{ stdenv, lib, fetchzip, substituteAll, dpkg, autoPatchelfHook, cups, tcl, tk, xorg, makeWrapper }:
  debPlatform =
    if stdenv.hostPlatform.system == "x86_64-linux" then "amd64"
    else if stdenv.hostPlatform.system == "i686-linux" then "i386"
         else throw "Unsupported system: ${stdenv.hostPlatform.system}";
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
  pname = "fxlinuxprintutil";
  version = "1.1.1-1";

  src = fetchzip {
    url = "https://onlinesupport.fujixerox.com/driver_downloads/fxlinuxpdf112119031.zip";
    sha256 = "1mv07ch6ysk9bknfmjqsgxb803sj6vfin29s9knaqv17jvgyh0n3";
    curlOpts = "--user-agent Mozilla/5.0";  # HTTP 410 otherwise

  patches = [
    # replaces references to “path/to/fxlputil” via $0 that are broken by our wrapProgram
    # with /nix/store/fxlinuxprintutil/bin/fxlputil

    # replaces the code that looks for Tcl packages in the working directory and /usr/lib
    # or /usr/lib64 with /nix/store/fxlinuxprintutil/lib

    # replaces the code that looks for X11’s locale.alias in /usr/share/X11/locale or
    # /usr/lib/X11/locale with /nix/store/libX11/share/X11/locale
    (substituteAll {
      src = ./fxlocalechk.tcl.patch;
      inherit (xorg) libX11;

  nativeBuildInputs = [ dpkg autoPatchelfHook makeWrapper ];
  buildInputs = [ cups tcl tk ];

  sourceRoot = ".";
  unpackCmd = "dpkg-deb -x $curSrc/${pname}_${version}_${debPlatform}.deb .";

  dontConfigure = true;
  dontBuild = true;

  installPhase = ''
    mkdir -p $out
    mv usr/bin $out
    mv usr/lib $out

    wrapProgram $out/bin/fxlputil --prefix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath [ tcl tk ]}

  meta = with lib; {
    description = "Optional configuration tool for fxlinuxprint";
    homepage = "https://onlinesupport.fujixerox.com";
    sourceProvenance = with sourceTypes; [ binaryNativeCode ];
    license = licenses.unfree;
    maintainers = with maintainers; [ delan ];
    platforms = platforms.linux;