{stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, perl, yasm , vp8DecoderSupport ? true # VP8 decoder , vp8EncoderSupport ? true # VP8 encoder , vp9DecoderSupport ? true # VP9 decoder , vp9EncoderSupport ? true # VP9 encoder , extraWarningsSupport ? false # emit non-fatal warnings , werrorSupport ? false # treat warnings as errors (not available with all compilers) , debugSupport ? false # debug mode , gprofSupport ? false # gprof profiling instrumentation , gcovSupport ? false # gcov coverage instrumentation , sizeLimitSupport ? true # limit max size to allow in the decoder , optimizationsSupport ? true # compiler optimization flags , runtimeCpuDetectSupport ? true # detect cpu capabilities at runtime , thumbSupport ? false # build arm assembly in thumb mode , examplesSupport ? true # build examples (vpxdec & vpxenc are part of examples) , fastUnalignedSupport ? true # use unaligned accesses if supported by hardware , debugLibsSupport ? false # include debug version of each library , postprocSupport ? true # postprocessing , multithreadSupport ? true # multithreaded decoding & encoding , internalStatsSupport ? false # output of encoder internal stats for debug, if supported (encoders) , memTrackerSupport ? false # track memory usage , spatialResamplingSupport ? true # spatial sampling (scaling) , realtimeOnlySupport ? false # build for real-time encoding , ontheflyBitpackingSupport ? false # on-the-fly bitpacking in real-time encoding , errorConcealmentSupport ? false # decoder conceals losses , smallSupport ? false # favor smaller binary over speed , postprocVisualizerSupport ? false # macro block/block level visualizers , unitTestsSupport ? false, curl ? null, coreutils ? null # unit tests , webmIOSupport ? true # input from and output to webm container , libyuvSupport ? true # libyuv , decodePerfTestsSupport ? false # build decoder perf tests with unit tests , encodePerfTestsSupport ? false # build encoder perf tests with unit tests , multiResEncodingSupport ? false # multiple-resolution encoding , temporalDenoisingSupport ? true # use temporal denoising instead of spatial denoising , coefficientRangeCheckingSupport ? false # decoder checks if intermediate transform coefficients are in valid range , vp9HighbitdepthSupport ? true # 10/12 bit color support in VP9 , experimentalSupport ? false # experimental features # Experimental features , experimentalSpatialSvcSupport ? false # Spatial scalable video coding , experimentalFpMbStatsSupport ? false , experimentalEmulateHardwareSupport ? false }: let inherit (stdenv) isi686 isx86_64 isArm is64bit isMips isDarwin isCygwin; inherit (stdenv.lib) enableFeature optional optionals; in assert isi686 || isx86_64 || isArm || isMips; # Requires ARM with floating point support assert vp8DecoderSupport || vp8EncoderSupport || vp9DecoderSupport || vp9EncoderSupport; assert internalStatsSupport && (vp9DecoderSupport || vp9EncoderSupport) -> postprocSupport; /* If spatialResamplingSupport not enabled, build will fail with undeclared variable errors. Variables called in vpx_scale/generic/vpx_scale.c are declared by vpx_scale/vpx_scale_rtcd.pl, but is only executed if spatialResamplingSupport is enabled */ assert spatialResamplingSupport; assert postprocVisualizerSupport -> postprocSupport; assert unitTestsSupport -> curl != null && coreutils != null; assert vp9HighbitdepthSupport -> (vp9DecoderSupport || vp9EncoderSupport); assert isCygwin -> unitTestsSupport && webmIOSupport && libyuvSupport; stdenv.mkDerivation rec { name = "libvpx-${version}"; version = "1.4.0"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "webmproject"; repo = "libvpx"; rev = "v${version}"; sha256 = "1y8cf2q5ij8z8ab5j36m18rbs62aah6sw6shzbs3jr70ja0z6n8s"; }; patchPhase = ''patchShebangs .''; outputs = [ "dev" "out" "bin" ]; setOutputFlags = false; configureFlags = [ (enableFeature (vp8EncoderSupport || vp8DecoderSupport) "vp8") (enableFeature vp8EncoderSupport "vp8-encoder") (enableFeature vp8DecoderSupport "vp8-decoder") (enableFeature (vp9EncoderSupport || vp9DecoderSupport) "vp9") (enableFeature vp9EncoderSupport "vp9-encoder") (enableFeature vp9DecoderSupport "vp9-decoder") (enableFeature extraWarningsSupport "extra-warnings") (enableFeature werrorSupport "werror") "--disable-install-docs" (enableFeature examplesSupport "install-bins") "--enable-install-libs" "--disable-install-srcs" (enableFeature debugSupport "debug") (enableFeature gprofSupport "gprof") (enableFeature gcovSupport "gcov") # Required to build shared libraries (enableFeature (!isCygwin) "pic") (enableFeature (isi686 || isx86_64) "use-x86inc") (enableFeature optimizationsSupport "optimizations") (enableFeature runtimeCpuDetectSupport "runtime-cpu-detect") (enableFeature thumbSupport "thumb") "--enable-libs" (enableFeature examplesSupport "examples") "--disable-docs" "--as=yasm" # Limit default decoder max to WHXGA (if sizeLimitSupport then "--size-limit=5120x3200" else null) (enableFeature fastUnalignedSupport "fast-unaligned") "--disable-codec-srcs" (enableFeature debugLibsSupport "debug-libs") (enableFeature isMips "dequant-tokens") (enableFeature isMips "dc-recon") (enableFeature postprocSupport "postproc") (enableFeature (postprocSupport && (vp9DecoderSupport || vp9EncoderSupport)) "vp9-postproc") (enableFeature multithreadSupport "multithread") (enableFeature internalStatsSupport "internal-stats") (enableFeature memTrackerSupport "mem-tracker") (enableFeature spatialResamplingSupport "spatial-resampling") (enableFeature realtimeOnlySupport "realtime-only") (enableFeature ontheflyBitpackingSupport "onthefly-bitpacking") (enableFeature errorConcealmentSupport "error-concealment") # Shared libraries are only supported on ELF platforms (if isDarwin || isCygwin then "--enable-static --disable-shared" else "--disable-static --enable-shared") (enableFeature smallSupport "small") (enableFeature postprocVisualizerSupport "postproc-visualizer") (enableFeature unitTestsSupport "unit-tests") (enableFeature webmIOSupport "webm-io") (enableFeature libyuvSupport "libyuv") (enableFeature decodePerfTestsSupport "decode-perf-tests") (enableFeature encodePerfTestsSupport "encode-perf-tests") (enableFeature multiResEncodingSupport "multi-res-encoding") (enableFeature temporalDenoisingSupport "temporal-denoising") (enableFeature (temporalDenoisingSupport && (vp9DecoderSupport || vp9EncoderSupport)) "vp9-temporal-denoising") (enableFeature coefficientRangeCheckingSupport "coefficient-range-checking") (enableFeature (vp9HighbitdepthSupport && is64bit) "vp9-highbitdepth") (enableFeature (experimentalSpatialSvcSupport || experimentalFpMbStatsSupport || experimentalEmulateHardwareSupport) "experimental") # Experimental features ] ++ optional experimentalSpatialSvcSupport "--enable-spatial-svc" ++ optional experimentalFpMbStatsSupport "--enable-fp-mb-stats" ++ optional experimentalEmulateHardwareSupport "--enable-emulate-hardware"; nativeBuildInputs = [ perl yasm ]; buildInputs = [ ] ++ optionals unitTestsSupport [ coreutils curl ]; enableParallelBuilding = true; postInstall = ''moveToOutput bin "$bin" ''; crossAttrs = let isCygwin = stdenv.cross.libc == "msvcrt"; isDarwin = stdenv.cross.libc == "libSystem"; in { dontSetConfigureCross = true; configureFlags = configureFlags ++ [ #"--extra-cflags=" #"--prefix=" #"--libc=" #"--libdir=" "--enable-external-build" # libvpx darwin targets include darwin version (ie. ARCH-darwinXX-gcc, XX being the darwin version) # See all_platforms: https://github.com/webmproject/libvpx/blob/master/configure # Darwin versions: 10.4=8, 10.5=9, 10.6=10, 10.7=11, 10.8=12, 10.9=13, 10.10=14 "--force-target=${stdenv.cross.config}${( if isDarwin then ( if stdenv.cross.osxMinVersion == "10.10" then "14" else if stdenv.cross.osxMinVersion == "10.9" then "13" else if stdenv.cross.osxMinVersion == "10.8" then "12" else if stdenv.cross.osxMinVersion == "10.7" then "11" else if stdenv.cross.osxMinVersion == "10.6" then "10" else if stdenv.cross.osxMinVersion == "10.5" then "9" else "8") else "")}-gcc" (if isCygwin then "--enable-static-msvcrt" else "") ]; }; meta = with stdenv.lib; { description = "WebM VP8/VP9 codec SDK"; homepage = http://www.webmproject.org/; license = licenses.bsd3; maintainers = with maintainers; [ codyopel ]; platforms = platforms.all; }; }