Fork 1
mirror of https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs.git synced 2025-03-04 22:28:13 +00:00
Mart Kolthof 0f19802139 Forgot to patch the config file to point to the right binaries.
svn path=/nixpkgs/trunk/; revision=8256
2007-03-08 14:06:56 +00:00

601 lines
27 KiB

diff -urN cil-1.3.6-orig/bin/CilConfig.pm.in cil-1.3.6/bin/CilConfig.pm.in
--- cil-1.3.6-orig/bin/CilConfig.pm.in 2007-02-05 22:10:29.000000000 +0100
+++ cil-1.3.6/bin/CilConfig.pm.in 2007-03-08 15:02:06.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
$::archos = "@ARCHOS@";
$::cc = "@CC@";
-$::cilhome = "@CILHOME@";
+$::cilhome = "@prefix@";
$::default_mode = "@DEFAULT_CIL_MODE@";
diff -urN cil-1.3.6-orig/Makefile.in cil-1.3.6/Makefile.in
--- cil-1.3.6-orig/Makefile.in 2007-02-05 22:10:29.000000000 +0100
+++ cil-1.3.6/Makefile.in 2007-03-05 15:10:31.000000000 +0100
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
cfg liveness reachingdefs deadcodeelim availexps \
availexpslv predabst\
testcil \
+ atermprinter \
ciloptions feature_config
# ww: we don't want "main" in an external cil library (cil.cma),
@@ -626,6 +627,8 @@
prefix = @prefix@
exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
+bindir = @prefix@/bin
+objdir = @prefix@/$(OBJDIR)
datarootdir = @datarootdir@
libdir = @libdir@
pkglibdir = $(libdir)/cil
@@ -645,6 +648,11 @@
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(install_lib) $(DESTDIR)$(pkglibdir)
$(INSTALL) -d $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(addprefix lib/, $(filter %.pm, $(DISTRIB_LIB))) $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)
+ $(INSTALL) -d $(bindir)
+ $(INSTALL) -d $(objdir)
+ $(INSTALL) bin/* $(bindir)
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) lib/* $(bindir)
+ $(INSTALL) $(OBJDIR)/*.exe $(objdir)
cil.spec: cil.spec.in
./config.status $@
diff -urN cil-1.3.6-orig/ocamlutil/Makefile.ocaml cil-1.3.6/ocamlutil/Makefile.ocaml
--- cil-1.3.6-orig/ocamlutil/Makefile.ocaml 2007-02-05 22:10:29.000000000 +0100
+++ cil-1.3.6/ocamlutil/Makefile.ocaml 2007-03-05 15:14:01.000000000 +0100
@@ -192,20 +192,10 @@
# $(AT) - put this before shell commands which are to be executed,
# and also printed in style 2
# $(ECHO) - use in place of '@' for things not printed in either style
- # 'true' silently consumes its arguments, whereas 'echo' prints them
- NARRATIVE := true
- COMMAND := echo
- AT :=
- ECHO := @
- NARRATIVE := echo
- COMMAND := true
- # change these next two definitions to <empty> to echo everything,
- # or leave as @ to suppress echoing
- AT := @
- ECHO := @
+NARRATIVE := true
+COMMAND := echo
+AT :=
+ECHO := @
diff -urN cil-1.3.6-orig/src/ext/atermprinter.ml cil-1.3.6/src/ext/atermprinter.ml
--- cil-1.3.6-orig/src/ext/atermprinter.ml 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ cil-1.3.6/src/ext/atermprinter.ml 2007-03-05 16:48:08.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
+open Cil
+open Pretty
+open List
+open String
+open Printf
+module S = String
+module E = Errormsg
+module H = Hashtbl
+module IH = Inthash
+let outputfilename = ref "cil.aterm"
+let trace p = eprintf "%s" (p ^ "\n") ; flush stderr
+let invalidStmt = mkStmt (Instr [])
+let id = fun x -> x
+let compose f g x = (f (g x))
+let (@) = compose
+let pSpace = text " "
+let foldl1 op ls = match ls with
+ | (x::xs) -> fold_left op x xs
+ | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "foldl1 should not take an empty list")
+let pPacked d l r = l ++ d ++ r
+let pParens d = pPacked d (text "(") (text ")")
