#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell #! nix-shell -i bash -p bash coreutils curl jq nix # vim: ft=sh sw=2 et # # This scripts scans the github terraform-providers repo for new releases, # generates the corresponding nix code and finally generates an index of # all the providers given in ./providers.txt. set -euo pipefail # the maximum number of attempts before giving up inside of GET and prefetch_github readonly maxAttempts=30 GET() { local url=$1 local retry=1 echo "fetching $url" >&2 while ! curl -#fL -u "$GITHUB_AUTH" "$url"; do echo "The curl command has failed. Attempt $retry/${maxAttempts}" >&2 if [[ "${retry}" -eq "${maxAttempts}" ]]; then exit 1 fi retry=$(( retry + 1 )) sleep 5 done } get_org_repos() { local org=$1 local page=1 GET "https://api.github.com/orgs/$org/repos?per_page=100" | jq -r '.[].name' } get_repo_tags() { local owner=$1 local repo=$2 GET "https://api.github.com/repos/$owner/$repo/git/refs/tags?per_page=100" | \ jq -r '.[].ref' | \ grep -v 'v\.' | \ cut -d '/' -f 3- | \ sort --version-sort } prefetch_github() { local owner=$1 local repo=$2 local rev=$3 local retry=1 while ! nix-prefetch-url --unpack "https://github.com/$owner/$repo/archive/$rev.tar.gz"; do echo "The nix-prefetch-url command has failed. Attempt $retry/${maxAttempts}" >&2 if [[ "${retry}" -eq "${maxAttempts}" ]]; then exit 1 fi retry=$(( retry + 1 )) sleep 5 done } echo_entry() { local owner=$1 local repo=$2 local rev=$3 local version=$(echo $3 | sed 's/^v//') local sha256=$4 cat <> data.nix } ## Main ## cd "$(dirname "$0")" if [[ -z "${GITHUB_AUTH:-}" ]]; then cat <<'HELP' Missing the GITHUB_AUTH env. This is required to work around the 60 request per hour rate-limit. Go to https://github.com/settings/tokens and create a new token with the "public_repo" scope. Then `export GITHUB_AUTH=:` and run this script again. HELP exit 1 fi cat <
data.nix # Generated with ./update-all { HEADER while read line; do IFS=' ' read -r -a fields <<< "$line" if [[ "${#fields[@]}" -eq 0 ]]; then continue fi if [[ "${fields[0]}" = *"/"* ]]; then org="$(echo "${fields[0]}" | cut -d/ -f1)" repo="$(echo "${fields[0]}" | cut -d/ -f2)" add_repo "${org}" "${repo}" else org="${fields[0]}" repos=$(get_org_repos "$org") if [[ "${#fields[@]}" -ge 2 ]] && [[ -n "${fields[1]}" ]]; then repos="$( echo "${repos[@]}" | grep "${fields[1]}" )" fi if [[ "${#fields[@]}" -eq 3 ]] && [[ -n "${fields[2]}" ]]; then repos="$( echo "${repos[@]}" | grep -v "${fields[2]}" )" fi repos="$( echo "${repos[@]}" | sort )" for repo in $repos; do add_repo "$org" "$repo" done fi done < <(grep -v '^#\|^$' providers.txt) cat <