "0gnc0691pwkd9s8ldqabmpfvj0236rw7bxvkf0bvmww32kv1ia0b";
meta = with lib; {
license = licenses.mit;
CoenraadS.bracket-pair-colorizer = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
meta = with lib; {
changelog = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items/CoenraadS.bracket-pair-colorizer/changelog";
description = "A customizable extension for colorizing matching brackets";
downloadPage = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=CoenraadS.bracket-pair-colorizer";
homepage = "https://github.com/CoenraadS/BracketPair";
license = licenses.mit;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ superherointj ];
mktplcRef = {
name = "bracket-pair-colorizer";
publisher = "CoenraadS";
version = "1.0.61";
sha256 = "0r3bfp8kvhf9zpbiil7acx7zain26grk133f0r0syxqgml12i652";
coenraads.bracket-pair-colorizer-2 = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "bracket-pair-colorizer-2";
publisher = "CoenraadS";
version = "0.2.1";
sha256 = "0bfvzs4ac537zqhnqaa38jf4lhiy1fmqcv6lq89nnx8k963380z7";
meta = with lib; {
license = licenses.mit;
coolbear.systemd-unit-file = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "coolbear";
name = "systemd-unit-file";
version = "1.0.6";
sha256 = "0sc0zsdnxi4wfdlmaqwb6k2qc21dgwx6ipvri36x7agk7m8m4736";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ kamadorueda ];
dbaeumer.vscode-eslint = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-eslint";
publisher = "dbaeumer";
version = "2.1.14";
sha256 = "sha256-bVGmp871yu1Llr3uJ+CCosDsrxJtD4b1+CR+omMUfIQ=";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
davidanson.vscode-markdownlint = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-markdownlint";
publisher = "DavidAnson";
version = "0.42.1";
sha256 = "c8c0647e0dd786fe68becca6dc73eade5f4220a26ab9faff8dd813a14b25df51";
meta = with lib; {
license = licenses.mit;
dhall.dhall-lang = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "dhall-lang";
publisher = "dhall";
version = "0.0.4";
sha256 = "0sa04srhqmngmw71slnrapi2xay0arj42j4gkan8i11n7bfi1xpf";
meta = { license = lib.licenses.mit; };
dhall.vscode-dhall-lsp-server = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-dhall-lsp-server";
publisher = "dhall";
version = "0.0.4";
sha256 = "1zin7s827bpf9yvzpxpr5n6mv0b5rhh3civsqzmj52mdq365d2js";
meta = { license = lib.licenses.mit; };
divyanshuagrawal.competitive-programming-helper = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "competitive-programming-helper";
publisher = "DivyanshuAgrawal";
version = "5.8.5";
sha256 = "25v2tdAX7fVl2B5nvOIKN9vP1G5rA0G67CiDQn9n9Uc=";
meta = with lib; {
changelog = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items/DivyanshuAgrawal.competitive-programming-helper/changelog";
description = "Makes judging, compiling, and downloading problems for competitve programming easy. Also supports auto-submit for a few sites.";
downloadPage = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=DivyanshuAgrawal.competitive-programming-helper";
homepage = "https://github.com/agrawal-d/cph";
license = licenses.gpl3;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ arcticlimer ];
donjayamanne.githistory = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
meta = with lib; {
changelog = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items/donjayamanne.githistory/changelog";
description = "View git log, file history, compare branches or commits";
downloadPage = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=donjayamanne.githistory";
homepage = "https://github.com/DonJayamanne/gitHistoryVSCode/";
license = licenses.mit;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ superherointj ];
mktplcRef = {
name = "githistory";
publisher = "donjayamanne";
version = "0.6.14";
sha256 = "11x116hzqnhgbryp2kqpki1z5mlnwxb0ly9r1513m5vgbisrsn0i";
dotjoshjohnson.xml = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "xml";
publisher = "dotjoshjohnson";
version = "2.5.1";
sha256 = "1v4x6yhzny1f8f4jzm4g7vqmqg5bqchyx4n25mkgvw2xp6yls037";
meta = {
description = "XML Tools";
homepage = "https://github.com/DotJoshJohnson/vscode-xml";
license = lib.licenses.mit;
dracula-theme.theme-dracula = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "theme-dracula";
publisher = "dracula-theme";
version = "2.22.3";
sha256 = "0wni9sriin54ci8rly2s68lkfx8rj1cys6mgcizvps9sam6377w6";
meta = with lib; {
changelog = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items/dracula-theme.theme-dracula/changelog";
description = "Dark theme for many editors, shells, and more";
downloadPage = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=dracula-theme.theme-dracula";
homepage = "https://draculatheme.com/";
license = licenses.mit;
eamodio.gitlens = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "gitlens";
