mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 10:32:40 +00:00
Merge master into staging
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ build daemon as so-called channels. To get channel information via git, add
For stability and maximum binary package support, it is recommended to maintain
custom changes on top of one of the channels, e.g. `nixos-17.09` for the latest
custom changes on top of one of the channels, e.g. `nixos-18.03` for the latest
release and `nixos-unstable` for the latest successful build of master:
% git remote update channels
% git rebase channels/nixos-17.09
% git rebase channels/nixos-18.03
For pull-requests, please rebase onto nixpkgs `master`.
@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ For pull-requests, please rebase onto nixpkgs `master`.
* [Manual (NixOS)](https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/)
* [Community maintained wiki](https://nixos.wiki/)
* [Continuous package builds for unstable/master](https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixos/trunk-combined)
* [Continuous package builds for 17.09 release](https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixos/release-17.09)
* [Continuous package builds for 18.03 release](https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixos/release-18.03)
* [Tests for unstable/master](https://hydra.nixos.org/job/nixos/trunk-combined/tested#tabs-constituents)
* [Tests for 17.09 release](https://hydra.nixos.org/job/nixos/release-17.09/tested#tabs-constituents)
* [Tests for 18.03 release](https://hydra.nixos.org/job/nixos/release-18.03/tested#tabs-constituents)
@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ the <literal>inotify.py</literal> script in weechat-scripts requires
D-Bus or libnotify, and the <literal>fish.py</literal> script requires
pycrypto. To use these scripts, use the <literal>python</literal>
plugin's <literal>withPackages</literal> attribute:
<programlisting>weechat.override {configure = {availablePlugins, ...}: {
<programlisting>weechat.override { configure = {availablePlugins, ...}: {
plugins = with availablePlugins; [
(python.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ pycrypto python-dbus ]))
@ -721,5 +721,15 @@ plugin's <literal>withPackages</literal> attribute:
In order to also keep all default plugins installed, it is possible to use
the following method:
<programlisting>weechat.override { configure = { availablePlugins, ... }: {
plugins = builtins.attrValues (availablePlugins // {
python = availablePlugins.python.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ pycrypto python-dbus ]);
}; }
@ -317,11 +317,11 @@ Additional information.
review uncommitted changes:
<screen>nix-shell -p nox --run nox-review wip</screen>
<screen>nix-shell -p nox --run "nox-review wip"</screen>
review changes from pull request number 12345:
<screen>nix-shell -p nox --run nox-review pr 12345</screen>
<screen>nix-shell -p nox --run "nox-review pr 12345"</screen>
@ -3991,6 +3991,11 @@
github = "yrashk";
name = "Yurii Rashkovskii";
ysndr = {
email = "me@ysndr.de";
github = "ysndr";
name = "Yannik Sander";
yuriaisaka = {
email = "yuri.aisaka+nix@gmail.com";
github = "yuriaisaka";
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<title>Release 18.03 (“Impala”, 2018/03/??)</title>
<title>Release 18.03 (“Impala”, 2018/04/04)</title>
<section xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
@ -18,6 +18,20 @@
has the following highlights: </para>
End of support is planned for end of October 2018, handing over to 18.09.
Platform support: x86_64-linux and x86_64-darwin since release time (the latter isn't NixOS, really).
Binaries for aarch64-linux are available, but no channel exists yet, as it's waiting for some test fixes, etc.
Nix now defaults to 2.0; see its
@ -27,13 +41,13 @@ has the following highlights: </para>
Linux kernel defaults to the 4.14 branch (it was 4.9).
Core version changes: linux: 4.9 -> 4.14, glibc: 2.25 -> 2.26, gcc: 6 -> 7, systemd: 234 -> 237.
GCC defaults to 7.x (it was 6.x).
Desktop version changes: gnome: 3.24 -> 3.26, (KDE) plasma-desktop: 5.10 -> 5.12.
@ -59,13 +73,7 @@ has the following highlights: </para>
The GNOME version is now 3.26.
<para>PHP now defaults to PHP 7.2</para>
<para>PHP now defaults to PHP 7.2, updated from 7.1.</para>
@ -81,9 +89,66 @@ has the following highlights: </para>
<para>The following new services were added since the last release:</para>
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{ stdenv, perl, xz, pathsFromGraph
{ stdenv, perl, pixz, pathsFromGraph
, # The file name of the resulting tarball
fileName ? "nixos-system-${stdenv.system}"
@ -21,14 +21,20 @@
# Extra tar arguments
, extraArgs ? ""
# Command used for compression
, compressCommand ? "pixz"
# Extension for the compressed tarball
, compressionExtension ? ".xz"
# extra inputs, like the compressor to use
, extraInputs ? [ pixz ]
stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "tarball";
builder = ./make-system-tarball.sh;
buildInputs = [perl xz];
buildInputs = [ perl ] ++ extraInputs;
inherit fileName pathsFromGraph extraArgs extraCommands;
inherit fileName pathsFromGraph extraArgs extraCommands compressCommand;
# !!! should use XML.
sources = map (x: x.source) contents;
@ -41,4 +47,6 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation {
# For obtaining the closure of `storeContents'.
exportReferencesGraph =
map (x: [("closure-" + baseNameOf x.object) x.object]) storeContents;
extension = compressionExtension;
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
source $stdenv/setup
set -x
@ -54,8 +53,8 @@ mkdir -p $out/tarball
rm env-vars
tar --sort=name --mtime='@1' --owner=0 --group=0 --numeric-owner -cvJf $out/tarball/$fileName.tar.xz * $extraArgs
time tar --sort=name --mtime='@1' --owner=0 --group=0 --numeric-owner -c * $extraArgs | $compressCommand > $out/tarball/$fileName.tar${extension}
mkdir -p $out/nix-support
echo $system > $out/nix-support/system
echo "file system-tarball $out/tarball/$fileName.tar.xz" > $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
echo "file system-tarball $out/tarball/$fileName.tar${extension}" > $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
@ -14,9 +14,7 @@ in {
# Create the tarball
system.build.tarball = import ../../lib/make-system-tarball.nix {
inherit (pkgs) stdenv perl xz pathsFromGraph;
system.build.tarball = pkgs.callPackage ../../lib/make-system-tarball.nix {
contents = [];
extraArgs = "--owner=0";
@ -439,17 +439,18 @@ in
services.xserver.displayManager.hiddenUsers = map ({ name, ... }: name) nixbldUsers;
# FIXME: use systemd-tmpfiles to create Nix directories.
system.activationScripts.nix = stringAfter [ "etc" "users" ]
# Nix initialisation.
mkdir -m 0755 -p \
install -m 0755 -d \
/nix/var/nix/gcroots \
/nix/var/nix/temproots \
/nix/var/nix/userpool \
/nix/var/nix/profiles \
/nix/var/nix/db \
mkdir -m 1777 -p \
install -m 1777 -d \
/nix/var/nix/gcroots/per-user \
/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user \
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ let
preStart = ''
mkdir -m 755 -p ${cfg.stateDir}
chown dhcpd:nogroup ${cfg.stateDir}
touch ${cfg.stateDir}/dhcpd.leases
@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ in
time the service starts). String values must be quoted, integer and
boolean values must not.
See https://trac.transmissionbt.com/wiki/EditConfigFiles for
See https://github.com/transmission/transmission/wiki/Editing-Configuration-Files
for documentation.
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ if [ ! -e /proc/1 ]; then
local options="$3"
local fsType="$4"
mkdir -m 0755 -p "$mountPoint"
install -m 0755 -d "$mountPoint"
mount -n -t "$fsType" -o "$options" "$device" "$mountPoint"
source @earlyMountScript@
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ fi
# Provide a /etc/mtab.
mkdir -m 0755 -p /etc
install -m 0755 -d /etc
test -e /etc/fstab || touch /etc/fstab # to shut up mount
rm -f /etc/mtab* # not that we care about stale locks
ln -s /proc/mounts /etc/mtab
@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ ln -s /proc/mounts /etc/mtab
# More special file systems, initialise required directories.
[ -e /proc/bus/usb ] && mount -t usbfs usbfs /proc/bus/usb # UML doesn't have USB by default
mkdir -m 01777 -p /tmp
mkdir -m 0755 -p /var/{log,lib,db} /nix/var /etc/nixos/ \
install -m 01777 -d /tmp
install -m 0755 -d /var/{log,lib,db} /nix/var /etc/nixos/ \
/run/lock /home /bin # for the /bin/sh symlink
@ -62,35 +62,6 @@ let
then mapAttrsToList (n: v: v//{_iName=n;}) (filterAttrs (n: _: n==device) interfaces) ++ mapAttrsToList (n: v: v//{_iName=n;}) (filterAttrs (n: _: n!=device) interfaces)
else mapAttrsToList (n: v: v // {_iName = n;}) interfaces;
# udev script that configures a physical wlan device and adds virtual interfaces
wlanDeviceUdevScript = device: interfaceList: pkgs.writeScript "wlan-${device}-udev-script" ''
# Change the wireless phy device to a predictable name.
if [ -e "/sys/class/net/${device}/phy80211/name" ]; then
${pkgs.iw}/bin/iw phy `${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/cat /sys/class/net/${device}/phy80211/name` set name ${device} || true
# Crate new, virtual interfaces and configure them at the same time
${flip concatMapStrings (drop 1 interfaceList) (i: ''
${pkgs.iw}/bin/iw dev ${device} interface add ${i._iName} type ${i.type} \
${optionalString (i.type == "mesh" && i.meshID != null) "mesh_id ${i.meshID}"} \
${optionalString (i.type == "monitor" && i.flags != null) "flags ${i.flags}"} \
${optionalString (i.type == "managed" && i.fourAddr != null) "4addr ${if i.fourAddr then "on" else "off"}"} \
${optionalString (i.mac != null) "addr ${i.mac}"}
# Reconfigure and rename the default interface that already exists
${flip concatMapStrings (take 1 interfaceList) (i: ''
${pkgs.iw}/bin/iw dev ${device} set type ${i.type}
${optionalString (i.type == "mesh" && i.meshID != null) "${pkgs.iw}/bin/iw dev ${device} set meshid ${i.meshID}"}
${optionalString (i.type == "monitor" && i.flags != null) "${pkgs.iw}/bin/iw dev ${device} set monitor ${i.flags}"}
${optionalString (i.type == "managed" && i.fourAddr != null) "${pkgs.iw}/bin/iw dev ${device} set 4addr ${if i.fourAddr then "on" else "off"}"}
${optionalString (i.mac != null) "${pkgs.iproute}/bin/ip link set dev ${device} address ${i.mac}"}
${optionalString (device != i._iName) "${pkgs.iproute}/bin/ip link set dev ${device} name ${i._iName}"}
# We must escape interfaces due to the systemd interpretation
subsystemDevice = interface:
"sys-subsystem-net-devices-${escapeSystemdPath interface}.device";
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import ./make-test.nix {
name = "dovecot";
name = "openldap";
machine = { pkgs, ... }: {
services.openldap = {
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
buildGoPackage rec {
name = "go-ethereum-${version}";
version = "1.8.2";
version = "1.8.3";
goPackagePath = "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum";
# Fix for usb-related segmentation faults on darwin
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ buildGoPackage rec {
owner = "ethereum";
repo = "go-ethereum";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "19ryfy9dsmgk3kimkmq2hif1di4binqg9718xrmirf063rajk02a";
sha256 = "1vdrf3fi4arr6aivyp5myj4jy7apqbiqa6brr3jplmc07q1yijnf";
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
version = "1.9.4";
sha256 = "00b6wsyc2chmdkhfhi9h1i06hpcjj2abcx3qdc6k39clgha0081f";
cargoSha256 = "0pyb1mpykdp6i7c30lm5fprrxg3zanak44g28cygzli3l9l3xiy3";
patches = [ ./patches/vendored-sources-1.9.patch ];
version = "1.10.0";
sha256 = "0dmdd7qa8lww5bzcdn25nkyz6334irh8hw0y1j0yc2pmd2dny99g";
cargoSha256 = "0whkjbaq40mqva1ayqnmz2ppqjrg35va93cypx1al41rsp1yc37m";
patches = [ ./patches/vendored-sources-1.10.patch ];
import ./parity.nix { inherit version sha256 cargoSha256 patches; }
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
version = "1.8.11";
sha256 = "1vabkglmmbx9jccwsqwvwck1brdjack3sw6iwsxy01wsc2jam56k";
cargoSha256 = "1l5hx77glclpwd9i35rr3lxfxshsf1bsxvs2chsp2vwjy06knjmi";
patches = [ ./patches/vendored-sources-1.8.patch ];
version = "1.9.5";
sha256 = "0f2x78p5bshs3678qcybqd34k83d294mp3vadp99iqhmbkhbfyy7";
cargoSha256 = "1irc01sva5yyhdv79cs6jk5pbmhxyvs0ja4cly4nw639m1kx7rva";
patches = [ ./patches/vendored-sources-1.9.patch ];
import ./parity.nix { inherit version sha256 cargoSha256 patches; }
@ -1,17 +1,30 @@
diff --git a/.cargo/config b/.cargo/config
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8dddda426
--- /dev/null
index 72652ad2f..b21c6aa7b 100644
--- a/.cargo/config
+++ b/.cargo/config
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
@@ -1,3 +1,113 @@
# Link the C runtime statically ; https://github.com/paritytech/parity/issues/6643
rustflags = ["-Ctarget-feature=+crt-static"]
+git = "https://github.com/alexcrichton/mio-named-pipes"
+branch = "master"
+branch = "master"
+replace-with = "vendored-sources"
+git = "https://github.com/js-dist-paritytech/parity-master-1-10-shell.git"
+rev = "bd25b41cd642c6b822d820dded3aa601a29aa079"
+replace-with = "vendored-sources"
+git = "https://github.com/js-dist-paritytech/parity-master-1-10-wallet.git"
+rev = "4b6f112412716cd05123d32eeb7fda448288a6c6"
+replace-with = "vendored-sources"
+git = "https://github.com/nikvolf/parity-tokio-ipc"
+branch = "master"
+branch = "master"
+replace-with = "vendored-sources"
@ -19,6 +32,16 @@ index 000000000..8dddda426
+branch = "master"
+replace-with = "vendored-sources"
+git = "https://github.com/parity-js/dapp-wallet.git"
+rev = "65deb02e7c007a0fd8aab0c089c93e3fd1de6f87"
+replace-with = "vendored-sources"
+git = "https://github.com/parity-js/shell.git"
+rev = "eecaadcb9e421bce31e91680d14a20bbd38f92a2"
+replace-with = "vendored-sources"
+git = "https://github.com/paritytech/bn"
+branch = "master"
@ -34,14 +57,9 @@ index 000000000..8dddda426
+branch = "master"
+replace-with = "vendored-sources"
+git = "https://github.com/paritytech/js-precompiled.git"
+branch = "stable"
+replace-with = "vendored-sources"
+git = "https://github.com/paritytech/jsonrpc.git"
+branch = "parity-1.8"
+branch = "parity-1.10"
+replace-with = "vendored-sources"
@ -54,11 +72,6 @@ index 000000000..8dddda426
+branch = "master"
+replace-with = "vendored-sources"
+git = "https://github.com/paritytech/nanomsg.rs.git"
+branch = "parity-1.7"
+replace-with = "vendored-sources"
+git = "https://github.com/paritytech/rust-ctrlc.git"
+branch = "master"
@ -89,6 +102,11 @@ index 000000000..8dddda426
+branch = "master"
+replace-with = "vendored-sources"
+git = "https://github.com/paritytech/wasmi"
+branch = "master"
+replace-with = "vendored-sources"
+git = "https://github.com/tailhook/rotor"
+branch = "master"
@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ index 000000000..0efb69724
+branch = "master"
+replace-with = "vendored-sources"
+git = "https://github.com/js-dist-paritytech/parity-beta-1-9-shell.git"
+git = "https://github.com/js-dist-paritytech/parity-stable-1-9-shell.git"
+branch = "master"
+replace-with = "vendored-sources"
+git = "https://github.com/js-dist-paritytech/parity-beta-1-9-v1.git"
+git = "https://github.com/js-dist-paritytech/parity-stable-1-9-v1.git"
+branch = "master"
+replace-with = "vendored-sources"
@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ index 000000000..0efb69724
+branch = "master"
+replace-with = "vendored-sources"
+git = "https://github.com/pepyakin/wasmi"
+git = "https://github.com/paritytech/wasmi"
+branch = "master"
+replace-with = "vendored-sources"
@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ let
inherit (gnome2) GConf gnome_vfs;
latestVersion = {
version = ""; # "Android Studio 3.2 Canary 8"
build = "173.4670218";
sha256Hash = "0p1lls1pkhji8x0p32clsiq3ng64jhqv2vxkhdkmsbh5p4dc1g21";
version = ""; # "Android Studio 3.2 Canary 9"
build = "173.4688006";
sha256Hash = "13kln5s45qzdi54gca0bvdiwl2mi6lg8zgp7f36a24zbmvdmnslv";
in rec {
# Old alias
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, libjpeg }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
version = "1.4.4";
version = "1.4.5";
name = "jpegoptim-${version}";
src = fetchurl {
url = "http://www.kokkonen.net/tjko/src/${name}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1cn1i0g1xjdwa12w0ifbnzgb1vqbpr8ji6h05vxksj79vyi3x849";
sha256 = "1mngi8c4mhzwa7i4wqrqq6i80cqj4adbacblfvk6dy573wywyxmi";
