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{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
inherit (builtins) attrNames hasAttr isAttrs;
inherit (lib) getLib;
inherit (config.environment) etc;
# Utility to generate an AppArmor rule
# only when the given path exists in config.environment.etc
etcRule = arg:
let go = { path ? null, mode ? "r", trail ? "" }:
lib.optionalString (hasAttr path etc)
"${mode} ${config.environment.etc.${path}.source}${trail},";
in if isAttrs arg
then go arg
else go { path = arg; };
# FIXME: most of the etcRule calls below have been
# written systematically by converting from apparmor-profiles's profiles
# without testing nor deep understanding of their uses,
# and thus may need more rules or can have less rules;
# this remains to be determined case by case,
# some may even be completely useless.
config.security.apparmor.includes = {
# This one is included by <tunables/global>
# which is usualy included before any profile.
"abstractions/tunables/alias" = ''
alias /bin -> /run/current-system/sw/bin,
alias /lib/modules -> /run/current-system/kernel/lib/modules,
alias /sbin -> /run/current-system/sw/sbin,
alias /usr -> /run/current-system/sw,
"abstractions/audio" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/audio"
'' + lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" etcRule [
{ path = "pulse"; trail = "/"; }
{ path = "pulse"; trail = "/**"; }
{ path = "sound"; trail = "/"; }
{ path = "sound"; trail = "/**"; }
{ path = "alsa/conf.d"; trail = "/"; }
{ path = "alsa/conf.d"; trail = "/*"; }
"abstractions/authentication" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/authentication"
# Defined in security.pam
include <abstractions/pam>
'' + lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" etcRule [
{ path = "security"; trail = "/*"; }
"abstractions/base" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/base"
r ${pkgs.stdenv.cc.libc}/share/locale/**,
r ${pkgs.stdenv.cc.libc}/share/locale.alias,
${lib.optionalString (pkgs.glibcLocales != null) "r ${pkgs.glibcLocales}/lib/locale/locale-archive,"}
${etcRule "localtime"}
r ${pkgs.tzdata}/share/zoneinfo/**,
r ${pkgs.stdenv.cc.libc}/share/i18n/**,
"abstractions/bash" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/bash"
# bash inspects filesystems at startup
# and /etc/mtab is linked to /proc/mounts
# system-wide bash configuration
'' + lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" etcRule [
{ path = "profile.d"; trail = "/*"; }
{ path = "bash_completion.d"; trail = "/*"; }
# bash relies on system-wide readline configuration
# run out of /etc/bash.bashrc
"abstractions/consoles" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/consoles"
"abstractions/cups-client" = ''
2021-08-23 08:14:55 +01:00
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/cups-client"
${etcRule "cups/cups-client.conf"}
"abstractions/dbus-session-strict" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/dbus-session-strict"
${etcRule "machine-id"}
"abstractions/dconf" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/dconf"
${etcRule { path = "dconf"; trail = "/**"; }}
"abstractions/dri-common" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/dri-common"
${etcRule "drirc"}
# The config.fonts.fontconfig NixOS module adds many files to /etc/fonts/
# by symlinking them but without exporting them outside of its NixOS module,
# those are therefore added there to this "abstractions/fonts".
"abstractions/fonts" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/fonts"
${etcRule { path = "fonts"; trail = "/**"; }}
"abstractions/gnome" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/gnome"
include <abstractions/fonts>
'' + lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" etcRule [
{ path = "gnome"; trail = "/gtkrc*"; }
{ path = "gtk"; trail = "/*"; }
{ path = "gtk-2.0"; trail = "/*"; }
{ path = "gtk-3.0"; trail = "/*"; }
{ path = "pango"; trail = "/*"; }
{ path = "/etc/gnome-vfs-2.0"; trail = "/modules/"; }
{ path = "/etc/gnome-vfs-2.0"; trail = "/modules/*"; }
{ path = "cups"; trail = "/lpoptions"; }
{ path = "gnome"; trail = "/defaults.list"; }
{ path = "xdg"; trail = "/{,*-}mimeapps.list"; }
"abstractions/kde" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/kde"
'' + lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" etcRule [
{ path = "qt3"; trail = "/kstylerc"; }
{ path = "qt3"; trail = "/qt_plugins_3.3rc"; }
{ path = "qt3"; trail = "/qtrc"; }
{ path = "kde3"; trail = "/*"; }
{ path = "xdg"; trail = "/kdeglobals"; }
{ path = "xdg"; trail = "/Trolltech.conf"; }
"abstractions/kerberosclient" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/kerberosclient"
'' + lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" etcRule [
{ path = "krb5.keytab"; mode="rk"; }
{ path = "krb5.conf.d"; trail = "/*"; }
# config files found via strings on libs
"abstractions/ldapclient" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/ldapclient"
'' + lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" etcRule [
{ path = "openldap"; trail = "/*"; }
{ path = "openldap"; trail = "/cacerts/*"; }
{ path = "sasl2"; trail = "/*"; }
"abstractions/likewise" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/likewise"
"abstractions/mdns" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/mdns"
${etcRule "nss_mdns.conf"}
"abstractions/nameservice" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/nameservice"
