mirror of
synced 2024-11-18 03:30:45 +00:00
Rename androidPkgs_9_0 to androidPkgs, and treat it more like a "full" androidenv package.
399 lines
14 KiB
399 lines
14 KiB
{ callPackage, stdenv, lib, fetchurl, ruby, writeText
, licenseAccepted ? false
{ cmdLineToolsVersion ? "13.0"
, toolsVersion ? "26.1.1"
, platformToolsVersion ? "35.0.1"
, buildToolsVersions ? [ "34.0.0" ]
, includeEmulator ? false
, emulatorVersion ? "35.1.4"
, platformVersions ? []
, includeSources ? false
, includeSystemImages ? false
, systemImageTypes ? [ "google_apis" "google_apis_playstore" ]
, abiVersions ? [ "x86" "x86_64" "armeabi-v7a" "arm64-v8a" ]
, cmakeVersions ? [ ]
, includeNDK ? false
, ndkVersion ? "26.3.11579264"
, ndkVersions ? [ndkVersion]
, useGoogleAPIs ? false
, useGoogleTVAddOns ? false
, includeExtras ? []
, repoJson ? ./repo.json
, repoXmls ? null
, extraLicenses ? []
# Determine the Android os identifier from Nix's system identifier
os = if stdenv.isLinux then "linux"
else if stdenv.isDarwin then "macosx"
else throw "No Android SDK tarballs are available for system architecture: ${stdenv.system}";
# Uses mkrepo.rb to create a repo spec.
mkRepoJson = { packages ? [], images ? [], addons ? [] }: let
mkRepoRuby = (ruby.withPackages (pkgs: with pkgs; [ slop nokogiri ]));
mkRepoRubyArguments = lib.lists.flatten [
(builtins.map (package: ["--packages" "${package}"]) packages)
(builtins.map (image: ["--images" "${image}"]) images)
(builtins.map (addon: ["--addons" "${addon}"]) addons)
stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "androidenv-repo-json";
buildInputs = [ mkRepoRuby ];
preferLocalBuild = true;
unpackPhase = "true";
buildPhase = ''
ruby ${./mkrepo.rb} ${lib.escapeShellArgs mkRepoRubyArguments} > repo.json
installPhase = ''
mv repo.json $out
# Reads the repo JSON. If repoXmls is provided, will build a repo JSON into the Nix store.
repo = if repoXmls != null then
repoXmlSpec = {
packages = repoXmls.packages or [];
images = repoXmls.images or [];
addons = repoXmls.addons or [];
lib.importJSON "${mkRepoJson repoXmlSpec}"
lib.importJSON repoJson;
# Converts all 'archives' keys in a repo spec to fetchurl calls.
fetchArchives = attrSet:
(path: value:
if (builtins.elemAt path ((builtins.length path) - 1)) == "archives" then
(archive: lib.attrsets.nameValuePair archive.os (fetchurl { inherit (archive) url sha1; })) value))
else value
# Converts the repo attrset into fetch calls
packages = fetchArchives repo.packages;
system-images-packages = fetchArchives repo.images;
addons = {
addons = fetchArchives repo.addons;
extras = fetchArchives repo.extras;
# Converts a license name to a list of license texts.
mkLicenses = licenseName: repo.licenses.${licenseName};
# Converts a list of license names to a flattened list of license texts.
# Just used for displaying licenses.
mkLicenseTexts = licenseNames:
(licenseText: "--- ${licenseName} ---\n${licenseText}")
(mkLicenses licenseName))
# Converts a license name to a list of license hashes.
mkLicenseHashes = licenseName:
(licenseText: builtins.hashString "sha1" licenseText)
(mkLicenses licenseName);
# The list of all license names we're accepting. Put android-sdk-license there
# by default.
licenseNames = lib.lists.unique ([
] ++ extraLicenses);
rec {
deployAndroidPackages = callPackage ./deploy-androidpackages.nix {
inherit stdenv lib mkLicenses;
deployAndroidPackage = ({package, os ? null, buildInputs ? [], patchInstructions ? "", meta ? {}, ...}@args:
extraParams = removeAttrs args [ "package" "os" "buildInputs" "patchInstructions" ];
deployAndroidPackages ({
inherit os buildInputs meta;
packages = [ package ];
patchesInstructions = { "${package.name}" = patchInstructions; };
} // extraParams
# put a much nicer error message that includes the available options.
check-version = packages: package: version:
if lib.hasAttrByPath [ package version ] packages then
throw ''
The version ${version} is missing in package ${package}.
