mirror of
synced 2024-12-11 15:15:36 +00:00
LTS Haskell 15.9
This commit is contained in:
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
# gi-gdkx11-4.x requires gtk-4.x, which is still under development and
# not yet available in Nixpkgs
- gi-gdkx11 < 4
# LTS Haskell 15.8
# LTS Haskell 15.9
- abstract-deque ==0.3
- abstract-par ==0.3.3
- AC-Angle ==1.0
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- bitarray ==
- bits ==0.5.2
- bitset-word8 ==
- bits-extra ==
- bits-extra ==
- bitvec ==
- blake2 ==0.3.0
- blanks ==0.3.0
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- buffer-builder ==
- buffer-pipe ==0.0
- bugsnag-hs ==
- butcher ==
- butcher ==
- bv ==0.5
- bv-little ==1.1.1
- byteable ==0.1.1
@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- chimera ==
- choice ==0.2.2
- chronologique ==
- chronos ==1.1
- chronos ==1.1.1
- chronos-bench ==
- chunked-data ==0.3.1
- cipher-aes ==0.2.11
@ -823,20 +823,20 @@ default-package-overrides:
- genvalidity-scientific ==
- genvalidity-text ==
- genvalidity-time ==
- genvalidity-typed-uuid ==
- genvalidity-typed-uuid ==
- genvalidity-unordered-containers ==
- genvalidity-uuid ==
- genvalidity-uuid ==
- genvalidity-vector ==
- geojson ==4.0.2
- getopt-generics ==
- ghc-compact ==
- ghc-core ==0.5.6
- ghc-exactprint ==0.6.2
- ghcid ==0.8.5
- ghcid ==0.8.6
- ghci-hexcalc ==
- ghcjs-codemirror ==
- ghc-lib ==
- ghc-lib-parser ==
- ghc-lib ==
- ghc-lib-parser ==
- ghc-lib-parser-ex ==
- ghc-paths ==
- ghc-prof ==
@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- hsc2hs ==0.68.7
- hscolour ==1.24.4
- hsdns ==1.8
- hsebaysdk ==
- hsebaysdk ==
- hsemail ==2.2.0
- hset ==2.2.0
- hs-functors ==
@ -1058,36 +1058,36 @@ default-package-overrides:
- hunit-dejafu ==
- hvect ==
- hvega ==
- hw-balancedparens ==
- hw-bits ==
- hw-conduit ==
- hw-conduit-merges ==
- hw-diagnostics ==
- hw-dsv ==0.4.0
- hw-balancedparens ==
- hw-bits ==
- hw-conduit ==
- hw-conduit-merges ==
- hw-diagnostics ==
- hw-dsv ==
- hweblib ==0.6.3
- hw-eliasfano ==
- hw-excess ==
- hw-fingertree ==
- hw-fingertree-strict ==
- hw-hedgehog ==
- hw-hspec-hedgehog ==
- hw-int ==
- hw-ip ==
- hw-json ==
- hw-json-simd ==
- hw-json-simple-cursor ==
- hw-json-standard-cursor ==
- hw-mquery ==
- hw-packed-vector ==
- hw-parser ==
- hw-prim ==
- hw-rankselect ==
- hw-rankselect-base ==
- hw-simd ==
- hw-streams ==
- hw-eliasfano ==
- hw-excess ==
- hw-fingertree ==
- hw-fingertree-strict ==
- hw-hedgehog ==
- hw-hspec-hedgehog ==
- hw-int ==
- hw-ip ==
- hw-json ==
- hw-json-simd ==
- hw-json-simple-cursor ==
- hw-json-standard-cursor ==
- hw-mquery ==
- hw-packed-vector ==
- hw-parser ==
- hw-prim ==
- hw-rankselect ==
- hw-rankselect-base ==
- hw-simd ==
- hw-streams ==
- hw-string-parse ==
- hw-succinct ==
- hw-xml ==
- hw-xml ==
- hxt ==
- hxt-charproperties ==
- hxt-css ==
@ -1123,7 +1123,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- inj ==1.0
- inline-c ==
- inline-c-cpp ==
- insert-ordered-containers ==0.2.3
- insert-ordered-containers ==
- inspection-testing ==
- instance-control ==
- int-cast ==
@ -1318,7 +1318,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- microlens-mtl ==
- microlens-platform ==0.4.1
- microlens-process ==
- microlens-th ==
- microlens-th ==
- microspec ==
- microstache ==
- midair ==
@ -1658,7 +1658,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- qm-interpolated-string ==
- qrcode-core ==0.9.2
- qrcode-juicypixels ==0.8.0
- quadratic-irrational ==0.1.0
- quadratic-irrational ==0.1.1
- QuasiText ==
- QuickCheck ==2.13.2
- quickcheck-arbitrary-adt ==
@ -1719,7 +1719,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- regex-compat ==
- regex-compat-tdfa ==
- regex-pcre ==
- regex-pcre-builtin ==
- regex-pcre-builtin ==
- regex-posix ==
- regex-tdfa ==
- regex-with-pcre ==
@ -1761,7 +1761,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- runmemo ==
- run-st ==
- safe ==0.3.18
- safecopy ==0.10.2
- safecopy ==0.10.3
- safe-decimal ==
- safe-exceptions ==
- safe-exceptions-checked ==0.1.0
@ -1787,7 +1787,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- scientific ==
- scotty ==0.11.5
- scrypt ==0.5.0
- sdl2 ==
- sdl2 ==
- sdl2-gfx ==0.2
- sdl2-image ==2.0.0
- sdl2-mixer ==1.1.0
@ -1825,7 +1825,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- servant-client-core ==0.16
- servant-conduit ==0.15
- servant-docs ==0.11.4
- servant-elm ==0.7.1
- servant-elm ==0.7.2
- servant-foreign ==0.15
- servant-js ==
- servant-JuicyPixels ==
@ -2001,7 +2001,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- tasty-dejafu ==
- tasty-discover ==4.2.1
- tasty-expected-failure ==
- tasty-golden ==2.3.3
- tasty-golden ==
- tasty-hedgehog ==
- tasty-hspec ==
- tasty-hunit ==
@ -2063,8 +2063,8 @@ default-package-overrides:
- th-expand-syns ==
- th-extras ==
- th-lift ==0.8.1
- th-lift-instances ==0.1.15
- th-orphans ==0.13.9
- th-lift-instances ==0.1.16
- th-orphans ==0.13.10
- th-printf ==0.7
- thread-hierarchy ==
- thread-local-storage ==0.2
@ -2078,7 +2078,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- th-strict-compat ==
- th-test-utils ==1.0.1
- thyme ==
- tidal ==1.4.8
- tidal ==1.4.9
- tile ==
- time-compat ==1.9.3
- timeit ==2.0
Reference in a new issue