# There are no checks, it seems.
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "dbeaver-ce-${version}";
version = "5.0.0";
version = "5.0.2";
desktopItem = makeDesktopItem {
name = "dbeaver";
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://dbeaver.jkiss.org/files/${version}/dbeaver-ce-${version}-linux.gtk.x86_64.tar.gz";
sha256 = "0n7l7ph002z8npn08vdn0ghgkipz14cr73i9c69s7wiq2d2baahv";
sha256 = "0jk8z0s14rc1fnmi7pynhybslwm147mqih187zsa33xqmmhlw1lp";
installPhase = ''
@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
version = "1.5.1";
name = "rofi-${version}";
name = "rofi-unwrapped-${version}";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/DaveDavenport/rofi/releases/download/${version}/${name}.tar.gz";
url = "https://github.com/DaveDavenport/rofi/releases/download/${version}/rofi-${version}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1dc33zf33z38jcxb0lxpyd31waalpf6d4cd9z5f9m5qphdk1g679";
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
description = "Window switcher, run dialog and dmenu replacement";
homepage = https://davedavenport.github.io/rofi;
license = licenses.mit;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ mbakke garbas ];
maintainers = with maintainers; [ mbakke garbas ma27 ];
platforms = with platforms; unix;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
{ stdenv, rofi-unwrapped, makeWrapper, theme ? null, lib }:
stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "rofi-${rofi-unwrapped.version}";
buildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
preferLocalBuild = true;
passthru = { unwrapped = rofi-unwrapped; };
buildCommand = ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
ln -s ${rofi-unwrapped}/bin/rofi $out/bin/rofi
${lib.optionalString (theme != null) ''wrapProgram $out/bin/rofi --add-flags "-theme ${theme}"''}
meta = rofi-unwrapped.meta // {
priority = (rofi-unwrapped.meta.priority or 0) - 1;
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p "$out/bin" "$out/share/bash-completion/completions" "$man/share/man" "$pause/bin"
mkdir -p "$out/bin" "$out/share/bash-completion/completions" "$out/share/zsh/site-functions" "$man/share/man" "$pause/bin"
cp _output/local/go/bin/* "$out/bin/"
cp build/pause/pause "$pause/bin/pause"
@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
wrapProgram $out/bin/kube-addons --set "KUBECTL_BIN" "$out/bin/kubectl"
$out/bin/kubectl completion bash > $out/share/bash-completion/completions/kubectl
$out/bin/kubectl completion zsh > $out/share/zsh/site-functions/_kubectl
preFixup = ''
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
buildInputs = [
glib gtk3 json-glib sqlite libsoup gettext gnome3.dconf gnome3.gspell glib-networking
] ++ (with gst_all_1; [ gstreamer gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good (gst-plugins-bad.override { gtkSupport = true; }) gst-libav ]);
] ++ (with gst_all_1; [ gstreamer gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-bad (gst-plugins-good.override { gtkSupport = true; }) gst-libav ]);
postPatch = ''
chmod +x data/meson_post_install.py # patchShebangs requires executable file
@ -72,6 +72,11 @@ let
meta = {
homepage = http://www.weechat.org/;
description = "A fast, light and extensible chat client";
longDescription = ''
You can find more documentation as to how to customize this package
(eg. adding python modules for scripts that would require them, etc.)
on https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#sec-weechat .
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3;
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ lovek323 garbas the-kenny lheckemann ];
platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.unix;
@ -117,4 +122,7 @@ in if configure == null then weechat else
export WEECHAT_EXTRA_LIBDIR=${pluginsDir}
${lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (p: lib.optionalString (p ? extraEnv) p.extraEnv) plugins}
exec ${weechat}/bin/weechat "$@"
'') // { unwrapped = weechat; }
'') // {
unwrapped = weechat;
meta = weechat.meta;
@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "abella-${version}";
version = "2.0.4";
version = "2.0.5";
src = fetchurl {
url = "http://abella-prover.org/distributions/${name}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1hnccjlyzwgz7kqsr4xmx9y4wmalbxsj0g6fxdk6xrgpc84ihw2c";
sha256 = "0bry4pj6p9y7sg79ygdksynml4rdsjhqi959vnnwwsbaysa3bci0";
buildInputs = [ rsync ] ++ (with ocamlPackages; [ ocaml ocamlbuild findlib ]);
@ -117,11 +117,14 @@ rec {
git = gitSVN;
svn_all_fast_export = libsForQt5.callPackage ./svn-all-fast-export { };
svn-all-fast-export = libsForQt5.callPackage ./svn-all-fast-export { };
tig = callPackage ./tig { };
topGit = callPackage ./topgit { };
transcrypt = callPackage ./transcrypt { };
# aliases
svn_all_fast_export = svn-all-fast-export;
@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation {
patches = [
(fetchpatch {
name = "pr40.patch";
sha256 = "1qndhk5csf7kddk3giailx7r0cdipq46lj73nkcws43n4n93synk";
url = https://github.com/svn-all-fast-export/svn2git/pull/40.diff;
sha256 = "0mwncklzncsifql9zlxlbj3clsif5p2v1xs8nmxrw44mqvaysjw3";
url = https://github.com/svn-all-fast-export/svn2git/compare/f00d5a5...flokli:nixos-20180326.patch;
@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation {
installPhase = "make install INSTALL_ROOT=$out";
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
homepage = https://github.com/svn-all-fast-export/svn2git;
description = "A fast-import based converter for an svn repo to git repos";
@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ with stdenv.lib;
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "mkvtoolnix-${version}";
version = "21.0.0";
version = "22.0.0";
src = fetchFromGitLab {
owner = "mbunkus";
repo = "mkvtoolnix";
rev = "release-${version}";
sha256 = "06nixp0qqa6g2fv40f7l0i0sqbc7qswpgq4534l98nan08wjbk2r";
sha256 = "07nggqkpl6dkfcqli8y9dn0jbznldz03nqj2l3fgj3vhqa0phlab";
nativeBuildInputs = [
@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
name = "i3status-rust-${version}";
version = "";
version = "";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "greshake";
repo = "i3status-rust";
rev = "aa7bc98d945ba63358cd48c66e0261c201b999e4";
sha256 = "1q2p53nl499yxsw0i81ryyc2ln80p8i3iii5hx7aiwfi4ybm55b1";
rev = "18f99299bcd5b63da4e315c8d78622c4bbf59c45";
sha256 = "1pfcq3f724ri6jzchkgf96zd7lb5mc882r64ffx634gqf3n8ch41";
cargoSha256 = "1197hp6d4z14j0r22bvw9ly294li0ivg6yfql4lgi27hbvzag71h";
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{ variant, stdenv, fetchzip }:
{ stdenv, fetchzip }:
variants = {
@ -27,40 +27,43 @@ let
outputHash = "0pa433cgshlypbyrrlp3qq0wg972rngcp37pr8pxdfshgz13q1mm";
current = variants."${variant}";
dotless_version = builtins.replaceStrings ["."] [""] current.version;
in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "tex-gyre-${variant}-math-${current.version}";
version = "${current.version}";
src = fetchzip {
url = "www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/tg-math/download/texgyre${variant}-math-${dotless_version}.zip";
sha256 = current.sha256;
mkVariant = variant: current:
let dotless_version = builtins.replaceStrings ["."] [""] current.version; in
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "tex-gyre-${variant}-math-${current.version}";
version = "${current.version}";
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/share/fonts/opentype/
mkdir -p $out/share/doc/${name}/
cp -v opentype/*.otf $out/share/fonts/opentype/
cp -v doc/*.txt $out/share/doc/${name}/
src = fetchzip {
url = "www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/tg-math/download/texgyre${variant}-math-${dotless_version}.zip";
sha256 = current.sha256;
outputHashAlgo = "sha256";
outputHashMode = "recursive";
outputHash = current.outputHash;
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/share/fonts/opentype/
mkdir -p $out/share/doc/${name}/
cp -v opentype/*.otf $out/share/fonts/opentype/
cp -v doc/*.txt $out/share/doc/${name}/
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
longDescription = ''
TeX Gyre ${current.displayName} Math is a math companion for the TeX Gyre
${current.displayName} family of fonts (see
http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/tex-gyre/) in the OpenType format.
homepage = http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/tg-math;
# "The TeX Gyre Math fonts are licensed under the GUST Font License (GFL),
# which is a free license, legally equivalent to the LaTeX Project Public
# License (LPPL), version 1.3c or later." - GUST website
license = licenses.lppl13c;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ siddharthist ];
platforms = platforms.all;
outputHashAlgo = "sha256";
outputHashMode = "recursive";
outputHash = current.outputHash;
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
longDescription = ''
TeX Gyre ${current.displayName} Math is a math companion for the TeX Gyre
${current.displayName} family of fonts (see
http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/tex-gyre/) in the OpenType format.
