# Definitions related to run-time type checking. Used in particular # to type-check NixOS configurations. { lib }: with lib.lists; with lib.attrsets; with lib.options; with lib.trivial; with lib.strings; let inherit (lib.modules) mergeDefinitions; outer_types = rec { isType = type: x: (x._type or "") == type; setType = typeName: value: value // { _type = typeName; }; # Default type merging function # takes two type functors and return the merged type defaultTypeMerge = f: f': let wrapped = f.wrapped.typeMerge f'.wrapped.functor; payload = f.binOp f.payload f'.payload; in # cannot merge different types if f.name != f'.name then null # simple types else if (f.wrapped == null && f'.wrapped == null) && (f.payload == null && f'.payload == null) then f.type # composed types else if (f.wrapped != null && f'.wrapped != null) && (wrapped != null) then f.type wrapped # value types else if (f.payload != null && f'.payload != null) && (payload != null) then f.type payload else null; # Default type functor defaultFunctor = name: { inherit name; type = types.${name} or null; wrapped = null; payload = null; binOp = a: b: null; }; isOptionType = isType "option-type"; mkOptionType = { # Human-readable representation of the type, should be equivalent to # the type function name. name , # Description of the type, defined recursively by embedding the wrapped type if any. description ? null , # Function applied to each definition that should return true if # its type-correct, false otherwise. check ? (x: true) , # Merge a list of definitions together into a single value. # This function is called with two arguments: the location of # the option in the configuration as a list of strings # (e.g. ["boot" "loader "grub" "enable"]), and a list of # definition values and locations (e.g. [ { file = "/foo.nix"; # value = 1; } { file = "/bar.nix"; value = 2 } ]). merge ? mergeDefaultOption , # Whether this type has a value representing nothingness. If it does, # this should be a value of the form { value = ; } # If it doesn't, this should be {} # This may be used when a value is required for `mkIf false`. This allows the extra laziness in e.g. `lazyAttrsOf`. emptyValue ? {} , # Return a flat list of sub-options. Used to generate # documentation. getSubOptions ? prefix: {} , # List of modules if any, or null if none. getSubModules ? null , # Function for building the same option type with a different list of # modules. substSubModules ? m: null , # Function that merge type declarations. # internal, takes a functor as argument and returns the merged type. # returning null means the type is not mergeable typeMerge ? defaultTypeMerge functor , # The type functor. # internal, representation of the type as an attribute set. # name: name of the type # type: type function. # wrapped: the type wrapped in case of compound types. # payload: values of the type, two payloads of the same type must be # combinable with the binOp binary operation. # binOp: binary operation that merge two payloads of the same type. functor ? defaultFunctor name }: { _type = "option-type"; inherit name check merge emptyValue getSubOptions getSubModules substSubModules typeMerge functor; description = if description == null then name else description; }; # When adding new types don't forget to document them in # nixos/doc/manual/development/option-types.xml! types = rec { unspecified = mkOptionType { name = "unspecified"; }; bool = mkOptionType { name = "bool"; description = "boolean"; check = isBool; merge = mergeEqualOption; }; int = mkOptionType { name = "int"; description = "signed integer"; check = isInt; merge = mergeEqualOption; }; # Specialized subdomains of int ints = let betweenDesc = lowest: highest: "${toString lowest} and ${toString highest} (both inclusive)"; between = lowest: highest: assert lib.assertMsg (lowest <= highest) "ints.between: lowest must be smaller than highest"; addCheck int (x: x >= lowest && x <= highest) // { name = "intBetween"; description = "integer between ${betweenDesc lowest highest}"; }; ign = lowest: highest: name: docStart: between lowest highest // { inherit name; description = docStart + "; between ${betweenDesc lowest highest}"; }; unsign = bit: range: ign 0 (range - 1) "unsignedInt${toString bit}" "${toString bit} bit unsigned integer"; sign = bit: range: ign (0 - (range / 2)) (range / 2 - 1) "signedInt${toString bit}" "${toString bit} bit signed integer"; in { /* An int with a fixed range. * * Example: * (ints.between 0 100).check (-1) * => false * (ints.between 0 100).check (101) * => false * (ints.between 0 0).check 0 * => true */ inherit between; unsigned = addCheck types.int (x: x >= 0) // { name = "unsignedInt"; description = "unsigned integer, meaning >=0"; }; positive = addCheck types.int (x: x > 0) // { name = "positiveInt"; description = "positive integer, meaning >0"; }; u8 = unsign 8 256; u16 = unsign 16 65536; # the biggest int a 64-bit Nix accepts is 2^63 - 1 (9223372036854775808), for a 32-bit Nix it is 2^31 - 1 (2147483647) # the smallest int a 64-bit Nix accepts is -2^63 (-9223372036854775807), for a 32-bit Nix it is -2^31 (-2147483648) # u32 = unsign 32 4294967296; # u64 = unsign 64 18446744073709551616; s8 = sign 8 256; s16 = sign 16 65536; # s32 = sign 32 4294967296; }; # Alias of u16 for a port number port = ints.u16; float = mkOptionType { name = "float"; description = "floating point number"; check = isFloat; merge = mergeEqualOption; }; str = mkOptionType { name = "str"; description = "string"; check = isString; merge = mergeEqualOption; }; strMatching = pattern: mkOptionType { name = "strMatching ${escapeNixString pattern}"; description = "string matching the pattern ${pattern}"; check = x: str.check x && builtins.match pattern x != null; inherit (str) merge; }; # Merge multiple definitions by concatenating them (with the given # separator between the values). separatedString = sep: mkOptionType rec { name = "separatedString"; description = if sep == "" then "Concatenated string" # for types.string. else "strings concatenated with ${builtins.toJSON sep}" ; check = isString; merge = loc: defs: concatStringsSep sep (getValues defs); functor = (defaultFunctor name) // { payload = sep; binOp = sepLhs: sepRhs: if sepLhs == sepRhs then sepLhs else null; }; }; lines = separatedString "\n"; commas = separatedString ","; envVar = separatedString ":"; # Deprecated; should not be used because it quietly concatenates # strings, which is usually not what you want. string = warn "types.string is deprecated because it quietly concatenates strings" (separatedString ""); attrs = mkOptionType { name = "attrs"; description = "attribute set"; check = isAttrs; merge = loc: foldl' (res: def: mergeAttrs res def.value) {}; emptyValue = { value = {}; }; }; # derivation is a reserved keyword. package = mkOptionType { name = "package"; check = x: isDerivation x || isStorePath x; merge = loc: defs: let res = mergeOneOption loc defs; in if isDerivation res then res else toDerivation res; }; shellPackage = package // { check = x: (package.check x) && (hasAttr "shellPath" x); }; path = mkOptionType { name = "path"; check = x: isCoercibleToString x && builtins.substring 0 1 (toString x) == "/"; merge = mergeEqualOption; }; # drop this in the future: list = builtins.trace "`types.list` is deprecated; use `types.listOf` instead" types.listOf; listOf = elemType: mkOptionType rec { name = "listOf"; description = "list of ${elemType.description}s"; check = isList; merge = loc: defs: map (x: x.value) (filter (x: x ? value) (concatLists (imap1 (n: def: if isList def.value then imap1 (m: def': (mergeDefinitions (loc ++ ["[definition ${toString n}-entry ${toString m}]"]) elemType [{ inherit (def) file; value = def'; }] ).optionalValue ) def.value else throw "The option value `${showOption loc}` in `${def.file}` is not a list.") defs))); emptyValue = { value = {}; }; getSubOptions = prefix: elemType.getSubOptions (prefix ++ ["*"]); getSubModules = elemType.getSubModules; substSubModules = m: listOf (elemType.substSubModules m); functor = (defaultFunctor name) // { wrapped = elemType; }; }; nonEmptyListOf = elemType: let list = addCheck (types.listOf elemType) (l: l != []); in list // { description = "non-empty " + list.description; # Note: emptyValue is left as is, because another module may define an element. }; attrsOf = elemType: mkOptionType rec { name = "attrsOf"; description = "attribute set of ${elemType.description}s"; check = isAttrs; merge = loc: defs: mapAttrs (n: v: v.value) (filterAttrs (n: v: v ? value) (zipAttrsWith (name: defs: (mergeDefinitions (loc ++ [name]) elemType defs).optionalValue ) # Push down position info. (map (def: mapAttrs (n: v: { inherit (def) file; value = v; }) def.value) defs))); emptyValue = { value = {}; }; getSubOptions = prefix: elemType.getSubOptions (prefix ++ [""]); getSubModules = elemType.getSubModules; substSubModules = m: attrsOf (elemType.substSubModules m); functor = (defaultFunctor name) // { wrapped = elemType; }; }; # A version of attrsOf that's lazy in its values at the expense of # conditional definitions not working properly. E.g. defining a value with # `foo.attr = mkIf false 10`, then `foo ? attr == true`, whereas with # attrsOf it would correctly be `false`. Accessing `foo.attr` would throw an # error that it's not defined. Use only if conditional definitions don't make sense. lazyAttrsOf = elemType: mkOptionType rec { name = "lazyAttrsOf"; description = "lazy attribute set of ${elemType.description}s"; check = isAttrs; merge = loc: defs: zipAttrsWith (name: defs: let merged = mergeDefinitions (loc ++ [name]) elemType defs; # mergedValue will trigger an appropriate error when accessed in merged.optionalValue.value or elemType.emptyValue.value or merged.mergedValue ) # Push down position info. (map (def: mapAttrs (n: v: { inherit (def) file; value = v; }) def.value) defs); emptyValue = { value = {}; }; getSubOptions = prefix: elemType.getSubOptions (prefix ++ [""]); getSubModules = elemType.getSubModules; substSubModules = m: lazyAttrsOf (elemType.substSubModules m); functor = (defaultFunctor name) // { wrapped = elemType; }; }; # List or attribute set of ... loaOf = elemType: let convertAllLists = loc: defs: let padWidth = stringLength (toString (length defs)); unnamedPrefix = i: "unnamed-" + fixedWidthNumber padWidth i + "."; in imap1 (i: convertIfList loc (unnamedPrefix i)) defs; convertIfList = loc: unnamedPrefix: def: if isList def.value then let padWidth = stringLength (toString (length def.value)); unnamed = i: unnamedPrefix + fixedWidthNumber padWidth i; res = { inherit (def) file; value = listToAttrs ( imap1 (elemIdx: elem: { name = elem.name or (unnamed elemIdx); value = elem; }) def.value); }; option = concatStringsSep "." loc; sample = take 3 def.value; list = concatMapStrings (x: ''{ name = "${x.name or "unnamed"}"; ...} '') sample; set = concatMapStrings (x: ''${x.name or "unnamed"} = {...}; '') sample; msg = '' In file ${def.file} a list is being assigned to the option config.${option}. This will soon be an error as type loaOf is deprecated. See https://git.io/fj2zm for more information. Do ${option} = { ${set}...} instead of ${option} = [ ${list}...] ''; in lib.warn msg res else def; attrOnly = attrsOf elemType; in mkOptionType rec { name = "loaOf"; description = "list or attribute set of ${elemType.description}s"; check = x: isList x || isAttrs x; merge = loc: defs: attrOnly.merge loc (convertAllLists loc defs); emptyValue = { value = {}; }; getSubOptions = prefix: elemType.getSubOptions (prefix ++ [""]); getSubModules = elemType.getSubModules; substSubModules = m: loaOf (elemType.substSubModules m); functor = (defaultFunctor name) // { wrapped = elemType; }; }; # Value of given type but with no merging (i.e. `uniq list`s are not concatenated). uniq = elemType: mkOptionType rec { name = "uniq"; inherit (elemType) description check; merge = mergeOneOption; emptyValue = elemType.emptyValue; getSubOptions = elemType.getSubOptions; getSubModules = elemType.getSubModules; substSubModules = m: uniq (elemType.substSubModules m); functor = (defaultFunctor name) // { wrapped = elemType; }; }; # Null or value of ... nullOr = elemType: mkOptionType rec { name = "nullOr"; description = "null or ${elemType.description}"; check = x: x == null || elemType.check x; merge = loc: defs: let nrNulls = count (def: def.value == null) defs; in if nrNulls == length defs then null else if nrNulls != 0 then throw "The option `${showOption loc}` is defined both null and not null, in ${showFiles (getFiles defs)}." else elemType.merge loc defs; emptyValue = { value = null; }; getSubOptions = elemType.getSubOptions; getSubModules = elemType.getSubModules; substSubModules = m: nullOr (elemType.substSubModules m); functor = (defaultFunctor name) // { wrapped = elemType; }; }; # A submodule (like typed attribute set). See NixOS manual. submodule = modules: submoduleWith { shorthandOnlyDefinesConfig = true; modules = toList modules; }; submoduleWith = { modules , specialArgs ? {} , shorthandOnlyDefinesConfig ? false }@attrs: let inherit (lib.modules) evalModules; coerce = unify: value: if isFunction value then setFunctionArgs (args: unify (value args)) (functionArgs value) else unify (if shorthandOnlyDefinesConfig then { config = value; } else value); allModules = defs: modules ++ imap1 (n: { value, file }: if isAttrs value || isFunction value then # Annotate the value with the location of its definition for better error messages coerce (lib.modules.unifyModuleSyntax file "${toString file}-${toString n}") value else value ) defs; in mkOptionType rec { name = "submodule"; check = x: isAttrs x || isFunction x || path.check x; merge = loc: defs: (evalModules { modules = allModules defs; inherit specialArgs; args.name = last loc; prefix = loc; }).config; emptyValue = { value = {}; }; getSubOptions = prefix: (evalModules { inherit modules prefix specialArgs; # This is a work-around due to the fact that some sub-modules, # such as the one included in an attribute set, expects a "args" # attribute to be given to the sub-module. As the option # evaluation does not have any specific attribute name, we # provide a default one for the documentation. # # This is mandatory as some option declaration might use the # "name" attribute given as argument of the submodule and use it # as the default of option declarations. # # Using lookalike unicode single angle quotation marks because # of the docbook transformation the options receive. In all uses # > and < wouldn't be encoded correctly so the encoded values # would be used, and use of `<` and `>` would break the XML document. # It shouldn't cause an issue since this is cosmetic for the manual. args.name = "‹name›"; }).options; getSubModules = modules; substSubModules = m: submoduleWith (attrs // { modules = m; }); functor = defaultFunctor name // { type = types.submoduleWith; payload = { modules = modules; specialArgs = specialArgs; shorthandOnlyDefinesConfig = shorthandOnlyDefinesConfig; }; binOp = lhs: rhs: { modules = lhs.modules ++ rhs.modules; specialArgs = let intersecting = builtins.intersectAttrs lhs.specialArgs rhs.specialArgs; in if intersecting == {} then lhs.specialArgs // rhs.specialArgs else throw "A submoduleWith option is declared multiple times with the same specialArgs \"${toString (attrNames intersecting)}\""; shorthandOnlyDefinesConfig = if lhs.shorthandOnlyDefinesConfig == rhs.shorthandOnlyDefinesConfig then lhs.shorthandOnlyDefinesConfig else throw "A submoduleWith option is declared multiple times with conflicting shorthandOnlyDefinesConfig values"; }; }; }; # A value from a set of allowed ones. enum = values: let show = v: if builtins.isString v then ''"${v}"'' else if builtins.isInt v then builtins.toString v else ''<${builtins.typeOf v}>''; in mkOptionType rec { name = "enum"; description = "one of ${concatMapStringsSep ", " show values}"; check = flip elem values; merge = mergeEqualOption; functor = (defaultFunctor name) // { payload = values; binOp = a: b: unique (a ++ b); }; }; # Either value of type `t1` or `t2`. either = t1: t2: mkOptionType rec { name = "either"; description = "${t1.description} or ${t2.description}"; check = x: t1.check x || t2.check x; merge = loc: defs: let defList = map (d: d.value) defs; in if all (x: t1.check x) defList then t1.merge loc defs else if all (x: t2.check x) defList then t2.merge loc defs else mergeOneOption loc defs; typeMerge = f': let mt1 = t1.typeMerge (elemAt f'.wrapped 0).functor; mt2 = t2.typeMerge (elemAt f'.wrapped 1).functor; in if (name == f'.name) && (mt1 != null) && (mt2 != null) then functor.type mt1 mt2 else null; functor = (defaultFunctor name) // { wrapped = [ t1 t2 ]; }; }; # Any of the types in the given list oneOf = ts: let head' = if ts == [] then throw "types.oneOf needs to get at least one type in its argument" else head ts; tail' = tail ts; in foldl' either head' tail'; # Either value of type `finalType` or `coercedType`, the latter is # converted to `finalType` using `coerceFunc`. coercedTo = coercedType: coerceFunc: finalType: assert lib.assertMsg (coercedType.getSubModules == null) "coercedTo: coercedType must not have submodules (it’s a ${ coercedType.description})"; mkOptionType rec { name = "coercedTo"; description = "${finalType.description} or ${coercedType.description} convertible to it"; check = x: finalType.check x || (coercedType.check x && finalType.check (coerceFunc x)); merge = loc: defs: let coerceVal = val: if finalType.check val then val else coerceFunc val; in finalType.merge loc (map (def: def // { value = coerceVal def.value; }) defs); emptyValue = finalType.emptyValue; getSubOptions = finalType.getSubOptions; getSubModules = finalType.getSubModules; substSubModules = m: coercedTo coercedType coerceFunc (finalType.substSubModules m); typeMerge = t1: t2: null; functor = (defaultFunctor name) // { wrapped = finalType; }; }; # Obsolete alternative to configOf. It takes its option # declarations from the ‘options’ attribute of containing option # declaration. optionSet = mkOptionType { name = builtins.trace "types.optionSet is deprecated; use types.submodule instead" "optionSet"; description = "option set"; }; # Augment the given type with an additional type check function. addCheck = elemType: check: elemType // { check = x: elemType.check x && check x; }; }; }; in outer_types // outer_types.types