From cc8a4227c1bf3638a7997cd5772b2d08ef2d903b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: rnhmjoj <>
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 2021 18:28:29 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] nixos/tests/custom-ca: init

This is a NixOS test for the security.pki options.
 nixos/tests/all-tests.nix |   1 +
 nixos/tests/custom-ca.nix | 161 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 162 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 nixos/tests/custom-ca.nix

diff --git a/nixos/tests/all-tests.nix b/nixos/tests/all-tests.nix
index 523d3c051e04..c7b21432b58c 100644
--- a/nixos/tests/all-tests.nix
+++ b/nixos/tests/all-tests.nix
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ in
   corerad = handleTest ./corerad.nix {};
   couchdb = handleTest ./couchdb.nix {};
   cri-o = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./cri-o.nix {};
+  custom-ca = handleTest ./custom-ca.nix {};
   deluge = handleTest ./deluge.nix {};
   dhparams = handleTest ./dhparams.nix {};
   dnscrypt-proxy2 = handleTestOn ["x86_64-linux"] ./dnscrypt-proxy2.nix {};
diff --git a/nixos/tests/custom-ca.nix b/nixos/tests/custom-ca.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..67f7b3ff1f16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/tests/custom-ca.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# Checks that `security.pki` options are working in curl and the main browser
+# engines: Gecko (via Firefox), Chromium, QtWebEngine (Falkon) and WebKitGTK
+# (via Midori). The test checks that certificates issued by a custom trusted
+# CA are accepted but those from an unknown CA are rejected.
+import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, lib, ... }:
+  makeCert = { caName, domain }: pkgs.runCommand "example-cert"
+  { buildInputs = [ pkgs.gnutls ]; }
+  ''
+    mkdir $out
+    # CA cert template
+    cat >ca.template <<EOF
+    organization = "${caName}"
+    cn = "${caName}"
+    expiration_days = 365
+    ca
+    cert_signing_key
+    crl_signing_key
+    EOF
+    # server cert template
+    cat >server.template <<EOF
+    organization = "An example company"
+    cn = "${domain}"
+    expiration_days = 30
+    dns_name = "${domain}"
+    encryption_key
+    signing_key
+    EOF
+    # generate CA keypair
+    certtool                \
+      --generate-privkey    \
+      --key-type rsa        \
+      --sec-param High      \
+      --outfile $out/ca.key
+    certtool                     \
+      --generate-self-signed     \
+      --load-privkey $out/ca.key \
+      --template ca.template     \
+      --outfile $out/ca.crt
+    # generate server keypair
+    certtool                    \
+      --generate-privkey        \
+      --key-type rsa            \
+      --sec-param High          \
+      --outfile $out/server.key
+    certtool                            \
+      --generate-certificate            \
+      --load-privkey $out/server.key    \
+      --load-ca-privkey $out/ca.key     \
+      --load-ca-certificate $out/ca.crt \
+      --template server.template        \
+      --outfile $out/server.crt
+  '';
+  example-good-cert = makeCert
+    { caName = "Example good CA";
+      domain = "";
+    };
+  example-bad-cert = makeCert
+    { caName = "Unknown CA";
+      domain = "";
+    };
+  name = "custom-ca";
+  meta.maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ rnhmjoj ];
+  enableOCR = true;
+  machine = { pkgs, ... }:
+    { imports = [ ./common/user-account.nix ./common/x11.nix ];
+      # chromium-based browsers refuse to run as root
+ = "alice";
+      # browsers may hang with the default memory
+      virtualisation.memorySize = "500";
+      networking.hosts."" = [ "" "" ];
+      security.pki.certificateFiles = [ "${example-good-cert}/ca.crt" ];
+      services.nginx.enable = true;
+      services.nginx.virtualHosts."" =
+        { onlySSL = true;
+          sslCertificate = "${example-good-cert}/server.crt";
+          sslCertificateKey = "${example-good-cert}/server.key";
+          locations."/".extraConfig = "return 200 'It works!';";
+        };
+      services.nginx.virtualHosts."" =
+        { onlySSL = true;
+          sslCertificate = "${example-bad-cert}/server.crt";
+          sslCertificateKey = "${example-bad-cert}/server.key";
+          locations."/".extraConfig = "return 200 'It does not work!';";
+        };
+      environment.systemPackages = with pkgs;
+        [ xdotool firefox chromium falkon midori ];
+    };
+  testScript = ''
+    def execute_as(user: str, cmd: str) -> Tuple[int, str]:
+        """
+        Run a shell command as a specific user.
+        """
+        return machine.execute(f"sudo -u {user} {cmd}")
+    def wait_for_window_as(user: str, cls: str) -> None:
+        """
+        Wait until a X11 window of a given user appears.
+        """
+        def window_is_visible(last_try: bool) -> bool:
+            ret, stdout = execute_as(user, f"xdotool search --onlyvisible --class {cls}")
+            if last_try:
+                machine.log(f"Last chance to match {cls} on the window list")
+            return ret == 0
+        with machine.nested("Waiting for a window to appear"):
+            retry(window_is_visible)
+    machine.start()
+    with subtest("Good certificate is trusted in curl"):
+        machine.wait_for_unit("nginx")
+        machine.wait_for_open_port(443)
+        machine.succeed("curl -fv")
+    with subtest("Unknown CA is untrusted in curl"):
+"curl -fv")
+    browsers = ["firefox", "chromium", "falkon", "midori"]
+    errors = ["Security Risk", "not private", "Certificate Error", "Security"]
+    machine.wait_for_x()
+    for browser, error in zip(browsers, errors):
+        with subtest("Good certificate is trusted in " + browser):
+            execute_as(
+                "alice", f"env P11_KIT_DEBUG=trust {browser} & >&2"
+            )
+            wait_for_window_as("alice", browser)
+            machine.wait_for_text("It works!")
+            machine.screenshot("good" + browser)
+            execute_as("alice", "xdotool key ctrl+w")  # close tab
+        with subtest("Unknown CA is untrusted in " + browser):
+            execute_as("alice", f"{browser} & >&2")
+            machine.wait_for_text(error)
+            machine.screenshot("bad" + browser)
+            machine.succeed("pkill " + browser)
+  '';