homepage = http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/tg-math;
# "The TeX Gyre Math fonts are licensed under the GUST Font License (GFL),
# which is a free license, legally equivalent to the LaTeX Project Public
# License (LPPL), version 1.3c or later." - GUST website
license = licenses.lppl13c;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ siddharthist ];
platforms = platforms.all;
stdenv.lib.mapAttrs mkVariant variants
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, meson, ninja, gettext, pkgconfig, spidermonkey_52, glib, gnome3 }:
{ stdenv, fetchurl, meson, ninja, gettext, pkgconfig, spidermonkey_52, glib
, gnome3, substituteAll }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "gnome-shell-extensions-${version}";
@ -16,6 +17,13 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
patches = [
(substituteAll {
src = ./fix_gmenu.patch;
gmenu_path = "${gnome3.gnome-menus}/lib/girepository-1.0";
doCheck = true;
nativeBuildInputs = [ meson ninja pkgconfig gettext glib ];
@ -23,6 +31,28 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
mesonFlags = [ "-Dextension_set=all" ];
preFixup = ''
# The meson build doesn't compile the schemas.
# Fixup adapted from export-zips.sh in the source.
glib-compile-schemas $schemadir
for f in $extensiondir/*; do
name=`basename ''${f%%@*}`
if [ -f $schema ]; then
mkdir $f/schemas
ln -s $schema $f/schemas;
glib-compile-schemas $f/schemas
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
homepage = https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GnomeShell/Extensions;
description = "Modify and extend GNOME Shell functionality and behavior";
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
From f72924a59d4a30daefccf84526bd854ebbe65ac8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Tor=20Hedin=20Br=C3=B8nner?= <torhedinbronner@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2018 14:13:12 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Fix gmenu typelib path
extensions/apps-menu/extension.js | 2 ++
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
diff --git a/extensions/apps-menu/extension.js b/extensions/apps-menu/extension.js
index 5b38213..d706f64 100644
--- a/extensions/apps-menu/extension.js
+++ b/extensions/apps-menu/extension.js
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
const Atk = imports.gi.Atk;
const DND = imports.ui.dnd;
const GMenu = imports.gi.GMenu;
@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "gnome-shell-dash-to-dock-${version}";
version = "v62";
version = "v63";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "micheleg";
repo = "dash-to-dock";
rev = "extensions.gnome.org-" + version;
sha256 = "1kmf7vxhd1c1zgaim1pwmcmsg0kffng7hcl5gfcy5qb5yvb4dy5d";
sha256 = "140ih4l3nn2lbgw684xjvkhqxflr1xg2vm1m46z632bb0y3py4yg";
nativeBuildInputs = [
@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
libsoup gnome3.gnome-settings-daemon gnome3.nautilus
gnome3.mutter gnome3.gnome-desktop gobjectIntrospection
# Makes it possible to select user themes through the `user-theme` extension
postPatch = ''
@ -16,7 +16,11 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
buildInputs = [ qt5.qtbase qt5.qtsvg ];
preConfigure = ''
cmakeFlags+=" -DQTXDGX_ICONENGINEPLUGIN_INSTALL_PATH=$out/$qtPluginPrefix"
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
{ stdenv, git, openssl, autoconf, pkgs, makeStaticLibraries, version, git-version, SRC }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "gambit-${version}";
src = SRC;
bootstrap = import ./bootstrap.nix ( pkgs );
# Use makeStaticLibraries to enable creation of statically linked binaries
buildInputs = [ git autoconf bootstrap openssl (makeStaticLibraries openssl)];
configurePhase = ''
--enable-absolute-shared-libs # Yes, NixOS will want an absolute path, and fix it.
--enable-default-runtime-options="f8,-8,t8" # Default to UTF-8 for source and all I/O
#--enable-debug # Nope: enables plenty of good stuff, but also the costly console.log
#--enable-multiple-versions # Nope, NixOS already does version multiplexing
#--enable-multiple-threaded-vms ## when SMP branch is merged in
#--enable-thread-system=posix ## default when --enable-multiple-vms is on.
#--enable-char-size=1" ; default is 4
./configure ''${options[@]}
buildPhase = ''
# Make bootstrap compiler, from release bootstrap
mkdir -p boot &&
cp -rp ${bootstrap}/. boot/. &&
chmod -R u+w boot &&
cd boot &&
cp ../gsc/makefile.in ../gsc/*.scm gsc && # */
./configure &&
for i in lib gsi gsc ; do (cd $i ; make ) ; done &&
cd .. &&
cp boot/gsc/gsc gsc-boot &&
# Now use the bootstrap compiler to build the real thing!
make -j2 from-scratch
doCheck = true;
meta = {
description = "Optimizing Scheme to C compiler";
homepage = "http://gambitscheme.org";
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl2;
# NB regarding platforms: only actually tested on Linux, *should* work everywhere,
# but *might* need adaptation e.g. on macOS.
platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.unix;
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ thoughtpolice raskin fare ];
@ -1,75 +1,13 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, fetchgit, git, openssl, autoconf, pkgs, makeStaticLibraries }:
{ callPackage, fetchgit }:
# TODO: distinct packages for gambit-release and gambit-devel
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "gambit-${version}";
callPackage ./build.nix {
version = "4.8.9";
bootstrap = import ./bootstrap.nix ( pkgs );
# TODO: for next version, prefer the unpatched tarball for the stable/default gambit.
git-version = "4.8.9-8-g793679bd";
src = fetchgit {
SRC = fetchgit {
url = "https://github.com/feeley/gambit.git";
rev = "dd54a71dfc0bd09813592f1645d755867a02195d";
sha256 = "120kg73k39gshrwas8a3xcrxgnq1c7ww92wgy4d3mmrwy3j9nzzc";
# Use makeStaticLibraries to enable creation of statically linked binaries
buildInputs = [ git autoconf bootstrap openssl (makeStaticLibraries openssl)];
configurePhase = ''
--enable-absolute-shared-libs # Yes, NixOS will want an absolute path, and fix it.
--enable-default-runtime-options="f8,-8,t8" # Default to UTF-8 for source and all I/O
#--enable-debug # Nope: enables plenty of good stuff, but also the costly console.log
#--enable-multiple-versions # Nope, NixOS already does version multiplexing
#--enable-multiple-threaded-vms ## when SMP branch is merged in
#--enable-thread-system=posix ## default when --enable-multiple-vms is on.
#--enable-char-size=1" ; default is 4
./configure ''${options[@]}
buildPhase = ''
# Make bootstrap compiler, from release bootstrap
mkdir -p boot &&
cp -rp ${bootstrap}/. boot/. &&
chmod -R u+w boot &&
cd boot &&
cp ../gsc/makefile.in ../gsc/*.scm gsc && # */
./configure &&
for i in lib gsi gsc ; do (cd $i ; make ) ; done &&
cd .. &&
cp boot/gsc/gsc gsc-boot &&
# Now use the bootstrap compiler to build the real thing!
make -j2 from-scratch
doCheck = true;
meta = {
description = "Optimizing Scheme to C compiler";
homepage = "http://gambitscheme.org";
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl2;
platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.unix;
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ thoughtpolice raskin fare ];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
{ callPackage, fetchgit }:
callPackage ./build.nix {
version = "unstable-2018-03-26";
git-version = "4.8.9-8-g793679bd";
SRC = fetchgit {
url = "https://github.com/feeley/gambit.git";
rev = "793679bd57eb6275cb06e6570b05f4a78df61bf9";
sha256 = "0bippvmrc8vcaa6ka3mhzfgkagb6a1616g7nxk0i0wapxai5cngj";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
{ stdenv, lib, makeStaticLibraries,
coreutils, rsync, bash,
openssl, zlib, sqlite, libxml2, libyaml, mysql, lmdb, leveldb, postgresql,
version, git-version, GAMBIT, SRC }:
# TODO: distinct packages for gerbil-release and gerbil-devel
# TODO: make static compilation work
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "gerbil-${version}";
src = SRC;
# Use makeStaticLibraries to enable creation of statically linked binaries
buildInputs_libraries = [ openssl zlib sqlite libxml2 libyaml mysql.connector-c lmdb leveldb postgresql ];
buildInputs_staticLibraries = map makeStaticLibraries buildInputs_libraries;
buildInputs = [ GAMBIT coreutils rsync bash ]
++ buildInputs_libraries ++ buildInputs_staticLibraries;
NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = [ "-I${mysql.connector-c}/include/mysql" "-L${mysql.connector-c}/lib/mysql" ];
postPatch = ''
echo '(define (gerbil-version-string) "v${git-version}")' > src/gerbil/runtime/gx-version.scm
patchShebangs .
find . -type f -executable -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d ''$'\0' f; do
substituteInPlace "$f" --replace '#!/usr/bin/env' '#!${coreutils}/bin/env'
cat > etc/gerbil_static_libraries.sh <<EOF
#OPENSSL_LIBCRYPTO=${makeStaticLibraries openssl}/lib/libcrypto.a # MISSING!
#OPENSSL_LIBSSL=${makeStaticLibraries openssl}/lib/libssl.a # MISSING!
ZLIB=${makeStaticLibraries zlib}/lib/libz.a
# SQLITE=${makeStaticLibraries sqlite}/lib/sqlite.a # MISSING!
# LIBXML2=${makeStaticLibraries libxml2}/lib/libxml2.a # MISSING!
# YAML=${makeStaticLibraries libyaml}/lib/libyaml.a # MISSING!
MYSQL=${makeStaticLibraries mysql.connector-c}/lib/mariadb/libmariadb.a
# LMDB=${makeStaticLibraries lmdb}/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient_r.a # MISSING!
LEVELDB=${makeStaticLibraries lmdb}/lib/libleveldb.a
buildPhase = ''
runHook preBuild
# Enable all optional libraries
substituteInPlace "src/std/build-features.ss" --replace '#f' '#t'
# gxprof testing uses $HOME/.cache/gerbil/gxc
export HOME=$$PWD
# Build, replacing make by build.sh
( cd src && sh build.sh )
runHook postBuild
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
mkdir -p $out/
cp -fa bin lib etc doc $out/
cat > $out/bin/gxi <<EOF
#!${bash}/bin/bash -e
export GERBIL_HOME=$out
case "\$1" in -:*) GSIOPTIONS=\$1 ; shift ;; esac
if [[ \$# = 0 ]] ; then
exec ${GAMBIT}/bin/gsi \$GSIOPTIONS \$GERBIL_HOME/lib/gxi-init \$GERBIL_HOME/lib/gxi-interactive - ;
exec ${GAMBIT}/bin/gsi \$GSIOPTIONS \$GERBIL_HOME/lib/gxi-init "\$@"
runHook postInstall
dontStrip = true;
meta = {
description = "Gerbil Scheme";
homepage = "https://github.com/vyzo/gerbil";
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl2;
# NB regarding platforms: only actually tested on Linux, *should* work everywhere,
# but *might* need adaptation e.g. on macOS. Please report success and/or failure to fare.
platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.unix;
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ fare ];
@ -1,91 +1,11 @@
{ stdenv, lib, fetchurl, fetchgit, makeStaticLibraries, gambit,
coreutils, rsync, bash,
openssl, zlib, sqlite, libxml2, libyaml, mysql, lmdb, leveldb, postgresql }:
# TODO: distinct packages for gerbil-release and gerbil-devel
# TODO: make static compilation work
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "gerbil-${version}";
{ callPackage, fetchurl, gambit }:
callPackage ./build.nix {
version = "0.12-RELEASE";
src = fetchgit {
url = "https://github.com/vyzo/gerbil.git";
rev = "5618892d7939e1cb4ef5247912e0bc1ec99f6b52";
sha256 = "0b2valahf5k81r4sp6y12d44fb286p92s7k6dphij0kmvg0dp818";
# Use makeStaticLibraries to enable creation of statically linked binaries
buildInputs_libraries = [ openssl zlib sqlite libxml2 libyaml mysql.connector-c lmdb leveldb postgresql ];
buildInputs_staticLibraries = map makeStaticLibraries buildInputs_libraries;
buildInputs = [ gambit coreutils rsync bash ]
++ buildInputs_libraries ++ buildInputs_staticLibraries;
NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = [ "-I${mysql.connector-c}/include/mysql" "-L${mysql.connector-c}/lib/mysql" ];
postPatch = ''
echo '(define (gerbil-version-string) "v${version}")' > src/gerbil/runtime/gx-version.scm
patchShebangs .
find . -type f -executable -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d ''$'\0' f; do
substituteInPlace "$f" --replace '#!/usr/bin/env' '#!${coreutils}/bin/env'
cat > etc/gerbil_static_libraries.sh <<EOF
#OPENSSL_LIBCRYPTO=${makeStaticLibraries openssl}/lib/libcrypto.a # MISSING!
#OPENSSL_LIBSSL=${makeStaticLibraries openssl}/lib/libssl.a # MISSING!
