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Maximilian Bosch 48459567ae nixos/postgresql: drop ensurePermissions, fix ensureUsers for postgresql15
Closes #216989

First of all, a bit of context: in PostgreSQL, newly created users don't
have the CREATE privilege on the public schema of a database even with
`ALL PRIVILEGES` granted via `ensurePermissions` which is how most of
the DB users are currently set up "declaratively"[1]. This means e.g. a
freshly deployed Nextcloud service will break early because Nextcloud
itself cannot CREATE any tables in the public schema anymore.

The other issue here is that `ensurePermissions` is a mere hack. It's
effectively a mixture of SQL code (e.g. `DATABASE foo` is relying on how
a value is substituted in a query. You'd have to parse a subset of SQL
to actually know which object are permissions granted to for a user).

After analyzing the existing modules I realized that in every case with
a single exception[2] the UNIX system user is equal to the db user is
equal to the db name and I don't see a compelling reason why people
would change that in 99% of the cases. In fact, some modules would even
break if you'd change that because the declarations of the system user &
the db user are mixed up[3].

So I decided to go with something new which restricts the ways to use
`ensure*` options rather than expanding those[4]. Effectively this means

* The DB user _must_ be equal to the DB name.
* Permissions are granted via `ensureDBOwnerhip` for an attribute-set in
  `ensureUsers`. That way, the user is actually the owner and can
  perform `CREATE`.
* For such a postgres user, a database must be declared in

For anything else, a custom state management should be implemented. This
can either be `initialScript`, doing it manual, outside of the module or
by implementing proper state management for postgresql[5], but the
current state of `ensure*` isn't even declarative, but a convergent tool
which is what Nix actually claims to _not_ do.

Regarding existing setups: there are effectively two options:

* Leave everything as-is (assuming that system user == db user == db
  name): then the DB user will automatically become the DB owner and
  everything else stays the same.

* Drop the `createDatabase = true;` declarations: nothing will change
  because a removal of `ensure*` statements is ignored, so it doesn't
  matter at all whether this option is kept after the first deploy (and
  later on you'd usually restore from backups anyways).

  The DB user isn't the owner of the DB then, but for an existing setup
  this is irrelevant because CREATE on the public schema isn't revoked
  from existing users (only not granted for new users).

[1] not really declarative though because removals of these statements
    are simply ignored for instance: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/206467
[2] `services.invidious`: I removed the `ensure*` part temporarily
    because it IMHO falls into the category "manage the state on your
    own" (see the commit message). See also
[3] e.g. roundcube had `"DATABASE ${cfg.database.username}" = "ALL PRIVILEGES";`
[4] As opposed to other changes that are considered a potential fix, but
    also add more things like collation for DBs or passwords that are
    _never_ touched again when changing those.
[5] As suggested in e.g. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/206467
2023-11-13 17:16:25 +01:00

