Building Your Own NixOS CD
Building a NixOS CD is as easy as configuring your own computer. The
idea is to use another module which will replace your
configuration.nix to configure the system that
would be installed on the CD.
Default CD/DVD configurations are available inside
$ git clone
$ cd nixpkgs/nixos
$ nix-build -A -I nixos-config=modules/installer/cd-dvd/installation-cd-minimal.nix default.nix
Before burning your CD/DVD, you can check the content of the image
by mounting anywhere like suggested by the following command:
# mount -o loop -t iso9660 ./result/iso/cd.iso /mnt/iso</screen>
If you want to customize your NixOS CD in more detail, or generate
other kinds of images, you might want to check out
This can also be a good starting point when you want to use Nix to
build a minimal image that doesn’t include a NixOS