- remove optons cfg.user, cfg.groups
- add option `serverUser` which is required when not using nginx
- add `serverUser` to nextcloud group
- set user/group to "nextcloud" for nextcloud services
- make setup-service non-root
We remove the configFile build flag override in the NixOS module.
Instead of embedding the conf file link to the binaries, we symlink it
to /etc/nsd/nsd.nix, the hardcoded config file location for the
various CLI nsd utilities.
This config file build option override is triggerring a nsd rebuild
for each configuration change. This prevent us to use the nixos cache
in many cases.
Co-authored-by: Erjo <erjo@cocoba.work>
Enhance the heuristics to make sure that a user doesn't accidentally
upgrade across two major versions of Nextcloud (e.g. from v17 to v19).
The original idea/discussion has been documented in the nixpkgs manual[1].
This includes the following changes:
* `nextcloud19` will be selected automatically when having a stateVersion
greater or equal than 20.09. For existing setups, the package has to
be selected manually to avoid accidental upgrades.
* When using `nextcloud18` or older, a warning will be thrown which recommends
upgrading to `nextcloud19`.
* Added a brief paragraph about `nextcloud19` in the NixOS 19.09 release
* Restart `phpfpm` if the Nextcloud-package (`cfg.package`) changes[2].
[1] https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/index.html#module-services-nextcloud-maintainer-info
[2] https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/89427#issuecomment-638885727
This option exposes the prefconfigured nextcloud-occ
program. nextcloud-occ can then be used in other systemd services or
added in environment.systemPackages.
The nextcloud test shows how it can be add in
- Add serve.enable option, which configures uwsgi and nginx to serve
the mailman-web application;
- Configure services to log to the journal, where possible. Mailman
Core does not provide any options for this, but will now log to
- Use a unified python environment for all components, with an
extraPackages option to allow use of postgres support and similar;
- Configure mailman's postfix module such that it can generate the
domain and lmtp maps;
- Fix formatting for option examples;
- Provide a mailman-web user to run the uwsgi service by default
- Refactor Hyperkitty's periodic jobs to reduce repetition in the
- Remove service dependencies not related to functionality included in
the module, such as httpd -- these should be configured in user config
when used;
- Move static files root to /var/lib/mailman-web-static by default. This avoids
permission issues when a static file web server attempts to access
/var/lib/mailman which is private to mailman. The location can still
be changed by setting services.mailman.webSettings.STATIC_ROOT;
- Remove the webRoot option, which seems to have been included by
accident, being an unsuitable directory for serving via HTTP.
- Rename mailman-web.service to mailman-web-setup.service, since it
doesn't actually serve mailman-web. There is now a
mailman-uwsgi.service if serve.enable is set to true.
Since Buildbot 0.9.0, status targets were deprecated and ignored.
There's a very small line on startup explaining that, and status simply
isn't reported. Avoid others the same headaches, and do it right in the
NixOS module.
As there might have been changes in the way reporters are organized, and
configuration might need to be migrated remove the old option, and not
just provide an alias.