{ config, coreutils, lib, pkgs, ... }:

with lib;

let cfg     = config.services.tvheadend;
    pidFile = "${config.users.extraUsers.tvheadend.home}/tvheadend.pid";

  options = {
    services.tvheadend = {
      enable = mkEnableOption "Tvheadend";
      httpPort = mkOption {
        type        = types.int;
        default     = 9981;
        description = "Port to bind HTTP to.";

      htspPort = mkOption {
        type        = types.int;
        default     = 9982;
        description = "Port to bind HTSP to.";

  config = mkIf cfg.enable {
    users.extraUsers.tvheadend = {
      description = "Tvheadend Service user";
      home        = "/var/lib/tvheadend";
      createHome  = true;
      uid         = config.ids.uids.tvheadend;

    systemd.services.tvheadend = {
      description = "Tvheadend TV streaming server";
      wantedBy    = [ "multi-user.target" ];
      after       = [ "network.target" ];

      serviceConfig = {
        Type         = "forking";
        PIDFile      = pidFile;
        Restart      = "always";
        RestartSec   = 5;
        User         = "tvheadend";
        Group        = "video";
        ExecStart    = ''
                       ${pkgs.tvheadend}/bin/tvheadend \
                       --http_port ${toString cfg.httpPort} \
                       --htsp_port ${toString cfg.htspPort} \
                       -f \
                       -C \
                       -p ${pidFile} \
                       -u tvheadend \
                       -g video
        ExecStop     = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/rm ${pidFile}";