ZLIB=${makeStaticLibraries zlib}/lib/libz.a
# SQLITE=${makeStaticLibraries sqlite}/lib/sqlite.a # MISSING!
# LIBXML2=${makeStaticLibraries libxml2}/lib/libxml2.a # MISSING!
# YAML=${makeStaticLibraries libyaml}/lib/libyaml.a # MISSING!
MYSQL=${makeStaticLibraries mysql.connector-c}/lib/mariadb/libmariadb.a
# LMDB=${makeStaticLibraries lmdb}/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient_r.a # MISSING!
LEVELDB=${makeStaticLibraries lmdb}/lib/libleveldb.a
buildPhase = ''
runHook preBuild
# Enable all optional libraries
substituteInPlace "src/std/build-features.ss" --replace '#f' '#t'
# gxprof testing uses $HOME/.cache/gerbil/gxc
export HOME=$$PWD
# Build, replacing make by build.sh
( cd src && sh build.sh )
runHook postBuild
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
mkdir -p $out/
cp -fa bin lib etc doc $out/
cat > $out/bin/gxi <<EOF
#!${bash}/bin/bash -e
export GERBIL_HOME=$out
case "\$1" in -:*) GSIOPTIONS=\$1 ; shift ;; esac
if [[ \$# = 0 ]] ; then
exec ${gambit}/bin/gsi \$GSIOPTIONS \$GERBIL_HOME/lib/gxi-init \$GERBIL_HOME/lib/gxi-interactive - ;
exec ${gambit}/bin/gsi \$GSIOPTIONS \$GERBIL_HOME/lib/gxi-init "\$@"
runHook postInstall
dontStrip = true;
meta = {
description = "Gerbil Scheme";
homepage = "https://github.com/vyzo/gerbil";
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl2;
platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.unix;
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ fare ];
git-version = "0.12";
GAMBIT = gambit;
SRC = fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/vyzo/gerbil/archive/v0.12.tar.gz";
sha256 = "0nigr3mgrzai57q2jqac8f39zj8rcmic3277ynyzlgm8hhps71pq";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
{ callPackage, fetchgit, gambit-unstable }:
callPackage ./build.nix {
version = "unstable-2018-04-03";
git-version = "0.13-DEV-357-ge61318dc";
GAMBIT = gambit-unstable;
SRC = fetchgit {
url = "https://github.com/vyzo/gerbil.git";
rev = "e61318dcaa3a9c843e2cf259e67851f240e4beda";
sha256 = "1xd7yxiramifdxgp6b3s24z6nkkmy5h4a6pkchvy4w358qv1vqin";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
{ stdenv, targetPackages
, buildPlatform, hostPlatform, targetPlatform
# build-tools
, bootPkgs, alex, happy
, autoconf, automake, coreutils, fetchgit, fetchpatch, perl, python3
, libffi, libiconv ? null, ncurses
, useLLVM ? !targetPlatform.isx86
, # LLVM is conceptually a run-time-only depedendency, but for
# non-x86, we need LLVM to bootstrap later stages, so it becomes a
# build-time dependency too.
buildLlvmPackages, llvmPackages
, # If enabled, GHC will be built with the GPL-free but slower integer-simple
# library instead of the faster but GPLed integer-gmp library.
enableIntegerSimple ? false, gmp ? null, m4
, # If enabled, use -fPIC when compiling static libs.
enableRelocatedStaticLibs ? targetPlatform != hostPlatform
, # Whether to build dynamic libs for the standard library (on the target
# platform). Static libs are always built.
enableShared ? true
, version ? "8.4.2"
assert !enableIntegerSimple -> gmp != null;
inherit (bootPkgs) ghc;
# TODO(@Ericson2314) Make unconditional
targetPrefix = stdenv.lib.optionalString
(targetPlatform != hostPlatform)
buildMK = ''
DYNAMIC_GHC_PROGRAMS = ${if enableShared then "YES" else "NO"}
'' + stdenv.lib.optionalString enableIntegerSimple ''
INTEGER_LIBRARY = integer-simple
'' + stdenv.lib.optionalString (targetPlatform != hostPlatform) ''
BuildFlavour = perf-cross
Stage1Only = YES
'' + stdenv.lib.optionalString enableRelocatedStaticLibs ''
GhcLibHcOpts += -fPIC
GhcRtsHcOpts += -fPIC
# Splicer will pull out correct variations
libDeps = platform: [ ncurses ]
++ stdenv.lib.optional (!enableIntegerSimple) gmp
++ stdenv.lib.optional (platform.libc != "glibc") libiconv;
toolsForTarget =
if hostPlatform == buildPlatform then
[ targetPackages.stdenv.cc ] ++ stdenv.lib.optional useLLVM llvmPackages.llvm
else assert targetPlatform == hostPlatform; # build != host == target
[ stdenv.cc ] ++ stdenv.lib.optional useLLVM buildLlvmPackages.llvm;
targetCC = builtins.head toolsForTarget;
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
inherit version;
inherit (src) rev;
name = "${targetPrefix}ghc-${version}";
src = fetchgit {
url = "git://git.haskell.org/ghc.git";
rev = "6d7eecff7948ad77854f834f55b4d4f942276ad3";
sha256 = "0aqy5x0b6qxhyvxw1q9pssf1xvhbyviglqkjrx4gvhbr3nax3wxp";
enableParallelBuilding = true;
outputs = [ "out" "doc" ];
postPatch = "patchShebangs .";
# GHC is a bit confused on its cross terminology.
preConfigure = ''
for env in $(env | grep '^TARGET_' | sed -E 's|\+?=.*||'); do
export "''${env#TARGET_}=''${!env}"
# GHC is a bit confused on its cross terminology, as these would normally be
# the *host* tools.
export CC="${targetCC}/bin/${targetCC.targetPrefix}cc"
export CXX="${targetCC}/bin/${targetCC.targetPrefix}cxx"
# Use gold to work around https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=16177
export LD="${targetCC.bintools}/bin/${targetCC.bintools.targetPrefix}ld${stdenv.lib.optionalString targetPlatform.isArm ".gold"}"
export AS="${targetCC.bintools.bintools}/bin/${targetCC.bintools.targetPrefix}as"
export AR="${targetCC.bintools.bintools}/bin/${targetCC.bintools.targetPrefix}ar"
export NM="${targetCC.bintools.bintools}/bin/${targetCC.bintools.targetPrefix}nm"
export RANLIB="${targetCC.bintools.bintools}/bin/${targetCC.bintools.targetPrefix}ranlib"
export READELF="${targetCC.bintools.bintools}/bin/${targetCC.bintools.targetPrefix}readelf"
export STRIP="${targetCC.bintools.bintools}/bin/${targetCC.bintools.targetPrefix}strip"
echo -n "${buildMK}" > mk/build.mk
echo ${version} >VERSION
echo ${src.rev} >GIT_COMMIT_ID
sed -i -e 's|-isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk||' configure
'' + stdenv.lib.optionalString (!stdenv.isDarwin) ''
export NIX_LDFLAGS+=" -rpath $out/lib/ghc-${version}"
'' + stdenv.lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin ''
export NIX_LDFLAGS+=" -no_dtrace_dof"
# TODO(@Ericson2314): Always pass "--target" and always prefix.
configurePlatforms = [ "build" "host" ]
++ stdenv.lib.optional (targetPlatform != hostPlatform) "target";
# `--with` flags for libraries needed for RTS linker
configureFlags = [
"--with-curses-includes=${ncurses.dev}/include" "--with-curses-libraries=${ncurses.out}/lib"
] ++ stdenv.lib.optional (targetPlatform == hostPlatform && ! enableIntegerSimple) [
"--with-gmp-includes=${gmp.dev}/include" "--with-gmp-libraries=${gmp.out}/lib"
] ++ stdenv.lib.optional (targetPlatform == hostPlatform && hostPlatform.libc != "glibc") [
"--with-iconv-includes=${libiconv}/include" "--with-iconv-libraries=${libiconv}/lib"
] ++ stdenv.lib.optionals (targetPlatform != hostPlatform) [
] ++ stdenv.lib.optionals (targetPlatform.isArm) [
] ++ stdenv.lib.optionals (targetPlatform.isDarwin && targetPlatform.isAarch64) [
# fix for iOS: https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/4ttdz1/building_an_osxi386_to_iosarm64_cross_compiler/d5qvd67/
# Hack to make sure we never to the relaxation `$PATH` and hooks support for
# compatability. This will be replaced with something clearer in a future
# masss-rebuild.
crossConfig = true;
nativeBuildInputs = [ ghc perl autoconf automake m4 happy alex python3 ];
# For building runtime libs
depsBuildTarget = toolsForTarget;
buildInputs = libDeps hostPlatform;
propagatedBuildInputs = [ targetPackages.stdenv.cc ]
++ stdenv.lib.optional useLLVM llvmPackages.llvm;
depsTargetTarget = map stdenv.lib.getDev (libDeps targetPlatform);
depsTargetTargetPropagated = map (stdenv.lib.getOutput "out") (libDeps targetPlatform);
# required, because otherwise all symbols from HSffi.o are stripped, and
# that in turn causes GHCi to abort
stripDebugFlags = [ "-S" ] ++ stdenv.lib.optional (!targetPlatform.isDarwin) "--keep-file-symbols";
checkTarget = "test";
# zsh and other shells are smart about `{ghc}` but bash isn't, and doesn't
# treat that as a unary `{x,y,z,..}` repetition.
postInstall = ''
paxmark m $out/lib/${name}/bin/${if targetPlatform != hostPlatform then "ghc" else "{ghc,haddock}"}
# Install the bash completion file.
install -D -m 444 utils/completion/ghc.bash $out/share/bash-completion/completions/${targetPrefix}ghc
# Patch scripts to include "readelf" and "cat" in $PATH.
for i in "$out/bin/"*; do
test ! -h $i || continue
egrep --quiet '^#!' <(head -n 1 $i) || continue
sed -i -e '2i export PATH="$PATH:${stdenv.lib.makeBinPath [ targetPackages.stdenv.cc.bintools coreutils ]}"' $i
passthru = {
inherit bootPkgs targetPrefix;
inherit llvmPackages;
# Our Cabal compiler name
haskellCompilerName = "ghc-8.4.2";
meta = {
homepage = http://haskell.org/ghc;
description = "The Glasgow Haskell Compiler";
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ marcweber andres peti ];
inherit (ghc.meta) license platforms;
@ -2,5 +2,4 @@
bootPkgs.callPackage ./base.nix {
inherit bootPkgs cabal-install;
broken = true; # https://hydra.nixos.org/build/70552553
@ -1,21 +1,35 @@
{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, cmake, bison }:
{ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, cmake, bison, spirv-tools, jq }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "glslang-git-${version}";
version = "2017-08-31";
version = "2018-02-05";
# `vulkan-loader` requires a specific version of `glslang` as specified in
# `<vulkan-loader-repo>/external_revisions/glslang_revision`.
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "KhronosGroup";
repo = "glslang";
rev = "3a21c880500eac21cdf79bef5b80f970a55ac6af";
sha256 = "1i15m17r0acmzjrkybris2rgw15il05a4w5h7vhhsiyngcvajcyn";
rev = "2651ccaec8";
sha256 = "0x5x5i07n9g809rzf5jgw70mmwck31ishdmxnmi0wxx737jjqwaq";
buildInputs = [ cmake bison ];
buildInputs = [ cmake bison jq ] ++ spirv-tools.buildInputs;
enableParallelBuilding = true;
patchPhase = ''
cp --no-preserve=mode -r "${spirv-tools.src}" External/spirv-tools
ln -s "${spirv-tools.headers}" External/spirv-tools/external/spirv-headers
preConfigure = ''
HEADERS_COMMIT=$(jq -r < known_good.json '.commits|map(select(.name=="spirv-tools/external/spirv-headers"))[0].commit')
TOOLS_COMMIT=$(jq -r < known_good.json '.commits|map(select(.name=="spirv-tools"))[0].commit')
if [ "$HEADERS_COMMIT" != "${spirv-tools.headers.rev}" ] || [ "$TOOLS_COMMIT" != "${spirv-tools.src.rev}" ]; then
echo "ERROR: spirv-tools commits do not match expected versions";
exit 1;
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
inherit (src.meta) homepage;
description = "Khronos reference front-end for GLSL and ESSL";
@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "icedtea-web-${version}";
version = "1.6.2";
version = "1.7.1";
src = fetchurl {
url = "http://icedtea.wildebeest.org/download/source/${name}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "004kwrngyxxlrlzby4vzxjr0xcyngcdc9dfgnvi61ffnjr006ryf";
sha256 = "1b9z0i9b1dsc2qpfdzbn2fi4vi3idrhm7ig45g1ny40ymvxcwwn9";
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig bc perl ];
@ -135,13 +135,6 @@ let
# Generate certificates.
cd $jre/lib/openjdk/jre/lib/security
rm cacerts
perl ${./generate-cacerts.pl} $jre/lib/openjdk/jre/bin/keytool ${cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
ln -s $out/lib/openjdk/bin $out/bin
ln -s $jre/lib/openjdk/jre/bin $jre/bin
ln -s $jre/lib/openjdk/jre $out/jre
@ -35,10 +35,8 @@ self: super: {
# Use the latest version of the Cabal library.
cabal-install = super.cabal-install.overrideScope (self: super: { Cabal = self.Cabal_2_2_0_1; });
# Use the latest version, which supports Cabal 2.2.x. Unfortunately, the test
# suite depends on old versions of tasty and QuickCheck.
hackage-security = self.hackage-security_0_5_3_0;
hackage-security_0_5_3_0 = dontCheck super.hackage-security_0_5_3_0;
# The test suite depends on old versions of tasty and QuickCheck.
hackage-security = dontCheck super.hackage-security;
# Link statically to avoid runtime dependency on GHC.
jailbreak-cabal = disableSharedExecutables super.jailbreak-cabal;
@ -1019,4 +1017,10 @@ self: super: {
# was fixed in spdx master (4288df6e4b7840eb94d825dcd446b42fef25ef56)
spdx = dontCheck super.spdx;
# The test suite does not know how to find the 'alex' binary.
alex = overrideCabal super.alex (drv: {
testSystemDepends = (drv.testSystemDepends or []) ++ [pkgs.which];
preCheck = ''export PATH="$PWD/dist/build/alex:$PATH"'';
@ -219,4 +219,15 @@ self: super: {
chr-pretty = doJailbreak super.chr-pretty;
chr-parse = doJailbreak super.chr-parse;
# The autogenerated Nix expressions don't take into
# account `if impl(ghc >= x.y)`, which is a common method to depend
# on `semigroups` or `fail` when building with GHC < 8.0.
system-filepath = addBuildDepend super.system-filepath self.semigroups;
haskell-src-exts = addBuildDepend super.haskell-src-exts self.semigroups;
free = addBuildDepend super.free self.fail;
# Newer versions don't build without base-4.9
resourcet = self.resourcet_1_1_11;
conduit = self.conduit_1_2_13_1;
@ -584,7 +584,6 @@ self: super: {
# Older versions don't compile.
brick = self.brick_0_36;
data-inttrie = self.data-inttrie_0_1_4;
HaTeX = self.HaTeX_3_19_0_0;
matrix = self.matrix_0_3_6_1;
pandoc = self.pandoc_2_1_3;
@ -53,19 +53,6 @@ self: super:
terminfo = self.terminfo_0_4_0_2;
xhtml = self.xhtml_3000_2_1;
