name:                haskell-platform
version:             2013.2.0.0
license:             BSD3
license-file:        LICENSE
category:            System
synopsis:            The Haskell Platform
    The Haskell Platform (HP) is the blessed set of libraries and tools on
    which to build further Haskell libraries and applications. It is
    intended to provide a comprehensive, stable, and quality tested base for
    Haskell projects to work from.
    This version specifies the following additional developer tools be
    installed, for a system to be in full compliance:
    * cabal-install
    * alex
    * happy
    * haddock

cabal-version:       >= 1.8
build-type:          Custom
tested-with:         GHC ==7.6.3

flag include-ghc-depends
  description: Include all the GHC provided packages in the dependencies
  default:     False

  if flag(include-ghc-depends)
      ghc                      ==7.6.3,

      -- Core libraries: provided by every ghc installation
      -- We don't include "non-API" packages here.
      --                                        begin core packages
      array                     ==,
      base                      ==,
      bytestring                ==,
      Cabal                     ==1.16.0,
      containers                ==,
      deepseq                   ==,
      directory                 ==,
      filepath                  ==,
      haskell2010               ==,
      haskell98                 ==,
      hpc                       ==,
      old-locale                ==,
      old-time                  ==,
      pretty                    ==,
      process                   ==,
      template-haskell          ==,
      time                      ==
  if !os(windows)
      unix                      ==
      --                                        end core packages
      Win32                     ==

    -- Libraries in addition to what GHC provides:
    -- Note: newer versions of cgi need monad-catchio.
    --                                          begin platform packages
    async                       ==,
    attoparsec                  ==,
    case-insensitive            ==,
    cgi                         ==3001.1.7.5,
    fgl                         ==,
    GLUT                        ==,
    GLURaw                      ==,
    haskell-src                 ==,
    hashable                    ==,
    html                        ==,
    HTTP                        ==4000.2.8,
    HUnit                       ==,
    mtl                         ==2.1.2,
    network                     ==,
    OpenGL                      ==,
    OpenGLRaw                   ==,
    parallel                    ==,
    parsec                      ==3.1.3,
    QuickCheck                  ==2.6,
    random                      ==,
    regex-base                  ==0.93.2,
    regex-compat                ==0.95.1,
    regex-posix                 ==0.95.2,
    split                       ==0.2.2,
    stm                         ==2.4.2,
    syb                         ==0.4.0,
    text                        ==,
    transformers                ==,
    unordered-containers        ==,
    vector                      ==,
    xhtml                       ==3000.2.1,
    zlib                        ==,

    -- Libraries that are needed to support the above,
    -- though are not officially part of the platform
    primitive                   ==

  -- Depending on programs does not work, they are not registered
  -- We list them to help distro packaging.
    cabal-install               ==,
    alex                        ==3.0.5,
    happy                       ==1.18.10
    --                                          end platform packages
    -- hscolour                 ==1.20.3   -- ???
    -- haddock                  ==2.13.2 -- need to use the one shipped with ghc

-- N.B.: The begin/end comment annotations are used to build the source
-- installer: Packages that are part of the core are checked at build time.
-- Source of packages that are part of the platform are included in the tarball.