Following legacy packing conventions, `isArm` was defined just for
32-bit ARM instruction set. This is confusing to non packagers though,
because Aarch64 is an ARM instruction set.
The official ARM overview for ARMv8[1] is surprisingly not confusing,
given the overall state of affairs for ARM naming conventions, and
offers us a solution. It divides the nomenclature into three levels:
ISA: ARMv8 {-A, -R, -M}
/ \
Mode: Aarch32 Aarch64
| / \
Encoding: A64 A32 T32
At the top is the overall v8 instruction set archicture. Second are the
two modes, defined by bitwidth but differing in other semantics too, and
buttom are the encodings, (hopefully?) isomorphic if they encode the
same mode.
The 32 bit encodings are mostly backwards compatible with previous
non-Thumb and Thumb encodings, and if so we can pun the mode names to
instead mean "sets of compatable or isomorphic encodings", and then
voilà we have nice names for 32-bit and 64-bit arm instruction sets
which do not use the word ARM so as to not confused either laymen or
experienced ARM packages.
First, we need check against the host platform, not the build platform.
That's simple enough.
Second, we move away from exahustive finite case analysis (i.e.
exhaustively listing all platforms the package builds on). That only
work in a closed-world setting, where we know all platforms we might
build one. But with cross compilation, we may be building for arbitrary
platforms, So we need fancier filters. This is the closed world to open
world change.
The solution is instead of having a list of systems (strings in the form
"foo-bar"), we have a list of of systems or "patterns", i.e. attributes
that partially match the output of the parsers in ``.
The "check meta" logic treats the systems strings as an exact whitelist
just as before, but treats the patterns as a fuzzy whitelist,
intersecting the actual `hostPlatform` with the pattern and then
checking for equality. (This is done using `matchAttrs`).
The default convenience lists for `meta.platforms` are now changed to be
lists of patterns (usually a single pattern) in
`lib/systems/for-meta.nix` for maximum flexibility under this new
Fixes #30902
Negative reasoning like `allBut` is a bad idea with an open world of
platforms. Concretely, if we add a new, quite different sort of
platform, existing packages with `allBut` will claim they work on it
even though they probably won't.
Existing "mips64el" should be "mipsel".
This is just the barest minimum so that nixpkgs can recognize them as
systems - although required for building individual derivations onto
MIPS boards, it is not sufficient if you want to actually build nixos on
those targets
This does break the API of being able to import any lib file and get
its libs, however I'm not sure people did this.
I made this while exploring being able to swap out docFn with a stub
in #2305, to avoid functor performance problems. I don't know if that
is going to move forward (or if it is a problem or not,) but after
doing all this work figured I'd put it up anyway :)
Two notable advantages to this approach:
1. when a lib inherits another lib's functions, it doesn't
automatically get put in to the scope of lib
2. when a lib implements a new obscure functions, it doesn't
automatically get put in to the scope of lib
Using the test script (later in this commit) I got the following diff
on the API:
+ diff master fixed-lib
> .types.defaultFunctor
> .types.defaultTypeMerge
> .types.isOptionType
> .types.isType
> .types.mkOptionType
> .types.setType
> .types.types
This means that this commit _adds_ to the API, however I can't find a
way to fix these last remaining discrepancies. At least none are
Test script (run with nix-repl in the PATH):
set -eux
repl() {
echo "(import ./lib)$suff" \
| nix-repl 2>&1
attrs_to_check() {
repl "${1:-}" \
| tr ';' $'\n' \
| grep "\.\.\." \
| cut -d' ' -f2 \
| sed -e "s/^/${1:-}./" \
| sort
summ() {
repl "${1:-}" \
| tr ' ' $'\n' \
| sort \
| uniq
deep_summ() {
depth=$((depth - 1))
summ "$suff"
for attr in $(attrs_to_check "$suff" | grep -v "types.types"); do
if [ $depth -eq 0 ]; then
summ "$attr" | sed -e "s/^/$attr./"
deep_summ "$attr" "$depth" | sed -e "s/^/$attr./"
cd nixpkgs
#git add .
#git commit -m "Auto-commit, sorry" || true
git checkout fixed-lib
deep_summ > ../fixed-lib
git checkout master
deep_summ > ../master
if diff master fixed-lib; then
cd nixpkgs
git checkout fixed-lib
repl .types
This reverts commit 2282a5774c, reversing
changes made to 14adea9156.
The lib tests are bloking nixpkgs-unstable, and I don't like debugging
it soon enough.
There is no more `cygwin` OS, but instead a `cygnus` abi. "win32"
and "mingw32" parse as `windows`. Add a 3-part hack because autotools
breaks on explicit abi with windows-like (e.g. "i686-pc-windows-gnu").
Also change cross triples to conform
The old hard-coded lists are now used to test system parsing.
In the process, make an `assertTrue` in release lib for eval tests; also
use it in release-cross