# Cabal isn't part of the stage1 packages which form the default package-db
# that GHCJS provides.
# Almost all packages require Cabal to build their Setup.hs,
# but usually they don't declare it explicitly as they don't need to for normal GHC.
# To account for that we add Cabal by default.
mkDerivation = args: super.mkDerivation (args // {
setupHaskellDepends = (args.setupHaskellDepends or []) ++
(if args.pname == "Cabal" then [ ]
# Break the dependency cycle between Cabal and hscolour
else if args.pname == "hscolour" then [ (dontHyperlinkSource self.Cabal) ]
else [ self.Cabal ]);
# haddock throws the error: No input file(s).
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ core-packages:
- ghcjs-base-0
# LTS Haskell 11.2
# LTS Haskell 11.3
- abstract-deque ==0.3
- abstract-deque-tests ==0.3
- abstract-par ==0.3.3
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- airship ==0.9.3
- alarmclock ==
- alerts ==
- alex ==3.2.3
- alex ==3.2.4
- algebra ==4.3.1
- algebraic-graphs ==0.0.5
- alsa-core ==
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- avwx ==
- axiom ==0.4.6
- b9 ==0.5.41
- backprop ==
- backprop ==
- bank-holidays-england ==
- barrier ==0.1.1
- base16-bytestring ==
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- Boolean ==0.2.4
- boolean-like ==
- boolsimplifier ==0.1.8
- boomerang ==
- boomerang ==
- bordacount ==
- both ==
- bound ==2.0.1
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- Cabal ==
- cabal-doctest ==1.0.6
- cabal-file-th ==0.2.4
- cabal-rpm ==0.12.1
- cabal-rpm ==0.12.2
- cabal-toolkit ==0.0.5
- cache ==
- cairo ==
@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- convertible ==
- cookie ==0.4.4
- countable ==1.0
- country ==0.1.4
- country ==0.1.5
- courier ==
- cpphs ==1.20.8
- cprng-aes ==0.6.1
@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- data-fix ==0.2.0
- data-has ==
- data-hash ==
- data-inttrie ==0.1.2
- data-inttrie ==0.1.4
- data-lens-light ==
- data-memocombinators ==0.5.1
- data-msgpack ==0.0.11
@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- doctemplates ==
- doctest ==0.13.0
- doctest-discover ==
- doctest-driver-gen ==
- doctest-driver-gen ==
- do-list ==1.0.1
- dom-parser ==3.0.0
- dotenv ==
@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- exceptional ==
- exception-mtl ==
- exceptions ==0.8.3
- exception-transformers ==
- exception-transformers ==
- executable-hash ==
- executable-path ==
- exhaustive ==1.1.5
@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- FenwickTree ==
- fft ==
- fgl ==
- filecache ==0.3.1
- filecache ==0.3.2
- file-embed ==
- filelock ==
- filemanip ==
@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- filter-logger ==
- FindBin ==0.0.5
- find-clumpiness ==
- fingertree ==
- fingertree ==
- fingertree-psqueue ==0.3
- finite-typelits ==
- fitspec ==0.4.4
@ -792,18 +792,18 @@ default-package-overrides:
- H ==
- h2c ==1.0.0
- hackage-db ==2.0
- hackage-security ==
- hackage-security ==
- haddock-library ==1.4.5
- hailgun ==
- hailgun-simple ==
- hakyll ==
- hakyll ==
- half ==
- hamilton ==
- HandsomeSoup ==0.4.2
- handwriting ==
- hapistrano ==
- happstack-jmacro ==7.0.12
- happstack-server ==
- happstack-server ==7.5.1
- happstack-server-tls ==
- happy ==1.19.9
- hasbolt ==
@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- haskell-tools-refactor ==
- haskell-tools-rewrite ==
- haskintex ==
- hasmin ==1.0.1
- hasmin ==1.0.2
- hasql ==1.1.1
- hasql-migration ==0.1.3
- hasql-optparse-applicative ==0.3
@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- hlibgit2 ==
- hlibsass ==
- hmatrix ==
- hmatrix-backprop ==
- hmatrix-backprop ==
- hmatrix-gsl ==
- hmatrix-gsl-stats ==
- hmatrix-morpheus ==
@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- hpc-coveralls ==1.0.10
- HPDF ==1.4.10
- hpio ==
- hpp ==0.5.1
- hpp ==0.5.2
- hpqtypes ==
- hquantlib ==
- hreader ==1.1.0
@ -927,8 +927,8 @@ default-package-overrides:
- hsdns ==1.7.1
- hsebaysdk ==
- hsemail ==2
- hset ==2.2.0
- HSet ==0.0.1
- hset ==2.2.0
- hsexif ==
- hs-GeoIP ==0.3
- hsignal ==
@ -978,7 +978,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- HTTP ==4000.3.11
- http2 ==1.6.3
- http-api-data ==
- http-client ==0.5.11
- http-client ==0.5.12
- http-client-openssl ==
- http-client-tls ==
- http-common ==
@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- hweblib ==0.6.3
- hw-excess ==
- hw-fingertree ==
- hw-fingertree-strict ==
- hw-fingertree-strict ==
- hw-hedgehog ==
- hw-hspec-hedgehog ==
- hw-int ==
@ -1014,7 +1014,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- hw-rankselect-base ==
- hw-string-parse ==
- hw-succinct ==
- hw-xml ==
- hw-xml ==
- hxt ==
- hxt-charproperties ==
- hxt-css ==
@ -1111,7 +1111,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- json-builder ==0.3
- json-rpc-generic ==
- json-schema ==
- json-stream ==
- json-stream ==
- JuicyPixels ==
- JuicyPixels-extra ==0.3.0
- JuicyPixels-scale-dct ==
@ -1234,7 +1234,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- mandrill ==
- mapquest-api ==0.3.1
- map-syntax ==
- markdown ==0.1.17
- markdown ==
- markdown-unlit ==0.5.0
- markov-chain ==
- markup ==4.0.4
@ -1301,13 +1301,13 @@ default-package-overrides:
- moesocks ==
- mole ==0.0.6
- monad-control ==
- monad-control-aligned ==0.0.1
- monad-control-aligned ==
- monad-coroutine ==
- monad-extras ==0.6.0
- monadic-arrays ==0.2.2
- monad-journal ==0.8.1
- monadloc ==0.7.1
- monad-logger ==
- monad-logger ==
- monad-logger-json ==
- monad-logger-prefix ==0.1.9
- monad-logger-syslog ==
@ -1374,17 +1374,17 @@ default-package-overrides:
- netlib-ffi ==0.0.1
- netpbm ==1.0.2
- nettle ==0.2.0
- netwire ==5.0.2
- netwire ==5.0.3
- netwire-input ==0.0.7
- netwire-input-glfw ==0.0.8
- network ==
- network ==
- network-anonymous-i2p ==0.10.0
- network-anonymous-tor ==0.11.0
- network-attoparsec ==0.12.2
- network-carbon ==1.0.11
- network-conduit-tls ==1.3.0
- network-house ==
- network-info ==
- network-info ==
- network-ip ==
- network-multicast ==0.2.0
- Network-NineP ==0.4.2
@ -1442,7 +1442,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- openexr-write ==
- OpenGL ==
- OpenGLRaw ==
- openpgp-asciiarmor ==0.1
- openpgp-asciiarmor ==0.1.1
- opensource ==
- openssl-streams ==
- open-witness ==
@ -1501,7 +1501,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- pem ==0.2.4
- perf ==
- perfect-hash-generator ==
- persistable-record ==
- persistable-record ==
- persistable-types-HDBC-pg ==
- persistent ==2.8.1
- persistent-mongoDB ==2.8.0
@ -1555,7 +1555,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- pomaps ==
- pooled-io ==
- PortMidi ==
- posix-paths ==
- posix-paths ==
- postgresql-binary ==0.12.1
- postgresql-libpq ==
- postgresql-schema ==0.1.14
@ -1564,7 +1564,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- postgresql-simple-queue ==1.0.1
- postgresql-simple-url ==
- postgresql-transactional ==1.1.1
- postgresql-typed ==0.5.2
- postgresql-typed ==
- post-mess-age ==
- pptable ==
- pqueue ==
@ -1613,7 +1613,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- proto-lens-arbitrary ==
- proto-lens-descriptors ==
- proto-lens-optparse ==
- protolude ==0.2.1
- protolude ==0.2.2
- proxied ==0.3
- psql-helpers ==
- PSQueue ==1.1
@ -1658,7 +1658,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- rank1dynamic ==0.4.0
- rank2classes ==1.0.2
- rank-product ==
- Rasterific ==
- Rasterific ==0.7.3
- rasterific-svg ==
- ratel ==1.0.3
- ratel-wai ==1.0.2
@ -1682,7 +1682,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- ref-fd ==
- refined ==
- reflection ==2.1.3
- reform ==
- reform ==
- reform-blaze ==
- reform-hamlet ==
- reform-happstack ==
@ -1716,8 +1716,8 @@ default-package-overrides:
- resourcet ==1.2.0
- rest-core ==0.39
- rest-snap ==
- rest-stringmap ==
- rest-types ==
- rest-stringmap ==
- rest-types ==
- result ==
- rethinkdb-client-driver ==0.0.25
- retry ==
@ -1842,7 +1842,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- skein ==
- skeletons ==0.4.0
- skylighting ==0.6
- slack-web ==
- slack-web ==
- slave-thread ==1.0.2
- slug ==0.1.7
- smallcheck ==
@ -1883,10 +1883,10 @@ default-package-overrides:
- Spock-lucid ==
- Spock-worker ==
- spreadsheet ==
- sqlite-simple ==
- sqlite-simple ==
- sql-words ==
- squeal-postgresql ==
- srcloc ==
- srcloc ==
- stache ==1.2.1
- stack-type ==
- starter ==0.2.1
@ -1922,7 +1922,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- streaming ==
- streaming-bytestring ==0.1.5
- streaming-commons ==0.1.19
- streamly ==0.1.1
- streamly ==0.1.2
- streamproc ==1.6.2
- streams ==3.3
- strict ==0.3.2
@ -1950,7 +1950,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- swagger2 ==2.2.1
- swish ==
- syb ==0.7
- syb-with-class ==
- syb-with-class ==
- symbol ==0.2.4
- symengine ==
- sysinfo ==0.1.1
@ -2068,7 +2068,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- timespan ==
- timezone-olson ==0.1.9
- timezone-series ==0.1.9
- tinylog ==0.14.0
- tinylog ==0.14.1
- tinytemplate ==
- titlecase ==1.0.1
- tldr ==0.3.0
@ -2112,8 +2112,8 @@ default-package-overrides:
- type-level-integers ==0.0.1
- type-level-kv-list ==1.1.0
- type-level-numbers ==
- typelits-witnesses ==
- type-of-html ==
- typelits-witnesses ==
- type-of-html ==
- type-operators ==
- type-spec ==
- typography-geometry ==
@ -2249,13 +2249,13 @@ default-package-overrides:
- web-routes-boomerang ==
- web-routes-happstack ==0.23.11
- web-routes-hsp ==
- web-routes-th ==
- web-routes-th ==
- web-routes-wai ==
- webrtc-vad ==
- websockets ==
- websockets-rpc ==0.6.0
- websockets-simple ==
- websockets-snap ==
- websockets-snap ==
- weigh ==0.0.7
- wide-word ==
- wikicfp-scraper ==
@ -2304,7 +2304,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- xenstore ==0.1.1
- xhtml ==3000.2.2
- xls ==0.1.1
- xlsx ==0.7.1
- xlsx ==0.7.2
- xlsx-tabular ==
- xml ==1.3.14
- xml-basic ==0.1.3
@ -2328,7 +2328,7 @@ default-package-overrides:
- xturtle ==
- xxhash ==0.0.2
- xxhash-ffi ==
- yaml ==0.8.28
- yaml ==0.8.29
- Yampa ==0.10.7
- YampaSynth ==0.2
- yeshql ==
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
buildGoPackage rec {
name = "joker-${version}";
version = "0.8.9";
version = "0.9.1";
goPackagePath = "github.com/candid82/joker";
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ buildGoPackage rec {
rev = "v${version}";
owner = "candid82";
repo = "joker";
sha256 = "0ph5f3vc6x1qfh3zn3va2xqx3axv1i2ywbhxayk58p55fxblj5c9";
sha256 = "10flfjnb9mz3dir3882agcs1lyr5qdpd9qfyvphrh08zr3jnb3hz";
preBuild = "go generate ./...";
@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ let
else throw "Unsupported system!";
in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "aws-sdk-cpp-${version}";
version = "1.4.15";
version = "1.4.24";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "awslabs";
repo = "aws-sdk-cpp";
rev = version;
sha256 = "10nk8zbrh2sgw7cp03g8yqylyi29bb99w8v6dbw97pnxf689m635";
sha256 = "1prkivapmzjcsykxj42h0p27kjhc66hir0h2j6rz0yqdfr4pyhgl";
# FIXME: might be nice to put different APIs in different outputs
@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
version = "19.10";
version = "19.9";
name = "dlib-${version}";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "davisking";
repo = "dlib";
rev ="v${version}";
sha256 = "0sgxblf4n33b8wgblyblmrkwydvy1yh7fzll1b6c4zgkz675w0m5";
sha256 = "0lc54r928j9dg7f2wn25m887z24d31wrc14v2hn6aknp1z084lrc";
postPatch = ''
@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
./disable-fma.patch # http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-gsl/2011-11/msg00019.html
doCheck = stdenv.system != "i686-linux"; # https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-gsl/2015-11/msg00012.html
# https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-gsl/2015-11/msg00012.html
doCheck = stdenv.system != "i686-linux" && stdenv.system != "aarch64-linux";
meta = {
description = "The GNU Scientific Library, a large numerical library";
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, pkgconfig, python, gst-plugins-base, orc
{ stdenv, fetchurl, fetchpatch, meson, ninja, gettext
, pkgconfig, python, gst-plugins-base, orc
, faacSupport ? false, faac ? null
, gtkSupport ? false, gtk3 ? null
, faad2, libass, libkate, libmms
, libmodplug, mpeg2dec, mpg123
, libmodplug, mpeg2dec
, openjpeg, libopus, librsvg
, wildmidi, fluidsynth, libvdpau, wayland
, libwebp, xvidcore, gnutls, mjpegtools
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
assert faacSupport -> faac != null;
assert gtkSupport -> gtk3 != null;
inherit (stdenv.lib) optional optionalString;
@ -23,7 +22,7 @@ let
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "gst-plugins-bad-1.12.3";
name = "gst-plugins-bad-1.14.0";
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "Gstreamer Bad Plugins";
@ -38,27 +37,31 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
platforms = platforms.linux ++ platforms.darwin;
# TODO: Fix Cocoa build. The problem was ARC, which might be related to too
# old version of Apple SDK's.
configureFlags = optional stdenv.isDarwin "--disable-cocoa";
patchPhase = ''
sed -i 's/openjpeg-2.2/openjpeg-${openJpegVersion}/' ext/openjpeg/*
preConfigure = ''
patchShebangs .
