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pennae bd56368848 nixos/*: md-convert hidden plaintext options
most of these are hidden because they're either part of a submodule that
doesn't have its type rendered (eg because the submodule type is used in
an either type) or because they are explicitly hidden. some of them are
merely hidden from nix-doc-munge by how their option is put together.
2022-08-31 16:32:54 +02:00

185 lines
6.8 KiB

import ./make-test-python.nix {
name = "systemd-confinement";
nodes.machine = { pkgs, lib, ... }: let
testServer = pkgs.writeScript "testserver.sh" ''
export PATH=${lib.escapeShellArg "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin"}
${lib.escapeShellArg pkgs.runtimeShell} 2>&1
echo "exit-status:$?"
testClient = pkgs.writeScriptBin "chroot-exec" ''
#!${pkgs.runtimeShell} -e
output="$(echo "$@" | nc -NU "/run/test$(< /teststep).sock")"
ret="$(echo "$output" | sed -nre '$s/^exit-status:([0-9]+)$/\1/p')"
echo "$output" | head -n -1
exit "''${ret:-1}"
mkTestStep = num: {
config ? {},
serviceName ? "test${toString num}",
}: {
systemd.sockets.${serviceName} = {
description = "Socket for Test Service ${toString num}";
wantedBy = [ "sockets.target" ];
socketConfig.ListenStream = "/run/test${toString num}.sock";
socketConfig.Accept = true;
systemd.services."${serviceName}@" = {
description = "Confined Test Service ${toString num}";
confinement = (config.confinement or {}) // { enable = true; };
serviceConfig = (config.serviceConfig or {}) // {
ExecStart = testServer;
StandardInput = "socket";
} // removeAttrs config [ "confinement" "serviceConfig" ];
__testSteps = lib.mkOrder num (''
machine.succeed("echo ${toString num} > /teststep")
'' + testScript);
in {
imports = lib.imap1 mkTestStep [
{ config.confinement.mode = "chroot-only";
testScript = ''
with subtest("chroot-only confinement"):
paths = machine.succeed('chroot-exec ls -1 / | paste -sd,').strip()
assert_eq(paths, "bin,nix,run")
uid = machine.succeed('chroot-exec id -u').strip()
assert_eq(uid, "0")
machine.succeed("chroot-exec chown 65534 /bin")
{ testScript = ''
with subtest("full confinement with APIVFS"):
machine.fail("chroot-exec ls -l /etc")
machine.fail("chroot-exec chown 65534 /bin")
assert_eq(machine.succeed('chroot-exec id -u').strip(), "0")
machine.succeed("chroot-exec chown 0 /bin")
{ config.serviceConfig.BindReadOnlyPaths = [ "/etc" ];
testScript = ''
with subtest("check existence of bind-mounted /etc"):
passwd = machine.succeed('chroot-exec cat /etc/passwd').strip()
assert len(passwd) > 0, "/etc/passwd must not be empty"
{ config.serviceConfig.User = "chroot-testuser";
config.serviceConfig.Group = "chroot-testgroup";
testScript = ''
with subtest("check if User/Group really runs as non-root"):
machine.succeed("chroot-exec ls -l /dev")
uid = machine.succeed('chroot-exec id -u').strip()
assert uid != "0", "UID of chroot-testuser shouldn't be 0"
machine.fail("chroot-exec touch /bin/test")
symlink = pkgs.runCommand "symlink" {
target = pkgs.writeText "symlink-target" "got me\n";
} "ln -s \"$target\" \"$out\"";
in {
config.confinement.packages = lib.singleton symlink;
testScript = ''
with subtest("check if symlinks are properly bind-mounted"):
machine.fail("chroot-exec test -e /etc")
text = machine.succeed('chroot-exec cat ${symlink}').strip()
assert_eq(text, "got me")
{ config.serviceConfig.User = "chroot-testuser";
config.serviceConfig.Group = "chroot-testgroup";
config.serviceConfig.StateDirectory = "testme";
testScript = ''
with subtest("check if StateDirectory works"):
machine.succeed("chroot-exec touch /tmp/canary")
machine.succeed('chroot-exec "echo works > /var/lib/testme/foo"')
machine.succeed('test "$(< /var/lib/testme/foo)" = works')
machine.succeed("test ! -e /tmp/canary")
{ testScript = ''
with subtest("check if /bin/sh works"):
"chroot-exec test -e /bin/sh",
'test "$(chroot-exec \'/bin/sh -c "echo bar"\')" = bar',
{ config.confinement.binSh = null;
testScript = ''
with subtest("check if suppressing /bin/sh works"):
machine.succeed("chroot-exec test ! -e /bin/sh")
machine.succeed('test "$(chroot-exec \'/bin/sh -c "echo foo"\')" != foo')
{ config.confinement.binSh = "${pkgs.hello}/bin/hello";
testScript = ''
with subtest("check if we can set /bin/sh to something different"):
machine.succeed("chroot-exec test -e /bin/sh")
machine.succeed('test "$(chroot-exec /bin/sh -g foo)" = foo')
{ config.environment.FOOBAR = pkgs.writeText "foobar" "eek\n";
testScript = ''
with subtest("check if only Exec* dependencies are included"):
machine.succeed('test "$(chroot-exec \'cat "$FOOBAR"\')" != eek')
{ config.environment.FOOBAR = pkgs.writeText "foobar" "eek\n";
config.confinement.fullUnit = true;
testScript = ''
with subtest("check if all unit dependencies are included"):
machine.succeed('test "$(chroot-exec \'cat "$FOOBAR"\')" = eek')
{ serviceName = "shipped-unitfile";
config.confinement.mode = "chroot-only";
testScript = ''
with subtest("check if shipped unit file still works"):
'chroot-exec \'kill -9 $$ 2>&1 || :\' | '
'grep -q "Too many levels of symbolic links"'
options.__testSteps = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.lines;
description = lib.mdDoc "All of the test steps combined as a single script.";
config.environment.systemPackages = lib.singleton testClient;
config.systemd.packages = lib.singleton (pkgs.writeTextFile {
name = "shipped-unitfile";
destination = "/etc/systemd/system/shipped-unitfile@.service";
text = ''
config.users.groups.chroot-testgroup = {};
config.users.users.chroot-testuser = {
isSystemUser = true;
description = "Chroot Test User";
group = "chroot-testgroup";
testScript = { nodes, ... }: ''
def assert_eq(a, b):
assert a == b, f"{a} != {b}"
'' + nodes.machine.config.__testSteps;