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synced 2025-03-16 09:02:36 +00:00
`pipe` is a useful operator for creating pipelines of functions. It works around the usual problem of e.g. string operations becoming deeply nested functions. In principle, there are four different ways this function could be written: pipe val [ f1 .. fn ] pipe val [ fn .. f1 ] compose [ f1 .. fn ] val compose [ fn .. f1 ] val The third and fourth form mirror composition of functions, they would be the same as e.g. `(f1 << f2 << f3 .. << fn) val`. However, it is not clear which direction the list should have (as one can see in the second form, which is the most absurd. In order not to confuse users, we decide for the most “intuitive” form, which mirrors the way unix pipes work (thus the name `pipe`). The flow of data goes from left to right. Co-Authored-By: Silvan Mosberger <infinisil@icloud.com>
141 lines
6.2 KiB
141 lines
6.2 KiB
/* Library of low-level helper functions for nix expressions.
* Please implement (mostly) exhaustive unit tests
* for new functions in `./tests.nix'.
inherit (import ./fixed-points.nix {}) makeExtensible;
lib = makeExtensible (self: let
callLibs = file: import file { lib = self; };
in with self; {
# often used, or depending on very little
trivial = callLibs ./trivial.nix;
fixedPoints = callLibs ./fixed-points.nix;
# datatypes
attrsets = callLibs ./attrsets.nix;
lists = callLibs ./lists.nix;
strings = callLibs ./strings.nix;
stringsWithDeps = callLibs ./strings-with-deps.nix;
# packaging
customisation = callLibs ./customisation.nix;
maintainers = import ../maintainers/maintainer-list.nix;
meta = callLibs ./meta.nix;
sources = callLibs ./sources.nix;
versions = callLibs ./versions.nix;
# module system
modules = callLibs ./modules.nix;
options = callLibs ./options.nix;
types = callLibs ./types.nix;
# constants
licenses = callLibs ./licenses.nix;
systems = callLibs ./systems;
# misc
asserts = callLibs ./asserts.nix;
debug = callLibs ./debug.nix;
generators = callLibs ./generators.nix;
misc = callLibs ./deprecated.nix;
# domain-specific
fetchers = callLibs ./fetchers.nix;
# Eval-time filesystem handling
filesystem = callLibs ./filesystem.nix;
# back-compat aliases
platforms = systems.doubles;
inherit (builtins) add addErrorContext attrNames concatLists
deepSeq elem elemAt filter genericClosure genList getAttr
hasAttr head isAttrs isBool isInt isList isString length
lessThan listToAttrs pathExists readFile replaceStrings seq
stringLength sub substring tail;
inherit (trivial) id const pipe concat or and bitAnd bitOr bitXor
bitNot boolToString mergeAttrs flip mapNullable inNixShell min max
importJSON warn info showWarnings nixpkgsVersion version mod compare
splitByAndCompare functionArgs setFunctionArgs isFunction;
inherit (fixedPoints) fix fix' converge extends composeExtensions
makeExtensible makeExtensibleWithCustomName;
inherit (attrsets) attrByPath hasAttrByPath setAttrByPath
getAttrFromPath attrVals attrValues getAttrs catAttrs filterAttrs
filterAttrsRecursive foldAttrs collect nameValuePair mapAttrs
mapAttrs' mapAttrsToList mapAttrsRecursive mapAttrsRecursiveCond
genAttrs isDerivation toDerivation optionalAttrs
zipAttrsWithNames zipAttrsWith zipAttrs recursiveUpdateUntil
recursiveUpdate matchAttrs overrideExisting getOutput getBin
getLib getDev chooseDevOutputs zipWithNames zip;
inherit (lists) singleton forEach foldr fold foldl foldl' imap0 imap1
concatMap flatten remove findSingle findFirst any all count
optional optionals toList range partition zipListsWith zipLists
reverseList listDfs toposort sort naturalSort compareLists take
drop sublist last init crossLists unique intersectLists
subtractLists mutuallyExclusive groupBy groupBy';
inherit (strings) concatStrings concatMapStrings concatImapStrings
intersperse concatStringsSep concatMapStringsSep
concatImapStringsSep makeSearchPath makeSearchPathOutput
makeLibraryPath makeBinPath optionalString
hasInfix hasPrefix hasSuffix stringToCharacters stringAsChars escape
escapeShellArg escapeShellArgs replaceChars lowerChars
upperChars toLower toUpper addContextFrom splitString
removePrefix removeSuffix versionOlder versionAtLeast getVersion
nameFromURL enableFeature enableFeatureAs withFeature
withFeatureAs fixedWidthString fixedWidthNumber isStorePath
toInt readPathsFromFile fileContents;
inherit (stringsWithDeps) textClosureList textClosureMap
noDepEntry fullDepEntry packEntry stringAfter;
inherit (customisation) overrideDerivation makeOverridable
callPackageWith callPackagesWith extendDerivation hydraJob
inherit (meta) addMetaAttrs dontDistribute setName updateName
appendToName mapDerivationAttrset setPrio lowPrio lowPrioSet hiPrio
inherit (sources) pathType pathIsDirectory cleanSourceFilter
cleanSource sourceByRegex sourceFilesBySuffices
commitIdFromGitRepo cleanSourceWith pathHasContext
inherit (modules) evalModules closeModules unifyModuleSyntax
applyIfFunction unpackSubmodule packSubmodule mergeModules
mergeModules' mergeOptionDecls evalOptionValue mergeDefinitions
pushDownProperties dischargeProperties filterOverrides
sortProperties fixupOptionType mkIf mkAssert mkMerge mkOverride
mkOptionDefault mkDefault mkForce mkVMOverride mkStrict
mkFixStrictness mkOrder mkBefore mkAfter mkAliasDefinitions
mkAliasAndWrapDefinitions fixMergeModules mkRemovedOptionModule
mkRenamedOptionModule mkMergedOptionModule mkChangedOptionModule
mkAliasOptionModule doRename filterModules;
inherit (options) isOption mkEnableOption mkSinkUndeclaredOptions
mergeDefaultOption mergeOneOption mergeEqualOption getValues
getFiles optionAttrSetToDocList optionAttrSetToDocList'
scrubOptionValue literalExample showOption showFiles
unknownModule mkOption;
inherit (types) isType setType defaultTypeMerge defaultFunctor
isOptionType mkOptionType;
inherit (asserts)
assertMsg assertOneOf;
inherit (debug) addErrorContextToAttrs traceIf traceVal traceValFn
traceXMLVal traceXMLValMarked traceSeq traceSeqN traceValSeq
traceValSeqFn traceValSeqN traceValSeqNFn traceShowVal
traceShowValMarked showVal traceCall traceCall2 traceCall3
traceValIfNot runTests testAllTrue traceCallXml attrNamesToStr;
inherit (misc) maybeEnv defaultMergeArg defaultMerge foldArgs
maybeAttrNullable maybeAttr ifEnable checkFlag getValue
checkReqs uniqList uniqListExt condConcat lazyGenericClosure
innerModifySumArgs modifySumArgs innerClosePropagation
closePropagation mapAttrsFlatten nvs setAttr setAttrMerge
mergeAttrsWithFunc mergeAttrsConcatenateValues
mergeAttrsNoOverride mergeAttrByFunc mergeAttrsByFuncDefaults
mergeAttrsByFuncDefaultsClean mergeAttrBy
fakeSha256 fakeSha512
nixType imap;
inherit (versions)
in lib