patches = [
(fetchpatch {
url = "https://bug794856.bugzilla-attachments.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=370409";
sha256 = "0hy0rcn35alq65yqwri4fqjz2hf3nyyg5c7rnndk51msmqjxpprk";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${meta.homepage}/src/gst-plugins-bad/${name}.tar.xz";
sha256 = "1v5z3i5ha20gmbb3r9dwsaaspv5fm1jfzlzwlzqx1gjj31v5kl1n";
sha256 = "17sgzgx1c54k5rzz7ljyz3is0n7yj56k74vv05h8z1gjnsnjnppd";
outputs = [ "out" "dev" ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig python ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ meson ninja pkgconfig python gettext ];
buildInputs = [
gst-plugins-base orc
faad2 gtk3 libass libkate libmms
libmodplug mpeg2dec mpg123
faad2 libass libkate libmms
libmodplug mpeg2dec
openjpeg libopus librsvg
fluidsynth libvdpau
libwebp xvidcore gnutls libGLU_combined
@ -66,8 +69,6 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
++ optional faacSupport faac
# for gtksink
++ optional gtkSupport gtk3
++ optional stdenv.isLinux wayland
# wildmidi requires apple's OpenAL
# TODO: package apple's OpenAL, fix wildmidi, include on Darwin
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
diff --git a/pkgconfig/meson.build b/pkgconfig/meson.build
index 271f327f3..7e2afa754 100644
--- a/pkgconfig/meson.build
+++ b/pkgconfig/meson.build
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ pkgconf = configuration_data()
pkgconf.set('prefix', join_paths(get_option('prefix')))
pkgconf.set('exec_prefix', '${prefix}')
-pkgconf.set('libdir', '${prefix}/@0@'.format(get_option('libdir')))
-pkgconf.set('includedir', '${prefix}/@0@'.format(get_option('includedir')))
+pkgconf.set('libdir', join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('libdir')))
+pkgconf.set('includedir', join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('includedir')))
pkgconf.set('GST_API_VERSION', api_version)
pkgconf.set('VERSION', gst_version)
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, pkgconfig, python, gstreamer, gobjectIntrospection
, orc, alsaLib, libXv, pango, libtheora
, cdparanoia, libvisual, libintl
{ stdenv, fetchurl, fetchpatch, pkgconfig, meson
, ninja, gettext, gobjectIntrospection, python
, gstreamer, orc, alsaLib, libXv, pango, libtheora
, wayland, cdparanoia, libvisual, libintl
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "gst-plugins-base-1.12.3";
name = "gst-plugins-base-1.14.0";
meta = {
description = "Base plugins and helper libraries";
@ -15,29 +16,34 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
src = fetchurl {
url = "${meta.homepage}/src/gst-plugins-base/${name}.tar.xz";
sha256 = "19ffwdch7m777ragmwpy6prqmfb742ym1n3ki40s0zyki627plyk";
sha256 = "0h39bcp7fcd9kgb189lxr8l0hm0almvzpzgpdh1jpq2nzxh4d43y";
outputs = [ "out" "dev" ];
nativeBuildInputs = [
pkgconfig python gobjectIntrospection
pkgconfig python meson ninja gettext gobjectIntrospection
buildInputs = [
orc libXv pango libtheora cdparanoia libintl
orc libXv pango libtheora cdparanoia libintl wayland
++ stdenv.lib.optional stdenv.isLinux alsaLib
++ stdenv.lib.optional (!stdenv.isDarwin) libvisual;
propagatedBuildInputs = [ gstreamer ];
configureFlags = if stdenv.isDarwin then [
# Does not currently build on Darwin
# Undefined symbols _cdda_identify and _cdda_identify_scsi in cdparanoia
] else null;
preConfigure = ''
patchShebangs .
enableParallelBuilding = true;
patches = [
(fetchpatch {
url = "https://bug794856.bugzilla-attachments.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=370414";
sha256 = "07x43xis0sr0hfchf36ap0cibx0lkfpqyszb3r3w9dzz301fk04z";
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
diff --git a/pkgconfig/meson.build b/pkgconfig/meson.build
index 04abfbee5..88c86b431 100644
--- a/pkgconfig/meson.build
+++ b/pkgconfig/meson.build
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ pkgconf = configuration_data()
pkgconf.set('prefix', get_option('prefix'))
pkgconf.set('exec_prefix', '${prefix}')
-pkgconf.set('libdir', '${prefix}/@0@'.format(get_option('libdir')))
-pkgconf.set('includedir', '${prefix}/@0@'.format(get_option('includedir')))
+pkgconf.set('libdir', join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('libdir')))
+pkgconf.set('includedir', join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('includedir')))
pkgconf.set('GST_API_VERSION', api_version)
pkgconf.set('VERSION', gst_version)
pkgconf.set('LIBM', libm.found() ? '-lm' : '')
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, pkgconfig, perl, bison, flex, python, gobjectIntrospection
, glib, makeWrapper
, darwin
{ stdenv, fetchurl, fetchpatch, meson, ninja
, pkgconfig, gettext, gobjectIntrospection
, bison, flex, python3, glib, makeWrapper
, libcap,libunwind, darwin
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "gstreamer-1.12.3";
name = "gstreamer-1.14.0";
meta = {
description = "Open source multimedia framework";
@ -16,31 +17,37 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
src = fetchurl {
url = "${meta.homepage}/src/gstreamer/${name}.tar.xz";
sha256 = "0vi1g8rmmsnd630ds3jwv2iph46ll8y07fzf04mz15q88j9g926k";
sha256 = "0vj6k01lp2yva6rfd95fkyng9jdr62gkz0x8d2l81dyly1ki6dpw";
patches = [
(fetchpatch {
url = "https://bug794856.bugzilla-attachments.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=370411";
sha256 = "16plzzmkk906k4892zq68j3c9z8vdma5nxzlviq20jfv04ykhmk2";
outputs = [ "out" "dev" ];
outputBin = "dev";
nativeBuildInputs = [
pkgconfig perl bison flex python gobjectIntrospection makeWrapper
meson ninja pkgconfig gettext bison flex python3 makeWrapper gobjectIntrospection
buildInputs = stdenv.lib.optional stdenv.isDarwin darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.CoreServices;
buildInputs = [ libcap libunwind ] ++ stdenv.lib.optional stdenv.isDarwin darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.CoreServices;
propagatedBuildInputs = [ glib ];
enableParallelBuilding = true;
preConfigure = ''
postInstall = ''
for prog in "$dev/bin/"*; do
wrapProgram "$prog" --suffix GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH : "\$(unset _tmp; for profile in \$NIX_PROFILES; do _tmp="\$profile/lib/gstreamer-1.0''$\{_tmp:+:\}\$_tmp"; done; printf "\$_tmp")"
preConfigure= ''
patchShebangs .
preFixup = ''
moveToOutput "share/bash-completion" "$dev"
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
diff --git a/pkgconfig/meson.build b/pkgconfig/meson.build
index edb0586c2..7ed46dfce 100644
--- a/pkgconfig/meson.build
+++ b/pkgconfig/meson.build
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ pkgconf = configuration_data()
pkgconf.set('prefix', join_paths(get_option('prefix')))
pkgconf.set('exec_prefix', '${prefix}')
-pkgconf.set('libdir', '${prefix}/@0@'.format(get_option('libdir')))
-pkgconf.set('includedir', '${prefix}/@0@'.format(get_option('includedir')))
+pkgconf.set('libdir', join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('libdir')))
+pkgconf.set('includedir', join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('includedir')))
pkgconf.set('GST_API_VERSION', apiversion)
pkgconf.set('VERSION', gst_version)
pkgconf.set('LIBM', mathlib.found() ? '-lm' : '')
@ -17,11 +17,7 @@ rec {
gst-libav = callPackage ./libav { inherit gst-plugins-base; };
gnonlin = callPackage ./gnonlin { inherit gst-plugins-base; };
# TODO: gnonlin is deprecated in gst-editing-services, better switch to nle
# (Non Linear Engine).
gst-editing-services = callPackage ./ges { inherit gnonlin; };
gst-editing-services = callPackage ./ges { inherit gst-plugins-base; };
gst-vaapi = callPackage ./vaapi {
inherit gst-plugins-base gstreamer gst-plugins-bad;
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, pkgconfig, python, gobjectIntrospection
, gnonlin, libxml2, flex, perl
{ stdenv, fetchurl, fetchpatch, meson, ninja
, pkgconfig, python, gst-plugins-base, libxml2
, flex, perl, gettext, gobjectIntrospection
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "gstreamer-editing-services-1.12.3";
name = "gstreamer-editing-services-1.14.0";
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "Library for creation of audio/video non-linear editors";
@ -14,12 +15,20 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
src = fetchurl {
url = "${meta.homepage}/src/gstreamer-editing-services/${name}.tar.xz";
sha256 = "0xjz8r0wbzc0kwi9q8akv7w71ii1n2y2dmb0q2p5k4h78382ybh3";
sha256 = "14cdd6y9p4k603hsnyhdjw2igg855gwpx0362jmg8k1gagmr0pwd";
outputs = [ "out" "dev" ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig python gobjectIntrospection flex perl ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ meson ninja pkgconfig gettext gobjectIntrospection python flex perl ];
propagatedBuildInputs = [ gnonlin libxml2 ];
propagatedBuildInputs = [ gst-plugins-base libxml2 ];
patches = [
(fetchpatch {
url = "https://bug794856.bugzilla-attachments.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=370413";
sha256 = "1xcgbs18g6n5p7z7kqj7ffakwmkxq7ijajyvhyl7p3zvqll9dc7x";
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
diff --git a/pkgconfig/meson.build b/pkgconfig/meson.build
index a612b21b..c017eaff 100644
--- a/pkgconfig/meson.build
+++ b/pkgconfig/meson.build
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ pkgconf = configuration_data()
pkgconf.set('prefix', get_option('prefix'))
pkgconf.set('exec_prefix', '${prefix}')
-pkgconf.set('libdir', '${prefix}/@0@'.format(get_option('libdir')))
-pkgconf.set('includedir', '${prefix}/@0@'.format(get_option('includedir')))
+pkgconf.set('libdir', join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('libdir')))
+pkgconf.set('includedir', join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('includedir')))
pkgconf.set('GST_API_VERSION', apiversion)
pkgconf.set('VERSION', gst_version)
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, pkgconfig
, gst-plugins-base
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "gnonlin-1.4.0";
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "Gstreamer Non-Linear Multimedia Editing Plugins";
homepage = "https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org";
longDescription = ''
Gnonlin is a library built on top of GStreamer which provides
support for writing non-linear audio and video editing
applications. It introduces the concept of a timeline.
