Release 19.03 (“Koi”, 2019/03/??)Highlights
In addition to numerous new and upgraded packages, this release has the
following highlights:
New Services
The following new services were added since the last release:
Backward Incompatibilities
When upgrading from a previous release, please be aware of the following
incompatible changes:
The minimum version of Nix required to evaluate Nixpkgs is now 2.0.
For users of NixOS 18.03 and 19.03, NixOS defaults to Nix 2.0, but
supports using Nix 1.11 by setting nix.package =
pkgs.nix1;. If this option is set to a Nix 1.11 package, you
will need to either unset the option or upgrade it to Nix 2.0.
For users of NixOS 17.09, you will first need to upgrade Nix by setting
nix.package = pkgs.nixStable2; and run
nixos-rebuild switch as the root
For users of a daemon-less Nix installation on Linux or macOS, you can
upgrade Nix by running curl |
sh, or prior to doing a channel update, running
nix-env -iA nix.
If you have already run a channel update and Nix is no longer able to
evaluate Nixpkgs, the error message printed should provide adequate
directions for upgrading Nix.
For users of the Nix daemon on macOS, you can upgrade Nix by running
sudo -i sh -c 'nix-channel --update && nix-env -iA
nixpkgs.nix'; sudo launchctl stop org.nixos.nix-daemon; sudo launchctl
start org.nixos.nix-daemon.
The Syncthing state and configuration data has been moved from
services.syncthing.dataDir to the newly defined
services.syncthing.configDir, which default to
This change makes possible to share synced directories using ACLs
without Syncthing resetting the permission on every start.
Package rabbitmq_server is renamed to
The light module no longer uses setuid binaries, but
udev rules. As a consequence users of that module have to belong to the
video group in order to use the executable (i.e.
users.users.yourusername.extraGroups = ["video"];).
Buildbot now supports Python 3 and its packages have been moved to
pythonPackages. The options
can be used to select
the Python 2 or 3 version of the package.
Options and
were removed. They were never used for anything and can therefore safely be removed.
Package wasm has been renamed proglodyte-wasm. The package
wasm will be pointed to ocamlPackages.wasm in 19.09, so
make sure to update your configuration if you want to keep proglodyte-wasm
OpenSMTPD has been upgraded to version 6.4.0p1. This release makes
backwards-incompatible changes to the configuration file format. See
man smtpd.conf for more information on the new file
The versioned postgresql have been renamed to use
underscore number seperators. For example, postgresql96
has been renamed to postgresql_9_6.
Package consul-ui and passthrough consul.ui have been removed.
The package consul now uses upstream releases that vendor the UI into the binary.
See #48714
for details.
Slurm introduces the new option
which is now set to /var/spool/slurm by default
(instead of /var/spool).
Make sure to move all files to the new directory or to set the option accordingly.
The slurmctld now runs as user slurm instead of root.
If you want to keep slurmctld running as root, set
services.slurm.user = root.
The options services.slurm.nodeName and
services.slurm.partitionName are now sets of
strings to correctly reflect that fact that each of these
options can occour more than once in the configuration.
The solr package has been upgraded from 4.10.3 to 7.5.0 and has undergone
some major changes. The services.solr module has been updated to reflect
these changes. Please review carefully before upgrading.
Package ckb is renamed to ckb-next,
and options hardware.ckb.* are renamed to
Other Notable Changes
The module gained the option
which determines the used
Matomo version.
The deprecated truecrypt package has been removed
and truecrypt attribute is now an alias for
veracrypt. VeraCrypt is backward-compatible with
TrueCrypt volumes. Note that cryptsetup also
supports loading TrueCrypt volumes.