--- ../CMakeLists.txt	
+++ ../CMakeLists.txt	
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@
     set(OD_PLUGINS_CFG_PATH ".")
     # Set binary and data install locations if we want to use the installer
-    set(OD_BIN_PATH ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/games CACHE PATH "Absolute path to the game binary directory")
+    set(OD_BIN_PATH ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin CACHE PATH "Absolute path to the game binary directory")
     set(OD_DATA_PATH ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/games/${PROJECT_NAME} CACHE PATH "Absolute path to the game data directory")
     set(OD_SHARE_PATH ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share CACHE PATH "Absolute path to the shared data directory (desktop file, icons, etc.)")
     # Set the plugins.cfg file path to a common but architecture-dependent location.
     # Because the plugins.cfg Ogre plugins path path may vary depending on the architecture used.
-    set(OD_PLUGINS_CFG_PATH /etc/${PROJECT_NAME} CACHE PATH "Absolute path to the Ogre plugins.cfg file")
+    set(OD_PLUGINS_CFG_PATH ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/etc/${PROJECT_NAME} CACHE PATH "Absolute path to the Ogre plugins.cfg file")