a : let s = import ./src-for-default.nix; buildInputs = with a; [ ]; in rec { src = a.fetchUrlFromSrcInfo s; inherit (s) name; inherit buildInputs; phaseNames = ["doPatch" "fixX86Def" "killUsr" "doMakeInstall"]; patches = [./constants.patch ./non-x86.patch]; # using BACKEND=x86emu on 64bit systems fixes: # http://www.mail-archive.com/suspend-devel@lists.sourceforge.net/msg02355.html makeFlags = [ "DESTDIR=$out" ] ++ a.stdenv.lib.optionals ( a.stdenv.isx86_64 || a.stdenv.isArm ) [ "BACKEND=x86emu" ]; fixX86Def = a.fullDepEntry ('' sed -i lrmi.c -e 's@defined(__i386__)@(defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__))@' '') ["doUnpack" "minInit"]; killUsr = a.fullDepEntry ('' sed -e s@/usr@@ -i Makefile '') ["doUnpack" "minInit"]; meta = { description = "Real-mode x86 code emulator"; maintainers = [ a.lib.maintainers.raskin ]; platforms = with a.lib.platforms; linux ++ freebsd ++ netbsd; }; }