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mirror of https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs.git synced 2025-03-06 23:31:34 +00:00
Silvan Mosberger 4f0dadbf38 treewide: format all inactive Nix files
After final improvements to the official formatter implementation,
this commit now performs the first treewide reformat of Nix files using it.
This is part of the implementation of RFC 166.

Only "inactive" files are reformatted, meaning only files that
aren't being touched by any PR with activity in the past 2 months.
This is to avoid conflicts for PRs that might soon be merged.
Later we can do a full treewide reformat to get the rest,
which should not cause as many conflicts.

A CI check has already been running for some time to ensure that new and
already-formatted files are formatted, so the files being reformatted here
should also stay formatted.

This commit was automatically created and can be verified using

    nix-build a08b3a4d19.tar.gz \
      --argstr baseRev b32a094368
    result/bin/apply-formatting $NIXPKGS_PATH
2024-12-10 20:26:33 +01:00

226 lines
8.2 KiB

import ./make-test-python.nix (
{ lib, pkgs, ... }:
# This nixosTest is supposed to check the following:
# - Whether syncthing's API handles multiple requests for many devices, see
# https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/260262
# - Whether syncthing-init.service generated bash script removes devices and
# folders that are not present in the user's configuration, which is partly
# injected into the script. See also:
# https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/259256
# Just a long path not to copy paste
configPath = "/var/lib/syncthing/.config/syncthing/config.xml";
# We will iterate this and more attribute sets defined here, later in the
# testScript. Start with this, and distinguish these settings from other
# settings, as we check these differently with xmllint, due to the ID.
settingsWithId = {
devices = {
# All of the device IDs used here were generated by the following command:
# (${pkgs.syncthing}/bin/syncthing generate --home /tmp/foo\
# | grep ID: | sed 's/.*ID: *//') && rm -rf /tmp/foo
# See also discussion at:
# https://forum.syncthing.net/t/how-to-generate-dummy-device-ids/20927/8
test_device2.id = "5C35H56-Z2GFF4F-F3IVD4B-GJYVWIE-SMDBJZN-GI66KWP-52JIQGN-4AVLYAM";
test_device8.id = "HW6KUMK-WTBG24L-2HZQXLO-TGJSG2M-2JG3FHX-5OGYRUJ-T6L5NN7-L364QAZ";
test_device9.id = "YAE24AP-7LSVY4T-J74ZSEM-A2IK6RB-FGA35TP-AG4CSLU-ED4UYYY-2J2TDQU";
# Generates a few folders with IDs and paths as written...
folders = lib.pipe 6 [
(builtins.genList (x: {
name = "/var/lib/syncthing/test_folder${builtins.toString x}";
value = {
id = "DontDeleteMe${builtins.toString x}";
# Non default options that we check later if were applied
settingsWithoutId = {
options = {
autoUpgradeIntervalH = 0;
urAccepted = -1;
gui = {
theme = "dark";
# Used later when checking whether settings were set in config.xml:
checkSettingWithId =
t, # t for type
not ? false,
print("Searching for a ${t} with id ${id}")
configVal_${t} = machine.succeed(
"${pkgs.libxml2}/bin/xmllint "
"--xpath 'string(//${t}[@id=\"${id}\"]/@id)' ${configPath}"
print("${t}.id = {}".format(configVal_${t}))
assert "${id}" ${if not then "not" else ""} in configVal_${t}
# Same as checkSettingWithId, but for 'options' and 'gui'
checkSettingWithoutId =
t, # t for type
n, # n for name
v, # v for value
not ? false,
print("checking whether setting ${t}.${n} is set to ${v}")
configVal_${t}_${n} = machine.succeed(
"${pkgs.libxml2}/bin/xmllint "
"--xpath 'string(/configuration/${t}/${n})' ${configPath}"
print("${t}.${n} = {}".format(configVal_${t}_${n}))
assert "${v}" ${if not then "not" else ""} in configVal_${t}_${n}
# Removes duplication a bit to define this function for the IDs to delete -
# we check whether they were added after our script ran, and before the
# systemd unit's bash script ran, and afterwards - whether the systemd unit
# worked.
checkSettingsToDelete =
lib.pipe IDsToDelete [
(lib.mapAttrsToList (
t: id:
checkSettingWithId {
inherit t id;
inherit not;
# These IDs are added to syncthing using the API, similarly to how the
# generated systemd unit's bash script does it. Only we add it and expect the
# systemd unit bash script to remove them when executed.
IDsToDelete = {
# Also created using the syncthing generate command above
# Intentionally this is a substring of the IDs of the 'test_folder's, as
# explained in: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/259256
folder = "DeleteMe";
addDeviceToDeleteScript = pkgs.writers.writeBash "syncthing-add-device-to-delete.sh" ''
set -euo pipefail
curl() {
# get the api key by parsing the config.xml
! ${pkgs.libxml2}/bin/xmllint \
--xpath 'string(configuration/gui/apikey)' \
${configPath} \
do sleep 1; done
(printf "X-API-Key: "; cat "$RUNTIME_DIRECTORY/api_key") >"$RUNTIME_DIRECTORY/headers"
${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl -sSLk -H "@$RUNTIME_DIRECTORY/headers" \
--retry 1000 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors \
curl -d ${lib.escapeShellArg (builtins.toJSON { deviceID = IDsToDelete.device; })} \
curl -d ${lib.escapeShellArg (builtins.toJSON { id = IDsToDelete.folder; })} \
name = "syncthing-init";
meta.maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ doronbehar ];
nodes.machine = {
services.syncthing = {
enable = true;
overrideDevices = true;
overrideFolders = true;
settings = settingsWithoutId // settingsWithId;
testScript =
+ (lib.pipe settingsWithId [
# Check that folders and devices were added properly and that all IDs exist
(lib.mapAttrsRecursive (
path: id:
checkSettingWithId {
# plural -> solitary
t = (lib.removeSuffix "s" (builtins.elemAt path 0));
inherit id;
# Get all the values we applied the above function upon
(lib.collect builtins.isString)
+ (lib.pipe settingsWithoutId [
# Check that all other syncthing.settings were added properly with correct
# values
(lib.mapAttrsRecursive (
path: value:
checkSettingWithoutId {
t = (builtins.elemAt path 0);
n = (builtins.elemAt path 1);
v = (builtins.toString value);
# Get all the values we applied the above function upon
(lib.collect builtins.isString)
+ ''
# Run the script on the machine
+ (checkSettingsToDelete {
not = false;
+ ''
# Useful for debugging later
machine.copy_from_vm("${configPath}", "before")
machine.systemctl("restart syncthing-init.service")
+ (checkSettingsToDelete {
not = true;
+ ''
# Useful for debugging later
machine.copy_from_vm("${configPath}", "after")
# Copy the systemd unit's bash script, to inspect it for debugging.
mergeScript = machine.succeed(
"systemctl cat syncthing-init.service | "
"${pkgs.initool}/bin/initool g - Service ExecStart --value-only"
).strip() # strip from new lines
machine.copy_from_vm(mergeScript, "")