Thus far all executables in a derivation were wrapped. This commit
only wraps executables in $out/bin. If other scripts need to be wrapped
as well, then one can use wrapPythonProgramsIn.
When tests are disabled, we do not want to pass checkInputs to
stdenv.mkDerivation. This reduces the build requirements and, more
importantly, helps cutting cycles.
The Python interpreters are patched so they can build .pyc bytecode free
of certain indeterminism.
When building Python packages we currently set
compiling python files.
in nix store.
Instead if setting these environment variables in the function that
builds the package, this commit sets the variables instead in the Python
setup hook. That way, whenever Python is included in a derivation, these
variables are set.
See also the issue
This commit fixes several issues:
- as reported in it was
possible that the file _sysconfigdata.pyc was generated after the actual
build of the CPython interpreter. We forgot to regenerate that file
during the build. This is now fixed
- the expression of the 3.3 interpreter now also includes some of the
determinism patches even though the output isn't yet reproducible. The
reason for adding them is that this makes the expressions of the
different interpreters more similar.
- references to -dev packages are now also removed in the 3.6 package,
thereby reducing its closure size
Python does add the script's directory into "sys.path". For the case of
"" this means "/nix/store" is added to "sys.path". This can
result in very long delays if the store contains a lot of entries.
(moved from master commit 76213d102c)
From the manual:
> This attribute should be a number, with a higher value denoting a
lower priority. The default priority is 0.
Just passing -5 or -10 wasn't sufficient, so let's make it -100.
- Windows installers are indeterministic and we don't need them.
- since Python 3 ensurepip is installed by default. pip is indeteministic and we don't need it.
- rebuild bytecode to ensure its deterministic