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# GHCJS package fixes
# Please insert new packages *alphabetically*
# in the OTHER PACKAGES section.
{ pkgs }:
removeLibraryHaskellDepends = pnames: depends:
builtins.filter (e: !(builtins.elem (e.pname or "") pnames)) depends;
with import ./lib.nix { inherit pkgs; };
self: super:
let # The stage 1 packages
stage1 = pkgs.lib.genAttrs super.ghc.stage1Packages (pkg: null);
# The stage 2 packages. Regenerate with ../compilers/ghcjs/gen-stage2.rb
stage2 = super.ghc.mkStage2 {
inherit (self) callPackage;
in stage1 // stage2 // {
old-time = overrideCabal stage2.old-time (drv: {
postPatch = ''
${pkgs.autoconf}/bin/autoreconf --install --force --verbose
2016-02-24 21:33:07 +00:00
buildTools = pkgs.lib.optional pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin pkgs.darwin.libiconv;
2016-02-24 21:33:07 +00:00
network = addBuildTools super.network (pkgs.lib.optional pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin pkgs.darwin.libiconv);
zlib = addBuildTools super.zlib (pkgs.lib.optional pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin pkgs.darwin.libiconv);
unix-compat = addBuildTools super.unix-compat (pkgs.lib.optional pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin pkgs.darwin.libiconv);
2016-02-24 21:33:07 +00:00
2015-03-09 19:11:23 +00:00
# LLVM is not supported on this GHC; use the latest one.
inherit (pkgs) llvmPackages;
inherit (self.ghc.bootPkgs)
jailbreak-cabal alex happy gtk2hs-buildtools rehoo hoogle;
# Don't set integer-simple to null!
# GHCJS uses integer-gmp, so any package expression that depends on
# integer-simple is wrong.
#integer-simple = null;
# These packages are core libraries in GHC 7.10.x, but not here.
bin-package-db = null;
haskeline = self.haskeline_0_7_3_1;
2016-01-24 18:27:41 +00:00
hoopl = self.hoopl_3_10_2_1;
hpc = self.hpc_0_6_0_2;
terminfo = self.terminfo_0_4_0_2;
xhtml = self.xhtml_3000_2_1;
# Cabal isn't part of the stage1 packages which form the default package-db
# that GHCJS provides.
# Almost all packages require Cabal to build their Setup.hs,
# but usually they don't declare it explicitly as they don't need to for normal GHC.
# To account for that we add Cabal by default.
mkDerivation = args: super.mkDerivation (args // {
setupHaskellDepends = (args.setupHaskellDepends or []) ++
(if args.pname == "Cabal" then [ ]
# Break the dependency cycle between Cabal and hscolour
else if args.pname == "hscolour" then [ (dontHyperlinkSource self.Cabal) ]
else [ self.Cabal ]);
cereal = addBuildDepend super.cereal [ self.fail ];
entropy = overrideCabal super.entropy (old: {
postPatch = old.postPatch or "" + ''
# cabal doesnt find ghc in this script, since its in the bootPkgs
sed -e '/Simple.Program/a import Distribution.Simple.Program.Types' \
-e 's|mConf.*=.*$|mConf = Just $ simpleConfiguredProgram "ghc" (FoundOnSystem "${self.ghc.bootPkgs.ghc}/bin/ghc")|g' -i Setup.hs
# https://github.com/kazu-yamamoto/logger/issues/97
fast-logger = overrideCabal super.fast-logger (old: {
postPatch = old.postPatch or "" + ''
# remove the Safe extensions, since ghcjs-boot directory
# doesnt provide Trustworthy
sed -ie '/LANGUAGE Safe/d' System/Log/FastLogger/*.hs
cat System/Log/FastLogger/Date.hs
# experimental
ghcjs-ffiqq = self.callPackage
({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell, ghcjs-base, split, containers, text, ghc-prim
mkDerivation {
pname = "ghcjs-ffiqq";
version = "";