+let pBraced d = pPacked d (text "{") (text "}")
+let pSquared d = pPacked d (text "[") (text "]")
+let pSpaced d = pPacked d pSpace pSpace
+let pBool b = (pSpaced @ text @ S.capitalize @ string_of_bool) b
+let pInt64 i = text (Int64.to_string i)
+let pSeqSep sep xs = match xs with
+ | [] -> nil
+ | _ -> foldl1 (pPacked sep) xs
+let pCommaSep xs = pSeqSep (text ",") xs
+let pPair (a,b) = (pSpaced @ pParens @ pCommaSep) [a;b]
+let pTriplet (a,b,c) = (pSpaced @ pParens @ pCommaSep) [a;b;c]
+let pSemiColSep xs = pSeqSep (text ";") xs
+let pTriple f g h (a,b,c) = (f a, g b, h c)
+let pDouble f g (a,b) = (f a, g b)
+let pOption p m = match m with
+ | None -> text "None()"
+ | Some v -> text "Some" ++ pParens( p v )
+let pSpParens = pSpaced @ pParens
+let pQuoted str = pPacked (text(escaped str)) (text "\"") (text "\"")
+let pList = pSpaced @ pSquared @ pCommaSep
+let pRecord = pSpaced @ pBraced @ pCommaSep
+class atermPrinter : cilPrinter =
+object (self)
+ inherit defaultCilPrinterClass
+ (* printing variable declarations; just store the varinfo *)
+ method pVDecl () (vinfo:varinfo) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pVDecl"
+ ; self#pp_varinfo vinfo
+ (* printing variable uses; same as declarations; store the varinfo *)
+ method pVar (vinfo:varinfo) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pVar" ;
+ self#pp_varinfo vinfo
+ method pLval () ((lh, off):lval) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pLvalue" ;
+ text "Lvalue" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ self#pp_lhost lh ; self#pOffset nil off ]
+ (** we are not using the first argument which represents the base from which we are
+ offsetting, because we just want to generate a tree view of the CIL tree. For a tree view
+ this base case is not necessary **)
+ method pOffset (d:doc) (o:offset) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pOffset" ;
+ match o with
+ | NoOffset -> text "Offset_NoOffset() "
+ | Field (finfo, off) -> text "Offset_Field" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ (self#pFieldDecl ()) finfo ; self#pOffset nil off ]
+ | Index (e, off) -> text "Offset_Index" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ self#pExp () e ; self#pOffset nil off ]
+ (*** INSTRUCTIONS ***)
+ method pInstr () (i:instr) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pInstr" ;
+ match i with
+ | Set (lv,e,l) -> text "Set" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ self#pLval () lv ;
+ self#pExp () e ;
+ self#pp_location l ]
+ | Call (olv,e, elst, l) -> text "Call" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ pOption (self#pLval ()) olv ;
+ self#pExp () e ;
+ pList (map (self#pExp ()) elst) ;
+ self#pp_location l]
+ | Asm (attr, slst1, outs, ins, slst2, l) -> text "Asm" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ self#pAttrs () attr ;
+ (pList @ map pQuoted) slst1 ;
+ (pList @ ( map ( pTriplet
+ @ (pTriple (pOption (pQuoted)) (pQuoted) (self#pLval ()))
+ )
+ ) ) outs ;
+ (pList @ ( map ( pTriplet
+ @ (pTriple (pOption (pQuoted)) (pQuoted) (self#pExp ()))
+ )
+ ) ) ins ;
+ (pList @ map pQuoted) slst2 ;
+ self#pp_location l]
+ (* a statement itself is just a record of info about the statement
+ the different kinds of statements can be found at pStmtKind *)
+ method pStmt () (s:stmt) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pStmt" ;
+ self#pp_stmtinfo s
+ method dStmt (out:out_channel) (i:int) (s:stmt) : unit = fprint out i (self#pStmt () s)
+ (* a block is just a record of info about the block of interest.
