From 707b7ad1bddf8b95ca1348260dea132b0514089d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: aszlig <>
Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 22:30:40 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] vm/windows: Generate mounts from an attribute set.

This is mainly to make it easier to quickly change mappings, without
making room for errors such as typos.

Signed-off-by: aszlig <>
 pkgs/build-support/vm/windows/default.nix | 32 +++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pkgs/build-support/vm/windows/default.nix b/pkgs/build-support/vm/windows/default.nix
index bb0833beec28..8ca31bc39d7b 100644
--- a/pkgs/build-support/vm/windows/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/build-support/vm/windows/default.nix
@@ -16,18 +16,28 @@ let
-  runAndSuspend = runInVM "winvm.img" {
-    command = lib.concatStringsSep " && " [
-      "net config server /autodisconnect:-1"
-      "net use S: '\\\\\\nixstore' /persistent:yes"
-      "net use X: '\\\\\\xchg' /persistent:yes"
-      "mkdir -p /nix/store"
-      "mount -o bind /cygdrive/s /nix/store"
-      "echo /cygdrive/s /nix/store none bind 0 0 >> /etc/fstab"
-      "mkdir -p /tmp/xchg"
-      "mount -o bind /cygdrive/x /tmp/xchg"
-      "echo /cygdrive/x /tmp/xchg none bind 0 0 >> /etc/fstab"
+  runAndSuspend = let
+    drives = {
+      s = {
+        source = "nixstore";
+        target = "/nix/store";
+      };
+      x = {
+        source = "xchg";
+        target = "/tmp/xchg";
+      };
+    };
+    genDriveCmds = letter: { source, target }: [
+      "net use ${letter}: '\\\\\\${source}' /persistent:yes"
+      "mkdir -p '${target}'"
+      "mount -o bind '/cygdrive/${letter}' '${target}'"
+      "echo '/cygdrive/${letter} ${target} none bind 0 0' >> /etc/fstab"
+  in runInVM "winvm.img" {
+    command = lib.concatStringsSep " && " ([
+      "net config server /autodisconnect:-1"
+    ] ++ lib.concatLists (lib.mapAttrsToList genDriveCmds drives));
     suspendTo = "state.gz";