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synced 2025-02-19 17:39:34 +00:00
"default" isn't really a group, it's more the absence of one. With Bundler, this means that a gem should be installed unconditionally, regardless of which groups are specified. It doesn't really make sense to allow these gems to be omitted from a bundlerEnv.
94 lines
2.5 KiB
94 lines
2.5 KiB
{ lib, gemConfig, ... }:
inherit (lib) attrValues concatMap converge filterAttrs getAttrs
in rec {
bundlerFiles = {
gemfile ? null
, lockfile ? null
, gemset ? null
, gemdir ? null
, ...
}: {
inherit gemdir;
gemfile =
if gemfile == null then assert gemdir != null; gemdir + "/Gemfile"
else gemfile;
lockfile =
if lockfile == null then assert gemdir != null; gemdir + "/Gemfile.lock"
else lockfile;
gemset =
if gemset == null then assert gemdir != null; gemdir + "/gemset.nix"
else gemset;
filterGemset = { ruby, groups, ... }: gemset:
platformGems = filterAttrs (_: platformMatches ruby) gemset;
directlyMatchingGems = filterAttrs (_: groupMatches groups) platformGems;
expandDependencies = gems:
depNames = concatMap (gem: gem.dependencies or []) (attrValues gems);
deps = getAttrs depNames platformGems;
gems // deps;
converge expandDependencies directlyMatchingGems;
platformMatches = {rubyEngine, version, ...}: attrs: (
!(attrs ? "platforms") ||
builtins.length attrs.platforms == 0 ||
builtins.any (platform:
platform.engine == rubyEngine &&
(!(platform ? "version") || platform.version == version.majMin)
) attrs.platforms
groupMatches = groups: attrs:
groups == null || !(attrs ? "groups") ||
(intersectLists (groups ++ [ "default" ]) attrs.groups) != [];
applyGemConfigs = attrs:
(if gemConfig ? "${attrs.gemName}"
then attrs // gemConfig."${attrs.gemName}" attrs
else attrs);
genStubsScript = { lib, ruby, confFiles, bundler, groups, binPaths, ... }: ''
${ruby}/bin/ruby ${./gen-bin-stubs.rb} \
"${ruby}/bin/ruby" \
"${confFiles}/Gemfile" \
"$out/${ruby.gemPath}" \
"${bundler}/${ruby.gemPath}" \
${lib.escapeShellArg binPaths} \
${lib.escapeShellArg groups}
pathDerivation = { gemName, version, path, ... }:
res = {
type = "derivation";
bundledByPath = true;
name = gemName;
version = version;
outPath = path;
outputs = [ "out" ];
out = res;
outputName = "out";
in res;
composeGemAttrs = ruby: gems: name: attrs: ((removeAttrs attrs ["platforms"]) // {
inherit ruby;
inherit (attrs.source) type;
source = removeAttrs attrs.source ["type"];
gemName = name;
gemPath = map (gemName: gems."${gemName}") (attrs.dependencies or []);