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "ghcjs";
repo = "ghcjs-ffiqq";
rev = "b52338c2dcd3b0707bc8aff2e171411614d4aedb";
sha256 = "08zxfm1i6zb7n8vbz3dywdy67vkixfyw48580rwfp48rl1s2z1c7";
libraryHaskellDepends = [
base template-haskell ghcjs-base split containers text ghc-prim
description = "FFI QuasiQuoter for GHCJS";
license = pkgs.stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
}) {};
# experimental
ghcjs-vdom = self.callPackage
({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, ghcjs-ffiqq, ghcjs-base, ghcjs-prim
, containers, split, template-haskell
mkDerivation rec {
pname = "ghcjs-vdom";
version = "";
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "ghcjs";
repo = pname;
rev = "1c1175ba22eca6d7efa96f42a72290ade193c148";
sha256 = "0c6l1dk2anvz94yy5qblrfh2iv495rjq4qmhlycc24dvd02f7n9m";
libraryHaskellDepends = [
base ghc-prim ghcjs-ffiqq ghcjs-base ghcjs-prim containers split
license = pkgs.stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
description = "bindings for https://github.com/Matt-Esch/virtual-dom";
inherit (src) homepage;
}) {};
ghcjs-dom = overrideCabal super.ghcjs-dom (drv: {
libraryHaskellDepends = with self; [
ghcjs-base ghcjs-dom-jsffi text transformers
configureFlags = [ "-fjsffi" "-f-webkit" ];
ghcjs-dom-jsffi = overrideCabal super.ghcjs-dom-jsffi (drv: {
setupHaskellDepends = (drv.setupHaskellDepends or []) ++ [ self.Cabal_1_24_2_0 ];
libraryHaskellDepends = (drv.libraryHaskellDepends or []) ++ [ self.ghcjs-base self.text ];
isLibrary = true;
2015-03-31 14:30:28 +01:00
ghc-paths = overrideCabal super.ghc-paths (drv: {
patches = [ ./patches/ghc-paths-nix-ghcjs.patch ];
http2 = addBuildDepends super.http2 [ self.aeson self.aeson-pretty self.hex self.unordered-containers self.vector self.word8 ];
# ghcjsBoot uses async, protolude wants 2.1.*
pqueue = overrideCabal super.pqueue (drv: {
postPatch = ''
sed -i -e '12s|null|Data.PQueue.Internals.null|' Data/PQueue/Internals.hs
sed -i -e '64s|null|Data.PQueue.Internals.null|' Data/PQueue/Internals.hs
sed -i -e '32s|null|Data.PQueue.Internals.null|' Data/PQueue/Min.hs
sed -i -e '32s|null|Data.PQueue.Max.null|' Data/PQueue/Max.hs
sed -i -e '42s|null|Data.PQueue.Prio.Internals.null|' Data/PQueue/Prio/Min.hs
sed -i -e '42s|null|Data.PQueue.Prio.Max.null|' Data/PQueue/Prio/Max.hs
profunctors = overrideCabal super.profunctors (drv: {
preConfigure = ''
sed -i 's/^{-# ANN .* #-}//' src/Data/Profunctor/Unsafe.hs
protolude = doJailbreak super.protolude;
# reflex 0.3, made compatible with the newest GHCJS.
reflex = overrideCabal super.reflex (drv: {
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "ryantrinkle";
repo = "reflex";
rev = "cc62c11a6cde31412582758c236919d4bb766ada";
sha256 = "1j4vw0636bkl46lj8ry16i04vgpivjc6bs3ls54ppp1wfp63q7w4";
# reflex-dom 0.2, made compatible with the newest GHCJS.
reflex-dom = overrideCabal super.reflex-dom (drv: {
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "ryantrinkle";
repo = "reflex-dom";
rev = "639d9ca13c2def075e83344c9afca6eafaf24219";
sha256 = "0166ihbh3dbfjiym9w561svpgvj0x4i8i8ws70xaafi0cmpsxrar";
libraryHaskellDepends =
removeLibraryHaskellDepends [
"glib" "gtk3" "webkitgtk3" "webkitgtk3-javascriptcore" "raw-strings-qq" "unix"
] drv.libraryHaskellDepends;
transformers-compat = overrideCabal super.transformers-compat (drv: {
configureFlags = [];
# triggers an internal pattern match failure in haddock
# https://github.com/haskell/haddock/issues/553
wai = dontHaddock super.wai;