The OC_PASS environment variable can be used to create a user with
`occ user:add --password-from-env`. It is currently not possible to
use the `nextcloud-occ` to "non-interactively" create a user since
this variable is ignored by sudo.
Rework withExtensions / buildEnv to handle currently enabled
extensions better and make them compatible with override. They now
accept a function with the named arguments enabled and all, where
enabled is a list of currently enabled extensions and all is the set
of all extensions. This gives us several nice properties:
- You always get the right version of the list of currently enabled
- Invocations chain
- It works well with overridden PHP packages - you always get the
correct versions of extensions
As a contrived example of what's possible, you can add ImageMagick,
then override the version and disable fpm, then disable cgi, and
lastly remove the zip extension like this:
{ pkgs ? (import <nixpkgs>) {} }:
with pkgs;
phpWithImagick = php74.withExtensions ({ all, enabled }: enabled ++ [ all.imagick ]);
phpWithImagickWithoutFpm743 = phpWithImagick.override {
version = "7.4.3";
sha256 = "wVF7pJV4+y3MZMc6Ptx21PxQfEp6xjmYFYTMfTtMbRQ=";
fpmSupport = false;
phpWithImagickWithoutFpmZip743 = phpWithImagickWithoutFpm743.withExtensions (
{ enabled, all }:
lib.filter (e: e != enabled);
phpWithImagickWithoutFpmZipCgi743 = phpWithImagickWithoutFpmZip743.override {
cgiSupport = false;
The new wording does not assume the user is upgrading.
This is because a user could be setting up a new installation on 20.03
on a server that has a 19.09 or before stateVersion!!
The new wording ensures that confusion is reduced by stating that they
do not have to care about the assumed 16→17 transition.
Then, the wording explains that they should, and how to upgrade to
version 18.
It also reviews the confusing wording about "multiple" upgrades.
* * *
The only thing we cannot really do is stop a fresh install of 17 if
there was no previous install, as it cannot be detected. That makes a
useless upgrade forced for new users with old state versions.
It is also important to state that they must set their package to
Nextcloud 18, as future upgrades to Nextcloud will not allow an uprade
from 17!
I assume future warning messages will exist specifically stating what to
do to go from 18 to 19, then 19 to 20, etc...
So now we have only packages for human interaction in php.packages and
only extensions in php.extensions. With this php.packages.exts have
been merged into the same attribute set as all the other extensions to
make it flat and nice.
The nextcloud module have been updated to reflect this change as well
as the documentation.
It's impossible to move two major-versions forward when upgrading
Nextcloud. This is an issue when comming from 19.09 (using Nextcloud 16)
and trying to upgrade to 20.03 (using Nextcloud 18 by default).
This patch implements the measurements discussed in #82056 and #82353 to
improve the update process and to circumvent similar issues in the
* `pkgs.nextcloud` has been removed in favor of versioned attributes
(currently `pkgs.nextcloud17` and `pkgs.nextcloud18`). With that
approach we can safely backport major-releases in the future to
simplify those upgrade-paths and we can select one of the
major-releases as default depending on the configuration (helpful to
decide whether e.g. `pkgs.nextcloud17` or `pkgs.nextcloud18` should be
used on 20.03 and `master` atm).
* If `system.stateVersion` is older than `20.03`, `nextcloud17` will be
used (which is one major-release behind v16 from 19.09). When using a
package older than the latest major-release available (currently v18),
the evaluation will cause a warning which describes the issue and
suggests next steps.
To make those package-selections easier, a new option to define the
package to be used for the service (namely
`services.nextcloud.package`) was introduced.
* If `pkgs.nextcloud` exists (e.g. due to an overlay which was used to
provide more recent Nextcloud versions on older NixOS-releases), an
evaluation error will be thrown by default: this is to make sure that
`services.nextcloud.package` doesn't use an older version by accident
after checking the state-version. If `pkgs.nextcloud` is added
manually, it needs to be declared explicitly in
* The `nixos/nextcloud`-documentation contains a
"Maintainer information"-chapter which describes how to roll out new
Nextcloud releases and how to deal with old (and probably unsafe)
Closes #82056
Only use sudo if we are currently not running as the nextcloud user.