publisher = "eamodio";
version = "11.6.0";
sha256 = "sha256-JxCNE/IL/v94xWmhebsRZo1Gw+nSSpDgZ41ZGongGVI=";
meta = with lib; {
changelog = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items/eamodio.gitlens/changelog";
description = "GitLens supercharges the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code.";
longDescription = ''
Supercharge the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code — Visualize code authorship at a glance via Git
blame annotations and code lens, seamlessly navigate and explore Git repositories, gain valuable insights via
powerful comparison commands, and so much more
downloadPage = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=eamodio.gitlens";
homepage = "https://gitlens.amod.io/";
license = licenses.mit;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ ratsclub ];
editorconfig.editorconfig = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "EditorConfig";
publisher = "EditorConfig";
version = "0.16.4";
sha256 = "0fa4h9hk1xq6j3zfxvf483sbb4bd17fjl5cdm3rll7z9kaigdqwg";
meta = with lib; {
changelog = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items/EditorConfig.EditorConfig/changelog";
description = "EditorConfig Support for Visual Studio Code";
downloadPage = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=EditorConfig.EditorConfig";
homepage = "https://github.com/editorconfig/editorconfig-vscode";
license = licenses.mit;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ dbirks ];
edonet.vscode-command-runner = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-command-runner";
publisher = "edonet";
version = "0.0.116";
sha256 = "0fxvplyk080m0cdsvzynp6wjillrd4flr5qz7af7fibb2jbmfdkn";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
elmtooling.elm-ls-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "elm-ls-vscode";
publisher = "Elmtooling";
version = "2.0.1";
sha256 = "06x5ld2r1hzns2s052mvhmfiaawjzcn0jf5lkfprhmrkxnmfdd43";
meta = with lib; {
changelog = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items/Elmtooling.elm-ls-vscode/changelog";
description = "Elm language server";
downloadPage = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Elmtooling.elm-ls-vscode";
homepage = "https://github.com/elm-tooling/elm-language-client-vscode";
license = licenses.mit;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ mcwitt ];
emmanuelbeziat.vscode-great-icons = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-great-icons";
publisher = "emmanuelbeziat";
version = "2.1.79";
sha256 = "1cr1pxgxlfr643sfxbcr2xd53s1dnzcpacjj0ffkgizfda2psy78";
meta = with lib; {
license = licenses.mit;
esbenp.prettier-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
meta = with lib; {
changelog = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items/esbenp.prettier-vscode/changelog";
description = "Code formatter using prettier";
downloadPage = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=esbenp.prettier-vscode";
homepage = "https://github.com/prettier/prettier-vscode";
license = licenses.mit;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ superherointj ];
mktplcRef = {
name = "prettier-vscode";
publisher = "esbenp";
version = "8.0.1";
sha256 = "017lqpmzjxq5f1zr49akcm9gfki0qq8v7pj7gks6a3szjdx16mnl";
eugleo.magic-racket = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
meta = with lib; {
changelog = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items/evzen-wybitul.magic-racket/changelog";
description = "The best coding experience for Racket in VS Code ";
downloadPage = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=evzen-wybitul.magic-racket";
homepage = "https://github.com/Eugleo/magic-raket";
license = licenses.agpl3Only;
mktplcRef = {
name = "magic-racket";
publisher = "evzen-wybitul";
version = "0.5.7";
sha256 = "sha256-34/H0WgM73yzuOGU2w6Ipq7KuEBuN1bykcLGuvzY3mU=";
nativeBuildInputs = [ jq moreutils ];
postInstall = ''
cd "$out/$installPrefix"
jq '.contributes.configuration.properties."magic-racket.general.racketPath".default = "${racket-minimal}/bin/racket"' package.json | sponge package.json
file-icons.file-icons = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
meta = with lib; {
changelog = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items/file-icons.file-icons/changelog";
description = "File-specific icons in VSCode for improved visual grepping.";
downloadPage = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=file-icons.file-icons";
homepage = "https://github.com/file-icons/vscode";
license = licenses.mit;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ superherointj ];
mktplcRef = {
name = "file-icons";
publisher = "file-icons";
version = "1.0.28";
sha256 = "1lyx0l42xhi2f3rdnjddc3mw7m913kjnchawi98i6vqsx3dv7091";