+ the real block is a stmtkind (see pStmtKind) *)
+ method dBlock (out:out_channel) (i:int) (b:block) : unit = fprint out i (self#pBlock () b)
+ method pBlock () (b:block) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pBlock" ;
+ self#pp_blockinfo b
+ (*** GLOBALS ***)
+ method pGlobal () (g:global) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pGlobal" ; (* global (vars, types, etc.) *)
+ match g with
+ | GType (typ , l) -> text "GlobalType" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ self#pp_typeinfo typ ; self#pp_location l ]
+ | GCompTag (comp, l) -> text "GlobalCompTag" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ self#pp_compinfo comp ; self#pp_location l ]
+ | GCompTagDecl (comp, l) -> text "GlobalCompTagDecl" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ self#pp_compinfo comp ; self#pp_location l ]
+ | GEnumTag (enum, l) -> text "GlobalEnumTag" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ self#pp_enuminfo enum ; self#pp_location l ]
+ | GEnumTagDecl (enum, l) -> text "GlobalEnumTagDecl" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ self#pp_enuminfo enum ; self#pp_location l ]
+ | GVarDecl (vinf, l) -> text "GlobalVarDecl" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ self#pp_varinfo vinf ; self#pp_location l ]
+ | GVar (vinf, iinf, l) -> text "GlobalVar" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ self#pp_varinfo vinf ; self#pp_initinfo iinf ; self#pp_location l ]
+ | GFun (fdec, l) -> text "GlobalFun" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ self#pp_fundec fdec ; self#pp_location l ]
+ | GAsm (str , l) -> text "GlobalAsm" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ pQuoted str ; self#pp_location l ]
+ | GPragma (attr, l) -> text "GlobalPragma" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ (fun (doc1, bool1) -> doc1) (self#pAttr attr)
+ ; self#pp_location l
+ ]
+ | GText str -> text "GlobalText" ++ pParens( pQuoted str)
+ method dGlobal (out:out_channel) (g:global) : unit = fprint out 80 (self#pGlobal () g)
+ (* a fielddecl is just a record containing info about the decl *)
+ method pFieldDecl () : fieldinfo -> doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pFieldDecl" ;
+ self#pp_fieldinfo
+ (*** TYPES ***)
+ method pType (nameOpt: doc option) (* Whether we are declaring a name or
+ * we are just printing a type *)
+ () (t:typ) = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pType" ; (* use of some type *)
+ match t with
+ | TVoid attr -> text "TVoid" ++ pParens( self#pAttrs () attr)
+ | TInt (ikin, attr) -> text "TInt" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ self#pp_ikind ikin ; self#pAttrs () attr ]
+ | TFloat (fkin, attr) -> text "TFloat" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ self#pp_fkind fkin ; self#pAttrs () attr ]
+ | TPtr (t , attr) -> text "TPtr" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ self#pType None () t ; self#pAttrs () attr ]
+ | TArray (t, e, attr) -> text "TArray" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ self#pType None () t ;
+ pOption (self#pExp ()) e ; self#pAttrs () attr ]
+ | TFun (t, olst, b, attr) -> text "TFun" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ self#pType None () t ;
+ pOption (pList @ (map ( pTriplet
+ @ (pTriple (pQuoted) (self#pType None ()) (self#pAttrs ()))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ olst ;
+ pBool b ;
+ self#pAttrs () attr]
+ | TNamed (tinfo, attr) -> text "TNamed" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ self#pp_typeinfo tinfo ; self#pAttrs () attr ]
+ | TComp (cinfo, attr) -> text "TComp" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ (text @ string_of_int) cinfo.ckey ;
+ self#pAttrs () attr]