This is problematic when occ is called from a systemd service with
This commit adds a Strict-Transport-Security header to
the nginx config file generated by the nextcloud module.
The Strict-Transport-Security header is recommended in
official guide for hardening Nextcloud installations:
Further, if it is not set, we see a warning in the security scan results
in the Nextcloud admin panel:
The "Strict-Transport-Security" HTTP header is not set to at least "15552000" seconds. For enhanced security, it is recommended to enable HSTS as described in the security tips
Regression I caused with 3944aa051c, sorry
for this! The Nextcloud installer broke back then because
`trusted_domains` was an empty value by default (a.k.a an empty array)
which seemed to break the config merger of Nextcloud as Nextcloud
doesn't do recursive merging and now no domain was trusted because of
that, hence Nextcloud was unreachable for the `curl` call.
One of the main problems of the Nextcloud module is that it's currently
not possible to alter e.g. database configuration after the initial
setup as it's written by their imperative installer to a file.
After some research[1] it turned out that it's possible to override all values
with an additional config file. The documentation has been
slightly updated to remain up-to-date, but the warnings should
remain there as the imperative configuration is still used and may cause
unwanted side-effects.
Also simplified the postgresql test which uses `ensure{Databases,Users}` to
configure the database.
Fixes #49783
nixos/nextcloud: Add documentation for nextcloud app installation and updates
nixos/nextcloud: Enable autoUpdateApps in nextcloud test
nixos/nextcloud: Fix typo in nixos/modules/services/web-apps/nextcloud.xml
Co-Authored-By: Florian Klink <>
nixos/nextcloud: Escape html in option description
nixos/nextcloud: Fix autoUpdateApps URL in documentation.
Co-Authored-By: Florian Klink <>
`phpPackage` is 7.3 by default, but `pkgs.php` is 7.2,
so this saves the need for an extra copy of php
for the purpose of running nextcloud's cron;
more importantly this fixes problems with extensions
not loading since they are built against a different php.
The default, which is /tmp, has a few issues associated with it:
One being that it makes it easy for users on the system to spoof a
PostgreSQL server if it's not running, causing applications to connect
to their provided sockets instead of just failing to connect.
Another one is that it makes sandboxing of PostgreSQL and other services
unnecessarily difficult. This is already the case if only PrivateTmp is
used in a systemd service, so in order for such a service to be able to
connect to PostgreSQL, a bind mount needs to be done from /tmp to some
other path, so the service can access it. This pretty much defeats the
whole purpose of PrivateTmp.
We regularily run into issues with this in the past already (one example
would be and with the new
systemd-confinement mode upcoming in, it makes it even more
tedious to sandbox services.
I've tested this change against all the postgresql NixOS VM tests and
they still succeed and I also grepped through the source tree to replace
other occasions where we might have /tmp hardcoded. Luckily there were
very few occasions.
Signed-off-by: aszlig <>
Cc: @ocharles, @thoughtpolice, @danbst
The overwriteprotocol option can be used to force Nextcloud to generate
URLs with the given protocol. This is useful for instances behind
reverse proxies that serve Nextcloud with HTTPS.
In this case Nextcloud can't determine the proper protocol and it needs
to be configured manually.
NixOS currently defaults services.nginx.package to
nginxStable. Including configuration files from nginxMainline could
potentially cause incompatible configuration.
Part of #49783. NextCloud tracks in its `config.php` the application's
state which makes it hard for the module to modify configurations during
It will take time until the issue is properly fixed, therefore we
decided to warn about this in the manual.
This PR addresses two things:
* Adding a basic example for nextcloud. I figured it to be helpful to
add some basic usage instructions when adding a new manual entry.
Advanced documentation may follow later.
For now this document actively links to the service options, so users
are guided to the remaining options that can be helpful in certain
* Add a warning about upgrades and manual changes in
`/var/lib/nextcloud`. This will be fixed in the future, but it's
definetely helpful to document the current issues in the manual (as
proposed in