foam.foam-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "foam-vscode";
publisher = "foam";
version = "0.14.1";
sha256 = "sha256-w9xGkezS3A9z6sTk8WWgW7g8qYX6mJFfRV0lv5cu160=";
meta = with lib; {
changelog = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items/foam.foam-vscode/changelog";
description = "A personal knowledge management and sharing system for VSCode ";
downloadPage = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=foam.foam-vscode";
homepage = "https://foambubble.github.io/";
license = licenses.mit;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ ratsclub ];
formulahendry.auto-close-tag = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "auto-close-tag";
publisher = "formulahendry";
version = "0.5.6";
sha256 = "058jgmllqb0j6gg5anghdp35nkykii28igfcwqgh4bp10pyvspg0";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
formulahendry.auto-rename-tag = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "auto-rename-tag";
publisher = "formulahendry";
version = "0.1.6";
sha256 = "0cqg9mxkyf41brjq2c764w42lzyn6ffphw6ciw7xnqk1h1x8wwbs";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
formulahendry.code-runner = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "code-runner";
publisher = "formulahendry";
version = "0.11.2";
sha256 = "0qwcxr6m1xwhqmdl4pccjgpikpq1hgi2hgrva5abn8ixa2510hcy";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
foxundermoon.shell-format = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "shell-format";
publisher = "foxundermoon";
version = "7.1.0";
sha256 = "09z72mdr5bfdcb67xyzlv7lb9vyjlc3k9ackj4jgixfk40c68cnj";
meta = with lib; {
downloadPage = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=foxundermoon.shell-format";
homepage = "https://github.com/foxundermoon/vs-shell-format";
license = licenses.mit;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ dbirks ];
freebroccolo.reasonml = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
meta = with lib; {
changelog = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items/freebroccolo.reasonml/changelog";
description = "Reason support for Visual Studio Code";
downloadPage = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=freebroccolo.reasonml";
homepage = "https://github.com/reasonml-editor/vscode-reasonml";
license = licenses.asl20;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ superherointj ];
mktplcRef = {
name = "reasonml";
publisher = "freebroccolo";
version = "1.0.38";
sha256 = "1nay6qs9vcxd85ra4bv93gg3aqg3r2wmcnqmcsy9n8pg1ds1vngd";
jkillian.custom-local-formatters = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "jkillian";
name = "custom-local-formatters";
version = "0.0.4";
sha256 = "1pmqnc759fq86g2z3scx5xqpni9khcqi5z2kpl1kb7yygsv314gm";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ kamadorueda ];
github = {
github-vscode-theme = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "github-vscode-theme";
publisher = "github";
version = "4.1.1";
sha256 = "14wz2b0bn1rnmpj28c0mivz2gacla2dgg8ncv7qfx9bsxhf95g68";
meta = with lib; {
description = "GitHub theme for VS Code";
downloadPage =
homepage = "https://github.com/primer/github-vscode-theme";
license = licenses.mit;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ hugolgst ];
vscode-pull-request-github = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-pull-request-github";
publisher = "github";
version = "0.22.0";
sha256 = "13p3z86vkra26npp5a78pxdwa4z6jqjzsd38arhgdnjgwmi6bnrw";
meta = { license = lib.licenses.mit; };
golang.Go = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "Go";
publisher = "golang";
version = "0.25.1";
sha256 = "sha256-ZDUWN9lzDnR77W7xcMFQaaFl/6Lf/x1jgaBkwZPqGGw=";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
graphql.vscode-graphql = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-graphql";
publisher = "GraphQL";
version = "0.3.13";
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gruntfuggly.todo-tree = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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name = "todo-tree";
publisher = "Gruntfuggly";
version = "0.0.213";
sha256 = "0fj7vvaqdldhbzm9dqh2plqlhg34jv5khd690xd87h418sv8rk95";
meta = with lib; {
license = licenses.mit;
haskell.haskell = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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name = "haskell";
publisher = "haskell";
version = "1.1.0";
sha256 = "1wg06lyk0qn9jd6gi007sg7v0z9z8gwq7x2449d4ihs9n3w5l0gb";
meta = with lib; {
license = licenses.mit;
hashicorp.terraform = callPackage ./terraform { };
hookyqr.beautify = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "beautify";
publisher = "HookyQR";
version = "1.5.0";
sha256 = "1c0kfavdwgwham92xrh0gnyxkrl9qlkpv39l1yhrldn8vd10fj5i";