+ | TEnum (einfo, attr) -> text "TEnum" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ self#pp_enuminfo einfo ; self#pAttrs () attr ]
+ | TBuiltin_va_list (attr) -> text "TBuiltin_va_list" ++ pParens( self#pAttrs () attr)
+ (*** ATTRIBUTES ***)
+ method pAttr (Attr(an, args) : attribute) : (doc * bool) = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pAttr" ;
+ ( text "Attr" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ pQuoted an ; pList (map (self#pAttrParam ()) args) ]
+ , false
+ )
+ method pAttrParam () (p:attrparam) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pAttrParam" ;
+ match p with
+ | AInt (i) -> text "AInt" ++ pParens( pQuoted (string_of_int i))
+ | AStr (s) -> text "AStr" ++ pParens( pQuoted s)
+ | ACons (s, args) -> text "ACons" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ pQuoted s ; pList (map (self#pAttrParam ()) args) ]
+ | ASizeOf (t) -> text "ASizeOf" ++ pParens( self#pType None () t)
+ | ASizeOfE (arg) -> text "ASizeOfE" ++ pParens( self#pAttrParam () arg)
+ | ASizeOfS (tsig) -> text "ASizeOfS" ++ pParens( self#pp_typsig tsig)
+ | AAlignOf (t) -> text "AAlignOf" ++ pParens( self#pType None () t)
+ | AAlignOfE (arg) -> text "AAlignOfE" ++ pParens( self#pAttrParam () arg)
+ | AAlignOfS (tsig) -> text "AAlignOfS" ++ pParens( self#pp_typsig tsig)
+ | AUnOp (uop, arg) -> text "AUnOp" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ self#pp_unop uop ; self#pAttrParam () arg ]
+ | ABinOp (bop, arg1, arg2) -> text "ABinOp" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ self#pp_binop bop
+ ; self#pAttrParam () arg1
+ ; self#pAttrParam () arg2 ]
+ | ADot (arg, s) -> text "ADot" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ self#pAttrParam () arg ; pQuoted s]
+ | AStar (a1) -> text "AStar" ++ pParens( self#pAttrParam () a1 )
+ | AAddrOf (a1) -> text "AAddrOf" ++ pParens( self#pAttrParam () a1 )
+ | AIndex (a1, a2) -> text "AIndex" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ self#pAttrParam () a1
+ ; self#pAttrParam () a2 ]
+ | AQuestion (a1, a2, a3) -> text "AQuestion" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ self#pAttrParam () a1
+ ; self#pAttrParam () a2
+ ; self#pAttrParam () a3 ]
+ (* | AStar a1 ->
+ text "(*" ++ (self#pAttrPrec derefStarLevel () a1) ++ text ")"
+ | AAddrOf a1 -> text "& " ++ (self#pAttrPrec addrOfLevel () a1)
+ | AIndex (a1, a2) -> self#pAttrParam () a1 ++ text "[" ++
+ self#pAttrParam () a2 ++ text "]"
+ | AQuestion (a1, a2, a3) ->
+ self#pAttrParam () a1 ++ text " ? " ++
+ self#pAttrParam () a2 ++ text " : " ++
+ self#pAttrParam () a3
+ method pAttrs () (attr:attributes) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pAttrs" ;
+ text "Attributes" ++ pParens(
+ pList (map (fst @ self#pAttr) attr)
+ )
+ (*** LABELS ***)
+ method pLabel () (l:label) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pLabel" ;
+ match l with
+ | Label (s,l,b) -> text "Label" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ pQuoted s ;
+ self#pp_location l ;
+ pBool b ]
+ | Case (e,l) -> text "Case" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ self#pExp () e ;
+ self#pp_location l ]
+ | Default (l) -> text "Default" ++ pParens( self#pp_location l)
+ (*** printing out locations as line directives is not necessary
+ because we are printing the tree structure and locations are
+ present everywhere ***)
+ method pLineDirective : ?forcefile:bool -> location -> doc = fun ?forcefile _ -> nil
+ method pStmtKind s () (sk:stmtkind) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pStmtKind" ;
+ match sk with
+ | Instr (ilst) -> text "Instr" ++ pParens( pList (map (self#pInstr ()) ilst))
+ | Return (oe, l) -> text "Return" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ pOption (self#pExp ()) oe ; self#pp_location l ]
