{config, pkgs, ...}: # TODO: this file need some make-up (Nicolas Pierron) let kernelPackages = config.boot.kernelPackages; # List of font directories. fontDirectories = config.fonts.fonts; inherit (pkgs.lib) mkOption; options = { services = { xserver = { enable = mkOption { default = false; description = " Whether to enable the X server. "; }; autorun = mkOption { default = true; description = " Switch to false to create upstart-job and configuration, but not run it automatically "; }; exportConfiguration = mkOption { default = false; description = " Create /etc/X11/xorg.conf and a file with environment variables "; }; tcpEnable = mkOption { default = false; description = " Whether to enable TCP socket for the X server. "; }; resolutions = mkOption { default = [{x = 1024; y = 768;} {x = 800; y = 600;} {x = 640; y = 480;}]; description = " The screen resolutions for the X server. The first element is the default resolution. "; }; videoDriver = mkOption { default = "vesa"; example = "i810"; description = " The name of the video driver for your graphics card. "; }; driSupport = mkOption { default = false; description = " Whether to enable accelerated OpenGL rendering through the Direct Rendering Interface (DRI). "; }; sessionType = mkOption { default = "gnome"; example = "xterm"; description = " The kind of session to start after login. Current possibilies are kde (which starts KDE), gnome (which starts gnome-terminal) and xterm (which starts xterm). "; }; windowManager = mkOption { default = ""; description = " This option selects the window manager. Available values are twm (extremely primitive), metacity, xmonad and compiz. If left empty, the determines the window manager, e.g., Metacity for Gnome, and kwm for KDE. "; }; renderingFlag = mkOption { default = ""; example = "--indirect-rendering"; description = " Possibly pass --indierct-rendering to Compiz. "; }; sessionStarter = mkOption { example = "${pkgs.xterm}/bin/xterm -ls"; description = " The command executed after login and after the window manager has been started. Used if is empty. "; }; startSSHAgent = mkOption { default = true; description = " Whether to start the SSH agent when you log in. The SSH agent remembers private keys for you so that you don't have to type in passphrases every time you make an SSH connection. Use ssh-add to add a key to the agent. "; }; slim = { theme = mkOption { default = null; example = pkgs.fetchurl { url = http://download.berlios.de/slim/slim-wave.tar.gz; sha256 = "0ndr419i5myzcylvxb89m9grl2xyq6fbnyc3lkd711mzlmnnfxdy"; }; description = " The theme for the SLiM login manager. If not specified, SLiM's default theme is used. See for a collection of themes. "; }; defaultUser = mkOption { default = ""; example = "login"; description = " The default user to load. If you put a username here you get it automatically loaded into the username field, and the focus is placed on the password. "; }; hideCursor = mkOption { default = false; example = true; description = " Hide the mouse cursor on the login screen. "; }; }; isClone = mkOption { default = true; example = false; description = " Whether to enable the X server clone mode for dual-head. "; }; synaptics = { enable = mkOption { default = false; example = true; description = " Whether to replace mouse with touchpad. "; }; dev = mkOption { default = "/dev/input/event0"; description = " Event device for Synaptics touchpad. "; }; minSpeed = mkOption { default = "0.06"; description = "Cursor speed factor for precision finger motion"; }; maxSpeed = mkOption { default = "0.12"; description = "Cursor speed factor for highest-speed finger motion"; }; }; layout = mkOption { default = "us"; description = " Keyboard layout. "; }; xkbModel = mkOption { default = "pc104"; example = "presario"; description = " Keyboard model. "; }; xkbOptions = mkOption { default = ""; example = "grp:caps_toggle, grp_led:scroll"; description = " X keyboard options; layout switching goes here. "; }; useInternalAGPGART = mkOption { default = ""; example = "no"; description = " Just the wrapper for an xorg.conf option. "; }; extraDeviceConfig = mkOption { default = ""; example = "VideoRAM 131072"; description = " Just anything to add into Device section. "; }; extraMonitorSettings = mkOption { default = ""; example = "HorizSync 28-49"; description = " Just anything to add into Monitor section. "; }; extraDisplaySettings = mkOption { default = ""; example = "Virtual 2048 2048"; description = " Just anything to add into Display subsection (located in Screen section). "; }; extraModules = mkOption { default = ""; example = " SubSection \"extmod\" EndSubsection "; description = " Just anything to add into Modules section. "; }; serverLayoutOptions = mkOption { default = ""; example = " Option \"AIGLX\" \"true\" "; description = " Just anything to add into Monitor section. "; }; defaultDepth = mkOption { default = 24; example = 8; description = " Default colour depth. "; }; useXFS = mkOption { default = false; example = "unix/:7100"; description = " Way to access the X Font Server to use. "; }; tty = mkOption { default = 7; example = 9; description = " Virtual console for the X server. "; }; display = mkOption { default = 0; example = 1; description = " Display number for the X server. "; }; package = mkOption { default = pkgs.xorg; description = " Alternative X.org package to use. For example, you can replace individual drivers. "; }; virtualScreen = mkOption { default = null; example = { x=2048; y=2048; }; description = " Virtual screen size for Xrandr "; }; }; }; }; in let inherit (pkgs.lib) optional isInList getAttr mkIf; # Abbreviations. cfg = config.services.xserver; xorg = cfg.package; gnome = pkgs.gnome; stdenv = pkgs.stdenv; knownVideoDrivers = { nvidia = { modulesFirst = [ kernelPackages.nvidiaDrivers ]; }; #make sure it first loads the nvidia libs vesa = { modules = [xorg.xf86videovesa]; }; vga = { modules = [xorg.xf86videovga]; }; sis = { modules = [xorg.xf86videosis]; }; i810 = { modules = [xorg.xf86videoi810]; }; intel = { modules = [xorg.xf86videointel]; }; nv = { modules = [xorg.xf86videonv]; }; ati = { modules = [xorg.xf86videoati]; }; }; # Get a bunch of user settings. videoDriver = cfg.videoDriver; resolutions = map (res: ''"${toString res.x}x${toString res.y}"'') (cfg.resolutions); sessionType = cfg.sessionType; videoDriverModules = getAttr [ videoDriver ] (throw "unkown video driver : \"${videoDriver}\"") knownVideoDrivers; sessionCmd = if sessionType == "" then cfg.sessionStarter else if sessionType == "xterm" then "${pkgs.xterm}/bin/xterm -ls" else if sessionType == "gnome" then "${gnome.gnometerminal}/bin/gnome-terminal -ls" else abort ("unknown session type ${sessionType}"); windowManager = let wm = cfg.windowManager; in if wm != "" then wm else if sessionType == "gnome" then "metacity" else if sessionType == "kde" then "none" /* started by startkde */ else "twm"; modules = getAttr ["modulesFirst"] [] videoDriverModules ++ [ xorg.xorgserver xorg.xf86inputkeyboard xorg.xf86inputmouse ] ++ getAttr ["modules"] [] videoDriverModules ++ (optional cfg.synaptics.enable ["${pkgs.synaptics}/${xorg.xorgserver}" /*xorg.xf86inputevdev*/]); fontsForXServer = fontDirectories ++ # We don't want these fonts in fonts.conf, because then modern, # fontconfig-based applications will get horrible bitmapped # Helvetica fonts. It's better to get a substitution (like Nimbus # Sans) than that horror. But we do need the Adobe fonts for some # old non-fontconfig applications. (Possibly this could be done # better using a fontconfig rule.) [ pkgs.xorg.fontadobe100dpi pkgs.xorg.fontadobe75dpi ]; configFile = stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "xserver.conf"; src = ./xserver.conf; inherit fontsForXServer videoDriver resolutions; isClone = if cfg.isClone then "on" else "off"; synapticsInputDevice = if cfg.synaptics.enable then '' Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Touchpad[0]" Driver "synaptics" Option "Device" "${cfg.synaptics.dev}" Option "Protocol" "PS/2" Option "LeftEdge" "1700" Option "RightEdge" "5300" Option "TopEdge" "1700" Option "BottomEdge" "4200" Option "FingerLow" "25" Option "FingerHigh" "30" Option "MaxTapTime" "180" Option "MaxTapMove" "220" Option "VertScrollDelta" "100" Option "MinSpeed" "${cfg.synaptics.minSpeed}" Option "MaxSpeed" "${cfg.synaptics.maxSpeed}" Option "AccelFactor" "0.0010" Option "SHMConfig" "on" Option "Repeater" "/dev/input/mice" Option "TapButton1" "1" Option "TapButton2" "2" Option "TapButton3" "3" EndSection '' else ""; xkbOptions = if cfg.xkbOptions == "" then "" else '' Option "XkbOptions" "${cfg.xkbOptions}" ''; xkbModel = cfg.xkbModel; layout = cfg.layout; corePointer = if cfg.synaptics.enable then "Touchpad[0]" else "Mouse[0]"; internalAGPGART = if cfg.useInternalAGPGART == "yes" then '' Option "UseInternalAGPGART" "yes"'' else if cfg.useInternalAGPGART == "no" then '' Option "UseInternalAGPGART" "no"'' else ""; extraDeviceConfig = cfg.extraDeviceConfig; extraMonitorSettings = cfg.extraMonitorSettings; extraDisplaySettings = cfg.extraDisplaySettings; extraModules = cfg.extraModules; serverLayoutOptions = cfg.serverLayoutOptions; defaultDepth = cfg.defaultDepth; virtualScreen = if cfg.virtualScreen != null then "Virtual ${toString cfg.virtualScreen.x} ${toString cfg.virtualScreen.y}" else ""; xfs = if cfg.useXFS == false then "" else ''FontPath "${toString cfg.useXFS}"''; buildCommand = '' buildCommand= # urgh, don't substitute this export fontPaths= for i in $fontsForXServer; do if test "''${i:0:''${#NIX_STORE}}" == "$NIX_STORE"; then for j in $(find $i -name fonts.dir); do fontPaths="''${fontPaths}FontPath \"$(dirname $j)\"''\n" done fi done export modulePaths= for i in $(find ${toString modules} -type d); do if ls $i/*.so* > /dev/null 2>&1; then modulePaths="''${modulePaths}ModulePath \"$i\"''\n" fi done export moduleSection="" export screen="" export device="" export extensions="" #if only my gf were this dirty if test "${toString videoDriver}" == "nvidia"; then export screen=' Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "true" Option "DisableGLXRootClipping" "true" Option "RandRRotation" "on" ' export device=' Option "RenderAccel" "true" Option "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true" Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "true" ' export extensions=' Option "Composite" "Enable" ' fi if [ "${toString videoDriver}" = i810 ]; then export extensions=' Option "Composite" "Enable" '; fi; if [ "${toString videoDriver}" = ati ]; then export extensions=' Option "Composite" "Enable" '; fi; if [ "${toString videoDriver}" = radeonhd ]; then export extensions=' Option "Composite" "Enable" '; fi; substituteAll $src $out ''; # */ }; clientScript = pkgs.writeText "xclient" '' source /etc/profile exec > $HOME/.Xerrors 2>&1 ### Load X defaults. if test -e ~/.Xdefaults; then ${xorg.xrdb}/bin/xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults fi ${if cfg.startSSHAgent then '' ### Start the SSH agent. export SSH_ASKPASS=${pkgs.x11_ssh_askpass}/libexec/x11-ssh-askpass eval $(${pkgs.openssh}/bin/ssh-agent) '' else ""} ### Allow user to override system-wide configuration if test -f ~/.xsession; then source ~/.xsession; fi ### Start a window manager. ${if windowManager == "twm" then '' ${xorg.twm}/bin/twm & '' else if windowManager == "metacity" then '' env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${xorg.libX11}/lib:${xorg.libXext}/lib:/usr/lib/ # !!! Hack: load the schemas for Metacity. GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=xml::~/.gconf ${gnome.GConf}/bin/gconftool-2 \ --makefile-install-rule ${gnome.metacity}/etc/gconf/schemas/*.schemas # */ ${gnome.metacity}/bin/metacity & '' else if windowManager == "kwm" then '' ${pkgs.kdebase}/bin/kwin & '' else if windowManager == "compiz" then '' # !!! Hack: load the schemas for Compiz. GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=xml::~/.gconf ${gnome.GConf}/bin/gconftool-2 \ --makefile-install-rule ${pkgs.compiz}/etc/gconf/schemas/*.schemas # */ # !!! Hack: turn on most Compiz modules. ${gnome.GConf}/bin/gconftool-2 -t list --list-type=string \ --set /apps/compiz/general/allscreens/options/active_plugins \ [gconf,png,decoration,wobbly,fade,minimize,move,resize,cube,switcher,rotate,place,scale,water] # Start Compiz and the GTK-style window decorator. env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${xorg.libX11}/lib:${xorg.libXext}/lib:/usr/lib/ ${pkgs.compiz}/bin/compiz gconf ${cfg.renderingFlag} & ${pkgs.compiz}/bin/gtk-window-decorator --sync & '' else if windowManager == "xmonad" then '' ${pkgs.xmonad}/bin/xmonad & '' else if windowManager == "none" then '' # The session starter will start the window manager. '' else abort ("unknown window manager " + windowManager)} ### Show a background image. # (but not if we're starting a full desktop environment that does it for us) ${if sessionType != "kde" then '' if test -e $HOME/.background-image; then ${pkgs.feh}/bin/feh --bg-scale $HOME/.background-image fi '' else ""} ### Start the session. ${if sessionType == "kde" then '' # Start KDE. export KDEDIRS=$HOME/.nix-profile:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default:${pkgs.kdebase}:${pkgs.kdelibs} export XDG_CONFIG_DIRS=${pkgs.kdebase}/etc/xdg:${pkgs.kdelibs}/etc/xdg export XDG_DATA_DIRS=${pkgs.kdebase}/share exec ${pkgs.kdebase}/bin/startkde '' else '' # For all other session types, we currently just start a # terminal of the kind indicated by sessionCmd. # !!! yes, this means that you 'log out' by killing the X server. while ${sessionCmd}; do sleep 1 done ''} ''; xserverArgs = [ "-ac" "-logverbose" "-verbose" "-terminate" "-logfile" "/var/log/X.${toString cfg.display}.log" "-config ${configFile}" ":${toString cfg.display}" "vt${toString cfg.tty}" "-xkbdir" "${pkgs.xkeyboard_config}/etc/X11/xkb" ] ++ optional (!config.services.xserver.tcpEnable) "-nolisten tcp"; slimConfig = pkgs.writeText "slim.cfg" '' xauth_path ${xorg.xauth}/bin/xauth default_xserver ${xorg.xorgserver}/bin/X xserver_arguments ${toString xserverArgs} login_cmd exec ${stdenv.bash}/bin/sh ${clientScript} halt_cmd ${pkgs.upstart}/sbin/shutdown -h now reboot_cmd ${pkgs.upstart}/sbin/shutdown -r now ${if cfg.slim.defaultUser != "" then "default_user " + cfg.slim.defaultUser else ""} ${if cfg.slim.hideCursor then "hidecursor true" else ""} ''; # Unpack the SLiM theme, or use the default. slimThemesDir = let unpackedTheme = stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "slim-theme"; buildCommand = '' ensureDir $out cd $out unpackFile ${cfg.slim.theme} ln -s * default ''; }; in if cfg.slim.theme == null then "${pkgs.slim}/share/slim/themes" else unpackedTheme; nvidiaDrivers = (config.boot.kernelPackages pkgs).nvidiaDrivers; oldJob = rec { # Warning the indentation is wrong since here in order to don't produce noise in diffs. name = "xserver"; extraPath = [ xorg.xrandr xorg.xrdb xorg.setxkbmap xorg.iceauth # required for KDE applications (it's called by dcopserver) pkgs.feh ] ++ optional (windowManager == "twm") [ xorg.twm ] ++ optional (windowManager == "metacity") [ gnome.metacity ] ++ optional (windowManager == "compiz") [ pkgs.compiz ] ++ optional (sessionType == "xterm") [ pkgs.xterm ] ++ optional (sessionType == "gnome") [ gnome.gnometerminal gnome.GConf gnome.gconfeditor ] ++ optional (sessionType == "kde") [ pkgs.kdelibs pkgs.kdebase xorg.xset # used by startkde, non-essential ] ++ optional (videoDriver == "nvidia") [ kernelPackages.nvidiaDrivers ]; extraEtc = optional (sessionType == "kde") { source = "${pkgs.xkeyboard_config}/etc/X11/xkb"; target = "X11/xkb"; } ++ optional cfg.exportConfiguration { source = "${configFile}"; target = "X11/xorg.conf"; }; job = '' start on ${if cfg.autorun then "network-interfaces" else "never"} start script rm -f /var/run/opengl-driver ${if videoDriver == "nvidia" then '' ln -sf ${kernelPackages.nvidiaDrivers} /var/run/opengl-driver '' else if cfg.driSupport then "ln -sf ${pkgs.mesa} /var/run/opengl-driver" else "" } rm -f /var/log/slim.log end script env SLIM_CFGFILE=${slimConfig} env SLIM_THEMESDIR=${slimThemesDir} env FONTCONFIG_FILE=/etc/fonts/fonts.conf # !!! cleanup env XKB_BINDIR=${xorg.xkbcomp}/bin # Needed for the Xkb extension. ${if videoDriver == "nvidia" then "env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${xorg.libX11}/lib:${xorg.libXext}/lib:${kernelPackages.nvidiaDrivers}/lib" else "" } ${if videoDriver != "nvidia" then "env XORG_DRI_DRIVER_PATH=${pkgs.mesa}/lib/modules/dri" else "" } exec ${pkgs.slim}/bin/slim ''; }; in mkIf cfg.enable { require = [ options # services.extraJobs (import ../upstart-jobs/default.nix) # environment.etc (import ../etc/default.nix) # fonts.fonts (import ../system/fonts.nix) # boot.extraModulePackages # security.extraSetuidPrograms # environment.extraPackages ]; boot = { extraModulePackages = mkIf (cfg.videoDriver == "nvidia") [ kernelPackages.nvidiaDrivers ]; }; security = { extraSetuidPrograms = mkIf (cfg.sessionType == "kde") [ "kcheckpass" ]; }; environment = { etc = [ { source = ../etc/pam.d/kde; target = "pam.d/kde"; } { source = ../etc/pam.d/slim; target = "pam.d/slim"; } ] ++ oldJob.extraEtc; extraPackages = oldJob.extraPath; }; services = { extraJobs = [{ inherit (oldJob) name job; }]; }; }