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ibm.output-colorizer = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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publisher = "IBM";
version = "0.1.2";
sha256 = "0i9kpnlk3naycc7k8gmcxas3s06d67wxr3nnyv5hxmsnsx5sfvb7";
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iciclesoft.workspacesort = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "workspacesort";
publisher = "iciclesoft";
version = "1.6.0";
sha256 = "1pbk8kflywll6lqhmffz9yjf01dn8xq8sk6rglnfn2kl2ildfhh6";
meta = with lib; {
changelog = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items/iciclesoft.workspacesort/changelog";
description = "Sort workspace-folders alphabetically rather than in chronological order";
downloadPage = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=iciclesoft.workspacesort";
homepage = "https://github.com/iciclesoft/workspacesort-for-VSCode";
license = licenses.mit;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ dbirks ];
ionide.ionide-fsharp = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "Ionide-fsharp";
publisher = "Ionide";
version = "5.5.5";
sha256 = "xrBNiIbZVJ0sGUk/4PudD8kSyX94QkrFtf7Ho/sB0Vs=";
meta = with lib; {
changelog = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items/Ionide.Ionide-fsharp/changelog";
description = "Enhanced F# Language Features for Visual Studio Code";
downloadPage = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Ionide.Ionide-fsharp";
homepage = "https://ionide.io";
license = licenses.mit;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ ratsclub ];
jakebecker.elixir-ls = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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name = "elixir-ls";
publisher = "JakeBecker";
version = "0.7.0";
sha256 = "sha256-kFrkElD7qC1SpOx1rpcHW1D2hybHCf7cqvIO7JfPuMc=";
meta = with lib; {
license = licenses.mit;
james-yu.latex-workshop = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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name = "latex-workshop";
publisher = "James-Yu";
version = "8.2.0";
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license = licenses.mit;
jnoortheen.nix-ide = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
meta = with lib; {
changelog = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items/jnoortheen.nix-ide/changelog";
description = "Nix language support with formatting and error report";
downloadPage = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=jnoortheen.nix-ide";
homepage = "https://github.com/jnoortheen/vscode-nix-ide";
license = licenses.mit;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ superherointj ];
mktplcRef = {
name = "nix-ide";
publisher = "jnoortheen";
version = "0.1.7";
sha256 = "1bw4wyq9abimxbhl7q9g8grvj2ax9qqq6mmqbiqlbsi2arvk0wrm";
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version = "1.4.7";
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johnpapa.vscode-peacock = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-peacock";
publisher = "johnpapa";
version = "3.9.1";
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license = licenses.mit;
jpoissonnier.vscode-styled-components = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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publisher = "jpoissonnier";
version = "1.4.1";
sha256 = "sha256-ojbeuYBCS+DjF5R0aLuBImzoSOb8mXw1s0Uh0CzggzE=";
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license = lib.licenses.mit;
justusadam.language-haskell = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "language-haskell";
publisher = "justusadam";
version = "3.2.1";
sha256 = "0lxp8xz17ciy93nj4lzxqvz71vw1zdyamrnh2n792yair8890rr6";
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license = lib.licenses.bsd3;
kahole.magit = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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mads-hartmann.bash-ide-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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publisher = "mads-hartmann";
name = "bash-ide-vscode";
version = "1.11.0";
sha256 = "1hq41fy2v1grjrw77mbs9k6ps6gncwlydm03ipawjnsinxc9rdkp";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ kamadorueda ];
mikestead.dotenv = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "dotenv";
publisher = "mikestead";
version = "1.0.1";
sha256 = "sha256-dieCzNOIcZiTGu4Mv5zYlG7jLhaEsJR05qbzzzQ7RWc=";
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license = lib.licenses.mit;
mishkinf.goto-next-previous-member = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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publisher = "mishkinf";
version = "0.0.5";
sha256 = "0kgzap1k924i95al0a63hxcsv8skhaapgfpi9d7vvaxm0fc10l1i";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