+ | Goto (stmtref, l) -> text "Goto" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ self#pStmt () !stmtref ; self#pp_location l ]
+ | Break (l) -> text "Break" ++ pParens( self#pp_location l)
+ | Continue (l) -> text "Continue" ++ pParens( self#pp_location l)
+ | If (e, b1, b2, l) -> text "If" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ self#pExp () e ;
+ self#pBlock () b1 ;
+ self#pBlock () b2 ;
+ self#pp_location l ]
+ | Switch (e,b,stlst,l) -> text "Switch" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ self#pExp () e ;
+ self#pBlock () b ;
+ pList (map (self#pStmt ()) stlst) ;
+ self#pp_location l ]
+ | Loop (b,l,os1, os2) -> text "Loop" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ self#pBlock () b ;
+ self#pp_location l ;
+ pOption (self#pStmt ()) os1 ;
+ pOption (self#pStmt ()) os2 ]
+ | Block (b) -> text "Block" ++ pParens( self#pBlock () b)
+ | TryFinally (b1,b2,l) -> text "TryFinally" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ self#pBlock () b1 ;
+ self#pBlock () b2 ;
+ self#pp_location l ]
+ | TryExcept (b1, pr, b2, l) -> text "TryExcept" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ self#pBlock () b1 ;
+ ( pPair
+ @ pDouble (pList @ map (self#pInstr ()))
+ (self#pExp ())
+ ) pr ;
+ self#pBlock () b2 ;
+ self#pp_location l ]
+ (*** EXPRESSIONS ***)
+ method pExp () (e:exp) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pExp" ;
+ match e with
+ | Const (c) -> text "Constant" ++ pParens( self#pp_constant c)
+ | Lval (lh,off) -> text "Lvalue" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [self#pp_lhost lh ; self#pOffset nil off ]
+ | SizeOf (t) -> text "SizeOfType" ++ pParens( self#pType None () t)
+ | SizeOfE (e) -> text "SizeOfExp" ++ pParens( self#pExp () e)
+ | SizeOfStr (s) -> text "SizeOfString" ++ pParens( pQuoted s)
+ | AlignOf (t) -> text "AlignOfType" ++ pParens( self#pType None () t)
+ | AlignOfE (e) -> text "AlignOfExp" ++ pParens( self#pExp () e)
+ | UnOp (uop, e, t) -> text "UnOp" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ self#pp_unop uop ;
+ self#pExp () e ;
+ self#pType None () t ]
+ | BinOp (bop, e1, e2, t) -> text "BinOp" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ self#pp_binop bop ;
+ self#pExp () e1 ;
+ self#pExp () e2 ;
+ self#pType None () t ]
+ | CastE (t,e) -> text "Cast" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ self#pType None () t ; self#pExp () e]
+ | AddrOf (lv) -> text "AddressOf" ++ pParens( self#pLval () lv)
+ | StartOf (lv) -> text "StartOf" ++ pParens( self#pLval () lv)
+ (*** INITIALIZERS ***)
+ method pInit () (i:init) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pInit" ;
+ match i with
+ | SingleInit (e) -> text "SingleInit" ++ pParens( self#pExp () e)
+ | CompoundInit (t, oilst) -> text "CompoundInit" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ self#pType None () t ;
+ pList (map ( pPair
+ @ pDouble (self#pOffset nil) (self#pInit ())
+ )
+ oilst
+ ) ]
+ method dInit (out:out_channel) (i:int) (init1:init) : unit = fprint out i (self#pInit () init1)
+ (*** auxiliary methods ***)
+ method private pp_storage (s:storage) : doc =
+ let tok = match s with
+ | NoStorage -> "NoStorage"
+ | Static -> "Static"
+ | Register -> "Register"
+ | Extern -> "Extern"
+ in text ("Storage_" ^ tok)
+ method private pp_typeinfo (tinfo:typeinfo) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pp_typeinfo" ;
+ text "Typeinfo" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ pQuoted tinfo.tname ;
+ self#pType None () tinfo.ttype ;
+ pBool tinfo.treferenced ]
+ method private pp_fieldinfo (finfo:fieldinfo) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pp_fieldinfo" ;
+ text "Fieldinfo" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ pQuoted finfo.fname ;
+ self#pType None () finfo.ftype ;
+ pOption (pQuoted @ string_of_int) finfo.fbitfield ;
