args: let defList = [ (assert false) - correct it; List element is of form ["name" default] ]; #stdenv and fetchurl are added automatically getVal = (args.lib.getValue args defList); check = args.lib.checkFlag args; reqsList = [ (assert false) - correct it; List element is of form ["name" "requirement-name" ... ] ["true"] ["false"] ]; buildInputsNames = args.lib.filter (x: (null!=getVal x)) (args.lib.uniqList {inputList = (args.lib.concatLists (map (x:(if (x==[]) then [] else builtins.tail x)) reqsList));}); in assert args.lib.checkReqs args defList reqsList; with args; args.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = " #!!! Fill me // " ; src = args. #Put fetcher here buildInputs = args.lib.filter (x: x!=null) (map getVal buildInputsNames); meta = { description = " #Fill description here "; }; }