# Many programs wish to perform nameservice-like operations, such as
# looking up users by name or id, groups by name or id, hosts by name
# or IP, etc. These operations may be performed through files, dns,
# NIS, NIS+, LDAP, hesiod, wins, etc. Allow them all here.
mr ${getLib pkgs.nss}/lib/libnss_*.so*,
mr ${getLib pkgs.nss}/lib64/libnss_*.so*,
'' + lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" etcRule [
# libtirpc (used for NIS/YP login) needs this
{ path = "samba"; trail = "/lmhosts"; }
# libnl-3-200 via libnss-gw-name
{ path = "libnl"; trail = "/classid"; }
{ path = "libnl-3"; trail = "/classid"; }
"abstractions/nis" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/nis"
"abstractions/nvidia" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/nvidia"
${etcRule "vdpau_wrapper.cfg"}
"abstractions/opencl-common" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/opencl-common"
${etcRule { path = "OpenCL"; trail = "/**"; }}
"abstractions/opencl-mesa" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/opencl-mesa"
${etcRule "default/drirc"}
"abstractions/openssl" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/openssl"
${etcRule { path = "ssl"; trail = "/openssl.cnf"; }}
"abstractions/p11-kit" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/p11-kit"
'' + lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" etcRule [
{ path = "pkcs11"; trail = "/"; }
{ path = "pkcs11"; trail = "/pkcs11.conf"; }
{ path = "pkcs11"; trail = "/modules/"; }
{ path = "pkcs11"; trail = "/modules/*"; }
"abstractions/perl" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/perl"
${etcRule { path = "perl"; trail = "/**"; }}
"abstractions/php" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/php"
'' + lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" etcRule [
{ path = "php"; trail = "/**/"; }
{ path = "php5"; trail = "/**/"; }
{ path = "php7"; trail = "/**/"; }
{ path = "php"; trail = "/**.ini"; }
{ path = "php5"; trail = "/**.ini"; }
{ path = "php7"; trail = "/**.ini"; }
"abstractions/postfix-common" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/postfix-common"
'' + lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" etcRule [
{ path = "postfix"; trail = "/*.cf"; }
"abstractions/python" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/python"
"abstractions/qt5" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/qt5"
'' + lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" etcRule [
{ path = "xdg"; trail = "/QtProject/qtlogging.ini"; }
{ path = "xdg/QtProject"; trail = "/qtlogging.ini"; }
"abstractions/samba" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/samba"
${etcRule { path = "samba"; trail = "/*"; }}
"abstractions/ssl_certs" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/ssl_certs"
# For the NixOS module: security.acme
r /var/lib/acme/*/cert.pem,
r /var/lib/acme/*/chain.pem,
r /var/lib/acme/*/fullchain.pem,
'' + lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" etcRule [
{ path = "ssl/trust"; trail = "/"; }
{ path = "ssl/trust"; trail = "/*"; }
{ path = "ssl/trust/anchors"; trail = "/"; }
{ path = "ssl/trust/anchors"; trail = "/**"; }
{ path = "pki/trust"; trail = "/"; }
{ path = "pki/trust"; trail = "/*"; }
{ path = "pki/trust/anchors"; trail = "/"; }
{ path = "pki/trust/anchors"; trail = "/**"; }
"abstractions/ssl_keys" = ''
# security.acme NixOS module
r /var/lib/acme/*/full.pem,
r /var/lib/acme/*/key.pem,
"abstractions/vulkan" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/vulkan"
${etcRule { path = "vulkan/icd.d"; trail = "/"; }}
${etcRule { path = "vulkan/icd.d"; trail = "/*.json"; }}
"abstractions/winbind" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/winbind"
${etcRule { path = "samba"; trail = "/smb.conf"; }}
${etcRule { path = "samba"; trail = "/dhcp.conf"; }}
"abstractions/X" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmor-profiles}/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/X"
${etcRule { path = "X11/cursors"; trail = "/"; }}
${etcRule { path = "X11/cursors"; trail = "/**"; }}