+ self#pAttrs () finfo.fattr ;
+ self#pp_location finfo.floc ]
+ method private pp_compinfo (cinfo:compinfo) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pp_compinfo" ;
+ text "Compinfo" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ pBool cinfo.cstruct ;
+ pQuoted cinfo.cname ;
+ text (string_of_int cinfo.ckey) ;
+ pList (map (self#pFieldDecl ()) cinfo.cfields) ;
+ self#pAttrs () cinfo.cattr ;
+ pBool cinfo.cdefined ;
+ pBool cinfo.creferenced ]
+ method private pp_enuminfo (einfo:enuminfo) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pp_enuminfo" ;
+ text "Enuminfo" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ pQuoted einfo.ename ;
+ pList (map ( pTriplet
+ @ (pTriple pQuoted (self#pExp ()) self#pp_location)
+ )
+ einfo.eitems) ;
+ self#pAttrs () einfo.eattr ;
+ pBool einfo.ereferenced ]
+ method private pp_location (loc:location) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pp_location" ;
+ text "Location" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ text (string_of_int loc.line) ;
+ pQuoted loc.file ;
+ text (string_of_int loc.byte) ]
+ method private pp_varinfo (vinfo:varinfo) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pp_varinfo" ;
+ text "Varinfo" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ pQuoted vinfo.vname ;
+ self#pType None () vinfo.vtype ;
+ self#pAttrs () vinfo.vattr ;
+ self#pp_storage vinfo.vstorage ;
+ pBool vinfo.vglob ;
+ pBool vinfo.vinline ;
+ self#pp_location vinfo.vdecl ;
+ text (string_of_int vinfo.vid) ;
+ pBool vinfo.vaddrof ;
+ pBool vinfo.vreferenced ]
+ method private pp_initinfo (iinfo:initinfo) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pp_initinfo" ;
+ text "Initinfo" ++ pParens(
+ pOption (self#pInit ()) iinfo.init)
+ method private pp_fundec (fdec:fundec) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pp_fundec" ;
+ text "Fundec" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ self#pp_varinfo fdec.svar ;
+ pList (map self#pp_varinfo fdec.sformals) ;
+ pList (map self#pp_varinfo fdec.slocals) ;
+ text (string_of_int fdec.smaxid) ;
+ self#pBlock () fdec.sbody ;
+ pOption (pSpParens @ text @ string_of_int) fdec.smaxstmtid ;
+ pList (map (self#pStmt ()) fdec.sallstmts) ]
+ method private pp_ikind (ikin:ikind) : doc =
+ let tok = match ikin with
+ | IChar -> "IChar"
+ | ISChar -> "ISChar"
+ | IUChar -> "IUChar"
+ | IInt -> "IInt"
+ | IUInt -> "IUInt"
+ | IShort -> "IShort"
+ | IUShort -> "IUShort"
+ | ILong -> "ILong"
+ | IULong -> "IULong"
+ | ILongLong -> "ILongLong"
+ | IULongLong -> "IULongLong"
+ in text ("Ikind_" ^ tok)
+ method private pp_fkind (fkin:fkind) : doc =
+ let tok = match fkin with
+ | FFloat -> "FFloat"
+ | FDouble -> "FDouble"
+ | FLongDouble -> "FLongDouble"
+ in text ("Fkind_" ^ tok)
+ method private pp_typsig (tsig:typsig) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pp_typsig" ;
+ match tsig with
+ | TSArray (tsig2, oe, attr) -> text "TSArray" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ self#pp_typsig tsig2 ;
+ pOption pInt64 oe ;
+ self#pAttrs () attr ]
+ | TSPtr (tsig2, attr) -> text "TSPtr" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ self#pp_typsig tsig2 ;
+ self#pAttrs () attr ]
+ | TSComp (b, s, attr) -> text "TSComp" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ pBool b ;
+ pQuoted s ;
+ self#pAttrs () attr ]
+ | TSFun (tsig2, tsiglst, b, attr) -> text "TSFun" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ self#pp_typsig tsig2 ;
+ pList (map self#pp_typsig tsiglst) ;
+ pBool b ;
+ self#pAttrs () attr ]
+ | TSEnum (s, attr) -> text "TSEnum" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ pQuoted s ;
+ self#pAttrs () attr ]
+ | TSBase (t) -> text "TSBase" ++ pParens( self#pType None () t)
+ method private pp_unop (uop:unop) : doc =
