# This module generates the nixos-checkout script, which replaces the # NixOS and Nixpkgs source trees in /etc/nixos/{nixos,nixpkgs} with # Subversion checkouts. {config, pkgs, ...}: with pkgs.lib; let options = { # !!! These option (and their implementation) seems # over-engineering. nixos-checkout was never intended to be a # generic, "check out anything that the user want to have from any # version management system whatsoever", but merely a trivial # convenience script to checkout the NixOS and Nixpkgs trees # during or after a NixOS installation. installer.repos.nixos = mkOption { default = [ { type = "svn"; } ]; example = [ { type = "svn"; url = "https://svn.nixos.org/repos/nix/nixos/branches/stdenv-updates"; target = "/etc/nixos/nixos-stdenv-updates"; } { type = "git"; initialize = ''git clone git://mawercer.de/nixos $target''; update = "git pull origin"; target = "/etc/nixos/nixos-git"; } ]; description = '' The NixOS repository from which the system will be built. nixos-checkout will update all working copies of the given repositories, nixos-rebuild will use the first item which has the attribute default = true falling back to the first item. The type defines the repository tool added to the path. It also defines a "valid" repository. If the target directory already exists and it's not valid it will be moved to the backup location dir-date. For svn the default target and repositories are /etc/nixos/nixos and https://svn.nixos.org/repos/nix/nixos/trunk. For git repositories update is called after initialization when the repo is initialized. The initialize code is run from working directory dirname target and should create the directory dir. For the executables used see . ''; }; installer.repos.nixpkgs = mkOption { default = [ { type = "svn"; } ]; description = "same as "; }; installer.repoTypes = mkOption { default = { svn = { valid = "[ -d .svn ]"; env = [ pkgs.coreutils pkgs.subversion ]; }; git = { valid = "[ -d .git ]"; env = [ pkgs.coreutils pkgs.git pkgs.gnused /* FIXME: use full path to sed in nix-pull */ ]; }; }; description = '' Defines, for each supported version control system (e.g. git), the dependencies for the mechanism, as well as a test used to determine whether a directory is a checkout created by that version control system. ''; }; }; ### implementation # prepareRepoAttrs adds svn defaults and preparse the repo attribute sets so that they # returns in any case: # { type = git/svn; # target = path; # initialize = cmd; # must create target dir, dirname target will exist # update = cmd; # pwd will be target # default = true/false; # } prepareRepoAttrs = repo : attrs : assert (isAttrs attrs); assert (repo + "" == repo); # assert repo is a string if (! (attrs ? type)) then throw "repo type is missing of : ${showVal attrs}" # prepare svn repo else if attrs.type == "svn" then let a = { # add svn defaults url = "https://svn.nixos.org/repos/nix/${repo}/trunk"; target = "/etc/nixos/${repo}"; } // attrs; in rec { inherit (a) type target; default = if a ? default then a.default else false; initialize = "svn co ${a.url} ${a.target}"; update = initialize; # co is just as fine as svn update } # prepare git repo else if attrs.type == "git" then # sanity check for existing attrs assert (all id (map ( attr : if hasAttr attr attrs then true else throw "git repository item is missing attribute ${attr}") [ "target" "initialize" "update" ] )); let t = escapeShellArg attrs.target; in rec { inherit (attrs) type target; default = if attrs ? default then attrs.default else false; update = "cd ${t}; ${attrs.update}"; initialize = '' cd $(dirname ${t}); ${attrs.initialize} [ -d ${t} ] || { echo "git initialize failed to create target directory ${t}"; exit 1; } ${update}''; } else throw "unkown repo type ${attrs.type}"; # apply prepareRepoAttrs on each repo definition repos = mapAttrs ( repo : list : map (x : (prepareRepoAttrs repo x) // { inherit repo; } ) list ) config.installer.repos; # function returning the default repo (first one having attribute default or head of list) defaultRepo = list : head ( (filter ( attrs : attrs ? default && attrs.default == true ) list) ++ list ); # creates the nixos-checkout script nixosCheckout = pkgs.substituteAll { name = "nixos-checkout"; dir = "bin"; isExecutable = true; src = pkgs.writeScript "nixos-checkout" ('' #! @shell@ -e # this file is automatically generated from nixos configuration file settings (installer.repos) backupTimestamp=$(date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S") '' + concatMapStrings ( attrs : let repoType = builtins.getAttr attrs.type config.installer.repoTypes; target = escapeShellArg attrs.target; in '' # ${attrs.type} repo ${target} PATH= for path in ${toString repoType.env}; do PATH=$PATH:$path/bin:$path/sbin done if [ -d ${target} ] && { cd ${target} && { ${ repoType.valid}; }; }; then echo; echo '>> ' updating ${attrs.type} repo ${target} set -x; ${attrs.update}; set +x else # [ make backup and ] initialize [ -e ${target} ] && mv ${target} ${target}-$backupTimestamp target=${target} [ -d "$(dirname ${target})" ] || mkdir -p "$(dirname ${target})" echo; echo '>> 'initializing ${attrs.type} repo ${target} set -x; ${attrs.initialize}; set +x fi '' ) # flatten all repo definition to one list adding the repository ( concatLists (flattenAttrs repos) ) ); }; in { require = options; environment.extraPackages = [nixosCheckout]; }