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# This tests whether UPnP port mappings can be created using Miniupnpd
# and Miniupnpc.
# It runs a Miniupnpd service on one machine, and verifies
# a client can indeed create a port mapping using Miniupnpc. If
# this succeeds an external client will try to connect to the port
# mapping.
import ./make-test.nix ({ pkgs, ... }:
internalRouterAddress = "";
internalClient1Address = "";
externalRouterAddress = "";
externalClient2Address = "";
name = "upnp";
meta = with pkgs.stdenv.lib.maintainers; {
maintainers = [ bobvanderlinden ];
nodes =
router =
{ pkgs, nodes, ... }:
{ virtualisation.vlans = [ 1 2 ];
networking.nat.enable = true;
networking.nat.internalInterfaces = [ "eth2" ];
networking.nat.externalInterface = "eth1";
networking.firewall.enable = true;
networking.firewall.trustedInterfaces = [ "eth2" ];
networking.interfaces.eth1.ipv4.addresses = [
{ address = externalRouterAddress; prefixLength = 24; }
networking.interfaces.eth2.ipv4.addresses = [
{ address = internalRouterAddress; prefixLength = 24; }
services.miniupnpd = {
enable = true;
externalInterface = "eth1";
internalIPs = [ "eth2" ];
appendConfig = ''
client1 =
{ pkgs, nodes, ... }:
{ environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.miniupnpc pkgs.netcat ];
virtualisation.vlans = [ 2 ];
networking.defaultGateway = internalRouterAddress;
networking.interfaces.eth1.ipv4.addresses = [
{ address = internalClient1Address; prefixLength = 24; }
networking.firewall.enable = false;
services.httpd.enable = true;
services.httpd.listen = [{ ip = "*"; port = 9000; }];
services.httpd.adminAddr = "foo@example.org";
services.httpd.documentRoot = "/tmp";
client2 =
{ pkgs, ... }:
{ environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.miniupnpc ];
virtualisation.vlans = [ 1 ];
networking.interfaces.eth1.ipv4.addresses = [
{ address = externalClient2Address; prefixLength = 24; }
networking.firewall.enable = false;
testScript =
{ nodes, ... }:
# Wait for network and miniupnpd.
# $router->waitForUnit("nat");
$client1->succeed("upnpc -a ${internalClient1Address} 9000 9000 TCP");
$client2->waitUntilSucceeds("curl http://${externalRouterAddress}:9000/");