383 lines
12 KiB

# SFTPGo NixOS test
# This NixOS test sets up a basic test scenario for the SFTPGo module
# and covers the following scenarios:
# - uploading a file via sftp
# - downloading the file over sftp
# - assert that the ACLs are respected
# - share a file between alice and bob (using sftp)
# - assert that eve cannot acceess the shared folder between alice and bob.
# Additional test coverage for the remaining protocols (i.e. ftp, http and webdav)
# would be a nice to have for the future.
{ pkgs, lib, ... }:
inherit (import ./ssh-keys.nix pkgs) snakeOilPrivateKey snakeOilPublicKey;
# Returns an attributeset of users who are not system users.
normalUsers = config:
lib.filterAttrs (name: user: user.isNormalUser) config.users.users;
# Returns true if a user is a member of the given group
isMemberOf =
# str
# users.users attrset
lib.any (x: x == user.name) config.users.groups.${groupName}.members;
# Generates a valid SFTPGo user configuration for a given user
# Will be converted to JSON and loaded on application startup.
generateUserAttrSet =
# attrset returned by config.users.users.<username>
user: {
# 0: user is disabled, login is not allowed
# 1: user is enabled
status = 1;
username = user.name;
password = ""; # disables password authentication
public_keys = user.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys;
email = "${user.name}@example.com";
# User home directory on the local filesystem
home_dir = "${config.services.sftpgo.dataDir}/users/${user.name}";
# Defines a mapping between virtual SFTPGo paths and filesystem paths outside the user home directory.
# Supported for local filesystem only. If one or more of the specified folders are not
# inside the dataprovider they will be automatically created.
# You have to create the folder on the filesystem yourself
virtual_folders =
lib.optional (isMemberOf config sharedFolderName user) {
name = sharedFolderName;
mapped_path = "${config.services.sftpgo.dataDir}/${sharedFolderName}";
virtual_path = "/${sharedFolderName}";
# Defines the ACL on the virtual filesystem
permissions =
lib.recursiveUpdate {
"/" = [ "list" ]; # read-only top level directory
"/private" = [ "*" ]; # private subdirectory, not shared with others
} (lib.optionalAttrs (isMemberOf config "shared" user) {
"/shared" = [ "*" ];
filters = {
allowed_ip = [];
denied_ip = [];
web_client = [
upload_bandwidth = 0; # unlimited
download_bandwidth = 0; # unlimited
expiration_date = 0; # means no expiration
max_sessions = 0;
quota_size = 0;
quota_files = 0;
# Generates a json file containing a static configuration
# of users and folders to import to SFTPGo.
loadDataJson = config: pkgs.writeText "users-and-folders.json" (builtins.toJSON {
users =
lib.mapAttrsToList (name: user: generateUserAttrSet config user) (normalUsers config);
folders = [
name = sharedFolderName;
description = "shared folder";
# 0: local filesystem
# 1: AWS S3 compatible
# 2: Google Cloud Storage
filesystem.provider = 0;
# Mapped path on the local filesystem
mapped_path = "${config.services.sftpgo.dataDir}/${sharedFolderName}";
# All users in the matching group gain access
users = config.users.groups.${sharedFolderName}.members;
# Generated Host Key for connecting to SFTPGo's sftp subsystem.
snakeOilHostKey = pkgs.writeText "sftpgo_ed25519_host_key" ''
adminUsername = "admin";
adminPassword = "secretadminpassword";
aliceUsername = "alice";
alicePassword = "secretalicepassword";
bobUsername = "bob";
bobPassword = "secretbobpassword";
eveUsername = "eve";
evePassword = "secretevepassword";
sharedFolderName = "shared";
# A file for testing uploading via SFTP
testFile = pkgs.writeText "test.txt" "hello world";
sharedFile = pkgs.writeText "shared.txt" "shared content";
# Define the for exposing SFTP
sftpPort = 2022;
# Define the for exposing HTTP
httpPort = 8080;
name = "sftpgo";
meta.maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ yayayayaka ];
nodes = {
server = { nodes, ... }: {
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ sftpPort httpPort ];
# nodes.server.configure postgresql database
services.postgresql = {
enable = true;
ensureDatabases = [ "sftpgo" ];
ensureUsers = [{
name = "sftpgo";
ensureDBOwnership = true;
services.sftpgo = {
enable = true;
loadDataFile = (loadDataJson nodes.server);
settings = {
data_provider = {
driver = "postgresql";
name = "sftpgo";
username = "sftpgo";
host = "/run/postgresql";
port = 5432;
# Enables the possibility to create an initial admin user on first startup.
create_default_admin = true;
httpd.bindings = [
address = ""; # listen on all interfaces
port = httpPort;
enable_https = false;
enable_web_client = true;
enable_web_admin = true;
# Enable sftpd
sftpd = {
bindings = [{
address = ""; # listen on all interfaces
port = sftpPort;
host_keys = [ snakeOilHostKey ];
