mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 23:31:34 +00:00
On aarch64 ipp is not available but the derivation still tries to download it leading to an error that the platform is not supported. There is already an option to enable ipp which is disabled by default. So the sensitive thing to do is to only download the ippicv package if the option is enabled. This makes opencv3 build on aarch64.
269 lines
9.3 KiB
269 lines
9.3 KiB
{ lib, stdenv
, fetchurl, fetchFromGitHub, fetchpatch
, cmake, pkgconfig, unzip, zlib, pcre, hdf5
, glog, boost, google-gflags, protobuf
, config
, enableJPEG ? true, libjpeg
, enablePNG ? true, libpng
, enableTIFF ? true, libtiff
, enableWebP ? true, libwebp
, enableEXR ? (!stdenv.isDarwin), openexr, ilmbase
, enableJPEG2K ? true, jasper
, enableEigen ? true, eigen
, enableOpenblas ? true, openblas
, enableContrib ? true
, enableCuda ? (config.cudaSupport or false), cudatoolkit
, enableUnfree ? false
, enableIpp ? false
, enablePython ? false, pythonPackages
, enableGtk2 ? false, gtk2
, enableGtk3 ? false, gtk3
, enableVtk ? false, vtk
, enableFfmpeg ? false, ffmpeg
, enableGStreamer ? false, gst_all_1
, enableTesseract ? false, tesseract, leptonica
, enableTbb ? false, tbb
, enableOvis ? false, ogre
, enableGPhoto2 ? false, libgphoto2
, enableDC1394 ? false, libdc1394
, enableDocs ? false, doxygen, graphviz-nox
, AVFoundation, Cocoa, QTKit, VideoDecodeAcceleration, bzip2
version = "3.4.1";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "opencv";
repo = "opencv";
rev = version;
sha256 = "08yahgf427d2qbs2mw02xww6bv5yjkfc1hihihh7fhqgfz0jnj1h";
contribSrc = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "opencv";
repo = "opencv_contrib";
rev = version;
sha256 = "00x1x53qv2pnc7i56244b5nf44wm2mp77hj486i5697r6hikk8n3";
# Contrib must be built in order to enable Tesseract support:
buildContrib = enableContrib || enableTesseract;
# See opencv/3rdparty/ippicv/ippicv.cmake
ippicv = {
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "opencv";
repo = "opencv_3rdparty";
rev = "dfe3162c237af211e98b8960018b564bc209261d";
sha256 = "1k5xiwdi5r2y3fs5g70lpknxqi4pj32w6l311gfwng3q1cb2crif";
} + "/ippicv";
files = let name = platform : "ippicv_2017u3_${platform}_general_20170822.tgz"; in
if stdenv.system == "x86_64-linux" then
{ ${name "lnx_intel64"} = "4e0352ce96473837b1d671ce87f17359"; }
else if stdenv.system == "i686-linux" then
{ ${name "lnx_ia32"} = "dcdb0ba4b123f240596db1840cd59a76"; }
else if stdenv.system == "x86_64-darwin" then
{ ${name "mac_intel64"} = "c1ebb5dfa5b7f54b0c44e1917805a463"; }
throw "ICV is not available for this platform (or not yet supported by this package)";
dst = ".cache/ippicv";
# See opencv_contrib/modules/xfeatures2d/cmake/download_vgg.cmake
vgg = {
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "opencv";
repo = "opencv_3rdparty";
rev = "fccf7cd6a4b12079f73bbfb21745f9babcd4eb1d";
sha256 = "0r9fam8dplyqqsd3qgpnnfgf9l7lj44di19rxwbm8mxiw0rlcdvy";
files = {
"vgg_generated_48.i" = "e8d0dcd54d1bcfdc29203d011a797179";
"vgg_generated_64.i" = "7126a5d9a8884ebca5aea5d63d677225";
"vgg_generated_80.i" = "7cd47228edec52b6d82f46511af325c5";
"vgg_generated_120.i" = "151805e03568c9f490a5e3a872777b75";
dst = ".cache/xfeatures2d/vgg";
# See opencv_contrib/modules/xfeatures2d/cmake/download_boostdesc.cmake
boostdesc = {
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "opencv";
repo = "opencv_3rdparty";
rev = "34e4206aef44d50e6bbcd0ab06354b52e7466d26";
sha256 = "13yig1xhvgghvxspxmdidss5lqiikpjr0ddm83jsi0k85j92sn62";
files = {
"boostdesc_bgm.i" = "0ea90e7a8f3f7876d450e4149c97c74f";
"boostdesc_bgm_bi.i" = "232c966b13651bd0e46a1497b0852191";
"boostdesc_bgm_hd.i" = "324426a24fa56ad9c5b8e3e0b3e5303e";
"boostdesc_binboost_064.i" = "202e1b3e9fec871b04da31f7f016679f";
"boostdesc_binboost_128.i" = "98ea99d399965c03d555cef3ea502a0b";
"boostdesc_binboost_256.i" = "e6dcfa9f647779eb1ce446a8d759b6ea";
"boostdesc_lbgm.i" = "0ae0675534aa318d9668f2a179c2a052";
dst = ".cache/xfeatures2d/boostdesc";
# See opencv_contrib/modules/face/CMakeLists.txt
face = {
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "opencv";
repo = "opencv_3rdparty";
rev = "8afa57abc8229d611c4937165d20e2a2d9fc5a12";
sha256 = "061lsvqdidq9xa2hwrcvwi9ixflr2c2lfpc8drr159g68zi8bp4v";
files = {
"face_landmark_model.dat" = "7505c44ca4eb54b4ab1e4777cb96ac05";
dst = ".cache/data";
# See opencv/cmake/OpenCVDownload.cmake
installExtraFiles = extra : with lib; ''
