This allows the lib fixed point to be extended with
myLib = lib.extend (self: super: {
foo = "foo";
With this it's possible to have the new modified lib attrset available to all
modules when using evalModules
myLib.evalModules {
modules = [ ({ lib, ... }: { = lib.mkOption {
default =;
}) ];
=> { config = { bar = "foo"; ... }; options = ...; }
So far, `mkValueString` defaulted to `toString`,
which is a bad match for most configuration file formats,
especially because how booleans are formatted.
This also improves error messages for unsupported types.
Add a test to codify the formatting.
The isSeccomputable flag treated Linux without seccomp as just a
normal variant, when it really should be treated as a special case
incurring complexity debt to support.
The isKexecable flag treated Linux without kexec as just a normal
variant, when it really should be treated as a special case incurring
complexity debt to support.
Uses the HTTPS url for cases where the existing URL has a permanent
redirect. For each domain, at least one fixed derivation URL was
downloaded to test the domain is properly serving downloads.
Also fixes jbake source URL, which was broken.
Otherwise obscure cross-compilations are hampered. `all` breaks all but
the initial derivation (which we can't even write yet) in an open world
setting however, so we really shouldn't have it.
I noticed LLVM accepts `ios` as its own OS in platform triples; a
recent change as far as I know. I see it also accepts `macos*` for macOS
(formerly OS X). If it's now customary to distinguish iOS like so
(rather than guessing from the aarch, lets add both so our OSes are
still disjoint, and make Darwin a family instead.
But changing the config everywhere would probably be a mass rebuild, and
I'm not sure how well other software supports OSes besides "darwin", so
I'm keeping that the default name for macOS for now.
First, we need check against the host platform, not the build platform.
That's simple enough.
Second, we move away from exahustive finite case analysis (i.e.
exhaustively listing all platforms the package builds on). That only
work in a closed-world setting, where we know all platforms we might
build one. But with cross compilation, we may be building for arbitrary
platforms, So we need fancier filters. This is the closed world to open
world change.
The solution is instead of having a list of systems (strings in the form
"foo-bar"), we have a list of of systems or "patterns", i.e. attributes
that partially match the output of the parsers in ``.
The "check meta" logic treats the systems strings as an exact whitelist
just as before, but treats the patterns as a fuzzy whitelist,
intersecting the actual `hostPlatform` with the pattern and then
checking for equality. (This is done using `matchAttrs`).
The default convenience lists for `meta.platforms` are now changed to be
lists of patterns (usually a single pattern) in
`lib/systems/for-meta.nix` for maximum flexibility under this new
Fixes #30902
Negative reasoning like `allBut` is a bad idea with an open world of
platforms. Concretely, if we add a new, quite different sort of
platform, existing packages with `allBut` will claim they work on it
even though they probably won't.
Based on a request by @oxij:
“Can we also rename this file to `maintainers/maintainers-list.nix` while we at
this? Motivation: much saner `git log ./lib`.”
Corrected every handle that had no commits to nixpkgs, manually researched the
correct handles by looking at maintained packages & blames/history on Github.
Based on, the
nix-instantiate output was pretty-printed and the validity of the github handles
manually verified, by automatically checking whether the user handles exist on
github (, status 200 or 404).
Each handle under 5 characters was manually checked (because the collision
probability with non-maintainer accounts is high), each missing entry was
manually researched.
The script used is kept in `maintainers/scripts` as an example of how to work
with the mainainers list through nix’ JSON interface.