The only available versions are ${builtins.concatStringsSep ", " (builtins.attrNames packages.${package})}.
platform-tools = callPackage ./platform-tools.nix {
inherit deployAndroidPackage;
os = if stdenv.system == "aarch64-darwin" then "macosx" else os; # "macosx" is a universal binary here
package = check-version packages "platform-tools" platformToolsVersion;
tools = callPackage ./tools.nix {
inherit deployAndroidPackage os;
package = check-version packages "tools" toolsVersion;
postInstall = ''
${linkPlugin { name = "platform-tools"; plugin = platform-tools; }}
${linkPlugin { name = "patcher"; plugin = patcher; }}
${linkPlugin { name = "emulator"; plugin = emulator; check = includeEmulator; }}
patcher = callPackage ./patcher.nix {
inherit deployAndroidPackage os;
package = packages.patcher."1";
build-tools = map (version:
callPackage ./build-tools.nix {
inherit deployAndroidPackage os;
package = check-version packages "build-tools" version;
postInstall = ''
${linkPlugin { name = "tools"; plugin = tools; check = toolsVersion != null; }}
) buildToolsVersions;
emulator = lib.optionals includeEmulator (callPackage ./emulator.nix {
inherit deployAndroidPackage os;
package = check-version packages "emulator" emulatorVersion;
postInstall = ''
${linkSystemImages { images = system-images; check = includeSystemImages; }}
platforms = map (version:
deployAndroidPackage {
inherit os;
package = check-version packages "platforms" version;
) platformVersions;
sources = map (version:
deployAndroidPackage {
inherit os;
package = check-version packages "sources" version;
) platformVersions;
system-images = lib.flatten (map (apiVersion:
map (type:
# Deploy all system images with the same systemImageType in one derivation to avoid the `null` problem below
# with avdmanager when trying to create an avd!
# ```
# $ yes "" | avdmanager create avd --force --name testAVD --package 'system-images;android-33;google_apis;x86_64'
# Error: Package path is not valid. Valid system image paths are:
# null
# ```
availablePackages = map (abiVersion:
) (builtins.filter (abiVersion:
lib.hasAttrByPath [apiVersion type abiVersion] system-images-packages
) abiVersions);
instructions = builtins.listToAttrs (map (package: {
name = package.name;
value = lib.optionalString (lib.hasPrefix "google_apis" type) ''
# Patch 'google_apis' system images so they're recognized by the sdk.
# Without this, `android list targets` shows 'Tag/ABIs : no ABIs' instead
# of 'Tag/ABIs : google_apis*/*' and the emulator fails with an ABI-related error.
sed -i '/^Addon.Vendor/d' source.properties
}) availablePackages
lib.optionals (availablePackages != [])
(deployAndroidPackages {
inherit os;
packages = availablePackages;
patchesInstructions = instructions;
) systemImageTypes
) platformVersions);
cmake = map (version:
callPackage ./cmake.nix {
inherit deployAndroidPackage os;
package = check-version packages "cmake" version;
) cmakeVersions;
# Creates a NDK bundle.
makeNdkBundle = ndkVersion:
callPackage ./ndk-bundle {
inherit deployAndroidPackage os platform-tools;
package = packages.ndk-bundle.${ndkVersion} or packages.ndk.${ndkVersion};
# All NDK bundles.
ndk-bundles = lib.optionals includeNDK (map makeNdkBundle ndkVersions);
# The "default" NDK bundle.
ndk-bundle = if includeNDK then lib.findFirst (x: x != null) null ndk-bundles else null;
google-apis = map (version:
deployAndroidPackage {
inherit os;
package = (check-version addons "addons" version).google_apis;
) (builtins.filter (platformVersion: platformVersion < "26") platformVersions); # API level 26 and higher include Google APIs by default
google-tv-addons = map (version:
deployAndroidPackage {
inherit os;
package = (check-version addons "addons" version).google_tv_addon;
) platformVersions;
# Function that automatically links all plugins for which multiple versions can coexist
linkPlugins = {name, plugins}:
lib.optionalString (plugins != []) ''
mkdir -p ${name}
${lib.concatMapStrings (plugin: ''