mkdir -p "${extra.dst}"
'' + concatStrings (mapAttrsToList (name : md5 : ''
ln -s "${extra.src}/${name}" "${extra.dst}/${md5}-${name}"
'') extra.files);
# See opencv_contrib/modules/dnn_modern/CMakeLists.txt
tinyDnn = rec {
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/tiny-dnn/tiny-dnn/archive/${name}";
sha256 = "12x1b984cn0psn6kz1fy75zljgzqvkdyjy8i292adfnyqpl1rip2";
name = "v1.0.0a3.tar.gz";
md5 = "adb1c512e09ca2c7a6faef36f9c53e59";
dst = ".cache/tiny_dnn";
opencvFlag = name: enabled: "-DWITH_${name}=${printEnabled enabled}";
printEnabled = enabled : if enabled then "ON" else "OFF";
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "opencv-${version}";
inherit version src;
postUnpack = lib.optionalString buildContrib ''
cp --no-preserve=mode -r "${contribSrc}/modules" "$NIX_BUILD_TOP/opencv_contrib"
# This prevents cmake from using libraries in impure paths (which
# causes build failure on non NixOS)
# Also, work around https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/26304 with
# what appears to be some stray headers in dnn/misc/tensorflow
# in contrib when generating the Python bindings:
postPatch = ''
sed -i '/Add these standard paths to the search paths for FIND_LIBRARY/,/^\s*$/{d}' CMakeLists.txt
sed -i -e 's|if len(decls) == 0:|if len(decls) == 0 or "opencv2/" not in hdr:|' ./modules/python/src2/gen2.py
preConfigure =
lib.optionalString enableIpp (installExtraFiles ippicv) + (
lib.optionalString buildContrib ''
${installExtraFiles vgg}
${installExtraFiles boostdesc}
${installExtraFiles face}
mkdir -p "${tinyDnn.dst}"
ln -s "${tinyDnn.src}" "${tinyDnn.dst}/${tinyDnn.md5}-${tinyDnn.name}"
buildInputs =
[ zlib pcre hdf5 glog boost google-gflags protobuf ]
++ lib.optional enablePython pythonPackages.python
++ lib.optional enableGtk2 gtk2
++ lib.optional enableGtk3 gtk3
++ lib.optional enableVtk vtk
++ lib.optional enableJPEG libjpeg
++ lib.optional enablePNG libpng
++ lib.optional enableTIFF libtiff
++ lib.optional enableWebP libwebp
++ lib.optionals enableEXR [ openexr ilmbase ]
++ lib.optional enableJPEG2K jasper
++ lib.optional enableFfmpeg ffmpeg
++ lib.optionals (enableFfmpeg && stdenv.isDarwin)
[ VideoDecodeAcceleration bzip2 ]
++ lib.optionals enableGStreamer (with gst_all_1; [ gstreamer gst-plugins-base ])
++ lib.optional enableOvis ogre
++ lib.optional enableGPhoto2 libgphoto2
++ lib.optional enableDC1394 libdc1394
++ lib.optional enableEigen eigen
++ lib.optional enableOpenblas openblas
# There is seemingly no compile-time flag for Tesseract. It's
# simply enabled automatically if contrib is built, and it detects
# tesseract & leptonica.
++ lib.optionals enableTesseract [ tesseract leptonica ]
++ lib.optional enableTbb tbb
++ lib.optional enableCuda cudatoolkit
++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ AVFoundation Cocoa QTKit VideoDecodeAcceleration bzip2 ]
++ lib.optionals enableDocs [ doxygen graphviz-nox ];
propagatedBuildInputs = lib.optional enablePython pythonPackages.numpy;
nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake pkgconfig unzip ];
NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = lib.optional enableEXR "-I${ilmbase.dev}/include/OpenEXR";
# Configure can't find the library without this.
OpenBLAS_HOME = lib.optionalString enableOpenblas openblas;
cmakeFlags = [
"-DOPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE=${printEnabled enableUnfree}"
"-DBUILD_DOCS=${printEnabled enableDocs}"
(opencvFlag "IPP" enableIpp)
(opencvFlag "TIFF" enableTIFF)
(opencvFlag "JASPER" enableJPEG2K)
(opencvFlag "WEBP" enableWebP)
(opencvFlag "JPEG" enableJPEG)
(opencvFlag "PNG" enablePNG)
(opencvFlag "OPENEXR" enableEXR)
(opencvFlag "CUDA" enableCuda)
(opencvFlag "CUBLAS" enableCuda)
(opencvFlag "TBB" enableTbb)
] ++ lib.optionals enableCuda [
] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [
# On OS X the tiny-dnn-1.0.0a3 dependency of dnn_modern fails to build.
enableParallelBuilding = true;
postBuild = lib.optionalString enableDocs ''
make doxygen
hardeningDisable = [ "bindnow" "relro" ];
passthru = lib.optionalAttrs enablePython { pythonPath = []; };
meta = {
description = "Open Computer Vision Library with more than 500 algorithms";
homepage = https://opencv.org/;
license = with stdenv.lib.licenses; if enableUnfree then unfree else bsd3;
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [viric mdaiter basvandijk];
platforms = with stdenv.lib.platforms; linux ++ darwin;