mskelton.one-dark-theme = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "one-dark-theme";
publisher = "mskelton";
version = "1.7.2";
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mechatroner.rainbow-csv = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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version = "1.7.1";
sha256 = "0w5mijs4ll5qjkpyw7qpn1k40pq8spm0b3q72x150ydbcini5hxw";
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license = lib.licenses.mit;
ms-azuretools.vscode-docker = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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name = "vscode-docker";
publisher = "ms-azuretools";
version = "1.9.1";
sha256 = "1l7pm3s5kbf2vark164ykz4qbpa1ac9ls691hham36f6v91dmff9";
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license = lib.licenses.mit;
ms-dotnettools.csharp = callPackage ./ms-dotnettools-csharp { };
ms-kubernetes-tools.vscode-kubernetes-tools = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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name = "vscode-kubernetes-tools";
publisher = "ms-kubernetes-tools";
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meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
ms-vscode.cpptools = callPackage ./cpptools { };
ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh = callPackage ./remote-ssh { };
ms-python.python = callPackage ./python {
extractNuGet = callPackage ./python/extract-nuget.nix { };
msjsdiag.debugger-for-chrome = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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name = "debugger-for-chrome";
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sha256 = "sha256-9i3TgCFThnFF5ccwzS4ATj5c2Xoe/4tDFGv75jJxeQ4=";
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ms-toolsai.jupyter = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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name = "jupyter";
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license = lib.licenses.unfree;
naumovs.color-highlight = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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name = "color-highlight";
publisher = "naumovs";
version = "2.3.0";
sha256 = "1syzf43ws343z911fnhrlbzbx70gdn930q67yqkf6g0mj8lf2za2";
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license = lib.licenses.mit;
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mktplcRef = {
name = "java";
publisher = "redhat";
version = "0.76.0";
sha256 = "0xb9brki4s00piv4kqgz6idm16nk6x1j6502jljz7y9pif38z32y";
buildInputs = [ jdk ];
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.epl20;
broken = lib.versionOlder jdk.version "11";
redhat.vscode-yaml = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-yaml";
publisher = "redhat";
version = "0.13.0";
sha256 = "046kdk73a5xbrwq16ff0l64271c6q6ygjvxaph58z29gyiszfkig";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
rubymaniac.vscode-paste-and-indent = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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name = "vscode-paste-and-indent";
publisher = "Rubymaniac";
version = "0.0.8";
sha256 = "0fqwcvwq37ndms6vky8jjv0zliy6fpfkh8d9raq8hkinfxq6klgl";
meta = with lib; {
license = licenses.mit;
matklad.rust-analyzer = callPackage ./rust-analyzer { };
ocamllabs.ocaml-platform = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
meta = with lib; {
changelog = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items/ocamllabs.ocaml-platform/changelog";
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downloadPage = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ocamllabs.ocaml-platform";
homepage = "https://github.com/ocamllabs/vscode-ocaml-platform";
license = licenses.isc;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ superherointj ];
mktplcRef = {
name = "ocaml-platform";
publisher = "ocamllabs";
version = "1.5.1";
sha256 = "0jkxpcrbr8xmwfl8jphmarjz2jk54hvmc24ww89d4bgx1awayqfh";
pkief.material-icon-theme = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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name = "material-icon-theme";
publisher = "pkief";
version = "4.4.0";
sha256 = "1m9mis59j9xnf1zvh67p5rhayaa9qxjiw9iw847nyl9vsy73w8ya";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
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mktplcRef = {
name = "gi";
publisher = "rubbersheep";
version = "0.2.11";
sha256 = "0j9k6wm959sziky7fh55awspzidxrrxsdbpz1d79s5lr5r19rs6j";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
ryu1kn.partial-diff = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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name = "partial-diff";
publisher = "ryu1kn";
version = "1.4.1";
