use it when networkmanager or wpa_supplicant is enabled.
fixes #57053
fixes "Direct firmware load for regulatory.db failed with error -2"
in dmesg
Note that all kernels on unstable are newer that 4.15, which is required
for this to work.
A centralized list for these renames is not good because:
- It breaks disabledModules for modules that have a rename defined
- Adding/removing renames for a module means having to find them in the
central file
- Merge conflicts due to multiple people editing the central file
Due the recent inclusion of broadcom-bt-firmware in enableAllFirmware,
it was required to set `nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree` to obtain the full
list. To make this dependency more explicit an assertion is added and an
alternative option `enableRedistributalFirmware` is provided to only
obtain firmware with an license allowing redistribution.
This commit adds the firmware for the Intel 2200BG wireless cards for
the ipw2200 kernel module. Also it changes the
networking.enableIntel2200BGFirmware option to set it as
hardware.firmware since firmware-linux-nonfree does not contain the
appropiate firmware anymore. Also hardware.enableAllFirmware does enable
the intel2200BGFirmware now.
Using pkgs.lib on the spine of module evaluation is problematic
because the pkgs argument depends on the result of module
evaluation. To prevent an infinite recursion, pkgs and some of the
modules are evaluated twice, which is inefficient. Using ‘with lib’
prevents this problem.