# Disnix server { config, pkgs, ... }: with pkgs.lib; let cfg = config.services.disnix; disnix_activation_scripts = pkgs.disnix_activation_scripts.override (origArgs: { enableApacheWebApplication = config.services.httpd.enable; enableAxis2WebService = config.services.tomcat.axis2.enable; enableEjabberdDump = config.services.ejabberd.enable; enableMySQLDatabase = config.services.mysql.enable; enableTomcatWebApplication = config.services.tomcat.enable; }); in { ###### interface options = { services.disnix = { enable = mkOption { default = false; description = "Whether to enable Disnix"; }; useWebServiceInterface = mkOption { default = false; description = "Whether to enable the DisnixWebService interface running on Apache Tomcat"; }; publishInfrastructure = { enable = mkOption { default = false; description = "Whether to publish capabilities/properties of this machine in as attributes in the infrastructure option"; }; enableAuthentication = mkOption { default = false; description = "Whether to publish authentication credentials through the infrastructure attribute (not recommended in combination with Avahi)"; }; }; infrastructure = mkOption { default = {}; description = "List of name value pairs containing properties for the infrastructure model"; }; publishAvahi = mkOption { default = false; description = "Whether to publish capabilities/properties as a Disnix service through Avahi"; }; }; }; ###### implementation config = mkIf cfg.enable { environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.disnix ] ++ optional cfg.useWebServiceInterface pkgs.DisnixWebService; services.dbus.enable = true; services.dbus.packages = [ pkgs.disnix ]; services.avahi.enable = cfg.publishAvahi; services.tomcat.enable = cfg.useWebServiceInterface; services.tomcat.extraGroups = [ "disnix" ]; services.tomcat.javaOpts = "${optionalString cfg.useWebServiceInterface "-Djava.library.path=${pkgs.libmatthew_java}/lib/jni"} "; services.tomcat.sharedLibs = optional cfg.useWebServiceInterface "${pkgs.DisnixWebService}/share/java/DisnixConnection.jar" ++ optional cfg.useWebServiceInterface "${pkgs.dbus_java}/share/java/dbus.jar"; services.tomcat.webapps = optional cfg.useWebServiceInterface pkgs.DisnixWebService; users.extraGroups = singleton { name = "disnix"; gid = config.ids.gids.disnix; }; services.disnix.infrastructure = optionalAttrs (cfg.publishInfrastructure.enable) ( { hostname = config.networking.hostName; targetHost = config.deployment.targetHost; system = if config.nixpkgs.system == "" then builtins.currentSystem else config.nixpkgs.system; } // optionalAttrs (cfg.useWebServiceInterface) { targetEPR = "http://${config.deployment.targetHost}:8080/DisnixWebService/services/DisnixWebService"; } // optionalAttrs (config.services.httpd.enable) { documentRoot = config.services.httpd.documentRoot; } // optionalAttrs (config.services.mysql.enable) { mysqlPort = config.services.mysql.port; } // optionalAttrs (config.services.tomcat.enable) { tomcatPort = 8080; } // optionalAttrs (cfg.publishInfrastructure.enableAuthentication) ( optionalAttrs (config.services.mysql.enable) { mysqlUsername = "root"; mysqlPassword = builtins.readFile config.services.mysql.rootPassword; }) ) ; services.disnix.publishInfrastructure.enable = cfg.publishAvahi; jobs = { disnix = { description = "Disnix server"; startOn = "started dbus"; script = '' export PATH=/var/run/current-system/sw/bin:/var/run/current-system/sw/sbin export HOME=/root ${pkgs.disnix}/bin/disnix-service --activation-modules-dir=${disnix_activation_scripts}/libexec/disnix/activation-scripts ''; }; } // optionalAttrs cfg.publishAvahi { disnixAvahi = { description = "Disnix Avahi publisher"; startOn = "started avahi-daemon"; exec = '' ${pkgs.avahi}/bin/avahi-publish-service disnix-${config.networking.hostName} _disnix._tcp 22 \ "mem=$(grep 'MemTotal:' /proc/meminfo | sed -e 's/kB//' -e 's/MemTotal://' -e 's/ //g')" \ "supportedTypes=[$(for i in ${disnix_activation_scripts}/libexec/disnix/activation-scripts/*; do echo -n " \"$(basename $i)\""; done) ]" \ ${concatMapStrings (infrastructureAttrName: let infrastructureAttrValue = getAttr infrastructureAttrName (cfg.infrastructure); in if builtins.isInt infrastructureAttrValue then ''${infrastructureAttrName}=${infrastructureAttrValue} \ '' else ''${infrastructureAttrName}=\"${infrastructureAttrValue}\" \ '' ) (attrNames (cfg.infrastructure))} ''; }; }; }; }