ln -s ${plugin}/libexec/android-sdk/${name}/* ${name}
'') plugins}
# Function that automatically links all NDK plugins.
linkNdkPlugins = {name, plugins, rootName ? name}:
lib.optionalString (plugins != []) ''
mkdir -p ${rootName}
${lib.concatMapStrings (plugin: ''
ln -s ${plugin}/libexec/android-sdk/${name} ${rootName}/${plugin.version}
'') plugins}
# Function that automatically links the default NDK plugin.
linkNdkPlugin = {name, plugin, check}:
lib.optionalString check ''
ln -s ${plugin}/libexec/android-sdk/${name} ${name}
# Function that automatically links a plugin for which only one version exists
linkPlugin = {name, plugin, check ? true}:
lib.optionalString check ''
ln -s ${plugin}/libexec/android-sdk/${name} ${name}
linkSystemImages = { images, check }: lib.optionalString check ''
mkdir -p system-images
${lib.concatMapStrings (system-image: ''
apiVersion=$(basename $(echo ${system-image}/libexec/android-sdk/system-images/*))
type=$(basename $(echo ${system-image}/libexec/android-sdk/system-images/*/*))
mkdir -p system-images/$apiVersion
ln -s ${system-image}/libexec/android-sdk/system-images/$apiVersion/$type system-images/$apiVersion/$type
'') images}
# Links all plugins related to a requested platform
linkPlatformPlugins = {name, plugins, check}:
lib.optionalString check ''
mkdir -p ${name}
${lib.concatMapStrings (plugin: ''
ln -s ${plugin}/libexec/android-sdk/${name}/* ${name}
'') plugins}
''; # */
cmdline-tools-package = check-version packages "cmdline-tools" cmdLineToolsVersion;
# This derivation deploys the tools package and symlinks all the desired
# plugins that we want to use. If the license isn't accepted, prints all the licenses
# requested and throws.
androidsdk = if !licenseAccepted then throw ''
${builtins.concatStringsSep "\n\n" (mkLicenseTexts licenseNames)}
You must accept the following licenses:
${lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (str: " - ${str}") licenseNames}
by setting nixpkgs config option 'android_sdk.accept_license = true;'.
by an environment variable for a single invocation of the nix tools.
'' else callPackage ./cmdline-tools.nix {
inherit deployAndroidPackage os;
package = cmdline-tools-package;
postInstall = ''
# Symlink all requested plugins
${linkPlugin { name = "platform-tools"; plugin = platform-tools; }}
${linkPlugin { name = "tools"; plugin = tools; check = toolsVersion != null; }}
${linkPlugin { name = "patcher"; plugin = patcher; }}
${linkPlugins { name = "build-tools"; plugins = build-tools; }}
${linkPlugin { name = "emulator"; plugin = emulator; check = includeEmulator; }}
${linkPlugins { name = "platforms"; plugins = platforms; }}
${linkPlatformPlugins { name = "sources"; plugins = sources; check = includeSources; }}
${linkPlugins { name = "cmake"; plugins = cmake; }}
${linkNdkPlugins { name = "ndk-bundle"; rootName = "ndk"; plugins = ndk-bundles; }}
${linkNdkPlugin { name = "ndk-bundle"; plugin = ndk-bundle; check = includeNDK; }}
${linkSystemImages { images = system-images; check = includeSystemImages; }}
${linkPlatformPlugins { name = "add-ons"; plugins = google-apis; check = useGoogleAPIs; }}
${linkPlatformPlugins { name = "add-ons"; plugins = google-apis; check = useGoogleTVAddOns; }}
# Link extras
${lib.concatMapStrings (identifier:
path = addons.extras.${identifier}.path;
addon = deployAndroidPackage {
inherit os;
package = addons.extras.${identifier};
targetDir=$(dirname ${path})
mkdir -p $targetDir
ln -s ${addon}/libexec/android-sdk/${path} $targetDir
'') includeExtras}
# Expose common executables in bin/
mkdir -p $out/bin
for i in ${platform-tools}/bin/*; do
ln -s $i $out/bin
${lib.optionalString includeEmulator ''
for i in ${emulator}/bin/*; do
ln -s $i $out/bin
find $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/${cmdline-tools-package.path}/bin -type f -executable | while read i; do
ln -s $i $out/bin
# Write licenses
mkdir -p licenses
${lib.concatMapStrings (licenseName:
licenseHashes = builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (mkLicenseHashes licenseName);
licenseHashFile = writeText "androidenv-${licenseName}" licenseHashes;
ln -s ${licenseHashFile} licenses/${licenseName}
'') licenseNames}