sha256 = "1r4kg4slgxncdppr4fn7i5vfhvzcg26ljia2r97n6wvwn8534vs9";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
scala-lang.scala = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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name = "scala";
publisher = "scala-lang";
version = "0.5.3";
sha256 = "0isw8jh845hj2fw7my1i19b710v3m5qsjy2faydb529ssdqv463p";
meta = {
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scalameta.metals = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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name = "metals";
publisher = "scalameta";
version = "1.10.4";
sha256 = "0q6zjpdi98png4vpzz39q85nxmsh3h1nnan58saz5rr83d6jgj89";
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license = lib.licenses.asl20;
serayuzgur.crates = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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name = "crates";
publisher = "serayuzgur";
version = "0.5.9";
sha256 = "0l26pyvw7n3bszf97yx6qps72acq112akg3q4jq5mvlibng1nwk0";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
shardulm94.trailing-spaces = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
publisher = "shardulm94";
name = "trailing-spaces";
version = "0.3.1";
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maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ kamadorueda ];
shyykoserhiy.vscode-spotify = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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name = "vscode-spotify";
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version = "3.2.1";
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meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
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mktplcRef = {
name = "fish-vscode";
publisher = "skyapps";
version = "0.2.1";
sha256 = "0y1ivymn81ranmir25zk83kdjpjwcqpnc9r3jwfykjd9x0jib2hl";
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license = lib.licenses.mit;
slevesque.vscode-multiclip = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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name = "vscode-multiclip";
publisher = "slevesque";
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meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
spywhere.guides = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "guides";
publisher = "spywhere";
version = "0.9.3";
sha256 = "1kvsj085w1xax6fg0kvsj1cizqh86i0pkzpwi0sbfvmcq21i6ghn";
meta = with lib; {
license = licenses.mit;
stephlin.vscode-tmux-keybinding = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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publisher = "stephlin";
version = "0.0.6";
sha256 = "0mph2nval1ddmv9hpl51fdvmagzkqsn8ljwqsfha2130bb7la0d9";
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description = "A simple extension for tmux behavior in vscode terminal.";
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homepage = "https://github.com/StephLin/vscode-tmux-keybinding";
license = licenses.mit;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ dbirks ];
streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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name = "code-spell-checker";
publisher = "streetsidesoftware";
version = "1.10.2";
sha256 = "1ll046rf5dyc7294nbxqk5ya56g2bzqnmxyciqpz2w5x7j75rjib";
meta = with lib; {
license = licenses.mit;
svelte.svelte-vscode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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name = "svelte-vscode";
publisher = "svelte";
version = "105.3.0";
sha256 = "11plqsj3c4dv0xg2d76pxrcn382qr9wbh1lhln2x8mzv840icvwr";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
svsool.markdown-memo = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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name = "markdown-memo";
publisher = "svsool";
version = "0.3.9";
sha256 = "sha256-BsKFHR3wkSRHS8QOi63vLwGj3T2CPzvqXhgtEOq6gJM=";
meta = with lib; {
changelog = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items/svsool.markdown-memo/changelog";
description = "Markdown knowledge base with bidirectional [[link]]s built on top of VSCode";
downloadPage = "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=svsool.markdown-memo";
homepage = "https://github.com/svsool/vscode-memo";
license = licenses.mit;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ ratsclub ];
tamasfe.even-better-toml = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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name = "even-better-toml";
publisher = "tamasfe";
version = "0.9.3";
sha256 = "16x2y58hkankazpwm93j8lqdn3mala7iayck548kki9zx4qrhhck";
meta = {
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tiehuis.zig = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "zig";
publisher = "tiehuis";
version = "0.2.5";
