Read the ["Submitting changes"]( section of the nixpkgs manual. It explains how to write, test, and iterate on your change, and which branch to base your pull request against.
In addition to writing properly formatted commit messages, it's important to include relevant information so other developers can later understand *why* a change was made. While this information usually can be found by digging code, mailing list/Discourse archives, pull request discussions or upstream changes, it may require a lot of work.
Package version upgrades usually allow for simpler commit messages, including attribute name, old and new version, as well as a reference to the relevant release notes/changelog. Every once in a while a package upgrade requires more extensive changes, and that subsequently warrants a more verbose message.
Pull requests should not be squash merged in order to keep complete commit messages and GPG signatures intact and must not be when the change doesn't make sense as a single commit.
This means that, when addressing review comments in order to keep the pull request in an always mergeable status, you will sometimes need to rewrite your branch's history and then force-push it with `git push --force-with-lease`.
Useful git commands that can help a lot with this are `git commit --patch --amend` and `git rebase --interactive @~3`. For more details consult the git man pages.
Follow these steps to backport a change into a release branch in compliance with the [commit policy](
4. When the reason to backport is not obvious from the original commit message, use `git cherry-pick -xe <original commit>` and add a reason. Otherwise use `git cherry-pick -x <original commit>`. That's fine for minor version updates that only include security and bug fixes, commits that fixes an otherwise broken package or similar. Please also ensure the commits exists on the master branch; in the case of squashed or rebased merges, the commit hash will change and the new commits can be found in the merge message at the bottom of the master pull request.
5. Push to GitHub and open a backport pull request. Make sure to select the release branch (e.g. `release-22.11`) as the target branch of the pull request, and link to the pull request in which the original change was comitted to `master`. The pull request title should be the commit title with the release version as prefix, e.g. `[22.11]`.
6. When the backport pull request is merged and you have the necessary privileges you can also replace the label `9.needs: port to stable` with `8.has: port to stable` on the original pull request. This way maintainers can keep track of missing backports easier.
Documentation in nixpkgs is transitioning to a markdown-centric workflow. Release notes now require a translation step to convert from markdown to a compatible docbook document.