license = licenses.lgpl2Plus;
platforms = platforms.unix;
src = fetchurl {
url = "${meta.homepage}/src/gnonlin/${name}.tar.xz";
sha256 = "0zv60rq2h736a6fivd3a3wp59dj1jar7b2vwzykahvl168b7wrid";
outputs = [ "out" "dev" ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig ];
propagatedBuildInputs = [ gst-plugins-base ];
@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, pkgconfig, python
, gst-plugins-base, orc, bzip2
{ stdenv, fetchurl, meson, ninja, pkgconfig, python
, gst-plugins-base, orc, bzip2, gettext
, libv4l, libdv, libavc1394, libiec61883
, libvpx, speex, flac, taglib, libshout
, cairo, gdk_pixbuf, aalib, libcaca
, libsoup, libpulseaudio, libintl
, darwin
, darwin, lame, mpg123, twolame
, gtkSupport ? false, gtk3 ? null
assert gtkSupport -> gtk3 != null;
inherit (stdenv.lib) optionals optionalString;
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "gst-plugins-good-1.12.3";
name = "gst-plugins-good-1.14.0";
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "Gstreamer Good Plugins";
@ -27,24 +30,22 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
src = fetchurl {
url = "${meta.homepage}/src/gst-plugins-good/${name}.tar.xz";
sha256 = "00sznj1sl97fqpn6j8ngps04clvxp8h8yhw6lvszx4b855wz9rqk";
sha256 = "1226s30cf7pqg3fj8shd20l7sp93yw9sqplgxns3m3ajgms3byka";
outputs = [ "out" "dev" ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig python ];
patches = [ ./fix_pkgconfig_includedir.patch ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig python meson ninja gettext ];
buildInputs = [
gst-plugins-base orc bzip2
libdv libvpx speex flac taglib
cairo gdk_pixbuf aalib libcaca
libsoup libshout libintl
libsoup libshout lame mpg123 twolame libintl
++ optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.Cocoa ]
++ optionals stdenv.isLinux [ libv4l libpulseaudio libavc1394 libiec61883 ];
preFixup = ''
mkdir -p "$dev/lib/gstreamer-1.0"
mv "$out/lib/gstreamer-1.0/"*.la "$dev/lib/gstreamer-1.0"
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
diff --git a/pkgconfig/meson.build b/pkgconfig/meson.build
index b3bf0d4d4..3e6e576c0 100644
--- a/pkgconfig/meson.build
+++ b/pkgconfig/meson.build
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ pkgconf = configuration_data()
pkgconf.set('prefix', get_option('prefix'))
pkgconf.set('exec_prefix', '${prefix}')
-pkgconf.set('libdir', '${prefix}/@0@'.format(get_option('libdir')))
-pkgconf.set('includedir', '${prefix}/@0@'.format(get_option('includedir')))
+pkgconf.set('libdir', join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('libdir')))
+pkgconf.set('includedir', join_paths(get_option('prefix'), get_option('includedir')))
pkgconf.set('GST_API_VERSION', api_version)
pkgconf.set('VERSION', gst_version)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, pkgconfig, python, yasm
, gst-plugins-base, orc, bzip2
, withSystemLibav ? true, libav ? null
{ stdenv, fetchurl, meson, ninja, pkgconfig
, python, yasm, gst-plugins-base, orc, bzip2
, gettext, withSystemLibav ? true, libav ? null
# Note that since gst-libav-1.6, libav is actually ffmpeg. See
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
assert withSystemLibav -> libav != null;
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "gst-libav-1.12.3";
name = "gst-libav-1.14.0";
meta = {
homepage = https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org;
@ -19,16 +19,13 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
src = fetchurl {
url = "${meta.homepage}/src/gst-libav/${name}.tar.xz";
sha256 = "0l4nc6ikdx49l7bdrk3bd9p3pzry8a328r22zg48gyzpnv5ghph1";
sha256 = "12gglx6rarnxbaj0h1wivlgkv467n1bz2bwjigplciq57r6ln4zv";
outputs = [ "out" "dev" ];
configureFlags = stdenv.lib.optionalString withSystemLibav
nativeBuildInputs = with stdenv.lib;
[ pkgconfig python ]
[ meson ninja gettext pkgconfig python ]
++ optional (!withSystemLibav) yasm
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, pkgconfig, gst-plugins-base }:
{ stdenv, fetchurl, meson, ninja, pkgconfig
, gst-plugins-base, gettext, gobjectIntrospection
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "gst-rtsp-server-1.12.3";
name = "gst-rtsp-server-1.14.0";
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "Gstreamer RTSP server";
@ -16,12 +18,12 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
src = fetchurl {
url = "${meta.homepage}/src/gst-rtsp-server/${name}.tar.xz";
sha256 = "1v3lghx75l05hssgwxdxsgrxpn10gxlgkfb6vq0rl0hnpdqmj9b7";
sha256 = "0mlp9ms5hfbyzyvmc9xgi7934g4zrh1sbgky2p9zc5fqprvs0rbb";
outputs = [ "out" "dev" ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ meson ninja gettext gobjectIntrospection pkgconfig ];
buildInputs = [ gst-plugins-base ];
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, pkgconfig, python
, gst-plugins-base, orc
{ stdenv, fetchurl, meson, ninja, pkgconfig, python
, gst-plugins-base, orc, gettext
, a52dec, libcdio, libdvdread
, lame, libmad, libmpeg2, x264, libintl, mpg123
, libmad, libmpeg2, x264, libintl
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "gst-plugins-ugly-1.12.3";
name = "gst-plugins-ugly-1.14.0";
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "Gstreamer Ugly Plugins";
@ -22,17 +22,17 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
src = fetchurl {
url = "${meta.homepage}/src/gst-plugins-ugly/${name}.tar.xz";
sha256 = "0lh00rg26iy5lr5al23lxsyncjqkgzph1bzkrgp8x9sfr62ab378";
sha256 = "1la2nny9hfw3rf3wvqggkg8ivn52qrqqs4n4mqz4ppm2r1gymf9z";
outputs = [ "out" "dev" ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig python ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ meson ninja gettext pkgconfig python ];
buildInputs = [
gst-plugins-base orc
a52dec libcdio libdvdread
lame libmad libmpeg2 x264 mpg123
libmad libmpeg2 x264
@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
{ stdenv, fetchurl, pkgconfig, gst-plugins-base, bzip2, libva, wayland
{ stdenv, fetchurl, meson, ninja, pkgconfig, gst-plugins-base, bzip2, libva, wayland
, libdrm, udev, xorg, libGLU_combined, yasm, gstreamer, gst-plugins-bad, nasm
, libvpx, python
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "gst-vaapi-${version}";
version = "1.12.4";
version = "1.14.0";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${meta.homepage}/src/gstreamer-vaapi/gstreamer-vaapi-${version}.tar.xz";
sha256 = "1jg9nvc8000yi2bcl3wn2yh2hwl7yvlwldj6778w8c0z5qj7fb8w";
sha256 = "1whxk428badv8ibji00sn6hj17cp8l9n93rr948bz2gjbq41zqz4";
outputs = [ "out" "dev" ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig bzip2 ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ meson ninja pkgconfig bzip2 ];
buildInputs = [
gstreamer gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-bad libva wayland libdrm udev
@ -22,11 +22,10 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
xorg.libICE libGLU_combined nasm libvpx python
preConfigure = "
preConfigure = ''
export GST_PLUGIN_PATH_1_0=$out/lib/gstreamer-1.0
mkdir -p $GST_PLUGIN_PATH_1_0
configureFlags = "--disable-builtin-libvpx --with-gstreamer-api=1.0";
meta = {
homepage = https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org;
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "gst-validate-1.12.3";
name = "gst-validate-1.14.0";
meta = {
description = "Integration testing infrastructure for the GStreamer framework";
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
src = fetchurl {
url = "${meta.homepage}/src/gst-validate/${name}.tar.xz";
sha256 = "17j812pkzgbyn9ys3b305yl5mrf9nbm8whwj4iqdskr742fr8fai";
sha256 = "1pzzxqkv1spjrzpzpazdm2h4s2wk7gg5gag8nxj5v2gjfyzhiprk";
outputs = [ "out" "dev" ];
@ -5,8 +5,17 @@
, gnomeSupport ? false, gnome, makeWrapper
, libimobiledevice, libbluray, libcdio-paranoia, libnfs, openssh
, libsecret, libgdata
# Remove when switching back to meson
, autoreconfHook, lzma, bzip2
# TODO: switch to meson when upstream fixes a non-deterministic build failure
# See https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=794549
# Meson specific things are commented out and annotated, so switching back
# should simply require deleting autotools specific things and adding back meson
# flags etc.
pname = "gvfs";
version = "1.36.0";
@ -19,13 +28,15 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
sha256 = "1fsn6aa9a68cfbna9s00l1ry4ym1fr7ii2f45hzj2fipxfpqihwy";
postPatch = ''
chmod +x meson_post_install.py # patchShebangs requires executable file
patchShebangs meson_post_install.py
# Uncomment when switching back to meson
# postPatch = ''
# chmod +x meson_post_install.py # patchShebangs requires executable file
# patchShebangs meson_post_install.py
# '';
nativeBuildInputs = [
meson ninja
autoreconfHook # Remove when switching to meson
# meson ninja
pkgconfig gettext makeWrapper
libxml2 libxslt docbook_xsl docbook_xml_dtd_42
@ -35,24 +46,30 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
libgphoto2 avahi libarchive fuse libcdio
samba libmtp libcap polkit libimobiledevice libbluray
libcdio-paranoia libnfs openssh
# Remove when switching back to meson
lzma bzip2
# ToDo: a ligther version of libsoup to have FTP/HTTP support?
] ++ stdenv.lib.optionals gnomeSupport (with gnome; [
libsoup gcr
gnome-online-accounts libsecret libgdata
mesonFlags = [
] ++ stdenv.lib.optionals (!gnomeSupport) [
"-Dgcr=false" "-Dgoa=false" "-Dkeyring=false" "-Dhttp=false"
] ++ stdenv.lib.optionals (samba == null) [
# Xfce don't want samba
# Remove when switching back to meson
configureFlags = stdenv.lib.optional (!gnomeSupport) "--disable-gcr";
# Uncomment when switching back to meson
# mesonFlags = [
# "-Dgio_module_dir=lib/gio/modules"
# "-Dsystemduserunitdir=lib/systemd/user"
# "-Ddbus_service_dir=share/dbus-1/services"
# "-Dtmpfilesdir=no"
# ] ++ stdenv.lib.optionals (!gnomeSupport) [
# "-Dgcr=false" "-Dgoa=false" "-Dkeyring=false" "-Dhttp=false"
# "-Dgoogle=false"
# ] ++ stdenv.lib.optionals (samba == null) [
# # Xfce don't want samba
# "-Dsmb=false"
# ];
enableParallelBuilding = true;
@ -48,5 +48,6 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
license = licenses.mit;
platforms = platforms.linux;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ cstrahan ];
broken = true; # 2018-02-16
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "19d8i8map8qz639mhflmxc0w9gp78fvkq1l46y5s6b5imwh0w7xq";
nativeBuildInputs = [ which perl ];
buildInputs = [ snappy google-gflags zlib bzip2 lz4 malloc fixDarwinDylibNames ];
@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS = "-std=gnu++11";
JEMALLOC_LIB = stdenv.lib.optionalString (malloc == jemalloc) "-ljemalloc";
${if enableLite then "LIBNAME" else null} = "librocksdb_lite";
LIBNAME = "librocksdb${stdenv.lib.optionalString enableLite "_lite"}";
${if enableLite then "CXXFLAGS" else null} = "-DROCKSDB_LITE=1";
buildAndInstallFlags = [
buildFlags = buildAndInstallFlags ++ [
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
cat make_config.mk
mkdir -pv $static/lib/
mv -vi $out/lib/librocksdb.a $static/lib/
mv -vi $out/lib/${LIBNAME}.a $static/lib/
enableParallelBuilding = true;
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
homepage = http://rocksdb.org;
description = "A library that provides an embeddable, persistent key-value store for fast storage";
license = licenses.bsd3;
platforms = platforms.x86_64 ++ platforms.aarch64;
platforms = platforms.x86_64;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ adev wkennington ];
@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
libXext, wayland, libGL_driver, makeWrapper }:
version = "";
version = "";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "KhronosGroup";
repo = "Vulkan-LoaderAndValidationLayers";
rev = "sdk-${version}";
sha256 = "043kw6wnrpdplnb40x6n9rgf3gygsn9jiv91y458sydbhalfr945";
sha256 = "1a7xwl65bi03l4zbjq54qkxjb8kb4m78qvw8bas5alhf9v6i6yqp";
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper pkgconfig ];
buildInputs = [ cmake git python3 python3Packages.lxml
glslang spirv-tools x11 libxcb libXrandr libXext wayland
glslang x11 libxcb libXrandr libXext wayland
enableParallelBuilding = true;
@ -28,13 +28,18 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
outputs = [ "out" "dev" "demos" ];
patches = [ ./rev-file.patch ];
postUnpack = ''
# Hack so a version header can be generated. Relies on ./rev-file.patch to work.
mkdir -p "$sourceRoot/external/glslang/External"
echo "${spirv-tools.src.rev}" > "$sourceRoot/external/glslang/External/spirv-tools"
preConfigure = ''
checkRev() {
[ "$2" = $(cat "external_revisions/$1_revision") ] || (echo "ERROR: dependency $1 is revision $2 but should be revision" $(cat "external_revisions/$1_revision") && exit 1)
checkRev spirv-tools "${spirv-tools.src.rev}"
checkRev spirv-headers "${spirv-tools.headers.rev}"
checkRev glslang "${glslang.src.rev}"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index c9f73ce96..d14ffeed9 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -339,13 +339,13 @@ macro(run_vk_xml_generate dependency output)
# Define macro used for generating header files containing commit IDs for external dependencies
-macro(run_external_revision_generate source_dir symbol_name output)
+macro(run_external_revision_generate rev_file symbol_name output)
add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${output}
# NOTE: If you modify this call to use --rev_file instead of --git_dir (to read the commit ID from a file instead of
# parsing from a Git repository), you probably also want to add the revision file to the list of DEPENDS on the
# subsequent line (to ensure that the script is re-run when the revision file is modified).
- COMMAND ${PYTHON_CMD} ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/external_revision_generator.py --git_dir ${source_dir} -s ${symbol_name} -o ${output}
- DEPENDS ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/external_revision_generator.py ${source_dir}/.git/HEAD ${source_dir}/.git/index
+ COMMAND ${PYTHON_CMD} ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/external_revision_generator.py --rev_file ${rev_file} -s ${symbol_name} -o ${output}
+ DEPENDS ${SCRIPTS_DIR}/external_revision_generator.py ${rev_file}
@ -39,6 +39,12 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
patchShebangs .