sha256 = "sha256-P8Sep0OtdchTfnudxFNvIK+SW++TyibGVI9zd+B5tu4=";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
timonwong.shellcheck = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "shellcheck";
publisher = "timonwong";
version = "0.14.4";
sha256 = "05z314sw9nqym3qlj7dcwm0fz1hb23xppzqn3nr2wcj17hs8zz4m";
nativeBuildInputs = [ jq ];
postInstall = ''
cd "$out/$installPrefix"
jq '.contributes.configuration.properties."shellcheck.executablePath".default = "${shellcheck}/bin/shellcheck"' package.json > "$tmp_package_json"
mv "$tmp_package_json" package.json
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
tomoki1207.pdf = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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name = "pdf";
publisher = "tomoki1207";
version = "1.1.0";
sha256 = "0pcs4iy77v4f04f8m9w2rpdzfq7sqbspr7f2sm1fv7bm515qgsvb";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
tyriar.sort-lines = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "sort-lines";
publisher = "Tyriar";
version = "1.9.0";
sha256 = "0l4wibsjnlbzbrl1wcj18vnm1q4ygvxmh347jvzziv8f1l790qjl";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
usernamehw.errorlens = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "errorlens";
publisher = "usernamehw";
version = "3.2.4";
sha256 = "0caxmf6v0s5kgp6cp3j1kk7slhspjv5kzhn4sq3miyl5jkrn95kx";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
vadimcn.vscode-lldb = callPackage ./vscode-lldb { };
vincaslt.highlight-matching-tag = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "highlight-matching-tag";
publisher = "vincaslt";
version = "0.10.0";
sha256 = "1albwz3lc9i20if77inm1ipwws8apigvx24rbag3d1h3p4vwda49";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare = callPackage ./ms-vsliveshare-vsliveshare { };
vscodevim.vim = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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name = "vim";
publisher = "vscodevim";
version = "1.21.5";
sha256 = "1v1xs1wcigisr6xip31i02cfryxrb157sla34y59pwlnhc5x1gny";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
vspacecode.vspacecode = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vspacecode";
publisher = "VSpaceCode";
version = "0.10.1";
sha256 = "sha256-H7SCC/ZhDswMQjLX+qpQa6A1N83MobJRPC4pyIbZ1kA=";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
vspacecode.whichkey = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "whichkey";
publisher = "VSpaceCode";
version = "0.9.2";
sha256 = "sha256-f+t2d8iWW88OYzuYFxzQPnmFMgx/DELBywYhA8A/0EU=";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
wix.vscode-import-cost = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "vscode-import-cost";
publisher = "wix";
version = "2.15.0";
sha256 = "0d3b6654cdck1syn74vmmd1jmgkrw5v4c4cyrhdxbhggkip732bc";
meta = with lib; {
license = licenses.mit;
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name = "clang-format";
publisher = "xaver";
version = "1.9.0";
sha256 = "abd0ef9176eff864f278c548c944032b8f4d8ec97d9ac6e7383d60c92e258c2f";
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license = licenses.mit;
maintainers = [ maintainers.zeratax ];
xyz.local-history = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "local-history";
publisher = "xyz";
version = "1.8.1";
sha256 = "1mfmnbdv76nvwg4xs3rgsqbxk8hw9zr1b61har9c3pbk9r4cay7v";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
yzhang.markdown-all-in-one = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
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name = "markdown-all-in-one";
publisher = "yzhang";
version = "3.4.0";
sha256 = "0ihfrsg2sc8d441a2lkc453zbw1jcpadmmkbkaf42x9b9cipd5qb";
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zhuangtongfa.material-theme = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "material-theme";
publisher = "zhuangtongfa";
version = "3.9.12";
sha256 = "017h9hxplf2rhmlhn3vag0wypcx6gxi7p9fgllj5jzwrl2wsjl0g";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
llvm-org.lldb-vscode = llvmPackages_8.lldb;
WakaTime.vscode-wakatime = callPackage ./wakatime { };
wholroyd.jinja = buildVscodeMarketplaceExtension {
mktplcRef = {
name = "jinja";
publisher = "wholroyd";
version = "0.0.8";
sha256 = "1ln9gly5bb7nvbziilnay4q448h9npdh7sd9xy277122h0qawkci";
meta = {
license = lib.licenses.mit;
aliases = self: super: {
# aliases
ms-vscode = lib.recursiveUpdate super.ms-vscode { inherit (super.golang) Go; };
# TODO: add overrides overlay, so that we can have a generated.nix
# then apply extension specific modifcations to packages.
# overlays will be applied left to right, overrides should come after aliases.
overlays = lib.optionals (config.allowAliases or true) [ aliases ];
toFix = lib.foldl' (lib.flip lib.extends) baseExtensions overlays;
lib.fix toFix