+ let tok = match uop with
+ | Neg -> "Neg"
+ | BNot -> "BNot"
+ | LNot -> "LNot"
+ in text ("UnOp_" ^ tok)
+ method private pp_binop (bop:binop) : doc =
+ let tok = match bop with
+ | PlusA -> "PlusA"
+ | PlusPI -> "PlusPI"
+ | IndexPI -> "IndexPI"
+ | MinusA -> "MinusA"
+ | MinusPI -> "MinusPI"
+ | MinusPP -> "MinusPP"
+ | Mult -> "Mult"
+ | Div -> "Div"
+ | Mod -> "Mod"
+ | Shiftlt -> "Shiftlt"
+ | Shiftrt -> "Shiftrt"
+ | Lt -> "Lt"
+ | Gt -> "Gt"
+ | Le -> "Le"
+ | Ge -> "Ge"
+ | Eq -> "Eq"
+ | Ne -> "Ne"
+ | BAnd -> "BAnd"
+ | BXor -> "BXor"
+ | BOr -> "BOr"
+ | LAnd -> "LAnd"
+ | LOr -> "LOr"
+ in text ("BinOp_" ^ tok )
+ method private pp_constant (c:constant) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pp_constant" ;
+ match c with
+ | CInt64 (i, ikin, os) -> text "CInt64" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ pQuoted (Int64.to_string i) ;
+ self#pp_ikind ikin ;
+ pOption pQuoted os ]
+ | CStr (s) -> text "CStr" ++ pParens( pQuoted s)
+ | CWStr (ilist) -> text "CWStr" ++ pParens( pList (map ( text @ Int64.to_string) ilist))
+ | CChr (c) -> text "CChr" ++ pParens( text "\"" ++ text (Char.escaped c) ++ text "\"")
+ | CReal (f, fkin, os) -> text "CReal" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [ pQuoted (sprintf "%f0" f) ;
+ self#pp_fkind fkin ;
+ pOption pQuoted os ]
+ | CEnum(_, s, ei) -> text "CEnum" ++ pParens( pQuoted s)
+ method private pp_lhost (lh:lhost) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pp_lhost" ;
+ match lh with
+ | Var (vinfo) -> text "Var" ++ pParens( self#pp_varinfo vinfo)
+ | Mem (e) -> text "Mem" ++ pParens( self#pExp () e)
+ method private pp_blockinfo (b:block) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pp_blockinfo" ;
+ text "Block" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ self#pAttrs () b.battrs ;
+ pList (map (self#pStmt ()) b.bstmts) ]
+ method private pp_stmtinfo (sinfo:stmt) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "pp_stmtinfo" ;
+ text "Stmt" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ pList (map (self#pLabel ()) sinfo.labels) ;
+ self#pStmtKind invalidStmt () sinfo.skind ;
+ text (string_of_int sinfo.sid) ;
+ pList (map self#pp_stmtinfo sinfo.succs) ;
+ pList (map self#pp_stmtinfo sinfo.preds) ]
+let ppFile (f:file) (pp:cilPrinter) : doc = if !E.verboseFlag then trace "ppFile" ;
+ text "File" ++ (pParens @ pCommaSep) [
+ pQuoted f.fileName ;
+ pList (map (pp#pGlobal ()) f.globals) ]
+(* we need a different more flexible mapGlobals
+ we only visit globals and not global init;
+ use mapGlobinits *)
+let mapGlobals2 (fl: file)
+ (doone: global -> 'a) : 'a list =
+ List.map doone fl.globals
+(* We redefine dumpFile because we don't want a header in our
+ file telling us it was generated with CIL blabla *)
+let dumpFile (pp: cilPrinter) (out : out_channel) file =
+ printDepth := 99999;
+ Pretty.fastMode := true;
+ if !E.verboseFlag then ignore (E.log "printing file %s\n" file.fileName);
+ let file_doc = ppFile file pp in
+ fprint out 80 file_doc;
+ flush out
+let feature : featureDescr =
+ { fd_name = "printaterm";
+ fd_enabled = ref false;
+ fd_description = "printing the current CIL AST to an ATerm";
+ fd_extraopt = [("--atermfile", Arg.String (fun s -> outputfilename := s), "=<filename>: writes the ATerm to <filename>");];
+ fd_doit = (function (f: file) ->
+ let channel = open_out !outputfilename in
+ let printer = new atermPrinter
+ in dumpFile printer channel f
+ ; close_out channel
+ );
+ fd_post_check = false;
+ }
diff -urN cil-1.3.6-orig/src/main.ml cil-1.3.6/src/main.ml
--- cil-1.3.6-orig/src/main.ml 2007-02-05 22:10:29.000000000 +0100
+++ cil-1.3.6/src/main.ml 2007-03-05 15:14:54.000000000 +0100
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@
+ Atermprinter.feature;
@ Feature_config.features