diff --git a/pkgs/applications/virtualization/nova/default.nix b/pkgs/applications/virtualization/nova/default.nix
index a4813b55e663..e28f9012fc69 100644
--- a/pkgs/applications/virtualization/nova/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/applications/virtualization/nova/default.nix
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
     sha256 = "0xd7cxn60vzhkvjwnj0i6jfcxaggwwyw2pnhl4qnb759q9hvk1b9";
+  patches =
+    [ ./fix-dhcpbridge-output.patch ];
   pythonPath = with pythonPackages;
     [ setuptools eventlet greenlet gflags netaddr sqlalchemy carrot routes
       paste_deploy m2crypto ipy boto_1_9 twisted sqlalchemy_migrate
diff --git a/pkgs/applications/virtualization/nova/fix-dhcpbridge-output.patch b/pkgs/applications/virtualization/nova/fix-dhcpbridge-output.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cef1473e5743
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/applications/virtualization/nova/fix-dhcpbridge-output.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+Prevent dnsmasq from segfaulting.
+diff -ru nova-2011.1.1-orig//bin/nova-dhcpbridge nova-2011.1.1//bin/nova-dhcpbridge
+--- nova-2011.1.1-orig//bin/nova-dhcpbridge	2011-02-24 19:51:54.000000000 +0100
++++ nova-2011.1.1//bin/nova-dhcpbridge	2011-04-01 17:49:53.848659259 +0200
+@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
+     """Get the list of hosts for an interface."""
+     ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+     network_ref = db.network_get_by_bridge(ctxt, interface)
+-    return linux_net.get_dhcp_hosts(ctxt, network_ref['id'])
++    return linux_net.get_dhcp_leases(ctxt, network_ref['id'])
+ def main():
+diff -ru nova-2011.1.1-orig//nova/network/linux_net.py nova-2011.1.1//nova/network/linux_net.py
+--- nova-2011.1.1-orig//nova/network/linux_net.py	2011-02-24 19:51:54.000000000 +0100
++++ nova-2011.1.1//nova/network/linux_net.py	2011-04-01 17:50:37.315585644 +0200
+@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
+ """
+ import os
++import calendar
+ from nova import db
+ from nova import flags
+@@ -48,6 +49,8 @@
+                         'location of nova-dhcpbridge')
+ flags.DEFINE_string('routing_source_ip', '$my_ip',
+                     'Public IP of network host')
++flags.DEFINE_integer('dhcp_lease_time', 120,
++                     'Lifetime of a DHCP lease')
+ flags.DEFINE_bool('use_nova_chains', False,
+                   'use the nova_ routing chains instead of default')
+@@ -218,8 +221,17 @@
+     _confirm_rule("FORWARD", "-j nova-local")
++def get_dhcp_leases(context, network_id):
++    """Return a network's hosts config in dnsmasq leasefile format"""
++    hosts = []
++    for fixed_ip_ref in db.network_get_associated_fixed_ips(context,
++                                                            network_id):
++        hosts.append(_host_lease(fixed_ip_ref))
++    return '\n'.join(hosts)
+ def get_dhcp_hosts(context, network_id):
+-    """Get a string containing a network's hosts config in dnsmasq format"""
++    """Get a string containing a network's hosts config in dhcp-host format"""
+     hosts = []
+     for fixed_ip_ref in db.network_get_associated_fixed_ips(context,
+                                                             network_id):
+@@ -310,8 +322,24 @@
+                        utils.get_my_linklocal(network_ref['bridge'])})
++def _host_lease(fixed_ip_ref):
++    """Return a host string for an address in leasefile format"""
++    instance_ref = fixed_ip_ref['instance']
++    if instance_ref['updated_at']:
++        timestamp = instance_ref['updated_at']
++    else:
++        timestamp = instance_ref['created_at']
++    seconds_since_epoch = calendar.timegm(timestamp.utctimetuple())
++    return "%d %s %s %s *" % (seconds_since_epoch + FLAGS.dhcp_lease_time,
++                              instance_ref['mac_address'],
++                              fixed_ip_ref['address'],
++                              instance_ref['hostname'] or '*')
+ def _host_dhcp(fixed_ip_ref):
+-    """Return a host string for an address"""
++    """Return a host string for an address in dhcp-host format"""
+     instance_ref = fixed_ip_ref['instance']
+     return "%s,%s.novalocal,%s" % (instance_ref['mac_address'],
+                                    instance_ref['hostname'],
+diff -ru nova-2011.1.1-orig//nova/tests/test_network.py nova-2011.1.1//nova/tests/test_network.py
+--- nova-2011.1.1-orig//nova/tests/test_network.py	2011-02-24 19:51:54.000000000 +0100
++++ nova-2011.1.1//nova/tests/test_network.py	2011-04-01 17:49:53.849659365 +0200
+@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
+ """
+ import IPy
+ import os
++import time
+ from nova import context
+ from nova import db
+@@ -320,6 +321,31 @@
+                                                   network['id'])
+         self.assertEqual(ip_count, num_available_ips)
++    def test_dhcp_lease_output(self):
++        admin_ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
++        address = self._create_address(0, self.instance_id)
++        lease_ip(address)
++        network_ref = db.network_get_by_instance(admin_ctxt, self.instance_id)
++        leases = linux_net.get_dhcp_leases(context.get_admin_context(),
++                                           network_ref['id'])
++        for line in leases.split('\n'):
++            seconds, mac, ip, hostname, client_id = line.split(' ')
++            self.assertTrue(int(seconds) > time.time(), 'Lease expires in '
++                                                        'the past')
++            octets = mac.split(':')
++            self.assertEqual(len(octets), 6, "Wrong number of octets "
++                                             "in %s" % (max,))
++            for octet in octets:
++                self.assertEqual(len(octet), 2, "Oddly sized octet: %s"
++                                                                    % (octet,))
++                # This will throw an exception if the octet is invalid
++                int(octet, 16)
++            # And this will raise an exception in case of an invalid IP
++            IPy.IP(ip)
++        release_ip(address)
+ def is_allocated_in_project(address, project_id):
+     """Returns true if address is in specified project"""