password_authentication = false;
keyboard_interactive_authentication = false;
systemd.services.sftpgo = {
after = [ "postgresql.service"];
environment = {
# Update existing users
# This will end up in cleartext in the systemd service.
# Don't use this approach in production!
# Sets up the folder hierarchy on the local filesystem
systemd.tmpfiles.rules =
sftpgoUser = nodes.server.services.sftpgo.user;
sftpgoGroup = nodes.server.services.sftpgo.group;
statePath = nodes.server.services.sftpgo.dataDir;
in [
# Create state directory
"d ${statePath} 0750 ${sftpgoUser} ${sftpgoGroup} -"
"d ${statePath}/users 0750 ${sftpgoUser} ${sftpgoGroup} -"
# Created shared folder directories
"d ${statePath}/${sharedFolderName} 2770 ${sftpgoUser} ${sharedFolderName} -"
++ lib.mapAttrsToList (name: user:
# Create private user directories
d ${statePath}/users/${user.name} 0700 ${sftpgoUser} ${sftpgoGroup} -
d ${statePath}/users/${user.name}/private 0700 ${sftpgoUser} ${sftpgoGroup} -
) (normalUsers nodes.server);
users.users =
commonAttrs = {
isNormalUser = true;
openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ snakeOilPublicKey ];
in {
# SFTPGo admin user
admin = commonAttrs // {
password = adminPassword;
# Alice and bob share folders with each other
alice = commonAttrs // {
password = alicePassword;
extraGroups = [ sharedFolderName ];
bob = commonAttrs // {
password = bobPassword;
extraGroups = [ sharedFolderName ];
# Eve has no shared folders
eve = commonAttrs // {
password = evePassword;
users.groups.${sharedFolderName} = {};
specialisation = {
# A specialisation for asserting that SFTPGo can bind to privileged ports.
privilegedPorts.configuration = { ... }: {
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 22 80 ];
services.sftpgo = {
settings = {
sftpd.bindings = lib.mkForce [{
address = "";
port = 22;
httpd.bindings = lib.mkForce [{
address = "";
port = 80;
client = { nodes, ... }: {
# Add the SFTPGo host key to the global known_hosts file
programs.ssh.knownHosts =
commonAttrs = {
publicKey = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIE61C7pTXfnLG2u9So+ijNTKaSOg009UrquqNL3fpEu1";
in {
"server" = commonAttrs;
"[server]:2022" = commonAttrs;
testScript = { nodes, ... }: let
# A function to generate test cases for wheter
# a specified username is expected to access the shared folder.
accessSharedFoldersSubtest =
{ # The username to run as
# Whether the tests are expected to succeed or not
, shouldSucceed ? true
}: ''
with subtest("Test whether ${username} can access shared folders"):
client.${if shouldSucceed then "succeed" else "fail"}("sftp -P ${toString sftpPort} -b ${
pkgs.writeText "${username}-ls-${sharedFolderName}" ''
ls ${sharedFolderName}
} ${username}@server")
statePath = nodes.server.services.sftpgo.dataDir;
in ''
with subtest("web client"):
client.wait_until_succeeds("curl -sSf http://server:${toString httpPort}/web/client/login")
# Ensure sftpgo found the static folder
client.wait_until_succeeds("curl -o /dev/null -sSf http://server:${toString httpPort}/static/favicon.ico")
with subtest("Setup SSH keys"):
client.succeed("mkdir -m 700 /root/.ssh")
client.succeed("cat ${snakeOilPrivateKey} > /root/.ssh/id_ecdsa")
client.succeed("chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_ecdsa")
with subtest("Copy a file over sftp"):
client.wait_until_succeeds("scp -P ${toString sftpPort} ${toString testFile} alice@server:/private/${testFile.name}")
server.succeed("test -s ${statePath}/users/alice/private/${testFile.name}")
# The configured ACL should prevent uploading files to the root directory
client.fail("scp -P ${toString sftpPort} ${toString testFile} alice@server:/")
with subtest("Attempting an interactive SSH sessions must fail"):
client.fail("ssh -p ${toString sftpPort} alice@server")
${accessSharedFoldersSubtest {
username = "alice";
shouldSucceed = true;
${accessSharedFoldersSubtest {
username = "bob";
shouldSucceed = true;
${accessSharedFoldersSubtest {
username = "eve";
shouldSucceed = false;
with subtest("Test sharing files"):
# Alice uploads a file to shared folder
client.succeed("scp -P ${toString sftpPort} ${toString sharedFile} alice@server:/${sharedFolderName}/${sharedFile.name}")
server.succeed("test -s ${statePath}/${sharedFolderName}/${sharedFile.name}")
# Bob downloads the file from shared folder
client.succeed("scp -P ${toString sftpPort} bob@server:/shared/${sharedFile.name} ${sharedFile.name}")
client.succeed("test -s ${sharedFile.name}")
# Eve should not get the file from shared folder
client.fail("scp -P ${toString sftpPort} eve@server:/shared/${sharedFile.name}")
server.succeed("/run/current-system/specialisation/privilegedPorts/bin/switch-to-configuration test")
client.wait_until_succeeds("sftp -P 22 -b ${pkgs.writeText "get-hello-world.txt" ''
get /private/${testFile.name}
''} alice@server")