import ./make-test.nix ({ pkgs, lib, ... }:

  name = "incron";
  meta.maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.aanderse ];

  machine =
    { ... }:
    { services.incron.enable = true;
      services.incron.extraPackages = [ pkgs.coreutils ];
      services.incron.systab = ''
        /test IN_CREATE,IN_MODIFY,IN_CLOSE_WRITE,IN_MOVED_FROM,IN_MOVED_TO echo "$@/$# $%" >> /root/incron.log

      # ensure the directory to be monitored exists before incron is started
      system.activationScripts.incronTest = ''
        mkdir /test

  testScript = ''


    $machine->succeed("test -d /test");
    # create some activity for incron to monitor
    $machine->succeed("touch /test/file");
    $machine->succeed("echo foo >> /test/file");
    $machine->succeed("mv /test/file /root");
    $machine->succeed("mv /root/file /test");


    # touch /test/file
    $machine->succeed("grep '/test/file IN_CREATE' /root/incron.log");

    # echo foo >> /test/file
    $machine->succeed("grep '/test/file IN_MODIFY' /root/incron.log");
    $machine->succeed("grep '/test/file IN_CLOSE_WRITE' /root/incron.log");

    # mv /test/file /root
    $machine->succeed("grep '/test/file IN_MOVED_FROM' /root/incron.log");

    # mv /root/file /test
    $machine->succeed("grep '/test/file IN_MOVED_TO' /root/incron.log");

    # ensure something unexpected is not present
    $machine->fail("grep 'IN_OPEN' /root/incron.log");