Note that you are required to specify the desired version of PostgreSQL (e.g. <literal>pkgs.postgresql_11</literal>). Since upgrading your PostgreSQL version requires a database dump and reload (see below), NixOS cannot provide a default value for <xreflinkend="opt-services.postgresql.package"/> such as the most recent release of PostgreSQL.
By default, PostgreSQL stores its databases in <filename>/var/lib/postgresql/$psqlSchema</filename>. You can override this using <xreflinkend="opt-services.postgresql.dataDir"/>, e.g.
Major PostgreSQL upgrade requires PostgreSQL downtime and a few imperative steps to be called. To simplify this process, use the following NixOS module:
<programlisting> = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.postgresql_12;
## set a custom new dataDir
# dataDir = "/some/data/dir";
environment.systemPackages =
let newpg =;
Rebuild nixos configuration with the configuration above added to your <filename>configuration.nix</filename>. Alternatively, add that into separate file and reference it in <literal>imports</literal> list.
Login as root (<literal>sudo su -</literal>)
Run <literal>upgrade-pg-cluster</literal>. It will stop old postgresql, initialize new one and migrate old one to new one. You may supply arguments like <literal>--jobs 4</literal> and <literal>--link</literal> to speedup migration process. See <linkxlink:href=""/> for details.
Change postgresql package in NixOS configuration to the one you were upgrading to, and change <literal>dataDir</literal> to the one you have migrated to. Rebuild NixOS. This should start new postgres using upgraded data directory.
After upgrade you may want to <literal>ANALYZE</literal> new db.
Plugins collection for each PostgreSQL version can be accessed with <literal>.pkgs</literal>. For example, for <literal>pkgs.postgresql_11</literal> package, its plugin collection is accessed by <literal>pkgs.postgresql_11.pkgs</literal>:
You can build custom PostgreSQL-with-plugins (to be used outside of NixOS) using function <literal>.withPackages</literal>. For example, creating a custom PostgreSQL package in an overlay can look like: