To be able to use Wireshark as an ordinary user, the 'dumpcap' program
must be installed setuid root. This module module simplifies such a
configuration to simply:
programs.wireshark.enable = true;
The setuid wrapper is available for users in the 'wireshark' group.
Changes v1 -> v2:
- add "defaultText" to the programs.wireshark.package option (AFAIK,
that prevents the manual from being needlessly rebuilt when the
package changes)
The content of programs.zsh.interactiveShellInit was
inserted too soon in the generated zshrc
This caused some settings related to autocompletion to be ignored
The configuration { services.openssh.enable = true;
services.openssh.forwardX11 = false; } caused
programs.ssh.setXAuthLocation to be set to false, which was not the
intent. The intent is that programs.ssh.setXAuthLocation should be
automatically enabled if needed or if xauth is already available.
Every interactive zsh sources /etc/zshrc (see STARTUP/SHUTDOWN FILES in zshautll(1))
Therefor every interactive zsh process will respect the content of these variables.
Using `export` will also lead to child processes inheriting this value.
This leads to problems, if other interactive shells are spawned such as bash,
because they use an incomptabible history format (without timestamps).
There seems to be also cases, where the local HISTSIZE in ~/.zshrc is
not sourced but /etc/zshrc, which leads to history truncation in other shells.
Fixup regression introduced in commit 1bbcd91b2e
("spacefm: sudo and gksu fixes #15758 and license update").
A missing </filename> end tag caused this:
$ nixos-rebuild build
options-db.xml:4402: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: filename line 4401 and para
</para><para><emphasis>Type:</emphasis> boolean</para><para><emphasis>Default:</
options-db.xml:4406: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: filename line 4401 and listitem
options-db.xml:4406: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: para line 4401 and varlistentry
options-db.xml:28430: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: listitem line 4401 and variablelist
options-db.xml:28432: parser error : Premature end of data in tag varlistentry line 4401