postConfigure = ''
# A stopgap for a non-deterministic build failure when using only one core
# Upstream bug: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=183788#c4
ninja JavaScriptCoreForwardingHeaders WTFForwardingHeaders
cmakeFlags = [
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
# <xmlrpc-c>/doc/COPYING also lists "Expat license",
# "ABYSS Web Server License" and "Python 1.5.2 License"
license = licenses.bsd3;
platforms = platforms.linux;
platforms = platforms.unix;
maintainers = [ maintainers.bjornfor ];
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
, "coffee-script"
, "create-cycle-app"
, "dat"
, "grunt-cli"
, "mocha"
@ -4,6 +4,69 @@
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src = fetchurl {
url = "https://registry.npmjs.org/create-cycle-app/-/create-cycle-app-4.0.0.tgz";
sha512 = "28v46s87z1qgi46mn0kdhw77dnra3pkhr7nlf4d6dxl46l9aba1hm1wqz2dxhr0g3pwqav8pg5c1qdxkr18ybvlkmhbkyyz0pp13y51";
dependencies = [
(sources."@cycle/time-0.10.1" // {
dependencies = [
(sources."chalk-2.3.2" // {
dependencies = [
(sources."inquirer-3.3.0" // {
dependencies = [
buildInputs = globalBuildInputs;
meta = {
description = "Create Cycle.js with no build configuration.";
homepage = "https://github.com/cyclejs-community/create-cycle-app#readme";
license = "ISC";
production = true;
bypassCache = true;
dat = nodeEnv.buildNodePackage {
name = "dat";
packageName = "dat";
@ -8940,4 +9381,4 @@ in
production = true;
bypassCache = true;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
{ stdenv, buildPythonPackage, fetchPypi, libspatialindex, numpy }:
buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "Rtree";
version = "0.8.3";
src = fetchPypi {
inherit pname version;
sha256 = "0jc62jbcqqpjcwcly7l9zk25bg72mrxmjykpvfiscgln00qczfbc";
propagatedBuildInputs = [ libspatialindex ];
patchPhase = ''
substituteInPlace rtree/core.py --replace \
"find_library('spatialindex_c')" "'${libspatialindex}/lib/libspatialindex_c${stdenv.hostPlatform.extensions.sharedLibrary}'"
# Tests appear to be broken due to mysterious memory unsafe issues. See #36760
doCheck = false;
checkInputs = [ numpy ];
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "R-Tree spatial index for Python GIS";
homepage = https://toblerity.org/rtree/;
license = licenses.lgpl21;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ bgamari ];
@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
{ buildPythonPackage, fetchFromGitHub, pillow, click, dlib, numpy
, face_recognition_models, scipy, stdenv, flake8, tox, pytest, glibcLocales
, face_recognition_models, stdenv, flake8, tox, pytest, glibcLocales
buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "face_recognition";
version = "1.2.1";
version = "1.2.2";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
repo = pname;
owner = "ageitgey";
rev = "fe421d4acd76e8a19098e942b7bd9c3bbef6ebc4"; # no tags available in Git, pure revs are pushed to pypi
sha256 = "0wv5qxkg7xv1cr43zhhbixaqgj08xw2l7yvwl8g3fb2kdxyndw1c";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "17jnyr80j1p74gyvh1jabvwd3zsxvip2y7cjhh2g6gsjv2dpvrjv";
postPatch = ''
substituteInPlace setup.py --replace "flake8==2.6.0" "flake8"
propagatedBuildInputs = [ pillow click dlib numpy face_recognition_models scipy ];
propagatedBuildInputs = [ pillow click dlib numpy face_recognition_models ];
checkInputs = [ flake8 tox pytest glibcLocales ];
checkPhase = ''
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
{ fetchurl, stdenv, pkgconfig, python, pygobject3
{ fetchurl, stdenv, meson, ninja, pkgconfig, python, pygobject3
, gst-plugins-base, ncurses
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "gst-python";
version = "1.12.3";
version = "1.14.0";
name = "${pname}-${version}";
src = fetchurl {
@ -12,22 +12,25 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
sha256 = "19rb06x2m7103zwfm0plxx95gb8bp01ng04h4q9k6ii9q7g2kxf3";
sha256 = "1rlr6gl4lg97ng4jxh3gb2ldmywm15vwsa72nvggr8qa2l8q3fg0";
patches = [ ./different-path-with-pygobject.patch ];
outputs = [ "out" "dev" ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig python ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ meson ninja pkgconfig python ];
# XXX: in the Libs.private field of python3.pc
buildInputs = [ ncurses ];
configureFlags = [
mesonFlags = [
postPatch = ''
chmod +x scripts/pythondetector # patchShebangs requires executable file
patchShebangs scripts/pythondetector
propagatedBuildInputs = [ gst-plugins-base pygobject3 ];
# Needed for python.buildEnv
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
{ stdenv, buildPythonPackage, fetchFromGitHub, nose }:
buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "python-vxi11";
version = "0.9";
# no tests in PyPI tarball
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "python-ivi";
repo = pname;
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "1xv7chp7rm0vrvbz6q57fpwhlgjz461h08q9zgmkcl2l0w96hmsn";
checkInputs = [ nose ];
checkPhase = ''
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "VXI-11 driver for controlling instruments over Ethernet";
homepage = https://github.com/python-ivi/python-vxi11;
license = licenses.mit;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ bgamari ];
@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
with lib;
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
version = "0.68.0";
version = "0.69.0";
name = "flow-${version}";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "facebook";
repo = "flow";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "0wags0msk7s1z3gi6ns6d7zdpqk8wh5ryafvdyk6zwqwhaqgr5jw";
sha256 = "11n8g471zgazcnzsxcw45gzzn63xanw91wj5xwsx8i2cp7wg9g7g";
installPhase = ''
@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "pmd-${version}";
version = "6.1.0";
version = "6.2.0";
buildInputs = [ unzip ];
src = fetchurl {
url = "mirror://sourceforge/pmd/pmd-bin-${version}.zip";
sha256 = "1d2hbsnyvwvawhfh832yy3w93kr4whrk99zpg4q5ws2b2hhdvzv8";
sha256 = "12j6m6lhp4xw27x0x8jcy0vlwbanjwks7w6zl56xihv6r8cm40fz";
installPhase = ''
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
version = "0.10.1";
version = "0.11.1";
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
homepage = "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/";
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/download/${version}/bazel-${version}-dist.zip";
sha256 = "0rz6zvkzyglf0mmc178avf52zynz487m4v0089ilsbrgv7v4i0kh";
sha256 = "e8d762bcc01566fa50952c8028e95cfbe7545a39b8ceb3a0d0d6df33b25b333f";
sourceRoot = ".";
@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
name = "doit";
version = "0.31.0";
version = "0.31.1";
in python3Packages.buildPythonApplication {
name = "${name}-${version}";
src = fetchurl {
url = "mirror://pypi/d/${name}/${name}-${version}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "0v1yr04bfqnz3sp261np3zhf0y1b3a1daxc83iq308lscf39fdgx";
sha256 = "1spm8vfjh4kvalaj0i2ggbdln1yy5k68d8mfwfnpqlzxxx4ikl5s";
buildInputs = with python3Packages; [ mock pytest ];
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{ stdenv, buildGoPackage, fetchFromGitHub, makeWrapper, coreutils, git, openssh, bash, gnused, gnugrep }:
version = "2.6.9";
version = "2.6.10";
goPackagePath = "github.com/buildkite/agent";
buildGoPackage {
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ buildGoPackage {
owner = "buildkite";
repo = "agent";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "0rlinj7dcr8vzl1pb15nfny8jkvvj50i8czf4ahv26avnfycm4pz";
sha256 = "07065hhhb418w5qlqnyiap45r59paysysbwz1l7dmaw3j4q8m8rg";
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
{ stdenv, buildGoPackage, fetchFromGitHub }:
buildGoPackage rec {
name = "gron-${version}";
version = "0.5.1";
owner = "tomnomnom";
repo = "gron";
goPackagePath = "github.com/${owner}/${repo}";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
inherit owner repo;
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "1s688ynjddchviwbiggnfbw28s4wsff2941f4b1q1j7mfak7iym2";
goDeps = ./deps.nix;
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "Make JSON greppable!";
longDescription = ''
gron transforms JSON into discrete assignments to make it easier to grep
for what you want and see the absolute 'path' to it. It eases the
exploration of APIs that return large blobs of JSON but have terrible
homepage = "https://github.com/tomnomnom/gron";
license = licenses.mit;
maintainers = [ maintainers.fgaz ];
platforms = with platforms; linux ++ darwin;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
rec {
owner = "fatih";
repo = "color";
goPackagePath = "github.com/${owner}/${repo}";
fetch = {
type = "git";
url = "https://github.com/${owner}/${repo}";
rev = "v1.6.0";
sha256 = "0k1v9dkhrxiqhg48yqkwzpd7x40xx38gv2pgknswbsy4r8w644i7";
rec {
owner = "nwidger";
repo = "jsoncolor";
goPackagePath = "github.com/${owner}/${repo}";
fetch = {
type = "git";
url = "https://github.com/${owner}/${repo}";
rev = "75a6de4340e59be95f0884b9cebdda246e0fdf40";
sha256 = "0aiv42xijrqgrxfx6pfyrndpwqv8i1qwsk190jdczyjxlnki2nki";
rec {
owner = "pkg";
repo = "errors";
goPackagePath = "github.com/${owner}/${repo}";
fetch = {
type = "git";
url = "https://github.com/${owner}/${repo}";
rev = "v0.8.0";
sha256 = "001i6n71ghp2l6kdl3qq1v2vmghcz3kicv9a5wgcihrzigm75pp5";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
{ mkDerivation, fetchFromGitHub
, aeson, aeson-pretty, attoparsec, base, bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra
, containers, exceptions, mtl, optparse-simple, parsec, scientific, stdenv
, text, unordered-containers, vector
mkDerivation rec {
pname = "jl";
version = "0.0.4";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "chrisdone";
repo = "jl";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "0wsdfj4m729q0kjpkn0ywpncdhvpvvprd4rh45vcg6kjw20krm3r";
isLibrary = true;
isExecutable = true;
libraryHaskellDepends = [
aeson attoparsec base bytestring containers exceptions mtl parsec
scientific text unordered-containers vector
executableHaskellDepends = [
aeson aeson-pretty base bytestring conduit conduit-extra containers
mtl optparse-simple text vector
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
description = "Functional sed for JSON";
maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ fgaz ];
@ -3,19 +3,18 @@
spirv_sources = {
# `vulkan-loader` requires a specific version of `spirv-tools` and `spirv-headers` as specified in
# `<vulkan-loader-repo>/external_revisions/spirv-tools_revision`.
# `glslang` requires a specific version of `spirv-tools` and `spirv-headers` as specified in `known-good.json`.
tools = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "KhronosGroup";
repo = "SPIRV-Tools";
rev = "7e2d26c77b606b21af839b37fd21381c4a669f23";
sha256 = "1nlzj081v1xdyfz30nfs8hfcnqd072fra127h46gav179f04kss2";
rev = "9e19fc0f31ceaf1f6bc907dbf17dcfded85f2ce8";
sha256 = "1zpwznq0fyvkzs5h9nnkr7g6svr0w8z6zx62xgnss17c2a5cz0lk";
headers = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "KhronosGroup";
repo = "SPIRV-Headers";
rev = "2bb92e6fe2c6aa410152fc6c63443f452acb1a65";
sha256 = "1rgjd7kpa7xpbwpzd6m3f6yq44s9xn5ddhz135213pxwbi5c0c26";
rev = "ce309203d7eceaf908bea8862c27f3e0749f7d00";
sha256 = "1sv1iy2d46sg7r3xy591db6fn9h78wd079yvfa87vwmwsdkhiqhm";
@ -23,7 +22,7 @@ in
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "spirv-tools-${version}";
version = "2017-09-01";
version = "2018-02-05";
src = spirv_sources.tools;
patchPhase = ''ln -sv ${spirv_sources.headers} external/spirv-headers'';
@ -19,15 +19,15 @@ let
binDists = {
x86_64-linux = let bdist = bdistForArch { inUrl = "linux64"; inTar = "x64"; }; in {
alpha = {
stable = bdist { sha256 = "1i25q8x80qdpmf00lvml67gyklrfvmr4gfyakrx954bq8giiy4ll"; fetcher = authenticatedFetch; };
experimental = bdist { sha256 = "0s7cn5xhzwn793bmvlhlmibhbxdpfmpnpn33k5a4hdprc5gc27rg"; version = "0.16.24"; fetcher = authenticatedFetch; };
stable = bdist { sha256 = "0gxa8wh0py4l1ym57sfq792kfh00khi0f9ykjlmjqqkdksyxgddf"; fetcher = authenticatedFetch; };
experimental = bdist { sha256 = "1iy3k9zrw3za9mabf89lfl8i20xfij66ih5vngz5xfyy99mwxiy6"; version = "0.16.35"; fetcher = authenticatedFetch; };
headless = {
stable = bdist { sha256 = "0v5sypz1q6x6hi6k5cyi06f9ld0cky80l0z64psd3v2ax9hyyh8h"; };
experimental = bdist { sha256 = "1ff4yjybiqr5kw583hmxkbrbxa3haj4bkjj8sx811c3s269gspi2"; version = "0.16.24"; };
stable = bdist { sha256 = "0n2j86af41dkbsyyy5lawjpdd7c0lvfdwxpwbj1m8v470i1g8zq4"; };
experimental = bdist { sha256 = "0x4miyva1lmiyv3lb4savdlycia1kzw6bri4qj9b2jmyw1dr8x8h"; version = "0.16.35"; };
demo = {
stable = bdist { sha256 = "0aca8gks7wl7yi821bcca16c94zcc41agin5j0vfz500i0sngzzw"; version = "0.15.36"; };
stable = bdist { sha256 = "1z04rdlcxnfwami0l5nm292w4ydfhr1s6rcl8hxrsa73d4xk5lch"; version = "0.16.36"; };
experimental = bdist { };
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ let
actual = binDists.${stdenv.system}.${releaseType}.${branch} or (throw "Factorio: unsupported platform");
bdistForArch = arch: { sha256 ? null
, version ? "0.15.40"
, version ? "0.16.36"
, fetcher ? fetchurl
, nameMut ? x: x
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more
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